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Circle of Elements: Water and Wind Collide

Page 3

by Mandy Adler

  “Aeolius, it means, Keeper of the Wind.” He replied looking at me.

  “Powerful?” I questioned again. Duh, Ella. The man just held Asher in the air with no effort, plus, he just stated he was the leader of his circle. I could seriously smack myself sometimes.

  He just smiled and nodded, not looking away from me. “What else can you do besides shoot freezing cold water?”

  I didn’t answer. I just closed my eyes and made it snow just on top of the three of us. When I opened my eyes, I saw his eyes widen. He smiled encouragingly. Then I let the snow stop and made the rain come, again only on our little triangle, though keeping the water from getting us wet, hoping we were far enough from prying eyes. Then I stopped it and pressed my hand to the ground and made an ice sculpture of a snowman.

  “Very powerful indeed. So, if I can ask, why do you need training?” He asked me kindly. Something in me wanted to trust him. I don’t understand it, I never trust anyone but Asher. But it’s there all the same.

  “When my emotions get too high I can freeze a room without meaning to and get caught up in it,” I remembered that horrible day when a foster father had pushed me against the wall and I accidentally froze him to the point he had died. I could feel the tears welling up. Ash had covered for me, but the guilt is the same. I would have never thought I was capable of killing a man until that day.

  I saw Christian stiffen, but his eyes were still kind. “Killing humans is forbidden, it calls for death.” He said, guessing at the tears.

  “She was fourteen and the man slammed her up against the wall. That was after he beat her badly enough to break her arm and turn her black and blue!” Asher said standing again, I could feel his heat rising. “If you want to hurt my sister, you’ll have to go through me first.”

  I have always felt the guilt since that day. I could feel the tears coming faster. Not all of the homes were like that. Some people could be extremely kind, but there are always people driven by hate.

  Asher looked at me and his face softened. His heat slowly died down. He felt the grief too, just not the same as mine. He thought he should have protected me better. Silly brother thinks I am his responsibility. I love him for it, but I am responsible for myself. He reached for my hand and I held onto it like a lifeline.

  Christian cleared his throat, making Asher and I look over at him. “Self-defense is allowed. It is one of the exceptions of killing humans or our own kind. The other exception is to defend our circle… or one’s chosen.” Christian said, rising to stand. “You will have to join my circle, you cannot stay rogue or the council will have you both killed. We will train you both, and you may both help guard this area.”

  I looked to Asher while he thought about this. We didn’t trust easily, but it would be nice being around people who understood. But I wouldn’t make this call without him, it was about the both of us.

  Finally, we both nodded. “But if anything happens to my sister, you deal with me.” I rolled my eyes at Asher’s declaration.

  Christian smiled at us both and gave Asher a quick nod to let him know he heard him. We all stood and started back to class. We had to act like it was just a normal school day, like our worlds haven’t just been shaken with knowledge. Like that was even possible.

  Asher walked me to my literature class silently and headed to his own. I think we both just had too much on our minds to say anything right now. We would have to talk later.

  I went to the teacher and he pointed me to a desk without introductions, I knew I’d like this class. I took the seat he pointed to by the window and opened my notebook. I began writing my poems. I think it helps me think a little.

  Your water roars, water flows, waters still.

  Sure as the warm river rushes,

  love fills the air, and both hearts thaw.

  Always remember time heals all.

  Trust in this love, trust in your mate,

  For the time is near to meet your fate.

  What the heck is that? I mean, yeah. Sometimes I write some crazy stuff. But this one makes absolutely no sense.

  I felt the air stir my hair around my face and looked to see Christian smile and take the seat behind me next to a girl who was sending such looks of hate at me- I could feel myself letting the temperature drop.

  Christian snapped his head to the girl beside him. “Aura! She is a fellow caster and a soon to be a member of this circle. Leave her be! We will discuss this later, after classes.” His voice was sharp, reminding me he was the leader of his circle.

