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Page 33

by Amy Brock McNew

  Now that was fucking cool.

  As the intensity died down, Makenna looked around with new eyes. Colors she’d never imagined as wolf or raven danced before her eyes. The goddess stretched and smiled, looking at her hands in awe. Then her eyes mentally met Makenna’s, and they both grinned.

  Amanda, Brianna, and Makenna exchanged a look of wonder. For the first time, they felt whole. Truly felt like sisters. Their hearts beat as one, their blended minds an organized chaos.

  A roar and the sudden loss of Rhys’ warmth at her back jarred them. Makenna whipped around to see him engaged with the enemy in a brutal sword fight. Then she took in her warriors falling as the opposing force seemed to grow exponentially in number.

  Oh, she and her sisters could definitely do something about that now.

  She turned to her sisters. They nodded and took position at Makenna’s side, hands raised in front of them, each glowing with a deep burgundy power. Makenna shoved a message through the pack link.

  Hit the deck!

  As their warriors suddenly disengaged and dropped to the ground, the enemy forces glanced around, befuddled.

  Makenna edged closer to her sisters. “Now!”

  In complete harmony, fire burst from their raised hands, pouring into the enemy forces. Warriors went flying, burning to ash and swirling in the wind as they tried to run. Screams of agony filled the air along with the stench of sizzling flesh. The females turned as one, spraying fire and death. Laying waste to the enemy.

  Triplet battle roars left their mouths, sounding judgment and doom. Echoing in their chests. Lending force to the waves of fire.

  When the field was nearly quiet, they pulled in the column of death.

  Brianna tilted her head. Fascinating.

  Amanda stared at the carnage. That was amazing.

  Makenna laughed in her head. Fucking awesome.

  Makenna turned to her sisters, their voices still ringing in her head. “Um, did y’all just hear that?”

  Brianna’s eyes were as huge as saucers. “Yes, well, that was new.”

  Amanda grinned. “Oh yeah.”

  Bowen stepped forward, beaming. “That was magnificent.”

  Rhys leapt to Makenna’s side as their warriors rose around them, awestruck. He pulled her close as he surveyed the ash and still burning bodies. “That was fucking brilliant, love.” He kissed her temple. “Now we need to figure out where the blast that took me down came from. We find the source, we find Kylian.”

  Makenna saw him in her mind, in a dark space. Underground? Even as she questioned it, she knew the vision was true.

  “We know where he is.” The three females said at the same time. They exchanged excited smiles.

  Not only was their magic blended, their minds were connected in a way similar to mates. They were completely in sync. An unstoppable force of power. It was a rush Makenna still needed time to adjust to, but was totally on board with.

  Trystan embraced Amanda, grinning. Then he sobered. “What do we do with them?”

  The entire group looked up to see a small band of about thirty enemy warriors on their knees, heads bowed. Their own warriors surrounded them, growling, shoving on them to keep them down.

  Makenna and Rhys stepped forward, Rhys speaking the thought in both their minds. “On your feet.” They rose, but kept their heads bowed. Rhys motioned to their own warriors. “Secure them for transport back to camp.” He slid a glance to Bowen. “Can you bind their magic for now, then break whatever spell Kylian forced on them?” The mage nodded. Rhys turned to the small group with him as Bowen began to chant. “All that’s left is Kylian.” Rhys eyed the women. “Are you ready?”

  Makenna glanced at her sisters.

  Amanda smiled. Definitely.

  Brianna eyed them both. Makenna looked deep, getting to know her on a whole new level. Rhys had been right. There was good there. Brianna grinned.

  Then they answered with one voice. “Yes.” Though none of them wanted to do it, they knew what had to be done. They’d see it through.

  Rhys nodded as Bowen finished his chant and his soldiers led the enemy away. “Then lead us to the bastard.”

  The group moved forward, Bowen side by side with Rhys and the females, Trystan and Talon bringing up the rear. They ran around their warriors binding the hands of enemy combatants. Makenna felt a small sense of relief that at least they’d been able to save a few. Later she’d mourn the rest of their people she and her sisters had just annihilated.

  For now, they had to focus on taking Kylian down. By killing the being that had once been their mother.

