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Lovable Lawyer

Page 27

by Karen Deen

  “Duh, we are sisters after all.”

  “I love you so much, Paige. Thank god we are finally together. Our own sister HEA.”

  “You got it, sis. Never apart again.” She drags me off the bed. “Now let’s go eat before there’s none left.”

  “They better not have eaten it all, otherwise they’ll find out what happens when sisters lose their shit at the same time.”

  “Oh, this is going to be fun!” Paige links her arm in mine, and we head out to join the rest of them for the morning.

  I’m feeling a little lighter from my talk.

  Amazing what it feels like to have someone to finally share my thoughts with.

  Today life is good, and that’s all I can ask.

  “I can’t believe you voted that Lex’s pancakes were better than mine. You’re supposed to be on my team, you know, being my girlfriend and all.” Everyone is laughing at Mason as we finish cleaning up.

  “Well, I can’t lie, they did taste better. Perhaps you need more practice and need to raise your game.” Paige winks at me from across the kitchen.

  “I saw that, Tiger. Oh, I see how this is. You think if you tell me they were shit I’ll cook them all the time until you say they’re better than his. I’m onto you, woman. You better start running now before I catch you and spank that little bottom of yours.” Paige is off before we know it, screaming the whole way as she’s running up the stairs. Jack chases after them, wanting to play in the game too. Welcome to parenthood. There is no time to yourself. Maybe I’ve cured them of ever having children. I doubt it, though.

  Watching them with Jack and Kayla, it’s like they’re born parents.

  “It’s good to see him so happy.” Lex is beside me now. “Life hasn’t always been easy for him since he came home from deployment. Carried a lot of baggage.”

  “Yeah, he told me some of it. He deserves happiness. He’s a good person, and I couldn’t wish for anyone better for my sister.”

  We both stand there for a moment. Again, the silence is eating away at me, but I need to tell him what I’m thinking. It’s only fair that I push myself to bare some of my thoughts when he tells me so much of his.

  “I know I’m going to keep freaking out, and as much as I try not to, I’ll want to run when the panic sets in. I’ve been doing it for so long I don’t know how to change it.”


  “No, let me finish, please. I’m going to want to run every time, but what I’m telling you is I want you to stop me. I like you, Lex, and I know deep down I want to be with you. I just have to keep working on myself before I can give me to you. I hope you understand.”

  “Every single word, Mia. Just so you know, I’m a fast runner, and I will catch you every single time you try. I’m not letting you go.” Standing in front of me, he leans down so I can see his face fully. “Ever.” Sneaking a quick kiss in, he then takes me in a tight embrace.

  While my face is buried in his shoulder and he can’t see my embarrassment, I say the other words that I’m hiding. “Last night was wonderful. And just so you know, one day I’d like you to do all that just like you said. When I’m ready.” Feeling the shiver run through him, I know he wants that too.

  “Oh Mia, me too. Until then, this is perfect, and more than enough.” Feeling him kiss the top of my head, we both know this moment is short-lived. Jack will be back any moment, and I need to check on Kayla.

  When we hear the voices coming down the stairs, our time is up, and we move apart, but this time we’re both smiling. Sharing a secret bond that no other person feels.

  Moving to the living room for us all to be together, Lex sits down next to me and has no problem with making sure he’s close enough that we’re touching. I try not to laugh. He is not subtle at all. He may as well hang a sign around my neck.

  She’s mine!

  I’m not sure how he’ll cope with slow, but at least he’s trying.

  “So, what’s the plan for today?” Mason asks, and to be honest I have no idea.

  “I want to know if you two will watch the kids. I’d like to take Mia out for coffee. If you would like that?” He looks so nervous for my answer. “We need to talk about Monday, and I think it will be easier without the kids around. Plus, I won’t deny, I’d like to spend a little time with you. Alone without Mason and Paige playing big brother and sister.”

  Everyone starts laughing, and I laugh too, but on the inside I’m already nervous about leaving the kids.

