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Lovable Lawyer

Page 22

by Karen Deen

  Listening to the ringing in my ear, I almost hang up, feeling stupid in making the call.

  “Hi, Lex.” Her voice fills my ear.

  “Hey, Mia. Everything going okay today with Ashton?” Way to go, Lex, just rush into the overbearing friend question.

  Hearing Jack laughing in the background, I know things must be fine, but I want to hear her say it.

  “Yes, it’s gone better than I expected. Hang on, I’ll just walk away from these two noisy boys.” Her voice is light and without stress which is a relief.

  “I’m pleased to hear that. So, you are getting along with Ashton then?” I hear a little bit of jealousy creeping into my voice which is ridiculous.

  “He’s a really nice guy. Jack is having fun with him, and it gives me a break from trying to entertain him all the time. He gave me a choice if he would stay downstairs or spend the time up here with us. I chose with us, which I’m glad I did. I was nervous at first, but he put me at ease right away.”

  I should be glad, but instead I’m twitchy at him now spending so much time alone with her. What the hell is wrong with me? I’m not some teenage boy who has a crush. Besides the fact that Mia is not my girlfriend or anything more than a new friend, I have no claim over her. I need to get it straight in my head that Ashton is there to keep her safe and nothing more.

  “Well, it doesn’t sound like you will be needing me at all then. See? I told you that today would be a good day. Is Paige back from her meeting yet?”

  “No, she messaged to say it’s taking longer than expected, but I assured her to take her time, that we were all okay here. Mason also called when he landed to check on me.”

  “Looks like you have everyone checking on you. Sorry about calling and adding to that.”

  “Don’t be silly, Lex. I appreciate you calling me, and I’m sorry I fell asleep on you last night. My brain was exhausted from all the learning on the computer and I just crashed mid-sentence.”

  “What were you going to say in that message, I’m curious.”

  “It doesn’t matter now. So how is your day going?” Once again, she is good at deflection.

  “Busy, but that’s usual for me. Did you get my email?”

  “Yes, it’s my first email ever. I sound like a little kid, sorry.” I love the excitement at something simple that we take for granted.

  “Don’t be sorry. That’s fantastic. I’m glad I’m your first. We haven’t heard anymore today, but I expect it to be soon. They will give us a court date, where you will need to appear to get the emergency order in place.” My desk phone starts ringing, and I know I need to go. “Sorry, Mia, I need to go. I’ll talk to you later. Remember you can call me anytime, even if it’s just to talk.”

  “Thanks for calling. Go, I know you’re busy. Talk soon.” With that she’s gone.

  I have to snap my mind out of my Mia bubble and get back to work.

  “Yes, Theresa.”

  “I have the detective handling the case against Bent Tolso on the line.”

  Here we go. The next problem to deal with.

  “Thanks, put him through.… Hello, Alexander Jefferson speaking.”

  Bring it on. I’m ready to battle whatever I need to so Mia can have the life she deserves.

  Yet the last words I expected to hear from the detective’s mouth are, ‘So the DNA proves he’s not their brother.’

  What the fuck.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I love my early morning coffees sitting on the couch, watching the sun rise. It doesn’t happen every morning, but on the days it does, I feel an inner peace like I haven’t felt before at the beginning of a day.

  Things are starting to fall into routines, including the annoying things. Since the night I fell asleep on the floor, Paige creeps into my room every night to check on the kids and make sure I’m in my bed. Scares the hell out of me every time. I know she’s just doing it because she cares, but I think she forgets I’ve been doing this on my own for a long time.

  The kids have settled in well, and Jack basically runs this house now. He has every adult wrapped around his finger, including Lex, who we have seen every afternoon after work. Some days later than others, but he never misses a visit. At first, he was making excuses to come here, something he needed to tell me or show me. But by the time we got to Thursday, he gave up and just turned up for dinner. We’ve just started setting an extra place for him.

