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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

Page 41

by Annabel Lucas

  Ali, a few paces ahead ducked into his office and returned with two helmets. He handed one to Ryan and the other to Shane. Ryan slid it over his head, facemask open. She could see his ice-blue eyes and the way they crinkled. It was a different kind of happy, one she hadn't seen before. Ryan swung his leg over the bike and mounted it, stretching forward slightly to reach for the handlebars. Jesus, he looked good.

  “Shanie, want to go for a ride?” He asked with his voice slightly muffled by the helmet. She nodded. Very much.

  “You have ridden before?” He asked.

  She nodded again. “My uncle used to take me out on his bike.” The words brought the memory back as she sat perched between his legs, wind in her face. The memory felt very much like freedom.

  Ryan was grinning now. “Come on.” There was urgency in his tone that got her moving.

  Ali was by her side. “Here, put your helmet on,” He said. She obeyed, pulling the helmet over her head and then buckled the strap under her chin.

  Ryan's weight lowered the bike slightly, but it was still tall. With her hand on his shoulder, she swung her leg over the soft leather of the seat. Her butt met the seat and she slid into place behind Ryan. Her heart was thundering as she slid her arms around his chest.

  Shane took a deep breath and closed her eyes as the bike rumbled to life between her thighs. Oh. God. Here we go. When she opened her eyes, she saw Ali. He was grinning. His smile was the last thing she saw before they were moving, away from the barn and the house. Ali must have anticipated the ride because when they reached the gate, it was wide open.

  She closed her eyes for a moment. Shane felt the ground shift beneath the bike and the wind on her face as they moved over the rolling hills. The ride smoothed and when she opened her eyes, she saw that Ryan had found the highway. She eased back slightly, wanting to see the ocean. They crested the hilltop racing along the road that followed the coast, and Shane realized she'd just found her second favorite thing to do with Ryan.

  The ride was exhilarating; the speed, the warmth of his body, all of it. The highway was dry and bright, and the sun fell warm on her shoulders. Here on the highway, they had transcended the haze and dampness of the valley floor. She felt like she was flying. As she settled into the ride, she relaxed her grip; her hands slid down his body, holding on to his slim waist. Her thumb absently stroked his belly while the bike thrummed between her legs.

  The highway carried them up, over the hillside, and brought the valley into view again. A blanket of fog lay covered the valley, and Shane realized they hadn't escaped it: they simply transcended it. She was grateful for the jacket and Ryan's warmth. The familiar split rail fence reappeared. Ryan navigated the bike through the valley, turning away from the main road. He followed the narrow dirt path past a break in the fence and slowed the bike slowed to a stop. He cast a glance over his shoulder and nodded to the road, communication without words. The rumble of the bike satisfying and throaty would have drowned out his words anyway. She understood and climbed off the bike, unlatching the helmet from her head. Shane shook her head in a tumble of dark curls.

  Ryan turned the key, and the world was quiet. It took her a minute to adjust to the absence of the sound. Shane watched as Ryan swung his leg off the bike as she felt her body respond. He was long, lean, and muscular. She could not take her eyes off him. His flesh and bone a stark contrast to the black engine and polished steel of the bike. Shane moved into him as he pulled off the helmet. His eyes were bright, and his hair tousled as he grinned ear to ear. She leaned in and kissed him. Her body primed for his touch, adrenaline, and desire rolling off her in waves.

  He laughed into her kiss, wanting to kiss and entirely amused by her post-ride response.

  “Baby, did you like that?” His laugh was contagious.

  "I did." She said. The words muffled by her lips against his as she kissed him again, and again. Offering a kiss that did not need to be returned, "I'm so glad Tess kept it for you."

  Ryan shook his head. “I’m amazed. Ali has her running like she’s brand-new. He must have rebuilt the engine completely. I knew he was a good mechanic, but this…” Ryan moved away from her, returning to the bike. He ran his hand over the leather seat and chrome “…is incredible.”

  He drank in the sight of the bike for a moment longer before turning to Shane, returning the kiss she'd begun. He wasn't laughing anymore. She felt the rise of his desire against her hip as he pulled her to him. His lips were on hers, his tongue tasting, warm and wanting.