  “Of course, I’ll watch all the children, Jack, Kayla, and Mason. All three are safe with me.” Paige starts laughing at her own joke.

  “Well, that headache yesterday didn’t wipe away any of your sassy attitude, did it?” Mason pokes her in the side which has her laughing more.

  “What do you say, Mia, do you think you can come with me?” I want to say no, I don’t think I can, but Paige’s little voice in the back of my head telling me not to let the past ruin my future pushes me to answer differently.

  “Okay, but not too far away, and you can’t complain when I call here ten times while we’re at coffee. Is that a deal?”

  “Anything you need, Mia. You know I don’t mind. Now why don’t you go and get ready and then we can leave. Plus, I have another idea for later if it’s alright with you, Paige, since this is your house. I thought maybe we could have a framily dinner tonight. Order in some pizzas and just let Mia get to know everyone.”

  Oh god, what happened to slow, Lex?

  “What a great idea. We’ll get in touch with everyone while you’re out. But you might want to explain to Mia what she’s in for. No matter what Mason told me, that first night was so damn funny I ended up with sore sides from laughing so hard. Now get going before the cherubs get restless again.”

  Standing in my bedroom after changing into a pretty floral dress that Paige lent me, for the first time in a very long time, I care how I look. I know this isn’t a date and we have some serious things to talk about, but it’s nice to want to dress up a little bit.

  As I slowly walk out into the living room, Lex’s smile lights up his face. Paige tells me how lovely I look, and Mason just winks at me and then keeps playing cars with Jack.

  Although I’m actually feeling a little excited, I also feel like I’m about to vomit. Leaving my kids here without me is a big deal. When we were in Lex’s office, they were just down the hall from me. Now they’ll be here, and I’ll be there, wherever there is. Trying to count in my head like Mason taught me, the panic is staying at bay, but for how long once I leave the building remains to be seen.

  Before I have time to think too much about it, I feel Lex take my hand and tell me to say goodbye to the kids.

  “Bye, Mom, can you pick a chocolate donut for me? The one with the colored sprinkles.” He looks at me with a smile and then goes straight back to the plane he’s flying in the sky. Paige walks over with Kayla on her hip and leans her to me so I can kiss her and then walks away from me.

  “Ready?” Lex whispers.

  “No, but let’s go anyway.”

  “Good girl. Keep pushing yourself. It will get easier.” With that we are in the elevator before I know it and whizzing towards the underground parking. Paige had arranged a spot for Lex, especially since he’s been here every evening since I arrived.

  Walking me to his car, Lex opens the door and helps me in. Not saying a word and letting me settle in the space of just me and him and no kids.

  Driving out of the parking lot, he looks across at me. “Is it okay if I just quickly go home to get changed and freshen up? I’m still in my work clothes from yesterday. I understand if you don’t feel comfortable with that. Your call.”

  Oh, the poor guy, I had totally forgotten about him not having anything with him last night.

  “Yes, of course it’s fine. You poor thing, I’m sorry I didn’t even think about that. Do you live far from here?” I’m sure he knows why I’m asking.

  “Just ten minutes in the car, and then we will come ba
ck this direction and find a café, so we’re still nice and close. Sorry, I just don’t want you looking so beautiful and having to sit with sleep-wrinkled me.”

  “You look great, but I know what you mean.”

  We travel the rest of the trip in silence. I’m wondering what is in Lex’s head as much as I’m trying to control what’s in mine. We turn into a parking spot right out front of a building as tall as Paige’s.

  “I’ll just leave the car here because we won’t be long. I promise I don’t take as long as a girl to get changed.” Trying to make light of the moment, he always knows what I need. “Come on, you can see where I hide away from the world.” Jumping out of the car, he comes around to open my door. Such a gentleman.

  “Why do you need to hide away from the world?” I ask curiously as he takes my hand and we walk to the front doors.

  I must admit it feels nice, holding his hand. I feel like I’m in high school again.

  Walking past the front desk, Lex stops to talk to the doorman.