  Hearing a noise behind me, I know it will be Mason coming down as he has an early flight this morning. I found out yesterday he mentors kids, and one of them needs to go to California today for an interview. Originally Paige had offered to fly Leroy to the interview, giving a fake story about having a work meeting. Instead she has chosen to stay here with us, and Mason will take the plane out without her. One thing I’ve learned very quickly about my sister is that she has a big heart.

  “Morning, Mason,” I half-whisper as he gets close, giving him a smile.

  “Morning, Mia, enjoying the quiet again?” He continues towards the kitchen to grab his coffee. It has started to become a little ritual of ours, having an early morning coffee together while the rest of the house is still sleeping.

  Coming back to take a seat, he has a smirk on his face. “You and Lex seemed to be talking for a while last night after we went up to bed,” he says, taking a sip of his coffee.

  “How do you know what time he left? Isn’t the idea of going to bed that you go to sleep?” I knew as soon as the words left my mouth that I’d be regretting them.

  “Mhmm let’s go with that. Anyway, back to you. How are things going there?”

  “We’re friends, Mason, don’t even start.” I look back out the window.

  “I know that, just checking if there’s anything I need to know.”

  “God, you are worse than Paige. What are you, the factfinder so you can report back to the rest of the boys on their little Lex? Well, you can tell them he is a proper gentleman and an excellent lawyer. Very thorough in all areas.” I give a little giggle into my coffee.

  “I thought Paige gave me enough grief with her smart mouth, but you are just as bad. Damn, it’s getting tough living with you two.”

  “You love it, stop complaining.” We both smile, knowing he does.

  We sit for a few minutes just enjoying the quiet and the morning glow appearing outside.

  “How are you feeling about yesterday’s revelations on Bent after Lex’s phone call?” Mason looks a little more serious now.

  “I was shocked, but a big part of me was relieved. To find out after the DNA test that he isn’t our brother made me feel better. I must admit, I struggled to know how he could have done what he did to both of us if we were his family. But what he did to our mother chills me to the bone.”

  “Paige is struggling with it too. I know you are both trying to show that you’re handling this, but we both know that deep down it’s so much to process. I don’t know about you, but Paige had a little cry last night.” He keeps looking out the window so there’s no pressure for me to reply if I don’t want to.

  “Same. Poor Lex, I’m beginning to worry that he thinks all I ever do is cry on his shoulder.” I pause for a moment. “I’m just struggling with the finality that no matter whether I want to or not, I’ll never get to meet her. Finding out she’s dead has rocked me a bit. For years I waited for her, and then as I got older, I hated her for leaving me in that life. Then when Jack was born, I got a new perspective on the challenges of being a parent and often wondered why she did it. Now I’ll never know the truth but only what Bent told us. If you can believe that. I mean, this is the same man who befriended an elderly woman who was desperate for company and tried to rob her of her money. Can you believe people even do that, prey on the vulnerable and then get themselves written into their will? Pity he didn’t count on our mother never giving up on us and still wanting to give us something. I bet he was furious when he found out he couldn’t get his money until we were found. I
just want to hurt him so bad for that.”

  “Stand in line. He’s just lucky Ashton was there that night, otherwise I’m not sure he would be sitting in jail right now and still breathing.” Mason looks tense. “He hurt you and the kids, Paige, and your mother. It took a lot of restraint not to pummel him.”

  “I know. I agree. That night was such a shock, and to be honest, most days since have been a challenge, but I know one thing for sure. I want him to pay for what he did to my mom. No one deserves that.” I take the last sip of coffee, and not feeling like I want another one, place my mug down. “Lex said last night that the police called and will be sending over copies of the letters my mother left with the will and the things that they found at Bent’s apartment that belonged to Mom. We can’t get the originals until after the trial, but I just want to see them. Maybe it will give Paige and me some closure, who knows.”

  “Yeah, I agree.” Mason stands and picks up my cup. “Anyway, I better get some breakfast and get to work. I don’t want to be late picking Leroy up. I’m sure he hasn’t slept a wink last night.”

  “You’re a good man, Mason. I knew it the moment I met you.”

