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Curious Beginnings

Page 7

by M. A. Innes

  After their first date, Sebastian had sent over some of the diapers he had in the nursery. They’d agreed that Mark would wear one tonight and he was supposed to have put it on before coming over. Mark hadn’t wanted to start the date getting his diaper changed and Sebastian was willing to ease him into things if it made him more comfortable.

  “Boy? Did you disobey Daddy?”

  “No, Daddy. I’m wearing…it.” Calling Sebastian Daddy seemed effortless to his boy. He thought that it would have been one of the harder things for Mark to get used to but it was turning out to be the easiest.

  “No, baby boy. Tell Daddy what you’re wearing.”

  “Daddy, please.” Mark squirmed trying to hide his face in Sebastian’s neck.

  God, he was so sweet, but he knew his boy could do better than that. “No, you can do it. Tell Daddy what you’re wearing.”

  “I-I-I-I’m wearing the diaper, Daddy.” The whispered words were hard for Mark to say, escaping as an embarrassed confession.

  Sliding his hand down Mark’s stomach, Sebastian rubbed small circles over Mark’s belly. “Good boy. I know you’re used to your timer and watching the clock but no phones or timers tonight. We’re just going to let things happen naturally and when they do, we’ll go upstairs and I’ll change you. That’s what a Daddy does for his special boy.”

  It wasn’t really a question but he could feel Mark nodding, his head rubbing against Sebastian’s chest. They sat quietly at the table, Mark doing his best to hide and Sebastian rubbing small circles on Mark’s belly. It wasn’t long until Sebastian felt Mark freeze. Knowing what was happening, Sebastian continued to caress Mark.

  “Good boy, I’m so proud of you.”

  Sebastian knew that Mark needed to be changed now but they needed to get through one more hurdle before they could go upstairs.

  With a voice thick with embarrassment and in desperate need of reassurance, Mark spoke softly, “Daddy, will you change me?”

  After hiding everything related to his condition for so long, the simple act of asking for help was an incredible hurdle to overcome.

  “Baby boy, of course I will. I love helping you and taking care of you. I also love the fact that you let me help you. Not every boy is strong enough to let his daddy help him like that.” Sebastian continued the words of praise and encouragement as he carried a shy Mark up the stairs.

  Sebastian knew it would be a long time before Mark could move past the instinctual embarrassment of his condition, but every time he worked up the nerve to talk about it, it seemed a bit easier.

  Carrying Mark up the stairs, he walked into the nursery and over to the attached bath. He’d worked with the designer to make sure that the bath was perfect for a daddy and little to have a wonderful bath time. With a long, oversized sink vanity that could double as an extra changing table and a raised tub that would make bathing his boy easier, the bathroom was functional and beautifully decorated to match the bedroom.

  Setting his boy down on the bath mat by the tub, Sebastian reached over and started filling the tub with warm water and bubbles. The bubbles would be fun but they would also provide some initial privacy for Mark.

  As the bubbles started filling the tub, Sebastian straightened up and turned back to Mark. With a quick kiss to reassure him, Sebastian began stripping Mark.

  “Are you ready for a bath before we get you a new diaper, baby boy?” They’d talked about having bath time when they were planning the date but Sebastian knew it had to feel very different now that it was actually happening.

  Mark looked down at the tub for a long moment before looking back up at Sebastian and nodding. Not a rousing endorsement, but Sebastian would take it as a yes. Raising his arms up, Mark allowed Sebastian to continue undressing him. Standing in the bathroom naked except for his diaper, Mark blushed and looked down at the floor again.

  “No, baby boy, no hiding. Nothing about you is anything to be embarrassed about.”

  Stripping off the diaper, Sebastian couldn’t help staring at his beautiful boy. Delicate and small, he didn’t look traditionally masculine but Sebastian found him incredibly beautiful. With his tight body, long muscles, and straining erection, however, he was all man. His boy was just the most delicate, sweet version he had ever seen.

  Lifting Mark into the tub, Sebastian reached for the washcloth he had set out earlier that day. Watching Mark relax back in the tub with his eyes closed as Sebastian got the washcloth ready he could tell Mark liked the tub. Starting the cloth at Mark’s neck, he rubbed in small gentle circles down his chest soothing more than scrubbing. So beautiful, his boy took his breath away.