  Hmmm. She breathed into him as he broke the kiss.

  “Hey, you.” His voice was low and throaty.

  “Hey, you.” She echoed.

  “Want to see the vineyard?” He asked, his forehead coming to rest on hers.

  “Yes. Very much.”

  Shane took his hand and followed as he led her down the road between the split rail fence.

  The grapes grew in neat rows that allowed for inhabitance to walk a single file. The plants had grown tall and strong throughout the summer, most standing taller than Ryan’s head. Her fingers slid away from his as he moved through the vines heavy with grapes. Large and purple, begging to be tasted, she reached up and popped one into her mouth.

  “Ohhh, god. These are good.” Shane said, wiping away the juice of the bursting fruit.

  He laughed. "They are. Eat too many, and they'll make your belly hurt."

  She looked up to see the sunshine bright beyond the haze that covered the valley's floor. Ryan slipped through the trellis thick with vines and reached for her hand to pull her into a clear spot. He'd found a wider path and led her to a place they could walk side by side.

  “Tell me about your weekend?”

  “Oh, yes. My weekend.” She smiled up at him. “Are you sure?”

  He nodded. “I’m sure. I’ve been kind of dying to hear.”

  “Well, I’ve had a few firsts.” He laughed. “I bet. What happened?”

  “I rode a horse for the first time.”

  “You did? You’d never ridden before?”

  “No. Never.” She laughed.

  “Wow. What did you think?” he asked.

  “I was terrified.” She said, and felt his thumb move over her hand, soothing away the fear that had already gone. “You know, Tess was fairly insistent.” Shane glanced at him. “I imagine you’ve seen that side of her.”

  “I have.” He nodded. “Frequently.”

  “Thankfully, Ali was there, helping with the horses. He sort of saved me. He volunteered to ride down to the beach with me.”

  Ryan nodded. “He’s good that way. How was it?”

  Shane took a deep breath. “It was interesting. He pulled me up to ride on the horse with him less than an hour after he watched Tess go down on me.”

  Ryan burst out laughing. “What?”

  “Seriously, she was very friendly when I got here. Having an audience seemed to spark her on.”

  Ryan listened. "It was something else, Ry." Shane paused, searching for the words. "It was incredibly sexy. She's magnetic, you know."

  “She is.” He responded.

  “She wasn’t waiting for the dark or for things to get romantic…she wasn’t waiting for anything.”

  “What were you doing?” He asked.

  "Getting ready to go to the beach. I got in my suit but when I looked around the house, I couldn't find her. Then I heard her call from the bedroom. When I headed back that way, she was on the bed, waiting."

  “Waiting?” He asked, eyebrows raised.

  “Waiting.” Shane paused. “Naked.”

  He exhaled with huh, the word not escaping his lips enough to express his surprise.

  "She was sitting there all golden and gorgeous." Shane giggled. "Ry, it was crazy. Then she kissed me and just went down on me."

  “And Ali, well, I didn’t know who he was then. I was like umm. Oh. My. God. The landscapers are watching.” She looked at him with wide eyes. “But by then she had her face buried in my pussy." />
  “Buried in your pussy?” He asked.

  "Yes, seriously, and I was like, Tess? And she said 'let 'em watch.'" Shane paused for a breath and then continued with the determination to share it all. "Ryan. It made me cum so hard. I mean, them watching her, with me." Shane paused, "It was so hot."

  He nodded again, not saying anything. She knew, she’d told him enough to burn the image into his mind.

  “And then what?” he asked.

  “Well,” Shane laughed. “After that orgasmic session, we headed down to the barn so we could ride to the beach. I had no idea there were horses here.”

  He laughed. “I didn’t tell you there were horses?”

  “Not that I remembered.”

  "So, we got to the barn, and I realized what she intended. Seriously, I was terrified. They are so big!"

  “Who did you ride?” he asked.

  “Fawn.” Shane said, “She’s the little…”

  “Chestnut one.” He finished. “I saw her. Pretty little thing.”

