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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

Page 42

by Annabel Lucas

  “She played a game with me.”

  "What kind of game?" Ryan asked. His voice held no emotion, unlike his hands. The hands that a moment ago had been comfortably resting on her hips had now tightened, and she felt his fingers press into her hips.

  "She tied me down. Bound me to the bed, and then she fucked me." Shane reached for him in the dark and felt him inhale sharply when her fingers touched his belly. "She made me count to twenty before she'd let me cum." She said as she curled her fingers under the waistband of his jeans. She heard him exhale and wondered if he could see her too. "And then, she made me beg to cum."

  His lips met hers, and she felt his force as he rocked her back on her feet. The morning lovemaking, coupled with the weekend's recap, had not come close to meeting his desire. The thickness she felt after the bike ride returned. He wasn't waiting.

  Shane stumbled and felt her feet leave the ground as he lifted her off the floor. He carried her backward, and she felt her back connect with the curved barrel behind her. Then her feet were planted on the floor again. Her body pressed into the barrel, shoulders back, chest extended. His mouth consumed hers, and she felt his hands working the button and zipper of her jeans.

  Oh fuck. She wanted him, his desire coming to her in waves. Shane mirrored his actions and worked to free him from his jeans. The button wedged firmly in place. She was not as fast as he was; his desire drove him forward. His hands had won the race, and Shane’s jeans slid down a moment before her ass met the weathered wood of the barrel.

  He shed his jacket, tossing it carelessly to the floor before he turned his attention to the button on his own jeans. His kiss intensified. Shane slipped out of her boots so she could be free of the denim pooled around her ankles. She reached up for his shoulders as his hips slid free of the denim. She felt his skin against hers as she lifted her leg and wrapped it around him.

  She felt his right hand on her face, cupping her cheeks and fingers running through her hair while the left slipped between her legs, fingers exploring, separating her. Shane felt her body melt with his touch. She groaned into the kiss, wanting him, all of him. He lifted her again, his hand under her bare bottom. He held her suspended in the air for a moment before her back hit the barrel. It did not move. The structure was age-old and solid. Ryan's body pressed into hers, his chest muscles almost as unyielding as the vat. She felt his cock hard between her swollen lips.

  “Oh. God” The words tumbled out of her mouth, urgent with her desire. “Baby, Yes. Yes. Fuck me, baby. Fuck, please. Fuck me.”

  He shifted his hips, and she felt him enter as she clung to him with her thighs moving her body to meet his. His body had no interest in slow or patient sex. While she had been playing house with Tess, he had been waiting, wanting her, craving her. She had known this this morning. The morning fuck was for her. This one was for him.

  Shane tipped her head back, and it connected with the vat. His hips picked up speed as he fucked her deeper, deeper. His breath was on her neck as she clung to him. Her orgasm almost immediately matched his force and speed. "I’m cuming. I’m cuming. Fuck. Ryan. Ryan.” She could not stop the words, and they seemed to spur him on. His mouth came down on hers, muffling her pleasure but not quieting it. “Ryan, Ryan,”

  The climax shuddered through her body, flooding her mind with white light. Insatiable. He fucked her till she couldn't think, quieting the world beyond, and she couldn't stop saying his name.

  She felt him tense and slow. He would draw this out. She never imagined he'd ever leave her wanting from a quickie in a barn. He dropped his head to her shoulder, chest heaving, and she dare not move. She felt him drop to his knees and lay her down on the jacket he'd shed carelessly. She smiled, unwilling to release the grip of her thighs on his waist. She squeezed her pussy and began to pulse. The walls of her pussy contracting around the cock buried deep inside her, pleasing him with a barely-there movement. She heard his breath catch and deepen, his chest rising as she held his gaze. She had his attention. Heat rising in her hips as she pumped him, like a hand-job without the hand. Her breathing increased to match his. Shane licked her lips, her lower lip caught between her teeth as her lips. His hands lay still against her thighs for a moment longer before his fingers began to stir; giving back as much as she gave to him. He watched her, his eyes filled with desire, and then she felt his thumb on her clit.

