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Page 34

by Amy Brock McNew

  Kylian stepped back into their path. The wall of fire they’d conjured quivered to a stop at his feet. He laughed, facing them head-on.

  Amanda dared not look toward the males. She’d felt Trystan go down hard right after Talon. He’d screamed at her to focus, though his voice was weaker. She forced down the fear and renewed her concentration on their task.

  A bloodied Rhys charged Kylian, barreling into his midsection. They landed against the opposite wall, their grunts of pain muted against the snapping of the Triad’s fire. Rhys let out another pained roar and Makenna winced, almost doubling over as Kylian skewered Rhys.

  Amanda and Brianna stood taller, pulling their sister’s attention back.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Amanda saw Trystan’s mouth open in a yell as he drew Kylian’s focus. The asshole sauntered across the room. Evil oozing from his pores. He intended to end her mate. Her soul and wolf howled within her as she took a deep breath.

  If she didn’t do this, they’d all die.

  But the Triad was weakening. They needed that damn moon.

  Rhys dragged himself to his knees and raised his hand to the sky. A red and white stream of magic burst from his palm and through the ceiling. Rock and mud showered down while the pillar bored a hole through the earth. Kylian screeched as Rhys tore through his magic. When the stream of fire cut off, warmth and light flooded the room.

  The moon slid over the opening as if they’d called it. The warm rays shown down on the Triad, soothing and energizing them at the same time. It charged their power, their fire burning hotter and brighter than ever.

  Amanda heard Makenna’s whisper of thanks to Rhys as tears rolled down both their cheeks. He collapsed and Makenna gasped.

  The Triad lunged forward with new determination. The wall of fire surged, encompassing their target. It wrapped around her, holding tight. Now to finish it. Their magic flagged, the brightness of the fire dimming as the creature screamed. They stepped forward, calling on the moon. Calling all the power they could conjure from the ancients, from the Fionn himself.

  Rhys’ eyes bored into Makenna. A surge of power raced through their link. The fire renewed and brightened, suspending its prisoner on a bed of flame.

  Now! Brianna’s voice echoed.

  The women began the chant that would sever the blood bond between them and the thing that had once been their mother.

  Makenna’s voice rang out to her sisters. We’re just sending her body back to her soul. So she can be whole. So she can truly rest in peace once again.

  Amanda’s eyes flew open as power rushed into her from Trystan. The last he had left. She had no choice but to accept it. With tears burning her cheeks, she did.

  I love you. Only you. His voice gave her strength as words she’d never wanted to say streamed from her mouth.

  She reached out to him for what could be the final time as he lay possibly dying. Because he’d protected her. Strengthened her. I love you, too.

  A loud wail pierced their ears. The very earth herself screamed and quaked. As they finished the chant, the Triad were pressed to their knees by an unseen force. Amanda felt like her heart was being ripped from her chest. Her blood turned to lava. The Triad gave silent screams as tendrils of flame left each of them, then the creature in their grip. An explosion of brightness nearly blinded them. Their captive fell to the floor.

  Amanda breathed a sigh of relief, then dropped to the ground with her sisters.

  Darkness claimed them.

  TRYSTAN SLOWLY LIFTED his head, choking on his own blood. His entire body was on fire. He scanned the room. The females were prone on the floor. The wall of magic surrounding them held strong. Rhys leaned against the wall, Bowen close to him. Both shaking with the exertion of remaining on their feet. Kylian lay face down against the cage, moaning. Talon lay near the entrance. He wasn’t moving.

  Trystan shoved to his knees and dragged himself to his brother-in-law. Rhys and Bowen shuffled toward them, Rhys holding in his guts because of a gaping hole in his abdomen.

  Shit, they’d all been hit hard. They’d sent what magic they had to the Triad. Well, Rhys still had some fire sputtering on his arms. But Trystan was drained. No telling how long it’d take to get it back. If they lived through this.

  He wondered how they were going to get the fuck out of this hole when Kylian’s magic broke and the walls caved in. He’d worry about that later.

