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Lovable Lawyer

Page 21

by Karen Deen

  It’s the first time I’ve seen Paige just do what Mason says without question.

  After she’s gone upstairs to their room, I look across to him and mouth the words thank you. I’m not sure how Paige and I would navigate our new relationship if we didn’t have Mason here to be the mediator. He knows her, and even though he doesn’t know me that well, he understands me on a level no one else does. Except Lex.

  “I know you must be nervous about today, Mia,” Ashton says. “You don’t know me, and from where you’ve been that is enough to be unsettling. So, here’s a few options I thought of. I can spend all day downstairs at the doors to the elevator. No one can get up here without using it. That way you can be on your own and not have to worry about me. Or I can spend a little time up here this morning, talking and getting to know you and the kids, so they aren’t scared of me. Then if you want some quiet time, I will go back downstairs and then you just call me if you need me. Once Mason comes home, I’ll leave him to it. I’m not offended either way. My job is to keep you safe, and to do that you need to be comfortable around me. So, your call.”

  Both he and Mason are now looking at me for an answer. To be honest, my head is still spinning at everything he said, and all I can think of are Lex’s words reminding me I have choices now. This is what Ashton is doing. Giving me the power of choice.

  As I lift Jack down from his seat, he races off to the living room where his toys are neatly stacked, but I know not for long.

  “Thank you, Ashton. I appreciate that. There is no need for you to stay downstairs. I agree the kids and I need to get to know you. I don’t want them to be scared of anyone anymore.” Picking up Kayla from the highchair and putting her up on my shoulder, I give her a few pats on the back to bring up any gas before walking over to where Jack is and sitting her down. Propping her up with a few cushions. She is sitting on her own but only just, so they help her keep her balance.

  “I agree, Mia, and now I’m happy leaving knowing you two can play nice together.” Mason laughs at his own joke, walking towards the stairs. “Now I need to go and calm the wild woman upstairs who’s probably pacing with worry. She’s just lucky we have company, so I can’t use my usual methods.” The smirk on his face says it all.

  “Lalalalala my sister, remember? Visions I do not need.” I place my hands over my ears to pretend I can’t hear him.

  Still laughing all the way up the stairs, we see Mason disappear towards the bedroom.

  “Can I help you clean up from breakfast?” Ashton offers, picking up a cloth to start wiping things down.

  “Oh no, please, you aren’t here to be at my beck and call. Just to watch over me. I can do that.” I feel embarrassed at having him here at all.

  “You’re right, but I’m hoping we can become friends, and friends help each other. If we both do it, then the quicker we can sit, have a coffee, and chat.” Ashton just ignores me anyway and continues to help.

  With everything in the dishwasher, the kitchen and table wiped down, we’re making coffee when Paige and Mason come down the stairs, still having a heated discussion. Obviously, Mason was unsuccessful at calming her down.

  “You two okay here? I’m off to the airport, and Paige’s driver will be downstairs shortly.” Mason walks to Ashton and gives him a slap on the shoulder, then continues past us to say goodbye to the kids.

  Paige takes my hand and pulls me back into the kitchen on our own. Whispering to me so the boys can’t hear us, “Are you okay? I can stay if you want. I don’t want you feeling worried and us leaving you all on your own. I mean, Ashton is a nice man, but I know it’s harder for you than others to be left alone…”

  “Paige, stop talking and breathe.” The irony of all this is that with the speed she’s talking, it’s almost like she is the one about to have the panic attack, not me. The tough, strong businesswoman standing in front of me is far from in control.

  “I’m okay and already feel better since Ashton arrived. I have my phone and can call you or Lex if I’m worried. He told me last night he could be here within ten minutes if I need him. He’s not in court today.”

  Paige freezes and her expression changes as I finish talking. A smile starts to creep up her face.

  “What?” I ask. She stands back a little and looks me up and down.

  “You were talking to Lex last night, huh? Didn’t happen to fall asleep on the floor talking to a certain lawyer, did we?”

  I walk away with a smile on my face. “Paige, go to work and stop being nosy,” I say over my shoulder.

  “But that’s what big sisters do.” She laughs behind me.

  This part of being a sister I think I’m going to like. We might be almost forty, but the teasing is fun and something I’ve never had the chance to do before. There’s a lot to make up for.


  Lying in bed messaging with Mia feels the most normal thing I’ve done in a long time. I know I shouldn’t be doing it, but the innocent flirting that’s starting to happen between us is giving me hope that down the track there could maybe be a place for us to explore more. Seeing the bubbles bounce, waiting to hear something she hasn’t told another soul excites me that she is trusting me quicker than I was hoping.

