The Devils One: The Devils Soldiers mc series

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The Devils One: The Devils Soldiers mc series Page 3

by Cilla Lee

  The music goes on and the drinks start to flow and I pull Lila to the back of the yard and push her to her knees and she smiles up at me as she pulls my dick out. “Oh god Socket I love your dick” she tells me takin’ me to the back of her throat and I entwine my fingers into her hair (I really do love her hair) she takes me deep makin’ me moan at how good it feels

  “Damn that’s it” it feels so fuckin’ good, to good and I start goin’ over invoices so I don’t blow my load to fast as she sucks harder. Her hand moves to my balls and I almost loose it, my heart starts to beat faster as my dick lengthens as she licks the underside of my dick ticklin’ the sensitive vein. “Take me deeper I’m gonna come” I tell her as I feel that familiar tingle, she does what I say and I cum with a loud groan as I release all that tension from the ride down her throat and my legs shake. I look down at her and some of my cum dribbles out of her mouth landin’ on her chest and she looks up at me and swipes her fingers through it suckin’ her fingers. “Damn women” I whisper as I glide my fingers through her hair and she smiles standing up

  “You taste so good”

  “Yeah” she nods blushin’

  “Mm hmm.” The sounds of the party registers and we walk back to all the women serving up food and the kids screaming running around.

  After all the kids go home the party amps up to the way it used to be and I watch as Tucker fucks Candy on the sofa and Tiny gets his dick sucked by Summer. This is the life, drinking with the Brothers and bitches suckin’ and fuckin’ whoever wants them (nothin’ like it)

  “Yo man, wanna game?” Oki asks me but I shake my head

  “Nah man, just gonna sit here and relax”


  I watch as he goes over and starts a game up with Cookie, As I look up and smile at the bullet whole still in the roof from Colt a few years ago when he tried to shoot Cuff. Fuck that was funny, but not at the same time.

  I watch Cuff dancin’ on the stage with Bliss “You want another drink man?” Chase asks me as I hand him my empty as he walks off towards the bar and I close my eyes just listenin’ to the peace and quiet of no fuckin’ kids, just the sounds of moans grunts and laughter.



  As I parked I looked over at Wiley, her gorgeous little eyes looking up at me. If you didn’t know she was my niece, you’d swear she was mine. Her eyes just as blue as mine and I was responsible for this tiny human being, and if I needed to take my clothes off to do it than I would. I didn’t have a choice, I needed money and this was the only way to make fast money. Plus, Delores could watch Wiley for me at night while I worked, if I got the job.

  As I sat in front of the strip club feeding Wiley for what felt like the tenth time, she makes a grunting noise and I look down at her little face going red

  “Not now Wiley, please not now” I beg her but the smell that emanates from her tiny body almost have me throwing up. The first time I changed her nappy I swear it was like the smells of hell had come out of her, it took me almost a half an hour of gagging to get her cleaned up. I swear I saw her smiling as I gagged changing her, like it was the funniest thing on earth. I lay her on the passenger seat and change her diaper, still gagging, I’m never going to get use to that. I watch as a silver Lexus pulls up in the parking lot and a woman gets out and I change Wiley as fast as I can picking her up as the women pulls out keys and goes to open the door.

  “Wait” I yell out and she turns looking at me

  “Can I help you?” she asks looking me up and down

  “Um, I was wondering if your hiring.” She looks at Wiley than back at me

  “You got any experience” I shake my head but she looks down at Wiley again “How old is she”

  “Three months old” I tell her and she smiles

  “Come on.” I follow her inside, its dark for a minute until she turns the lights on and I get a good look at the place. Large stage with a pole large booths table and chairs “Sit” she says pointing to one of the tables and I sit holding Wiley as she comes over and sits across from me “No father” she asks me and I shake my head


  “If I give you the job do you have a sitter” I nod lying, not sure if Delores will look after Wiley.