  “Yes. Even though she’s little and pretty, I was afraid to get on alone. So, Ali volunteered. He climbed on and then pulled me up to ride behind him. I thought it would be weird.”

  He nodded. “Yeah.”

  "And somehow," She continued.

  “Somehow, it wasn’t.” He said. “I know. Tess has this way of re-entering the world.”

  "I'm sure Ali could tell I was afraid. I'd seen him with the horses, and the way he soothed me was like the way he steadied them. When we got down to the beach, he gave me and Tess each a rubdown with the suntan oil."

  "Hmmm," He said.

  “It was all at Tess’s instruction,” Shane said.

  Ryan nodded.

  "Ry, there are things I don't understand." Shane shook her head, trying to find the words. "She's sort of wonderful and enticing, but she wouldn't sleep, actually sleep with me. After all those things, she didn't even spend the night with me." He nodded, and Shane could see understanding reflecting in his eyes. "She sort of draws this line with everyone, but not Ali. He seemed different to her. When the storm came up suddenly, it was so obvious that she counted on him. She orders him around like…"

  “Like her servant?” Ryan added, interrupting her.

  “Yes! Exactly like that,” Shane laughed, “yes ma’am, like she’s the lady of the house.”

  “She is the lady of the house.” He admitted.

  Shane's eyes widened as she took in the idea and then went on. "Ry, I was so tired. I traveled all night and after the storm."

  He nodded. “Crazy long day.”

  She laughed. "It was so embarrassing. I was falling asleep at dinner. Later, Tess tried to wake me, I was so sleepy. Later, when I remembered her coming to me, I thought it was a dream. I was too tired to play that first night. Anyway…"

  He laughed. "When you're out, you're out, girl."

  "Ryan." She swatted at him, and he ducked away, "Listen!"

  He stopped laughing. “Okay. I’m listening.”

  "When I did wake up, I was wide awake. I got up to find my phone. I wanted to call or text you and I accidentally stumbled on them."

  Ryan narrowed his eyes, “Stumbled on who?”

  “On Tess and Ali. Ryan, they were fucking on the couch. I didn’t mean to watch Ry. I honestly didn’t.”

  “But you did?” he asked.

  "Yes, but it was kind of an accident. I thought the storm was over, and I looked out and saw the rain coming down. I was standing there watching it rain, listening for the thunder after the lightning; then I saw them in the shadows." Shane shook her head as the image ran through her mind. "It was so fucking hot." Ryan had been holding her hand, as his thumb gently caressed her hand. Now his thumb that went still for a moment, then resumed gaining pace as she spoke.

  "She was just riding him on the couch, and it was like the Tess I know, the one I've seen with us was not there anymore. She wasn't commanding and in charge. It was just her. She was lost in the moment, riding him like she rode that horse as they flew down the beach in front of us. He made her cum. She was totally at his mercy. She was fucking him, and just then, the storm picked up. He looked up and saw me in the light from the lightning flash and just continued with her. Flipping her on her back and fucked her until she came. I could tell."

  “Oh, you, could you?” He asked

  "I could. I've been in a similar situation." She laughed. "I listened, and it was so sexy. I touched myself and came, just like she did."

  “Jesus, Shane.” He said.

  “I know.”

  “Anything else?” He asked.

  "God, yes. That was day one." Shane said and laughed.

  “Day one. How can I ever leave you alone after this?” He asked with a laugh.

  "I crawled back to bed," she leaned into him, "wanting you, wanting to talk to you and tell you about the day. I felt bad that I’d missed saying good night to you."

  He smiled and the happy in his smile reached all the way to his beautiful blue eyes. The path before them opened into a large clearing, and an outbuilding stretched tall into the sky.

  “Wow!” Shane exclaimed. Suddenly, she remembered she was supposed to spend the day learning. “What’s this?”