  Mia: I’m scared

  Fuck, I hate hearing how scared you are. I wish I could take it all away, but I can’t. It’s a process we need to go through. Yet this is something I’ve known from the first moment I looked into your eyes, I want more than this.

  Lex: I know, baby. and I’m sorry about that. But I knew that. Tell me something else.

  Mia: You don’t understand what I mean.

  Shit, what have I missed? Is there more she hasn’t told me?

  Lex: Then make me understand.

  Mia: I’m scared I’m falling for you.

  My heart skips a beat. I never imagined that was what she was going to say. Oh, beautiful, the moment you took my hand that night and let me be your strength, I fell hook, line, and sinker. I reply the only words I can.

  Lex: Don’t be scared. I’ve already fallen.

  My head keeps telling me to pull back, but my heart is having trouble listening. Then she says things like this to me and I’m gone. I have all the control in the world in the courtroom, yet with Mia everything just comes out. I can’t be anything but honest with her, and today showed me she is the same.

  There are no bubbles of reply coming. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. Clutching at my phone, I’m debating with myself. What should I say? Do I smooth it over, or just leave that hanging and change the topic?

  Or do I just be honest.

  Lex: I’m sure that frightens you, but know it frightens me just as much. There is no rush to this. We have a lifetime to work it out.

  Mia: Why do you always have the right words to calm me and make me flutter at the same time?

  Lex: There has not been a romantic bone in my body before you. It’s you that’s doing this to me.

  Mia: Stop, otherwise I’ll be here in a wet puddle before long.

  Ugh. She’s killing me. I doubt we’re thinking about the same wet puddle right now. I definitely can’t reply anything like that. Then she’ll run for the hills.

  Lex: I hope we are talking happy tears sort of puddle?

  Mia: Yep, let’s go with that.

  “That’s it, woman, there is no way I’m sleeping now.” I’m talking to her like she’s here, or maybe that’s wishful thinking.

  I make myself comfortable because I don’t want to say goodnight yet, but I need to lighten the conversation for both our sakes.

  Lex: Let’s do twenty questions about each other. What’s your favorite color?

  Mia: Mine is yellow like sunflowers and the stars. What’s yours?

  Lex: I would say it used to be black because I’m boring, but I’m starting to rethink that.

  Mia: Favorite ice cream?

  Lex: Cookies and cream.

  Mia: Now I’m the boring one – vanilla for me. Not that I’ve tasted many flav

  Lex: Then it’s my mission to introduce you to the finer things in life like cookies-and-cream ice cream. You will never be able to eat your boring vanilla again.

  Mia: Don’t bet on it. I can’t imagine the texture of crunchy cookies in creamy ice cream. It doesn’t sound appetizing at all.

  Lex: Wow, how dare you pick on my flavor. You will take that back eventually, just you wait.

  Mia: Haha we’ll see.

  Lex: Favorite movie?

  Mia: All-time hands-down favorite – Pretty Woman.

  Lex: Of course, a chick flick.

  Mia: Hello – I’m a chick!

  Lex: Fair point. Why that movie?

  Mia: Julia Roberts and Richard Gere are amazing, but the story every girl dreams of. The prince riding in to rescue the girl. So many nights I dreamed of that.

  Tucking that comment away for later.

  Lex: You aren’t allowed to laugh at mine.

  Mia: Why, is it something stupid like The Hangover? Oh wait, is that what you four boys are like in Vegas?

  Lex: God no, although us in Vegas when we were single was not a pretty sight.

  Lex: Lion King.

  Mia: What? I did not see that coming. Why Lion King?

  Lex: I don’t know, when I was a kid it just really resonated with me. Maybe I saw myself as Simba. Wanting to run away from the life I was destined for. Who knows?

  Lex: Wow, that got deep quick. By the way, if you tell anyone that I will deny every single word.

  Mia: Your little-boy secret is safe with me.

  Why did I even tell her that? It makes me look like an idiot. I need to redeem my man card.

  Lex: But if you want to know my big-boy favorite movie – Braveheart.

  Mia: I haven’t seen that one.

  Lex: Right, it’s a date – movie night, Braveheart, while eating cookies-and-cream ice cream.

  Shit, why did I use the word date.

  Lex: Not like real date but as in the saying of ‘it’s a date.’

  Lex: Not that I wouldn’t want to take you on a date. But I know you wouldn’t want that.

  Lex: Plus, a first date would be better than movies and ice cream.

  Mia: Lex, stop.

  Mia: I know what you meant, and for the record, one day a proper date sounds like fun.

  Oh, it will be more than fun, Mia, you can count on that!

  Mia: Favorite song?

  Lex: Right now, Make it to me – Sam Smith

  Mia: She used to be mine – Sarah Bareilles

  Lex: Want to tell me why?

  Mia: Nope, you?