  “Do you have any special talents” I shake my head

  “No not really”

  “Can you at least dance” I look up at the stage and cringe, I think I’m the most uncoordinated person in the world, I shake my head and she sighs making me bite my lip

  “Honey, this is a strip club and men expect to see you dancing on stage and if you’ve got no rhythm than how are you gonna make any money?”

  “Please I need the job” I ask sounding desperate and she looks down at Wiley again

  “You got any family”

  “My Mom, but she hates me” I tell her

  “Anyone else” I shake my head

  “I did have my sister but she recently passed away”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry” she tells me

  “She used to work here” I tell her and she frowns at me

  “Who?” she asks me and I look down at Wiley

  “Simone” I tell her but she shakes her head

  “No, don’t know any Simone’s” than I remember Simone always used to use her middle name

  “She usually went by Jewel” I tell her and she looks surprised

  “Jewel!” she says and I nod

  “Yeah, she always hated her name”

  “Didn’t you just say your sister died” I nod

  “Yeah, last week”

  “Oh my god” she says and I see tears running down her face and I sit forward and rub her hand

  “Are you ok?” I ask her as she shakes her head

  “Jewel is dead” she asks me as a tear slides down her cheek and I nod

  “Yeah, a car accident last weekend”

  “Jesus, have you had the funeral yet” she asks me looking heart broken and I shake my head

  “No, it’s next weekend” I tell her and she stands up and goes behind the bar, I watch as she takes a shot of something grabbing a few napkins. She has a few more shots, than brings the bottle and her glass with her and sits back down

  “Fuck, I can’t believe she’s gone” she says looking at me

  “Where you good friends?” I ask knowing nothing about my sister’s life

  “Yeah, we were, I’m sorry for your loss” she says her lip wobbling and it brings tears to my own eyes but I hold them back

  “It was a shock that’s for sure” I tell her honestly

  “When is the funeral” she asks wiping her eyes

  “Next Saturday at Eleven” I tell her as Wiley starts to fuss and she looks back at Wiley

  “You can start next Monday, if that will suit you” she tells me and I look at her surprised

  “Really!” she nods

  “Yeah anything for Jewel honey” she tells me and I can tell they must have been really close

  “Oh god, thank you so much”

  “It’s no problem, but you’ll need to come up with an act ok” I nod

  “I will I promise”

  “Ok than I’ll see you at the funeral” she tells me as she takes another shoot and I pick Wiley up and walk to the door.

  Chapter Seven


  I wake the next morning with Lila next to me, her naked ass getting my dick hard and I lean over and kiss her shoulder. Damn she has a great ass, I run my hand down her back and grab her tight globes and she moves her legs open a little bit “Mornin’ darlin” she turns and looks at me as I move my hand down more to her pussy and rub

  “Good morning” she says smiling, she turns to her back and I take her nipple into my mouth sucking gently, licking the soft bud into my mouth and she moans. I move my hand down her flat stomach to her pussy and slide into her wet cunt “Um that’s so nice” she says as she runs her hands down my chest to my hard dick “I love your dick Socket”

  “Do y
ou?” I ask her and she bits her lip nodding

  “I do”

  “How much do you like it?” I ask and she smiles

  “This much” she says moving down the bed and taking my dick into her mouth and sucking

  “Fuck darlin’ that’s good.” She takes me all the way to the back of her throat and I groan at how fuckin’ good it feels and she reaches for my balls rubbing them gently, the sensation of them being rubbed and my dick sucked bringing me closer to coming. I lace my fingers through her hair and she moans, the vibration bringing me even closer. I rotate my hips as she sucks in her cheeks, the slurping sound of her taking my cock getting me even closer. “Fuck Lila” I say as I close my eyes enjoying my dick being sucked, she uses her hand and mouth at the same time and I feel the tingle in my spin “Damn darlin’ I’m gonna come” I tell her as she takes more of me into her mouth sucking harder her grip tightening as I fill her mouth with my load and she swallows it all “Fuck that was good” I tell her as she sits up smiling

  “I love sucking your cock to Socket” she tells me and I smile at her pulling her to me

  “Well darlin’ you’re fuckin’ good at it that for damn sure” she smiles at me kissing my chest and I slap her ass “Move darlin’ gotta get ready for work.” She moves out of the way and I make my way into the shower.