  Trystan slid to his knees beside Talon. He rolled the male over, then hissed at the burns covering his skin. Still smoking. He glanced up at Bowen. “Shit. Bowen, you got anything left?”

  The mage shook his head sadly. “No. I gave it all to the girls.” He glanced toward his daughters, pride shining in his eyes.

  Trystan nodded at Talon. “We need to get him topside so Dalton or Mariah can work on him.” He looked at the females, who were finally stirring. “But we can’t leave them.”

  Rhys crouched and put a hand over Talon’s gut. Red sputtered to life in his hand. “I can seal him up, but I don’t have much left. I gave it all to Kenna.” He winced as he pulled what he had to his hands to heal their brother.

  “Yeah, I’m tapped.” Trystan shook his head. His attention turned to Kylian, getting to his knees. “Fuck! He’s awake.” Trystan shoved to his feet, gritting his teeth against the pain. “I’ll try and hold the fucker off. You just keep him alive.” He pointed at Talon.

  “I’ll do what I can, then join you. Though I think the girls may be all right.” Rhys gave a ghastly smile, blood oozing from open wounds of exposed flesh and bone. He nodded toward the wall of fire. “Look.”

  Trystan and Bowen turned. First Makenna, then Amanda and Brianna got to their feet.

  You’ve got this, baby. We’re all right. Finish it. He forced the words into their bond and hid the truth of Talon’s condition. He couldn’t have Amanda distracted.

  Though he was looking at the back of his mate’s head, he could feel her grin. A wicked grin that promised pain as the Triad turned toward Kylian, who’d risen to his feet. His shirt was in tatters. Dirt streaked his skin and clothes. His cocky smile was long gone.

  Their shoulders back and chins high, the bravest wolves he’d ever known faced off with their enemy. At full power.

  Oh, Kylian was in for a world of hurt.

  Power swirled in a vicious wind, dragging dust from the floor to spin like a tornado. Trystan gasped. His skin prickled. Hairs stood on end. Kylian growled and lunged toward the wall of flame, his fear filtering into the room with a burnt stench. The bastard refused to admit defeat. Trystan could almost admire that.

  The females joined hands, the slap of their palms echoing over the raging wind. The fire wall jumped and brightened, licking the ceiling.

  Before Kylian could move more than two steps, a tendril of flame licked out, wrapping around him. As he screamed, it lifted him from the ground, squeezing the blade from his hand. The weapon clattered to the floor. The odor of scorched flesh filled Trystan’s nostrils as Kylian fought against the hand of fire.

  Keeping Kylian suspended, the Triad turned toward the unconscious form on the floor of the cage. Another finger of flame stretched out. It tapped on the chest of the being. Three times. Then the damn flame dove inside. The body lifted a few feet off the floor as another ear-splitting wail from the Triad’s power had Trystan, Bowen, and Rhys clapping their hands to their ears.

  The fire finger moved, carving into the chest. Finally, it retreated, dropping the body. It pulled back, a black, oozing blob in its grasp.

  The heart.

  Trystan edged closer, unable to stop himself or his curiosity. The smoking body lay still in true death. Instead of a hole in its chest, Trystan gasped as he saw a perfectly carved triquetra. The symbol of the Triad.

  The female’s chanting filled the room over Kylian’s roars. The hand of fire holding the ruined heart tightened, dropping dust to the floor.

  Then, in the middle of the shower of dust, a small circle of white gold clinked to the
rocky floor. Trystan’s gaze moved to Kylian as he screamed like a little female pup. A larger ring, just like the other, slid from his finger and flew to join its partner. With a wisp of reddish smoke, the two rings simply vanished.

  Kylian screamed louder as the unstoppable Triad turned their sole focus on him.

  Trystan sucked in a breath. “Any ideas what to do about the thirty feet of shit about to fall on our heads?” He glanced around at the wavering walls.

  Bowen gazed around them, uncertainty turning his mouth down. “I do not believe I can regenerate my magic quickly enough to hold it.”

  Rhys grinned. “I asked Makenna a second ago. She said to shut the fuck up. They had this.” The Alpha chuckled. “We need to grab Talon and move as close to them as we can get.”

