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Circle of Elements: Water and Wind Collide

Page 4

by Mandy Adler

  When he walked back his spot, the bonfire flared up and the air whipped around us, sending my hair into my face. Leaves flew in circles, and the ocean waves crashed- sending it on our feet. I felt the tingle on right wrist and when I looked down, I saw a different symbol from the one on my left that I shared with my brother. It was a beautiful design, full of twists and swirls. I looked over at Asher and saw him doing the same. We all sat down on the logs and just enjoyed the feeling of our elements flowing freely around us. It was invigorating. I never knew it could feel like this.

  As I was sitting, idly playing with the stone at my neck, Christian came and sat down next to me. “It is an aquamarine. You and your brother must wear these stones at all times, it represents your element and will help as protection.” He told me, showing me his own.

  “What’s the meaning of it?” I asked, knowing it had to have one. All these stones seem to mean something.

  “Aquamarine is a stone of courage. It will help you find strength. It is also the color of water, with its life-giving properties it should help you. This stone is attuned to the ocean and will help you to get in touch with the spirits of the sea, not that you need any help with that.” He let out a small laugh and a smiled at the rich sound.

  “What does yours mean?” I asked him shyly, tucking a lock of hair behind my ears.

  “Alexandrite is a very rare stone, it changes colors, it was handed down to me from my father. It protects me from sudden changes and will protect me in unfamiliar lands, we travel quite often, so I’m sure it comes in handy. I will also be protected from following useless quests. Not that I usually go one useless quests. It should not be worn by those who cannot hold onto their own decisions, and are easily swayed by the influence of others. Or by those who are afraid to defy other conventions for fear of criticism. It urges me to be bold, adventurous, and to make daring decisions.” He smiled softly. Wow. Who knew a stone could hold so much meaning? I didn’t think he needed any help fear criticism, he seemed confident in himself.

  I began playing with my new mark and Christian put his wrist against mine to show me that they were the same, it was the circle’s marking. He ran his finger over my wrist, tracing the shape of the mark. I shivered and he smiled like he knew something I didn’t.

  “I think your girlfriend is getting mad,” I whispered. Cora was glaring at us so hard it was almost comical. The girl has issues clearly.

  “Cora and I haven’t been together in years and she is always angry. Which is why her stone represents calming. It is supposed to help calm her moods.” He said to me with a smile. “It doesn’t always work.” I laughed. Glancing over at her, I giggled again. He was right, it doesn’t work for her.

  “Hey, so what do you think, little sister?” Asher said as he strolled over to us and sat by my legs on the sand. “Pretty cool huh?” I rolled my eyes at him, stood and walked off. But just to the edge of the water. I had waited since we arrived to step in the ocean.

  Asher always took everything in stride, I needed a little more time to take this all in. I closed my eyes letting the water flow through me. Asher would think it’s cool. I guess it is, although it’s a little frightening too. So much change in so little time.

  I could hear the others talking back at the circle behind me. I kept my back to them but listened all the same.

  “That was intense,” Dylan said with excitement.

  “Yes. We have four out of five elements now, so we should be a very strong circle. We could really help with the problems if they arise.” Christian replied smoothly.

  “You are very good with your element, Asher. Who taught you?” I heard Dylan ask my brother.

  “No one. We grew up in foster care so we taught each other as we learned. With a few flukes, I think we figured it out okay.” Asher laughed. I rolled my eyes. A few flukes indeed. That was an understatement of the year.

  “Alright, let's go in and get some food,” Christian announced with a clap of his hands, “Ella, will you put out the fire for us?”

  I turned and walked to the edge of the circle. I raised my hands in front of the bonfire and then let a bubble of water grow in front of me. When I thought it was big enough I let several smaller bubbles split off from it and sent them to the torches that were spread around. I then sent the big bubble to the bonfire letting it completely devour the flames. Dylan and Asher clapped enthusiastically. Those two were going to get along just fine I could already see it.