  "So, this is where those delicious grapes begin their metamorphosis into the sweet wine you love so much. When we harvest the grapes, we bring them here. The summer crew spends time weeding and watering the crops. We'd carry the grape out in big baskets." He looked down at her, explaining. "When you're harvesting, you have to be extremely careful. The last thing you want to do is bruise the precious cargo on the way to make the wine." Shane ducked her head to avoid a low hanging branch and tucked her arm into Ryan's. Her hands brushed against his well-muscled bicep. This was where those muscles were born.

  “We’d ride out on horseback.”

  “Every day?” She asked with surprise evident in her voice

  “Pretty much every day. We work the fields from the farthest point back to the homestead. “What’s that?” Shane asked, gesturing to the outbuilding ahead of them. It was a structure Shane recognized from the road.

  "I'll show you." The vines opened up in front of them into a dirt clearing, and the outbuilding towered over them.

  It was enormous, worn and weathered like a barn. Ryan moved ahead of her to the massive door and slid it open. Shane followed him into the darkness. The pungent smell of wine filled her nostrils. Thin rays of light beamed down from the overhead windows. "Smells yummy." She said.

  "It does. These," He said, gesturing at the barrels. "Hold the wine. Right now, these are aging."

  Shane nodded. She took in the layout of the building as her eyes adjusted. Big halved barrels stood by the doors. They were barrels that reminded her of an old black and white episode of I Love Lucy. “Do they use those?”

  “They do. That’s where they de-stem and crush the grapes."

  Shane gasped, wide-eyed, thinking of someone stepping on the precious unbruised grapes. “So, you grow and protect them and then bring them here just to stomp on them?”

  He laughed. “Well, we don’t. They have ladies that do that. Like Marie.”

  Of course, like Marie. An image of Marie’s sweet and round smiling face flashed through Shane’s mind. Ryan was talking and walking, sharing the process. Shane reached out to touch the weathered half barrels. There were four in all.

  "How do they make all the wine here?" She asked, confused.

  He understood she needed more information and backed up his explanation. “They have more set up’s like this all through the valley. She listened as he spoke. She was fascinated. She had never considered the work required to produce the sweet wine that delighted her senses.

  He led her deeper into the building past the huge vats used to ferment the wine. The barn had an earthy-sweet woody smelly. She loved it; the fragrance was so strong she could almost taste it.

  “And then what happened?”

  “What happened?” She asked, lost to
his reference.

  “Yesterday. I know you were alone for most of the day. What happened next?”

  “Oh.” She said. “Well, I snooped a little.”

  Shane followed Ryan into the depths of the building where whole barrels with tipped sides lined the shelves. The idea of having the fermenting wine inside made her mouth water.

  He cast a glance over his shoulder. “You were snooping?”

  "Well, not on purpose. I checked through the house, looked in all the rooms. Ry seriously, it's always ready for a magazine shoot."

  “That’s Tess.” He replied

  “I was lonesome. I tried to call you and then tried to call Lila.”

  "Lovely, Lila." He laughed. "Any luck?"

  "None, no service," Shane answered.

  Ryan nodded. “The storm does that.”

  "You know, I hadn't packed for this kind of weather. So, I had the most delicious bath. I just soaked in that big tub in the room I'm staying in. Did you see it?"

  He shook his head. “No. I haven’t stayed in the house before.”

  “What?” she laughed. That seemed odd. “Well, we’ll have to check it out.”

  He laughed. “Okay, so snooping, not snooping, and then what?”

  "I was cold. So, I went in search of something warm to wear and ended up in a pair of her jammies." Ryan laughed, and it rang through the rafters, scattering a slew of swallows. "Anyways, I finally got a text. She said she was heading home. I was tired, and so I took a nap in her bed."

  "Jesus." He laughed. Exasperated and amused, "and that was your day?"

  He moved past the lined shelves to the back of the barn, and she followed him into the shadows. Her fingers intertwined with his while her eyes adjusted to the dark. He turned to face her. Shane smiled into the darkness, seeking his eyes.


  “What else?”

  “She took me down to the playroom.” She strained in the dark to find his eyes and wondered if he could see her, his expression lost to shadows. “Have you been there?”

  “I have.” When he spoke again, his voice sounded thick in the darkness, “What happened?”


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