  “What’s on the cloth, Daddy? It’s not like soap.”

  Sebastian smiled at the question. Not what he’d hoped to hear from Mark, but it was a start. “It’s a bath lotion, not soap. It cleans, but it’s softer and feels much nicer on your skin. Do you like it?”

  “Yes, it’s soft and it smells good.”

  It was a sweet scent, not overly flowery but not too earthy. Just right for a special baby boy’s bath time with his daddy. “I’m glad you like it. When I picked it out the other day I was thinking of you.”

  Mark’s eyes opened and he peeked up at Sebastian. He didn’t say anything but Sebastian could see the questions in his eyes.

  “I’ve pictured you exactly like this for days. Relaxed and letting me care for you. Washing you and touching you. If it were up to me, I would do this everyday with you. It’s probably too soon to say anything like this, but I can see ending everyday bathing you and getting you ready for bed.”

  “What else can you see, Daddy?”

  Sebastian wasn’t sure if Mark’s whispered question meant his fantasies about them or something tamer but he decided to take the opening anyway. If Mark was curious about Sebastian’s fantasies and what he wanted for them, then he might not get a better opportunity.

  Moving the washcloth slowly down Mark’s body, Sebastian washed lower and lower as he answered Mark’s question. “I can see changing my boy every time he’s wet himself and has to come up and ask for help. I can see getting my boy dressed for the day and ready for bed at night. I can see punishing my boy when he’s been naughty and rewarding him when’s he’s been a good boy.”

  “Punishing, Daddy?”

  Mark’s face was more curious than worried, and if his erection was any indicator, he didn’t seem to mind the idea at all.

  “Yes, when little boys are naughty, their daddy has to punish them. The punishment will depend on how naughty a boy has been. For example, if my boy lied about needing to be changed then he might be spanked.”

  Moving the washcloth down around Mark’s bobbing erection, Sebastian pushed his legs apart gently as he moved down Mark’s left leg. Continuing his slow gentle strokes Sebastian watched as Mark’s body gave teasing glimpses through the bubbles.

  Those little glimpses of his boy’s high tight balls and cute little pucker brought Sebastian’s already hard erection to painfully throbbing. He’d been hard since Mark had arrived but those teasing glimpses were torture.

  “I would pull my boy’s pants down, take off his diaper, and bend him over my lap, because a naughty boy has to be spanked on a bare bottom. How many swats and how hard would depend on how naughty he was, though. Some little boys even need spankings on a daily basis to help them remember to be good and some boys only need to go over their daddy’s knee once and a while.”

  He dropped his voice low and continued describing his fantasies. “Some little boys even like having their bottoms spanked so it’s not a punishment at all. If it turned out that my boy liked to have his bottom spanked then we would have to find another punishment for him but we could still give him his spanking every day as a reward for being good.”

  Mark listened, hanging on Sebastian’s every word. As he finished washing Mark’s left leg, Sebastian positioned his knee against the side of the tub spreading Mark open even more. The slowly vanishing bubbles hid nothing. Moving to Ma
rk’s right leg, Sebastian started at his foot this time and slowly worked his way up as he continued telling Mark about everything he’d thought about doing with him.

  “Of course, my boy would get lots of rewards for being good. When he told Daddy about needing to be changed, he would get special touches when he was getting his diaper changed. When he was all clean and spread out, then Daddy would make sure to rub lots of lotion all over his boy’s special areas. Just like Daddy did the other day when you were good. Because you were so good when you got your diaper changed for the first time Daddy rubbed your little penis.”

  At little, Mark started, jerking and trying to close his legs but Sebastian wasn’t going to have that. Putting his arm between Mark’s legs Sebastian kept him open and on display for his Daddy. “No baby boy, I love your body and you are perfect.”

  Moving the cloth up to Mark’s slightly softening length, Sebastian washed and caressed his cock with the same gentle strokes that he had used everywhere else. Mark leaned back and gasped, the unexpected caress knocking some of the fight out of him.