  Trystan couldn’t help his laugh. He reached down and grabbed Talon’s arm, helping Rhys drag him closer to that ferocious wall of fire. Bowen followed.

  What did the females have planned? But he trusted them. If anyone could get them out, it was their girls. He grudgingly included Brianna in the mix. She was his sister-in-law, after all. And she’d more than proved herself today.

  He and Rhys laid Talon down as gently as they could.

  Kylian howled like a wolf being skinned alive.

  The fire raised Kylian higher, twisting and wrenching his body. Fingers of flame wound around him, consuming his entire being.

  Trystan glanced at the females. All their eyes displayed red flame with white centers. Pride swelled in his chest. His mate was extraordinary.

  His attention pulled back to Kylian as air sucked out of the room, then rushed back in. The fire brightened. Then it collapsed with a loud clap. A cloud of dust that had once been their most-feared enemy rained to the floor. It blew in whiffs around the room, only to circle back and settle into a pile.

  Kylian was dead.

  Trystan was about to ask Amanda what next, when her voice echoed. Hang on, babe.

  What─? The thought cut off as the wall of flame surrounded the four males.

  The walls danced, waving like the tides. A rumble sounded from deep in the earth. The room shook again. Dust and rocks fell, impacting the wall of flame. The barrier held strong as the space around them began to collapse.

  He turned to Rhys and Bowen, who just grinned. Then a column of white shot up from the females. It burrowed into the mass of earth above them. The flame scooped up Rhys, Trystan, Bowen, and Talon, carrying them along as the seven of them rose. They shot through the hole the Triad’s magic had created.

  Before Trystan had a chance to process what was happening, the flame spit them out on the ground beside a group of wolves. Their warriors jumped back as their leaders landed unceremoniously at their feet in a tangled heap.

  Except for the females. They’d all landed on their feet. Like damn cats. He was about to mention that when they huddled in their own private circle. He knew they were talking in their heads by their smiles and wide eyes. Then they turned to the males. All of whom were currently scraping themselves off the ground. Except for Talon.

  Then the world exploded with exclamations.

  “Talon!” Reagan flew through the crowd, landing on her knees and scooping Talon’s form into her lap.

  Dalton rushed to Talon, immediately encasing his body in orange light. “What in all of Ifrin happened down there?” He kept his gaze and focus on healing Talon. “Is Kylian dead?”

  The entire group held their breath. Amanda fell into his arms. Makenna did the same with Rhys. Brianna hugged herself, giving a sad smile as Bowen draped an arm around her shoulders.

  Rhys looked at Dalton. “Yes. Kylian is gone.” He hugged Makenna tight and kissed her head. “Because of these three amazing females.”

  Makenna and Amanda shook their heads. “We couldn’t have done it without you.” The words came out at the same time and the females dissolved in an exhausted fit of laughter.

  The group erupted in cheers.

  Trystan wrapped both arms around his mate, ignoring the pain stabbing into him with the movement. Nothing else mattered now that their enemy was defeated, and he had her close. He lowered his mouth to her ear, pleased when a shudder rippled through her. “You were fantastic, baby. You’re amazing.”

  Amanda turned to him. “I wouldn’t have had the strength for this if I didn’t have you.”

  While the ruckus continued, full of congratulations and questions, Trystan kissed Amanda hard. It was a kiss he’d feared for a bit down there he wouldn’t be able to give again.

  Rhys clapped him on the shoulder. “Let’s go home.” Then the Alpha surveyed the prisoners, the wounded, and several of their own who had given their last breath for the cause. Rhys’ face fell. “We still have work to do.” The exhaustion in his voice was tempered by relief. Even knowing what lay ahead, joy lived in the weary syllables.

  Trystan kissed Amanda once more before moving to follow his Alpha. His eyes fell on Brianna, walking beside Bowen. She took in Trystan’s arm snuggly around his mate. Then she watched Rhys and Makenna. Her eyes flared with jealousy. When their gazes met, she shut it down. Then she smiled and lowered her head, following her father.