  They came to a towering steel building that looked like a hangar. Makenna reached for the large sliding door. The men jumped in, helping slide the heavy entrance open.

  She pointed to a door in the back. “That leads to a basement. He’s there.”

  She ignored the strange looks of the men. Yeah, a basement in Louisiana. The water table was too high. It wasn’t really possible. But there was no time to question the knowing.

  She felt her sisters nod in agreement. It would take a bit of getting used to, being bound so tightly to them and working with Brianna instead of against her. But that was a thought for another day.

  Trystan made it to the door first, signaling Rhys and Talon to the sides and the females to stay back. They didn't argue. He slung the door open, revealing a dark staircase. The musty smell of mildew and wet earth assaulted their senses.

  Trystan took a tentative step into the dark recess. He waved them on. “Clear for now.”

  Rhys led the way, the Triad and Bowen following, and Trystan and Talon securing them from the back. They descended the rickety wooden stairs into utter blackness. Though their shifter eyesight was acute, even it failed them in the depths. All they had were their other senses.

  Mold blasted their noses. Their hands met cold stone walls. The air pressed around them with dark magic. Makenna’s skin crawled like a thousand ants covered her. Amanda shivered. Brianna gasped.

  After what seemed like a day short of forever, they reached the bottom of the stairs. The group fanned out, the males flanking the females. Though they could see looming shapes of walls around them, they still couldn’t see detail.

  Makenna blinked, forcing her eyes to adjust. They stood in a small vestibule. She could just make out a myriad of tunnels branching out from their position.

  Talon’s voice had their heads swiveling left. “There’s light this way.”

  Rhys took point. “Stay on guard. I don’t like what I’m feeling.”

  Makenna nodded as she clenched one fist in the back of his shirt, the other tightening on her blade. The heavy oiliness in the air constricted her lungs, making it hard to breathe. Evil clawed on her flesh, biting into her the closer they got to the light.

  Amanda’s voice sounded in her mind. Think we can conjure a shield?

  Makenna and Brianna both responded with an absolutely. The three of them focused on building a wall of protection around their small group. The Triad strained, sweat breaking out on their grimy skin as they fought the evil in the air.

  Take what you need from me, love, but leave me enough to fight. Rhys’ voice echoed in her mind.

  Damn voices in her head were gonna drive her bat shit crazy.

  She centered herself, as did her sisters. Soon, a soft, red glow wrapped around the group. A sense of peace engulfed them, holding back the vileness that wafted around them. Makenna sighed in relief.

  Closer and closer, they neared the lit room.

  Rhys stopped suddenly and held up a hand. They could now see him clearly in the warm glow from the chamber ahead.

  “Gods.” He whispered. “Bowen, what the fuck is that?”

  Makenna shivered again. The evil blasting from the room had teeth, clamping down on them through the shield. Though the room around the corner seemed bathed in light, there was a darkness permeating it. A gaping, black hole that seemed intent on swallowing them whole.

  Yet so
mething in that room set up a melody in her ears. Not sweet. Powerful. Strong. A brilliant hum. What the hell?

  Rhys answered her unasked question. The rings. They’re ours and they sense us. He scooted her farther behind him, then peered around the corner. Even though they’re bound to Kylian, it’s unnatural. They know to whom they belong.

  Makenna nodded, though she really didn’t understand. Her mind was consumed with the two essences she sensed from the room. Kylian, and a warped, distorted essence that seemed to have no substance.

  Her mother. Or rather, what had once been her mother.

  A tear slid down her cheek as pain washed through her. Longing. A wish for what she’d never had but always dreamed of. She was finally going to see her mother face to face, or at least an echo of her. And she had to kill her.

  The world was so fucking unfair.

  Amanda’s hand closed around her arm. It’s not her.

  Brianna’s hand landed on Makenna’s shoulder. When this is over, we’ll tell you about the real Meredith. Our real mother.

  Makenna breathed a thought to her sisters as tears stung her eyes. Thank you. Then she straightened. Rhys pulled back from his view, disgust and sorrow filling their bond.

  Makenna whispered. “What is it?”

  Rhys sighed. “I only saw a glimpse. But...prepare yourselves.”