  “That feels good, doesn’t it? Daddy’s special boy.” Letting the washcloth fall away, Sebastian continued to caress and tease his boy with just his hand. Running his hand up and down his boy’s hardening shaft and tight balls. “Look at how you fit in my hand, perfect. Just like you were made for me.”

  Mark looked down at Sebastian’s hand stroking his hard cock. “But, it’s….”

  “Your penis is just the right size for your body, baby boy. And I love knowing that you fit perfectly in my hand and so perfectly in your diaper. You’re even just the right size to fit in Daddy’s mouth.”

  The visual of that must have been more than Mark could handle because he arched his back, thrusting his cock harder into Sebastian’s hand. Tightening his grip on Mark’s cock, he let his other hand graze Mark’s balls and the tight ring of muscles that Sebastian was anxious to explore.

  “Would you like that to be a special reward, baby boy? Having Daddy lick you and suck on your hard little cock? How do you like knowing that your little cock would be the first to cum in Daddy’s mouth?” Sebastian wasn’t going to hide his own inexperience when it came to men and he wasn’t going to hide the fact that he loved how Mark’s body was proportioned.

  At that dirty image, Mark lost control. Coming in Sebastian’s tight grip, he shot ropes of cum all over the tub. Shaking and thrusting, he was even more beautiful now than he had been the first time Sebastian touched him.

  “Beautiful boy.”

  As Mark slowly relaxed back in the water, Sebastian gave his cute little penis one last caress before he reached down and unplugged the tub. He hadn’t given the size of Mark’s penis much thought when he’d first started imagining them together. That part of Mark’s body hadn’t been the focus of his fantasies.

  When he’d taken off Mark’s diaper for the first time, something about his small perfect cock was just beautiful. It was probably going to turn into a little bit of a fetish but that was fine with him. He’d seen weirder fetishes on his own website.

  Helping Mark to stand on rubbery legs, Sebastian carefully guided him out of the tub. Drying him off, Sebastian wrapped the towel around Mark and carried him back into the nursery.

  Setting Mark down on the changing table, Sebastian carefully unwrapped the towel and started spreading body lotion all over his boy. Mark was still so relaxed from the bathtub that he simply laid there and let Sebastian tend to him. Seeing his boy all peaceful and content made Sebastian want to hold onto him forever. Pushing back his stalker tendencies, he tried to keep things in perspective.

  Reaching for a new container of cream, Sebastian took his time working the special lotion all over the sensitive skin that would be covered by his diaper. Sebastian loved watching Mark’s body come alive under his touch. Even though he’d just orgasmed, Mark’s body twitched and strained as Sebastian caressed him.

  Sebastian made sure to get every soft crease and crevice as he spread the lotion. Watching Mark clench and hearing his gasp of pleasure as Sebastian spread the cream over the sensitive skin surrounding his tight pucker almost had Sebastian coming without touching himself. His boy was so sexy.

  Vowing that he would show Mark other pleasures next time, Sebastian lovingly put a new diaper on his boy. Pulling one of his t-shirts over Mark’s head, he smiled down at him. The t-shirt swamped Mark, but he looked so sweet and sexy in Sebastian’s shirt, covered from his neck to nearly his knees.

  “Come on, sweet boy. Let’s go back downstairs and we’ll pick out a movie.” Reaching for Mark, Sebastian was surprised when Mark stopped him.

  “What about you, Daddy?” A blush stained Mark’s cheeks but he didn’t break eye contact.

  “Me?” Sebastian asked, not following.

  “You, Daddy.” This time Mark shifted his eyes down, giving Sebastian’s straining erection an obvious look.

  “Ahh, for now, our time is about you, baby boy. Once you’re sure that you want to belong to me then we’ll explore other things together. My control is only so good, sweet boy. However, before crossing those lines, I want to make sure you’re ready to be mine. Because once I have you, I’m not going to let you go.”

  They walked downstairs, hand in hand, and went to the couch. Sitting down on the couch, he pulled Mark onto his lap and pushed play on the movie he’d already picked out earlier that day. Obsessively planning a date? No, not him.

  The clean, sweet smell of his freshly bathed boy was turning out to be more of an aphrodisiac than he’d expected. Something about it just made Sebastian want to strip his boy down and lick him all over to see if his taste was as sweet as his smell.