  “Very good, Ella.” Christian complimented with a smile.

  He then picked up his bag and led us all to his house. We piled in the kitchen and sat around his huge circular table. He then called the local pizza place and order five large pizzas for everyone to eat.

  “So, what can your element do?” I asked Dylan. What kinds of things did earth casters do I wonder?

  He grinned and walked over to a plant that was on the counter. I watched as the plant grew at least four feet taller and then sprouted beautiful purple flowers. Amazing. “I can do more, but not in the house. Dealing with earth power can get messy.” Dylan snickered.

  “Yes, please. I do not wish to get mud out of the carpet again, Dylan.” Christian said with a laugh, playfully pushing Dylan.

  “I understand completely. Water is not the driest power, everywhere I go I seem to leave puddles.” I told him, thinking of all the messes I’ve made.

  “Understatement.” Asher coughed dryly.

  Everyone laughed at that while I fake glared at my brother. Everyone except Cora, who was still looking like she detested me. Why would she hate me? I haven’t done anything to her.

  “So, Cora how long have you lived here?” I asked, trying to be sociable. I would try to get along with her even if it killed me.

  “I have been with Christian, in this circle for thirty years.” She snapped at me. Why did I even try? Did she have to bite my head off every time I opened my mouth?

  “We have all only been in this town for two years. We move to keep humans from seeing us not age like they do.” Christian told me calmly. He ignored Cora’s remark altogether. He had more patience than me.

  We all sat and chatting for a while. Asher told them stories of where we’ve been or what crazy things we’ve done over the years. They all laughed when Asher told them some of the more crazier things we’ve done. And there had been quite a few crazy days. We might not have had an easy life, but you had to a fun when you could.

  “You two are very close,” Dylan remarked in a light tone, eyeing us.

  “Well yeah. It has always just been us.” I replied with a shrug and I saw Asher nod. Always has and that was okay.

  “You know twins are very rare. We are lucky if we can conceive even one child. It is said only a chosen pair has a set of twins. Two children for the combined souls of the soul-mates to split in two.” Christian told us, “It is also said that once two souls find each other and the marks are matched, their lives are to forever be connected. If one is to perish, the other will never be whole again.”

  “That’s romantic,” I whispered. Okay, so maybe I’m a little sappy. Who wouldn’t want a fairy tale love? Though it was little sad to think one would never be a whole person again if they lost their other half.

  “It’s just crap is what it is. I know casters that been here forever and never found their chosen. I have never seen it happen, all we know are what the elders tell us.” Cora chimed in.

  “I have met chosen pairs at the council, Cora. Believe me, they do exist.” Christian responded, still looking at me.

  What I don’t get is why he felt was so familiar. I felt like we had met somewhere before, but I knew we hadn’t. I would have remembered him. I reached back and scratched the base of my neck, where it had started itching. The doorbell rang and Christian popped up to get it. He spread the pizza out on the table and set the stereo on to play music low in the background.

  “Are we going to the end of school dance next week?” Cora asked Christian as he sat down to eat, batting
her lashes. Does that even work? It looks kind of silly. Why would blinking rapidly attract a guy?

  He shrugged. “Don’t see why not, we need to keep an eye on our newest circle members. And seeing this is their first time through high school, they will most likely want to go.” He said looking between Asher and me.

  Asher nodded giving me the puppy dog look. I laughed and kicked him under the table. Like I would tell him no.

  “Fine Asher, I will go. But I will not hang around you all night, while you pawn over some poor girl. And no burning anyone I might dance with.” I told him, it has happened before. More than once.

  “He burns your dates?” asked Dylan, while he and Christian chuckled.

  “Every time. I never go on second dates because anyone who has ever asked me out has had a pant leg on fire. Or a sudden burn in unpleasant places, they began to think I was jinxed. I only ever dated one guy for over a year, and my brother put him in the hospital.” I replied dryly, glaring at my brother.