  When I walk into the kitchen I see Bunny and Oki sitting at the table and they both look up at me “I’ll see you later Oki” Bunny says walking out and I look at Oki

  “What’s wrong with her?” I ask, but Oki just stares at me

  “Brother, I need you to come and sit” he says and I see a worried look on his face


  “Socket man, please” he says and I move over and sit on the other side of the table drinking my coffee

  “What’s up?” he takes a deep breath

  “Jewel’s dead man” he says and I shake my head not sure if he said what I thought he said

  “Repeat that”

  “Bunny just told me man, I’m so fuckin’ sorry” he says and I look towards the door that Bunny just left out of

  “Oki what the fuck are you talking about?” he takes another deep breath

  “Bunny hired a new girl yesterday and it turns out she’s Jewel’s sister, apparently Jewel was killed in a car accident last weekend”

  “She’s dead?” I ask still not believing it, but he nods his head but I shake mine pulling out my phone and going to my contacts and dialling her number. It rings out and I ring again and again “Brother” Oki says but I still don’t believe it

  “No man, it can’t be” I say

  “Brother its true, the funerals next Saturday”


  “Socket its true” he tells me turnin’ the paper in front of him and I look down seein’ a picture of Jewel in the obituary section and I stand up and walk out needing space and head to my bike.

  Chapter Eight


  As I look at myself in the mirror, I brush my hair out and take a deep breath. I’ve told my Mom that today was Simone’s funeral but she said she can’t make it, with the money Delores gave me I placed an ad in the paper so if any of Simone’s friends see it they might turn up. I’d hate to be the only person there. As I pull up to the cemetery I see the priest standing there, I get Wiley out of her basket and carry her up to the grave site. We’ve never been church people, but I went to the church and asked if he’d do the gravesite burial, he was happy to and for free thank goodness. As I get closer, I can see Simone’s coffin hovering over a large hole and I hold Wiley closer to me and smile at Father Timmons

  “How are you this morning Dove dear?” he asks me and I nod not really feeling much today

  “I’m fine thankyou Father” he motions for me to take a seat and I place Wiley on my lap looking around

  “Are we waiting for anyone?” he asks me and I take one more look around than down at my watch, Eleven-Ten, obviously no one’s coming and I shake my head

  “No, it doesn’t look like it” I tell him and he smiles

  “Then we’ll start” just as Father Timmons opens his mouth the sound of thunder can be heard and I look up at the sky not seeing any clouds, the sound gets louder and louder and I turn and watch as bike after bike pulls into the cemetery and my heart skips a beat (The Devils Soldiers) It’s like time stops as I watch each of them walk closer and closer and I hold Wiley closer to me seeing Bunny the women who hired me from Pink Slip walk up

  “Hey honey how are you?” she asks and I nod

  “I’m fine, thank you for coming”

  “Jewel was a great friend” she tells me and I wonder if she knows who Wiley’s father is

  “Hey darlin’” a large black man says and I stand up as he holds out his hand and I move Wiley to my shoulder

  “Hi” I say smiling as the rest of the men and women surround us

  “Sorry to hear about Jewel” he says looking at the coffin

  “Thankyou” I say feeling nervous surrounded by all of these bikers

  “Let’s get started” Father Timmons says and I sit back down placing Wiley back on my lap

  Wiley is so good throughout the whole service falling asleep half way through, I watch as all of the women come forward placing a rose on top of Simone’s coffin, then Father Timmons lowers my sister into the dark hole and I look down at her daughter. A tear slides down my cheek as I look at Wiley, feeling sad that she’ll never know her mother

  “Dove” Father Timmons says and I notice people moving around and I stand up holding Wiley carefully not to wake her “Are you ok?” he asks me and I nod