  Lex: Nope.

  I don’t know that song, but I need to listen to it. Give me a little more insight into who the real Mia is. Scrolling through my music app to find it, Mia is already sending another message which means she needs to change the topic, so I don’t ask questions.

  Mia: Favorite season of the year?

  Lex: Anything except winter. I hate playing basketball inside. Much prefer the fresh air. Live my life inside so getting outside is what I love.

  Mia: For me it’s spring. The new blooms, new beginnings. Coming out of the dark and cold.

  Her song is now playing, and my heart is breaking. This was her life. It’s like someone has written her inner thoughts. No wonder she loves spring. Well, sweetheart, every day from now on will be spring for you. I’ll make sure of it.

  Mia: Favorite food?

  Lex: Easy – Ribs.

  Mia: Such a boy.

  Mia: Chocolate.

  Lex: Such a girl.

  I can’t help but laugh at the ease we have been chatting now for a while. So glad Paige bought her the new phone. She doesn’t have to worry about using it or what it costs. I know it’s easier to chat like this for her at the moment than face to face. I’m okay with that.

  Mia: Where are you now?

  Lex: In bed, you?

  Mia: Lying under the window looking up at the stars

  Lex: In bed?

  Mia: Not quite.

  Lex: Are you tired?

  Mia: Mmm, getting a little sleepy.

  Lex: I’ll stop messaging then.

  Mia: No, I like it. You’re keeping me company.

  Lex: Tell me what you see?

  Mia: The stars, twinkling brightly in the sky

  Lex: What do they mean to you?

  Mia: Hope, a place to wish.

  Lex: For what?

  Mia: A better

  The bubbles start and then stop.

  Better what? What is she writing?

  There’s nothing coming. What’s happened to her, it’s like she started the message and hit send before she finished.

  Lex: Mia?

  I hope she’s okay. Maybe one of the kids woke up, or she fell asleep. That’s probably it.

  Lex: I’m guessing you fell asleep

  Lex: Dream of happiness and love, beautiful. Because that’s what you deserve.

  It’s hard to imagine that I’ve only known this woman for a few days, yet she has managed to bury herself so far into my heart I know I don’t want her to leave. The rational part of my brain is yelling at me to slow down and that it’s not normal to fall this fast. I’ve dated women in the past and never felt the pull I feel towards Mia. Please, Universe, don’t play with me like this. If I’m feeling some sort of need to be the rescuer, tell me now because this is going to hurt if it’s not what I’m picturing. Surely, I can’t feel this strongly about someone and it just be because they need my help. This is what they write songs about, the things I have been hearing from Grayson, Mason, and Tate.

  What if it is real for me but for Mia it is the hero complex? She’s falling for me because I’m the person helping her to find a new life. Maybe that new life won’t involve me.

  Thoughts are swirling in my head, but one thing I know for sure, I’m not walking away, and being hurt at the end is a risk I’m willing to take.

  “Greta, have we had any reply from the court about a hearing date after Mia’s restraining order was filed yesterday?”

  “Not yet, but I’ll let you know as soon as I do. How did she cope after the run-in with bitchface yesterday?” Greta replies without even looking up from her computer.

  “Greta, don’t call her that. She might act like it, but I have to believe deep down there is a nice person in there, just afraid to show her face. Maybe one day the right guy will bring her out.” I can’t believe that I spent all that time with a woman who has no good qualities at all. Surely, I’m not that shallow.

  “Hmm, not sure about that, but all I can say is I’m glad you aren’t that man.”

  “You’re like the protective little sister, aren’t you? I’m a big boy and can handle Jacinta. I doubt we’ll be seeing her for a while.” Not after yesterday’s heated discussion. I can only imagine what our next court encounter is going to be like.

  “Whatever. Just making sure you know if she hurts that gorgeous lady again, then I’ll be in the line to protect her too. Now want to explain why you cleared your schedule today? Do we have something big we need to work on?” She finally looks up from her keyboard, which I’m sure is to watch me squirm.

  “Just wanted to catch up on a few things, and yes, be available if Mia needs me today. So, don’t say a word and just keep working. If I have to put up with you and Blaine, then you can humor me on this, alright?” I look back down at my desk, continuing to write some notes so I don’t have to watch the smirk I’m sure she has on her face.

  “Yes, boss, not a word. Well, not today anyway. No guarantees tomorrow.” Her little giggle makes me smile. We never discussed Jacinta openly, but she knew what was going on. You don’t work this closely with someone and not know parts of their personal life. She never pries, but she does care, and that part of her has made us good friends and our relationship be more than a work one.

  The morning has dragged on, and I know I need to leave Mia to handle this, but I can’t wait any longer. I thought I would have heard from her by now.<
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