  “Hey, it is my job to look out for you, sis. Aaron deserved it. If I had known he was such a jerk I would have put him there sooner.” He told me sweetly, while I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed and ruffled my hair. I wasn’t really mad, Asher always went to the extreme to protect me.

  He went to the sink and turned on the water to rinse his plate off. So, I might have made the water shoot up in his face, rather than the plate. He turned around and gave me a false stern look.

  I pretended to be very interested in my nails, though we both knew I chewed them to nearly nothing. “Ella...” He drew out.

  “Hmm?” I said as I pretending to be shocked when I looked at him. “Oh, you're all wet! Christian, I think your sink is broken. Ash, you should be more careful.”

  They all laughed while my brother heated himself to dry. “Brat.” He laughed.

  “Children! They are just children! They shouldn’t be in the circle. They fool with the powers that are meant to be used in battle!” Cora shouted, sending me a look of daggers. What is her deal? She even stomped her foot! I wanted to laugh. She was over fifty and still stomped her foot?

  “They are playing Cora, relax. Even Dylan and I play with our powers. You have to have fun when you can.” Christian told her calmly.

  “You never play. You train or you fight. Dylan trains with you, it is not playing like little children that don’t deserve their power.” Cora growled out. Sheesh lady, take a chill pill.

  “I play. My garden didn’t grow itself.” Dylan told her laughing. She huffed and then stomped out of the kitchen.

  “Don’t mind her. She is not used to new people. She is just going to her assigned room. Come, and I will show you two to your rooms. You don’t have to use them, but they will always be here for you if the need ever arises,” Christian said, walking out of the kitchen. We walked upstairs and he led us to a first room. It had a twin bed and was simple but nicely decorated.

  “Asher this will be your room, the bathroom is down the hall,” Christian told my brother. He then led me to next room. “This will be your room, Ella. If you need anything, my room is at the end of the hall.” He told me.

  I nodded and he walked to his room and shut the door. Asher and I exchanged a look. Did we want to be separated? I shrugged. Why not? We are connected to them now.

  “Just come get me if you need me. Or just don’t want to be alone. Got it?” Asher gave me a small smile and continued into his room after I told him I would get him if I needed to.

  So, I walked into the room Christian gave me and laid on the bed, looking at the ceiling. What was it about him that seemed so familiar? I feel so comfortable around him, safe even. I normally only even feel safe when I’m with Asher. Yes, Christian was hot, I can’t deny that. But it was more than that.

  I got up and went to tie my hair up to sleep when I saw it. A mark on the base of my neck. It was pretty, it started at my hairline and reached to about my shoulder blades. Who was the chosen other? I wonder… Crap I’m not even seventeen yet, how can I belong to someone? This is just too weird, I can’t think about this right now. I need the water, I need to center myself before I can even think about sleep. This world is so bizarre, I still didn’t know what to think about everything.

  I cracked my door and peeked around. It was dark so everyone must have gone to bed. I snuck out the door and quietly padded to the back door, and eased it open. Then I headed out to the ocean. I stepped to the edge of the waves and closed my eyes, letting the feel of it relax and focus me. This was what I needed, it was like coming home to an old friend with open arms. I let out a sigh and smiled.


  Dylan knows there is some up, he’s not pushing for answers, but he will soon enough. There is a spark between Ella and me that anyone can see. And I know without a drop of doubt now, she is my chosen, my forever. The marking on the back of neck revealed itself after the first time I touched her, the tingling of it being imprinted onto my skin made me want to shout with overjoy. But I don’t think that would have gone over well with the rest of our circle.

  I also needed to be prepared for Cora’s reaction, she was acting strangely, and I was worried for Ella’s safety. Someone help the witch that comes between me and mine. I needed to deal with her sooner rather than later.