  Makenna sucked in a deep breath, and with it pulled strength from the goddess within. She was the Morrigan. It was time to step up and be the Morrigan. Even if it meant destroying the thing she’d wanted her whole life.

  Rhys motioned Trystan to the other side of the tunnel. Then he gave the signal to move forward. The Triad rounded the corner in a flash of speed, counting on surprise, their hands glowing with magic, ready to strike.

  They skidded to a stop. The sight in front of them brought the world to a crashing halt.

  Makenna’s heart broke at the same time as her sisters’ did. The shield around them wavered then puffed out. Talon let out a whimper from his wolf. Trystan and Rhys growled. Makenna smelled salt from Bowen as tears fell.

  A large, rusty cage dominated the center of the room. Its door hung drunkenly to the side, twisted and smoking. Inside the cage stood Kylian, a wicked blade in his hand. A woman stood behind him.

  Makenna bit back a sob.

  She looked like an echo of the picture Makenna had treasured all her life. Her once shiny, raven hair carried streaks of a dirty grey. Her clothes were singed, hanging from her body in tatters. Her skin hung from her bones, emaciated. A yellowish pallor colored the once-pink flesh.

  But her eyes were the worst. They were all wrong. Dead pools of endless black. No life, no fire, no thought existed in them.

  “Well, isn’t this a sight? My children all in the same place. Fighting on the same side.” Kylian’s wicked smile turned hideous. A snarl curled his lips, marring his once handsome face. Black hair was slicked back. His expensive red dress shirt looked out of place in the dirt and gloom of the place. “Too bad it’s the wrong side.”

  Talon growled. “Give it up, asshole.” He moved forward, and Rhys threw out a hand to still him. “We know the truth. You’re not our father, thank the gods.” He twirled his knife. “And we have absolutely no qualms about giving you an express trip to Ifrin.” He purposely kept his eyes on Kylian, trying to ignore the figure behind him.

  Makenna wanted to back her brother up, but couldn’t find her breath. The world spun as Rhys wrapped an arm around her waist. Her vision morphed, a haze falling as her wolf and raven howled, cawed, flapped and jumped inside of her. She’d thought she’d been prepared for what she’d face.

  She was wrong. On so many levels.

  The room fell silent, the scent of death polluting the air.

  Amanda and Brianna cried in her head. More growling filled the air. Talon stood at her other side, shaking. Then Makenna made the mistake of looking at Bowen.

  Tears flowed from his eyes unheeded as he stared upon the form that had once been his love, his mate. His trembling hand reached forward, then fell useless to his side.

  Bowen stepped back, a hardness setting his face into an expression she’d never seen. Cold. Broken. Death. “You’ll die slowly for this, Kylian.” The voice was one she hadn’t heard before. Scratchy, low, and vile.

  Kylian laughed, the low, warbling sound turning Makenna’s stomach. But she could hear the slight quiver of fear. “You and your worthless spawn have no chance of destroying me.” He held his hand up, the metal encircling his finger glinting in the light. “I have the rings and the power. I don’t even have to try to wipe out all of you. And you can’t touch me.”

  Arguing and insults continued around her as Makenna’s mind shut down. Her hand tightened on Rhys’ arm. He whispered words of strength and encouragement into her mind. But it was all too much.

  Her eyes fell on the ghost of her mother once more. Makenna fought the darkness trying to suck her down.

  She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t kill the mother she’d dreamed of.

  There had to be a way to save her.

  Her thoughts fuzzed as the darkness gained ground. Rhys’ arm tightened around her. The room spun. She let out a scream from her soul. The whirling abyss wrapped bony fingers around her bones and pulled.


  The Death and Resurrection Show

  Makenna’s scream echoed through the cavernous room.

  Amanda felt her sister breaking, fighting what they had to do. She’d known it would be harder on Makenna than the rest of them. She’d eventually come back around. Find her strength. But they were running out of time. Amanda needed to speed up the process.

  Amanda held Brianna’s gaze, then Rhys’. Don’t worry, guys. We’ve got this.

  They’d pull her back together. While trying to gather their own wits at the same time. This wasn’t easy on any of them. But she shoved her own pain aside.