  “Hi, Austin, this is Mia Kennedy. Please add her to my list of people who are allowed straight up, no questions. I will be giving her a security key, but if she doesn’t have it, please let her in even if I’m not here.” My mouth nearly drops open.

  “Sure thing, Lex. Nice to meet you, Miss Kennedy. If there’s anything you need just let me know. We are always here to help.” With that, we are walking again to a separate elevator away from the others.

  As I start to take in my surroundings, I’m now beginning to understand. Paige is rich, but I have a feeling Lex is in the same league as her. I knew I didn’t fit into his world, but now I realize how far out of it I really am.

  Entering the elevator, he pulls me to him.

  “Stop freaking out, baby. No matter where I live or what I have, I’m still the same Lex, you know, and the frog you kissed last night to turn me into your Prince Charming.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “What makes you think you’ve become the prince yet? Don’t they say you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find the prince? Maybe you were just another frog.”

  That smug smile comes over his face. “So, you’re telling me just a mere frog had you in his arms and begging me to take you over the edge?”

  “Oh, well played, my prince, well played.” The elevator comes to a stop and I look at the control panel which reads penthouse.

  “Of course, you live in the penthouse.” The doors slide open into his home.

  “Well, where else do princes live?” Walking me into the room, my breath is again taken away. The view from Paige’s home is spectacular, but Lex’s is just as beautiful. Except he has a balcony that wraps around his living room.

  “Welcome to my home, Mia. Please make yourself comfortable. I’ll just be a minute while I run up and get changed. Take a walk out onto the balcony and check it all out.” Leaning in and kissing my cheek, he is then gone and running up the stairs two at a time.

  As I slowly walk around, this is just the sort of home I imagined for the Lex I first met, yet the more I’ve gotten to know him, this seems too stuffy. Everything is perfect. Not a piece of chaos anywhere. What a mess Jack could make of this apartment in seconds. The floors are a polished concrete and the furnishings all in dark brown, white, and black. I’m sure just the single sofa chair would be worth more than every item I own, including all the gifts from Lex. Careful not to touch anything, I open the sliding door to the balcony and step out. Luckily it turns out I’m not scared of heights. Before now I haven’t been on a balcony this high off the ground. To the side of the door is a large daybed, big enough for two people, I’m sure. Next to it is what looks like a hot tub. My head starts to go to who has enjoyed that tub with him. I shake it off; I don’t want to even let myself go there.

  It really is astounding out here. Even though you are so high up, you can still hear the sound of the city. Yet it feels so safe. You aren’t in the middle of all the people and all the hustle and bustle. Sitting on the daybed, I just take it all in. In my own little world, until Lex appears beside me and frightens the hell out of me. I let out a little scream.

  “Mia, sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “Lucky I wasn’t near the edge, I might have jumped off with fright. I didn’t hear you over the noise of the city below. Plus, I may have been daydreaming about being in the tower of my castle where no one could get to me.”

  “Then dream away, baby, because my castle is your castle, and you can spend time in my tower whenever you want. With or without me. I know what it’s like to just lay here or spend time in the hot tub on your own. It’s so peaceful at times to be away from it all.”

  “How many girls have you had in the tub?” Shit, I wish I wouldn’t do that. Why can’t I control my stupid inquisitive mind? “Shit, sorry, that was rude. That’s none of my business. Ignore everything I just said.” I’m now fumbling over my words.

  “You look so cute when you get flustered over me. It’s pretty hot, you know, this little jealousy thing you’ve got going on already.” He takes my hands and pulls me up to be standing with him.

  “I’m not jealous. That’s ridiculous,” I try to protest.

  “Mhmm, you keep telling yourself that. And just so we’re on the same path here, I’ve never had any women in my hot tub. The only body that has been in it is mine. I’ve never had any women in my personal bed in my room. But I’m a thirty-five-year-old single man. I’ve had sex and I’ve had girlfriends, just nothing serious.

  “Have they been in this apartment? Yes.