  I was trying to ease the cold off and was having complications. I closed my eyes trying to concentrate when I felt a hand on my shoulder… his hand. I looked back and Christian smiled. I could feel him pushing air into me calming the cold. How… odd.

  “Relax, she’s not going to harm you. You are one of us now. Breathe, young Zarya.” He told me calmly, keeping his hand where it was until the cold receded. “No harm will come to you now, this I shall promise.”

  The girls head snapped over at the mention of my power name. She knew what it meant, and she didn’t seem to like it. Well tough, I didn’t come up with it after all.

  “Cora, this is Ella. She will be joining our circle tonight. It’s Friday and the moon is full. It will be a good night for it. Ella, Cora is a wind caster like me, only not as strong. Her power name simply means wind.” He winked, as Cora pouted. She didn’t like him telling me her power name meaning. I wanted to stick my tongue out at her. I know, I’m mature like that. Hey, I didn’t actually do it, so that’s something.

  “Her brother is a fire caster and a powerful caster like his twin here. He will be joining us tonight also.” He was still watching me as he said this. I was trying not to squirm in my seat at his attention.

  “Rogues!” Cora spat with revulsion. “They should be destroyed, not asked to be joined to us.” I was really beginning to not like this girl. She acted like a lot of the angry foster kids I had seen over the years, and they always meant trouble.

  “You question your Master Caster?” He asked as her hair blew around her face. The control he had over his power was amazing, I couldn’t wait for control like that.

  “No, no sir.” She stuttered, cowering back in her seat. Wow, when he said the circle must obey the leader he wasn’t kidding. I hoped Asher could get used to following rules, it would be nice to stay and learn to control our powers.

  “How old are you?” I whispered to her. She just turned her head away instead of answering. Well, fine! But this whole age thing is bizarre. Neither of them looked past my age.

  “She’s fifty-one,” Christian answered for her, still eyeing the girl.

  When the teacher called our attention to class I turned back around and continued writing in my notebook. This is turning out to be one heck of a day. I was exhausted, and we hadn’t really even done anything yet.


  Rogues? How did they get in our territory undetected? The girl though… she was something else. The need to protect her rose in my chest, yeah, she was something. I’m hoping her brother won’t be a problem though. Fires are known to have a temper, but his would put the others to shame. There was no way I could bring myself to hurt either of them, so the only thing left was to offer to train them. The Elders were not going to be happy about me not reporting them, but that was my decision to make for now. I thought back to the fierceness in her eyes as she defended her brother. She had some of her brother’s fire in her, she not as timid as I first thought she was. And she was gorgeous, I mean like, made my heart stop when I saw her, I felt like I’ve known her my whole life, and I hadn’t even spoken to her then. She took me by surprise, which is not something I’m used to.

  Though Cora didn’t seem happy with her. Her attitude was getting on my last nerve. What did she think she was doing challenging me? I was going to have to do something about her, I know she thinks she has a claim to me, but there was no way anything was happening between us. Though maybe Ella… No, it’s just this da
mn need to protect her, that’s all. They will both be an asset to this circle. Won’t Dylan be surprised when I bring two rogues home with me? He would accept them, that was just how he was.

  No, it was just Cora that would need to be dealt with. For if I’m right Ella will be in my life for a long time. Just this feeling I can’t shake. This feeling that she is mine and mine alone. Mine to protect, mine to care for, mine to live for. If I am right and she is my Chosen, nothing and no one will be getting between us. Though I think I will ease her into the idea, I don’t think her, nor her brother will be open to the idea quite yet. But that doesn’t mean I’m letting her go anywhere. I’ll wait for the mate signs before saying anything. I’ve waited this long for her to come along, I can’t wait a little longer. One thing over the years I have learned is how to be patient.

  One thing is for sure, this lonely existence is about to get much more filling. The Roster Twins are about to shake things up, and they don’t even know it.