  What made the temptation even worse was Mark’s diaper-clad bottom pressing into Sebastian’s still-straining erection. With every shift and cuddle, Mark’s body would rub against Sebastian’s cock, pushing his control to the breaking point.

  When it got to the point that he was going to lose control, he reached around to try and shift Mark away from his body just enough to get some relief. Mark just shook his head and stiffened up refusing to be moved.

  “I like cuddles, Daddy.”

  “Baby, you need to shift just a little bit.”

  Mark’s response was an innocent look as he shifted his bottom, right over Sebastian’s straining body. “Baby…baby…you’re going to have to…stop…baby.”

  The pleasure coursing through him pushed every thought out of his brain. “Baby…”

  “Yes, Daddy?”

  “Naughty boy, you’ve been driving your Daddy crazy on purpose.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Now his boy’s grin went from an innocent smile to a cheeky little grin.

  “Naughty boy…why?” Every time Sebastian started to speak Mark would start rubbing his bottom right over Sebastian’s cock, caressing it and teasing it with his body. His sweet little boy had a naughty side.

  Mark straightened up just enough to kiss Sebastian on the cheek, “Because I wanted to touch my daddy, too. Not just let Daddy please me.”

  “I don’t want you to feel—”

  “I don’t, Daddy, but we don’t have to go too far. I just want to touch you, too. Can I touch you, Daddy?”

  Lord, there was no way he could say no. “Baby, you can touch your daddy anytime. I’m yours just as much as you’re mine.”

  His naughty little boy smiled and shifted in Sebastian’s lap so that he was straddling him, pressing his diaper-covered cock against Sebastian’s hard body. Reaching down, Mark stripped his shirt off and leaned in close to Sebastian.

  “Can I touch you, Daddy? Are you sure your little boy can touch his daddy?” His boy’s words sent shivers through his body.

  “Yes, baby. You can touch Daddy.”

  Reaching down, Mark’s face finally showed his wavering nerve as his hands shook and his eye’s widened. As Mark’s small hands slowly opened his pants, Sebastian thought he would come right then. Mark was beautiful as he reached in and released Sebas
tian’s cock. Licking his lips and chewing on his bottom lip, Mark alternated between looks of curiosity and hunger.

  Sebastian did his best to let Mark explore but his hands were gripping Mark’s hips so hard he was afraid there would be bruises tomorrow. He knew if he moved his hands though, there would be no way he could stop himself from taking charge.

  The first touch of his boy’s soft hands on his cock had him thrusting up, desperate for more. Mark jerked and tightened his grip instinctually as he watched Sebastian’s body react to his touch. Sebastian watched as Mark licked his lips again before he started stroking Sebastian’s cock.

  “God, baby, I’m almost there already. You’ve had me hard and ready since you got here. I’m not going to last.”

  “Good, Daddy. I want to watch you come. I’ve never…”

  Sebastian leaned down and kissed Mark before he could finish the statement. There were so many things his boy hadn’t done but he didn’t want him to focus on that right now. Right now, he wanted his boy to see what he could do.

  “Touch me, baby. You make your daddy feel so good.”

  Just as Sebastian hit the point where he was going to lose control, Mark moved his hand away. Sebastian jerked, trying to focus to see what was wrong but before he could do anything, Mark leaned up on his knees and pressed his diaper covered cock against Sebastian’s hard body. Rocking his hips back and forth, he leaned in and whispered in Sebastian’s ear.

  “Daddy, I’m going to come.”

  Sebastian thrust his hips against Mark and lost all control. The caress of the soft cottony diaper covering Mark’s perfect little body was too much. With a growl, he slammed Mark’s body against his as he came shooting cum all over the diaper and covering Mark’s chest.

  It was all too much for Mark who shuddered and gasped in pleasure as Sebastian’s cum covered his body. Gripping Sebastian’s body with his thighs, Mark ground his erection against Sebastian’s and came, arching and dancing in his daddy’s arms.

  Cuddling back against Sebastian as his body relaxed, Mark tucked his head against Sebastian’s chest and sighed. Wrapping his arms around his baby boy, Sebastian knew he would do anything to keep him.


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