  He shrugs his shoulders as he’s heading into the kitchen. “Don’t believe everything you see. If you ask Paige she might disagree,” he says, laughing to himself.

  “Pfft that woman is head over heels in love with you. And speaking of my sister, can you tell her if she keeps sneaking into my room every night to check on me that I’m packing my bags and moving out. She scared me half to death last night. I know she cares, but seriously, I’m thirty-eight years old. I don’t need a mother.”

  “Oh, you didn’t get a mother, but you sure as shit got a pushy controlling older sister, just like I got a sassy, bossy woman in my life. Welcome to my world, Mia.”

  With that we’re both laughing quietly and start to get on with our day.

  Just before Mason is about to leave, Paige comes down the stairs looking pale.

  “Are you okay, Tiger? You don’t look great.” He rushes to her side.

  “Morning,” she replies a little quietly for her. “I don’t feel well, actually. I’m going to get something to take the headache away which will hopefully settle the stomach.”

  “Shit, I should be here to look after you, but I need to go.” Mason looks a little panicked.

  “No, go. It’s important for Leroy. This could be the start of the rest of his life. I’ll be fine,” Paige mumbles on her way to the kitchen

  “Mason, I’m here. I can take care of her. Plus, Ashton will be here any minute.” For the first time since I arrived, I feel useful.

  “I don’t like it, but I don’t feel like I have a choice. I’ll message Tate and Grayson before I leave to let them know you aren’t well.” He’s already grabbing his phone.

  “Mason, stop. Unless I have a brain tumor or lady issues, then I doubt I need them. It’s probably just a twenty-four-hour thing or a tension headache. You heard what Mia said. She’s here, now go.” Grabbing her drugs and a glass of water, she’s already shuffling back towards the stairs to her room.

  “I’m coming up to tuck you in.” Mason storms after her. I can tell he isn’t impressed with leaving her but has no choice.

  I’m in the kitchen as I hear the elevator signal Ashton’s arrival, and at the same time Mason comes back down from seeing to Paige.

  “Hey, man, Paige isn’t well, so you need to help Mia keep an eye on her for me.” Mason looks stressed as he places her phone and laptop on the kitchen counter. “I’ve taken these from her so she can sleep. I think everything is catching up with her today. You two girls need to be talking to someone.”

  “I do. To you and Lex,” I reply, probably with a little too much attitude.

  “Mia, seriously. When I get back, I’m getting in contact with my therapist for a contact of someone you can see. I’m not letting you both end up in the hell I lived in.”

  “He’s right. Take it from both of us who think we’re too big and tough that we can handle it all. But the truth is your mental health is complex, and don’t think you can package it away in a box. One day the lid slips off and things start climbing out whether you like it or not. It’s worth considering.” Ashton looks at me while pouring his coffee.

  “Great. I’ve gone from no family, to a controlling sister, and now not one, but two pretend brothers. And who can forget a friend who I have no idea where he even fits into my world. Yet you wonder why my head is spinning.” I laugh to myself to break the moment a little.

  “Sorry, Mia, but you’re stuck with us now,” Mason says. “So, suck it up, princess, and get used to it.” Mason laughs too and looks to Ashton for support.

  “Hey, don’t look at me. I’m happily single for a reason. Women are hard work, man,” Ashton replies to him.

  “I call bullshit on that,” Mason laughs. “You have been out of the country fighting the bad guys. Every day back in the country is a day closer to you being hooked by one of these crazy creatures. They stab you in the heart with this damn arrow and there is no escape. I’m warning you, keep running while you can.” Mason slaps him on the shoulder.

  “Oh my god, you are both full of shit! I’m done.” Smiling, I start laying things out for the kids’ breakfast before they wake up.

  They both walk off together to the elevator, having their morning chat, and then Mason is gone. Another day begins.

  “You know Mason will kill me if he knows you’re trying to work,” I say, taking a green tea into Paige in her home office.

  “Then don’t tell him. We need to work out how sister secrets work.” She giggles a little and then groans holding her head.

  “Headache still bad?” I ask, concerned about her.