  I pause from my workout downstairs when I hear the back door slide open, I know without looking that Ella is going out to the water. The turmoil pouring out of her makes me groan. She knows. She must be so confused. The fear of her rejecting the claim tightens my chest and I have to remind myself that she is still so new to this world. Patients, I must have patience with her and this bond. I have all the time in the world to convince her to trust me and let me in, let me have a piece of her heart the way she already has mine.

  Finally, after a few minutes, I wander outside and just watch her, letting her work out her feelings. She needed this time with the water to ground herself, I would give her that. But that didn’t mean I would stand guard making sure she was safe, she still didn’t know the dangers of being out here alone at night. I would be anything she needs to be whether that be a guard, friends, or trainer until she was ready for more, I would just be here for her. I will give her time to come to terms with the knowledge she was mine before joining her and explaining what all this means in terms of us.

  Chapter Five


  After a while, I stepped back. I sat on the sand and watched as the waves came up to my feet. After a little while longer, I felt a blanket being placed around my shoulders and looked up.

  “You looked cold,” Christian said, sitting down beside me and giving me a knowing look, filled with something I wasn’t sure I was ready for.

  “You knew,” I said simply, looking back out at the water. He didn’t reply, he just lifted his hair and showed me the identical mark on the base of his neck. There it was, identical to mine. “What does this mean Christian?” I’m not afraid to say I’m scared. I mean, this is so strange! Yesterday I had never even met another one of us, never even heard of more. And now I’m tied to one.

  “It doesn’t have to mean anything just yet. I know we just met. You have time to get to know me first, then you can decide what you want. We can just start off as friends. Ella. I have waited over a hundred years for my chosen. I can wait a little longer until you are ready.” He told me with soft eyes.

  Okay, so now I was melting into a big puddle of mushy goo. “Really? We can just be friends for now?” I asked softly.

  “If that is what you need. That is what soul mates are about, I will do anything to make you happy, my Zarya. And if what you need is time to process, then that is fine. We will get to know one another, give you time to trust me. You have only known me for a day, give it time.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered to him. And I meant it, he was so patient and that means a lot. I couldn’t imagine waiting a hundred years for something you’ve always known about. But I wasn’t ready to jump into anything yet. Like he said, it�
�s only been one day!

  “Anything. But let’s not tell everyone else about the marks just yet. Cora is acting strangely and I need to figure out why first. Then… when we figure out where we are, we will tell them.” He said while still gazing at me.

  I nodded and we sat side by side without talking. We just sat watching the waves until first light. It was the calmest I had felt in a very long time.

  “My brother is going to be up soon,” I told him, thinking how Asher would react if he woke and couldn’t find me. He would probably blow up the house looking for me.

  He nodded and stood, holding a hand out to me. I placed my hand in his and let him lead me to the house. I went to the kitchen and started pulling things out of the fridge.

  “What are you doing?” He stepped up beside me.

  “Making breakfast,” I replied. I have to do something to keep my mind busy. And casters must eat too.

  He shrugged and started helping me prepare breakfast for the house. Every once in a while, his hand would linger when it touched mine. We reached for the eggs at the same time, and when our hands touched, we grabbed each other’s hand instead. It was like an impulse I couldn’t control. I found myself wondering if it was the same for him. He was like a magnet I was drawn to.

  “Friends,” I whispered, wondering how I was going to manage that. It’s been less than twenty-four hours and the feelings were already so strong. I guess that’s how this magic works.

  “Yes, friends.” He whispered back but was slowly leaning towards me.

  “Morning!” Dylan chirped as he walked in.

  Christian and I moved away from each other quickly. Then Cora and Asher walked in. Talk about saved by the bell.

  “I went to check on you, Ella. Where were you all night?” Asher questioned, waiting for my reply.

  “I couldn’t sleep so I went to watch the water. Then I fell asleep on the beach.” I told him.

  I hated lying to him, I had never done it before. But how would he react if he knew I was marked with Christian? That I had found my chosen? I wasn’t ready to tell him till I knew what it meant myself. He would just have to get over it.


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