  The thought made me laugh out loud, causing a few looks in my direction. Something tells me life is about to get a lot more interesting.

  Chapter Four

  The rest of the day went on like that. I talked to Christian in the classes I had with him and talked with Asher and Kira in the classes they had with me. I actually had people other than Ash to talk to! That was kind of exciting, as lame as that is.

  Asher met me outside my class and we walked out to the jeep in silence. Christian was standing beside it waiting. “Follow me and I will lead the way, do you need to call someone to let them know you will not be home after school?” He cocked his head to the side as he waited for our answer, making his hair fall forward into his eyes. My fingers itched to push it back. What the heck was wrong with me today?

  “No. Our new foster parents said no curfew except on school nights. It’s Friday so we should be good. Besides, we aren’t normally in a home but a few months.” Asher shrugged before continuing. “It helps keep our secret safe. So, it doesn’t really matter what they think.”

  “But I like this town, Ash, I’m tired of moving,” I told my brother, softly. I thought he did too. I cared what the Coopers thought, they seemed kind.

  “Don’t whine, Ella, it keeps you safe to move.” He told me. I pouted and he sighed. “I didn’t say we are leaving, just that it could happen. I will keep you in this town if that’s what you want. But I can’t promise about the Coopers yet.” I knew he would cave, he always does when it came to me.

  “You two have never had a real family, a real home?” Christian asked quietly. He shouldn’t pity us. Asher and I had each other, that’s more than a lot of kids have.

  “We are each other’s family,” I replied simply. That was all we really needed anyway. It has always been this way. And we were okay with it.

  He looked between Asher and I a moment longer before nodding and turning towards his own car.

  We followed past the town and to a large house that was on a private beach. The house was beautiful. It was two stories high, and it looked perfect sitting on the beach. The beach!

  “Quite Squirming. I’m sure he’ll let us go down and see the water.” Asher laughed softly.

  I looked at him as sternly as I could. “Don’t lose your cool, we have to do this. If we don’t, and some other caster finds us, they will kill us. Just listen to Christian, Ash. We have no other choice. We could learn something about ourselves. Please?”

  He sighed with a roll of his eyes, but nodded and opened his door and got out. Christian waited at his front door, holding it open for us.

  We walked past him and waited. He led us to the kitchen. “The others will be here soon, then we will have the meeting on the beach. We have torches there. So, we all have our element. Fire, water, earth, and air. There are very few spirit casters in the world so we do not have one in our circle, but we have all the other elements to complete it. It will just be myself, Cora, and my best friend. He’s an earth caster. The others will stay the night here, it will be late by the time we are done. You two are also welcome to stay the night also.”

  “Thank you.” I said to him the same time Asher replied, “We’ll think about it.” I elbowed him, hard while he shot me a glare.

  “Something to drink while we wait?” Christian asked us, going to the fridge.

  “Cokes fine, thanks,” Asher told him, sitting down at the table.

  “Coffee?” I asked quietly.

  He nodded, “You always so quiet?”

  “Yes,” Asher laughed, “Unless you piss her off, then you can’t shut her up.”

  They both laughed while I punched Asher in the arm. He pretended it hurt, and I mock scowled. Jerk. I did not talk a lot when mad. I didn’t.

  Then the door swung open and Cora and a guy I didn’t know walked in. The guy was around five-sevenish, brown hair, and gray eyes that had brown around the center. He walked in with an easy smile until he saw Asher and me, then he stiffened. Cora stood against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest, the scowl never left her face.

  “Rogues? You brought rogues here?” He asked Christian tightly.

  “They are to join our circle. Ella here is Zarya, and Asher is Nuriel. The will be a great asset. They did not know what they were until I told them today.” Christian replied. “Be nice.”

  The guy looked us over with an obviously impressed expression. “Are you each other’s chosen?”

  I spit my coffee out and Asher burst out laughing. Even Christian looked amused.

  “No!” I got out, “We are twins. Heavens no. That would be gross.” How could he not see that? Other than the height Asher and I looked just alike.