  Trystan couldn’t shake the feeling in his gut that Brianna could turn on them again. He could only hope it would be unfounded. That Brianna would stay the course, and he wouldn’t have to exercise his duties as Beta and erase her threat to the pack.

  Shoving the thought aside, Trystan clung to his mate as they made their way back to their vehicles deep in the woods. Now they’d mourn their dead, deal with the prisoners, and celebrate their victory with the crowning of their king and queen.

  Finally, the world had begun to make sense again.



  Ten days later, Makenna stood beside Rhys, Trystan, and Amanda, facing a row of eight wolves in the center of camp.

  Unapologetic to the end, the males held their gazes, refusing to submit even as death stared them in the face. They were the only ones who’d survived the battle who hadn’t been under Kylian’s thrall. They’d chosen to follow the doomed leader of their own free will.

  Makenna felt no sympathy for them.

  She lasered in on two of the guards she remembered from her time as “Three”. She snarled, letting the goddess show in her eyes. Immediately their heads bowed, and their wolves whimpered. Satisfaction oozed from her pores.

  She made eye contact with each wolf in the line, all tethered to poles. Under the force of the goddess, and the black haired god beside her, they crumbled. She felt Rhys’ power shining in his eyes, permeating their bond.

  Makenna didn’t have any problem with the fact her mate was as strong as she. She relished it. Together, they were unstoppable.

  Further proved by the enemy wolves now trembling before them.

  Makenna glanced to the entrance of camp, where Kylian’s head would have been displayed on a spike, had any of him survived. As it was, the heads of Kylian’s top two officers under Sloane took his place.

  At first, she’d found the practice disgusting. Now that she understood it was the way of her people, had been for centuries, it didn’t bother her. Especially since the heads these pikes held were those of an enemy who had nearly destroyed everything she loved.

  As for Sloane, they’d find him soon enough. He was one male, and Makenna wasn’t worried about him in the least.

  While Rhys went through the list of crimes, Makenna’s thoughts wandered.

  She took in the faces of the wolves who’d been wounded. Including her brother. Talon was still weak, being propped up by a fierce-looking Reagan. No doubt the whispering she was doing contained more reprimands for her brother, who despised being at half power. Though his strength was returning, he’d nearly died. It would take a while for him to recover.

  Makenna eyed the families front and center for the execution. Families who had lost loved ones in the battle. Especially the two mates who had lost the other halves of their souls. Her
heart went out to them.

  Since she and Rhys had brought the bodies to them, Makenna had been feeding the surviving mates strength through the pack link. She couldn’t imagine losing Rhys. Even though she knew nothing would ever heal the gaping wounds in the souls of the survivors, she would do everything she could to help them through it.

  Rhys had said they could find love again, but never another mate. She hoped they found that love. Something to help fill the holes left in their hearts.

  Thankfully, they’d only had to send five to Néamh. The cost could’ve been so much higher.

  These were her people. As she looked at their precious faces, she felt a sense of home and family wrap around her heart and squeeze tight.

  She had all she’d ever dreamed of. Well, most of it.

  The siblings and Bowen had taken a day and gone off to one of Meredith’s favorite spots on the Mississippi. There, they’d shared her favorite foods, and Makenna had gobbled up the stories of her. They passed around pictures and items she’d treasured. Through tears and laughter, Makenna had finally been able to know her. To mourn her. And to let her go. It was a precious time she’d treasure until she met her mother for real on the other side.

  Rhys’ voice brought her back to the moment. “You and Amanda don’t have to do this.” He whispered the words in her ear as he took her hand. “Trystan and I can take care of it.”

  Makenna looked at her sister. You good?

  Amanda answered with a resounding yes.

  Makenna smiled. “I know. But I need to be a part of this.” And she did. She needed that final bit of closure on the tumultuous last few months of her life.

  She’d come full circle. Her present and future colliding with her past in an epic explosion. She’d finally stepped into her role in this world, and she would fulfill it with everything she had.

  Rhys nodded to Trystan, and the four of them stepped forward as one. They lifted matching, ancient blades, passed down through the generations. Rhys stood center, and Makenna, Amanda, and Trystan fanned out to the right and left, respectively. Rhys nodded again.


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