  A knot tightened in her stomach. It was time to finish this.

  As Kylian laughed, spouting on about how even the Morrigan couldn’t stand against him, Amanda, Rhys, and Brianna surrounded Makenna, each laying a hand on her. They tuned their minds to one thought. One goal.

  You can do this, Makenna. It’s not her.

  Amanda forced the united thought into her sister’s brain as they reached out to pull her back from the brink.

  Then Brianna’s sharp voice rang in. You’re the fucking Morrigan! Act like it and stop being a little bitch!

  In a few short days, she’d learned a lot about her sister. Number one, challenge her, and she’d rise. No question.

  Makenna’s fathomless gold eyes fell on Amanda with a sharp gaze. There she was. Her queen. The goddess. Her sister.

  Amanda, Brianna, and Rhys smiled. Makenna’s lips twitched as she came back to them. Then a crackling, gravelly voice from inside the cage brought all their heads swinging around.

  “I fail to believe I could birth such pathetic, weak beings.” The form that was so familiar, yet not, slithered around Kylian as if she had no real substance. “You disgust me.” She spat at them.

  Kylian smirked.

  Rhys, Talon, and Trystan growled low and deadly, moving in front of the Triad.

  Makenna stiffened. For a moment, Amanda thought the words would drag her back down. Then Makenna snarled as she stepped back, motioning the others back with her. Kylian’s smile faded as a swirling red started at Makenna’s feet and circled upward, enshrining her body.

  Rhys grinned. “Time to kick some ass, love.” He kissed her quickly before the males, including Bowen, who now flashed a blade, took up defensive positions.

  Makenna lifted both hands. She glanced at her sisters and nodded. They did the same.

  The room shook. Dust and rocks fell from the ceiling. The sisters’ hands joined. Kylian’s mouth fell open. His eyes widened. The unholy thing he’d raised cowered back to the corner.

  Kylian raised his blade. “It’s not possible.” He jabbed the tip at Makenna. “She do
esn’t even know what she’s doing.”

  Makenna lowered her chin, eyes flaming. “I’m a fast learner.”

  A white-hot flame rose between the girls and everyone else in the room, shooting up from the floor in a circle of protection. Amanda gasped. A literal wall of fire. Kylian lunged for the Triad. The males jumped forward to intervene.

  Steel clanged and shouts echoed while they chanted, calling the full power of the Triad, joining their minds and hearts as one. Magic swelled inside of Amanda, warming her on a level she’d never known. Her blood popped and fizzed.

  Kylian swung his blade as he fired balls of fire, a darkened red bordering on theirs. First Talon, then Trystan flew past them, slamming into the dark stone wall. The rock wall wavered. It was false. Not rock but magic.

  Trystan’s voice nudged her mind. I’m okay. Don’t worry about me. Focus.

  Amanda had wondered how the hell Kylian had managed to build a basement in Louisiana. Now she had her answer. Magic. And once they broke that magic, the walls would come crashing down around them, burying them under tons of dirt and mud. Fuck.

  Makenna’s voice sounded with certainty. We’ll figure that out later.

  Amanda kept chanting, working with her sisters to expand the wall of fire to include the conjured being in the corner. The males did their job, moving Kylian away and clearing their path. But not without a cost.

  Bowen sucked in air as his right arm hung at his side, bloody and broken in several places. He’d dropped his knife and was lobbing deep orange flame at Kylian. But the missiles had little effect.

  Talon roared as a barbed blast hit him in the gut, slamming him into the ceiling, then tossing him against the wall again like a rag doll. He slid down the false rock to land in a heap. The Triad fought to keep their focus as their brother’s essence blinked. Shit. Kylian would kill him with another strike, if he hadn’t already.

  Tears formed in Amanda’s eyes. As much as her heart cried to go to her brother, she couldn’t. Talon had warned them of this. That no matter what happened to him, they had to continue.

  The females drew in ragged breaths as their fire spread toward the form in the corner. They’d weakened themselves a bit taking out the whole field earlier. They needed the moon, desperately. But there was no hope of feeling its warm, powerful rays this far beneath the earth.


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