  “My apologies. I am Dylan… or Terran. It means earth-man.” He told us, grinning. Happy guy, this one. “Welcome to our humble circle!”

  Asher and Dylan shook hands while I stood back, leery. He looked nice enough but a lot of people looked nice, that didn’t mean they were.

  “Can we see what you two can do?” Dylan asked us.

  “We can do a demonstration outside; the ritual will begin soon,” Christian announced.

  He then went upstairs, grabbed a bag, and hefted it over his shoulder. We all walked out the back sliding door that led to the beach. There was a pile of wood, like for a small bonfire, logs arranged in the shape of a circle around it. And un-lit torches were all around. We walked over and Dylan sat on a log with Cora on another one. I was itching to step into the water but I knew that would have to wait.

  “Alright, Nuriel. Light ‘em up.” Christian stated to my brother.

  Asher grinned wide, loving the chance to use his power without hiding it. He raised his arms and spread them wide. The pile of wood suddenly went ablaze, along with every one of the torches. Then Christian looked at me and nodded. Not knowing what I was supposed to do I raised one hand and pulled a stream of water out of the ocean and let it float around the circle, not letting it touch anyone or the ground. I then let it take the shape of a water nymph and made it dance around the fire. All their mouths dropped open. All but Asher’s, he has seen me make water shapes dance before. The water felt so natural, so much a part of me.

  “Powerful indeed,” Dylan murmured while Christian looked at me with what seemed to be awe.

  “Pallor tricks, how is a dancing nymph going to help us fight?” Cora grumbled spitefully.

  Fine. She thinks all I can do is pallor tricks? Let’s try this then. I let the stream fall back into the ocean and pointed opened palmed at Cora. I let sharp icicles fly to her and made them stop inches from her. Then I made them spread around, to where they surrounded and trapped her. Then I let them drop. She sent me a look of pure hatred and I smiled. Take that. I don’t know what has gotten into me, but this girl rubs me the wrong way. I did not like her, that was for sure.

  “Well, I guess that answers that question.” Dylan supplied, trying not to laugh- but failing. “I think things will be a lot more interesting with the wonder twin here.”

  “Rules. W
e tell no one our power names, they stay in the circle. Some believe if one knows your power name, they have a power over you. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but better safe than sorry. Two, killing humans or other casters unless in defense is punishable by death. Three, you follow the rules of your circle’s Master Caster, which is me. If you disobey, there will be consequences. And last, tell no humans about us.” Christian said to us, ticking the numbers off his fingers.

  “Now, let’s get this show on the road. Ella, stand here it’s the West spot and Asher, there at South. Cora and I will stand East and Dylan will be North.” He pointed to the spots he wanted us at, nodding when he that saw we followed his directions. “Tonight, we are going to do a formal circle to introduce Ella and Asher.”

  He then walked over to Dylan and touched the green stone around his neck. “Earth represents strength, abundance, stability, prosperity, wealth. We welcome you to this circle, Terran.” Dylan grinned at his friend and nodded once.

  Christian then walked over to Cora and touched her stone and held his own in his hand, “Air represents the mind, intelligence, ideas, knowledge, dreams, and wishes. Air also rules the visualization. I Aeolius, welcome you Aura, a fellow air to this circle.” She smiled sweetly, making my stomach green with an emotion I wasn’t familiar with.

  He then moved in front of my brother. He put what looked like a ruby around his neck. “Fire represents energy, inspiration, love, passion, heat, leadership, and change. We welcome and accept you to our circle, Nuriel.” He smiled at my brother.

  Then walked to me. He gently put a blue stone around my neck. While looking into my eyes, he spoke. My stomach swirled. “Water represents emotions, absorption, subconscious, purification, eternal movement, wisdom, the soul, and emotional aspects of love and femininity. We welcome you and accept you to our circle, Zarya.” Goosebumps covered my arms.


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