  “Have I fucked them here in my apartment? Yes.

  “Yet I can promise you that I’ve never made love to any woman, let alone in my bed, or the tub for that matter.” His hand takes my cheek and his thumb strokes it.

  “Mia, when I finally take you to my bed, you will be the one and only that I have let inside my walls. Just like you, I have my bubble that I don’t let people into. My reasons might be different to yours, but it’s the same way of life. But I want you in my bubble, to hold onto me on those days and nights where we can just be us. You and me, and the world doesn’t exist. Do you think you can see that in our future?”

  “I hope so,” is all I manage to say. He is so good with words, yet for me, three words and I struggle to even say them.

  “Me too, baby. Me too.”

  Drawing my face to his, he kisses me like I’m the fuel to the fire burning inside him. I don’t think I’ve taken enough time to talk to Lex and really get to know his deep dark secrets. He knows all of mine, yet I’ve just learned that I don’t know his. His kiss wipes my mind of all rational thought, and that is pushed aside for another time. I’ve never been a big kisser, but damn I love when Lex kisses me.

  “Come on, we better get going to the café. I promised I’d keep you close and not be gone to long, so I better do as I’m told on the first date. Otherwise I’ll be in trouble from your family if I get you home after curfew. There’ll be plenty of time to play hooky later when I’ve won your big sister over.”

  I giggle at him. “Like she doesn’t already think you walk on water.”

  Taking my hand, we walk back inside, shutting the sliding door. “I like that. Let’s keep that god image going when we’re together with everyone tonight. About time I’m the king for once. Well, at least for one night anyway.”

  “There’s that ego Paige was talking about this morning.” I follow him into the elevator again.

  “You better believe it. Mine’s big, but wait until you meet Tate and Gray, they win the prize for the biggest egos, that’s for sure.”

  As we’re descending, another random thought hits me. “You had me there on my own. Why didn’t you try to have sex with me?” I’m sure he’s getting used to my casual outbursts.

  “Because you’re calling the shots, remember? You say what, you say when, and you say where. That will never change. As long as I can do this as much as you let me, then I’m a happy man.”

  He wraps me up in
his arms, and this time it’s not a firm kiss but a soft gentle one. One that he doesn’t stop, instead just increasing the intensity the closer we get to the main floor. My hands slide up around the back of his neck and into his hair. I swallow his groan, and I crave more from him too.

  The ding of the elevator letting us know we’ve hit the bottom doesn’t make a difference. It’s like I’ve developed an ever-increasing appetite for Lex’s kisses. I vaguely remember hearing the doors open.

  Then a voice sends chills through Lex, that even I feel as his whole body stiffens.

  “Alexander Jefferson the third. Stop that sleazy public display right this minute!”

  Chapter Nineteen


  My body stiffens and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

  This is not what I need right now, but then she has a habit lately of the worst timing to pick an argument with me.

  “Is this why Austin wouldn’t let me up to your apartment? What’s going on with you? Is this little floozy the reason you broke off the engagement with Jacinta? I should have known there was more to it.” She’s almost stomping her foot to make her point as she stands in her rigid stance. Shoulders back, spine straight, and chin lifted, yet her eyes are glaring down at us.

  Looking Mia directly in the eyes and making sure she understands me, I whisper to her, “I’ve got you. Don’t let her behind your wall.” Sliding her to the side of me and my arm around her waist, we step out of the elevator so the doors can close. There’s no way I’m letting my mother into my apartment, and I don’t even intend to stand here talking to her for long either.

  “Mother. Stop that. You know we weren’t engaged, and I’m not having this conversation with you. I don’t even know why you are here, and I’m not sure I care. What I do expect you to do, though, is apologize for the disrespect you have just shown my girlfriend.”

  I feel Mia tense at my words, but I can’t stop now to explain to her about this woman in front of me. But there is no fucking way I’m letting anyone make her feel small. Especially my mother. She has done it to me all my life, and like hell I’ll let her push Mia back in her shell.


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