  “Yeah, but not as bad as this morning. I’ll get there. I just have to get this document proofed today. It’s killing me not having a personal assistant. For all Tyson’s faults towards the end, he was good at his job. They better find me a new one soon. Otherwise, I’m stealing someone else’s PA and they can have the nightmare. After all, I am the boss.”

  “The kids are down for a nap and Ashton’s watching the television. Can I help you with anything?” Knowing I probably can’t, but I wish I could.

  “Were you any good at English at school? Because I sucked at it. Numbers were my thing,” she mumbles while looking at the screen with a scowl on her face.

  “Does getting straight A’s every year count?” I might not have had any support or encouragement at school, but I loved being there.

  “Really? Get over here.” She points to a chair, and I grab it and drag it over next to her at the desk.

  “I know I can trust you, but anything you read is confidential.” She looks at me.

  “Of course, I understand. Now what are you doing?” I look at the screen which has a very detailed document.

  “Don’t worry about the content so much, I just need to proof the grammar, spelling, and anything that doesn’t make sense.” I can see the uncertainty in her eyes.

  “I might not have many skills, Paige, but this is something I do know. In fact, there are so many things wrong on that page it’s hurting my eyes.”

  “Well, my eyes are just hurting, full stop.” Paige rubs her forehead

  “Okay well, that sentence there, you’ve repeated the word ‘continue’ which we need to change. Let’s change this one,” I say, pointing to the screen. “Then I need to teach you what a comma is and how to use it, obviously.” Looking at the document, I don’t understand what it’s really for, but I can certainly make it look presentable.

  “See? I told you I pay people to fix up my screw-ups. This is one of the things I’m talking about.”

  “Obviously, now move over and let me see what I can do. But for god’s sake, save it somewhere safe first in case I do something to lose it all. You know I’m not great at this computer thing yet.” Sliding closer to the keyboard after Paige saves the file, I take another look at her and she looks so drained. “N
ow go and lie on the couch over there, and I’ll ask any questions from here. It’ll help your head if you lie down and rest.” I feel nervous to have control of something so important, yet it’s the most excitement I’ve felt in a very long time.

  “I thought I was supposed to be the bossy sister,” she grumbles as she lies down on the couch and drags the blanket up that was lying over the back of it.

  “I’ve been taking notes and thought I’d test it out today. Plus, Mason is going to come home and be ready to kill me for letting you work. So, I’m looking after myself here too. Now rest and I’ll ask when I have a question.”

  I didn’t realize how much I would love this. Totally forgetting where I am, my mind is solely focused on reading and editing Paige’s work. It doesn’t take long for the strong medication she took to kick in, and she’s fast asleep on the couch, and it lets me work in silence. Her phone is on the desk beside me and rings constantly. After a few times, I decided to start answering it quietly and taking messages. Then ranking them in order of importance from what they had told me. Deflecting the ones I could to next week, so she doesn’t have to worry over the weekend. I can’t believe she’s sleeping through the whole afternoon and even me talking in the office. The other amazing thing is the kids are still sleeping. Ashton must have worn them out this morning playing with them. It has allowed me to get completely through the document and then go back and make some changes that I feel sound better. Paige can always change them later if she doesn’t like them.

  Mason has messaged a few times checking in and is now on his way home from the airport. Hopefully Paige is still asleep when he gets here. She looks so cute curled up sleeping in a room where she is usually full of energy and working hard. This is her space. The powerful CEO, but she looks far from it. Right now, she looks vulnerable, and I know how that feels. I don’t think I’ve even thought enough about how she’s been coping with everything that has happened. I forgot that I’ve lived a life of being knocked down and how you become resilient at shaking it off, picking yourself back up, and moving on. This is probably the first time that she has really had anything so hard emotionally to cope with. I should have been more supportive of her instead of it just being all about me. I didn’t think I had a selfish bone in my body, but maybe I do. Looking at her for the first time, I see myself, when the world has gotten to be too much and you just need to take that moment to gather enough strength to get through it.


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