  “I’m fine thankyou again”

  “No problem, when are you getting this little one christened” he asks and I smile

  “You know I don’t go to church Father”

  “I have to ask its apart of the job dear” he says smiling making me smile

  “I’ll think about it”

  “You do that, take care and if you ever need help there’s always someone to listen at the church” I nod

  “Thank you, Father,” I say as he walks past and I look at the hole again and notice that its mostly filled as men shovel dirt in one by one

  “Hi” someone says and I turn seeing a woman holding a little girl in her arms and a little boy standing beside her

  “Hi” I say as she looks down at Wiley

  “She’s beautiful” she says and I look down at my sleeping niece

  “She is, isn’t she”

  “How old is she?”

  “Three months” I tell her

  “She’s so small.” I look at the little girl in her arms, she’s in a little pink dress and she’s sucking on her hand

  “How old is she?” she smiles looking at the little girl

  “She’s six months old”

  “Wow, please tell me it gets easier” I ask still not sure how in the hell I’m even functioning with only a few hours’ sleep a night

  “It does” she says smiling as Wiley stretches in my arms and I know she’ll be awake for something to eat soon “Niya” she says


  “It was nice to meet you Dove”

  “And you, thank you all for coming, I better get this one home” I tell her and she puts her hand on my arm

  “No please, come back to the clubhouse, where going to have a wake for Jewel

  “A wake” she nods

  “Jewel was family, please come back.” I look around at the men “don’t worry honey they won’t do anything, like I said Jewel was family”

  “I don’t know”

  “Please” she says and I look at the little girl again the drool dripping down her hand making me smile

  “Well, I could get some pointers about looking after this little one” I tell her and she smiles

  “Good it’s settled, you’ll come back with us, do you know where the clubhouse is?” I shake my head “that’s ok, just follow us.” I nod as I walk down to my car and
place Wiley in the back in her basket “You don’t have a seat?” she says scaring me and I bang my head on the roof

  “Fuck!” I say rubbing my head and she smiles

  “Shit sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” she says as I rub my head feeling a lump forming already

  “No, I can’t afford one” I tell her and she frowns at me

  “You can’t afford one” she repeats and I look down at Wiley to make sure she’s still asleep

  “No, I haven’t started my job at the Strip club yet so, after my first pay check I can buy one” I tell her and she frowns at me

  “You work at the Pink Slip?”

  “Not yet, I start on Monday.” She frowns at me and I step back feeling judged but she smiles

  “We’ll see you at the clubhouse, just follow us ok” I nod watching her go over to a van and getting in putting her daughter into a car seat as her son jumps in and pulls the seatbelt on.

  Chapter Nine


  As I woke that morning my heart felt heavy, after Oki told me about Jewel I needed space. I rode for so fuckin’ long going nowhere in particular, but ended up at a little beach that the club go to. I sat for a long time thinking about Jewel and the way our relationship ended, the day I came home and found the note sitting on the table. I was fuckin’ pissed that she’d left like that, that fuckin’ pathetic note burned into my retina

  Goodbye Socket, I hope you find what you’re looking for in life.

  Love always Jewel xoxo

  I went through the whole house throwin’ everything of hers that she left behind out. The second she left it was over and I never wanted anything to do with her again and now here I was standin’ in front of her coffin. I watch all the Brothers stand beside me still feeling numb, it wasn’t until I looked up and seen the most beautiful fuckin’ women in the world across from me that my heart skipped a beat (fuck she’s gorgeous) my dick was hard in an instant, then I notice a baby in her arms and I look around to see if anyone was with her but she was all alone. I watched her the whole time as she sat there with the kid in her arms, she doesn’t cry, it’s not until Jewel’s coffin goes down and she looks down at the kid is when tears appear. Jewel never even told me she had a sister, she never wanted to talk about her family. The whole time we were together she never once even told me about her parents. I watch as Jewel’s sister rocks the kid in her arms, and as the coffin goes down and I realize (she’s really gone).


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