  Oh yes. Shane closed her eyes and lost control of him. He began to fuck her, coaxing pleasure from her body. The quick thrusts that made her cum so quickly before were now patiently drawn out. She shuddered beneath him as he drew his free hand up her hip and over her belly over her breasts, his eyes holding her captive. Fuck. His hips increased their pace. She stretched her arms above her head, luxuriating in the fuck and felt his fingers encircle her wrists. Her hands that had been free a moment ago were now captive, held down in the dirt. He leaned in to kiss her as his thumb worked her, and his cock fucked her. She strained against his restraint, wanting to pull him in. He did not let her go; instead he held her down and she felt a new flush of desire flow through her body. Her pleasure escaping as he kissed her. His mouth consumed her as his body did. She wanted the bondage and still fought against it. Her struggle only seemed to encourage his desire. She was at the mercy of his body, breathing into the climax as it climbed. As her body caught fire, she no longer fought to hold the orgasm back. Instead, she rode it like the pony that had raced along the beach.

  Her muscles worked in tandem with his, fucking him again without moving and accepting what he gave. Her breath ragged pleasure audible, growing until it echoed off the rafters. The orgasm washed over her, reaching every cell, cleansing her mind, as he made her cum again and again on the barn floor. He was the only thing she wanted. The only thing she needed. She felt his desire rise as his pace increased, and she opened herself to him, wanting all he gave and taking all there was. Her name remained on his lips as he shuddered between her legs.

  Fuck yes. She liked this barn.

  He grinned down at her as he zipped his pants. She was far less dressed than he was. She laid on his jacket a moment longer, unwilling to trust her legs to stand. "Ry, I like this barn." She confessed.

  Ryan cast his head back and laughed. It was a joyful sound that came from his belly and rang through the rafters. “I like this barn too.”

  Hmmm. She cocked an eyebrow at him. “Did you come here often?”

  He shook his head. “Not since college, and never like this.” He eyed her, naked from the waist down lying on the floor. Her hair spread out over the spill of his leather jacket.

  "Never like this," She repeated and looked down at her naked form.

  "Never. This is new to me."

  “I like new things.” She teased, reaching up. Time to try standing. “I missed you.”

  He pulled her to her feet, arm slung around her waist as he pulled her in for a kiss.

  “I missed you too.” He held her up for a moment before he sought her clothes in the shadows. He retrieved her jeans and boots. Shane shimmied back into her clothes.

  "Why did you leave?” She asked. “You loved it here." She shook out her hair as they talked. Her side pony was less than optimum after the motorcycle ride and their fuck in the barn. It didn’t matter. She wouldn’t have traded either.

  He nodded. “I did.” She felt his reluctance and didn’t press. She just drew him into her. “I love it too. I’m glad we came here.”

  He laughed, but it didn't match the previous belly laugh. It held something more. Something she couldn't quite place, but when he spoke, his voice was clear. "Me too."

  He looked down at her, and she could see him clearly through the rays of sun shining through the windows. The affection in his eyes and voice was evident. "I did miss you."

  Shane nodded. “I know.” She laughed. “I can tell. I did miss you too.”

  He leaned in to kiss her, gently this time. He placed his hand on her back, leading her out of the barn, the same way they had come.

>   She looked up at the sky. The sun had retreated, the sky above them stretched out as far as she could see, gray and overcast.

  As Ryan drove through the curves back to the house, the scenery blurred by. She was only aware of the wind, the feel of his body against hers, and the thrum of the bike. When the bike came to a halt, she handed the helmet back and hugged him.

  "I'm going to scout out a bit more for the shoot tomorrow." He said, and she nodded.

  “I have a little catch up to do, check email…” she let her words slip away as she climbed down the bike with her hands on his thigh. She met his eyes, clear and blue, crinkling at the edges with a smile that reached his eyes. Shane returned the smile for a moment before he winked. Then she turned and ran towards the house. Behind her, the engine spurred to life and carried him back to the barn.



  S hane slipped into the house and walked down the hall. The house was still. She guessed Tess was still asleep; she had no idea how long they’d been gone. She closed the bedroom door behind her quietly. She slipped out of her boots and grabbed her computer bag. Shane swung the bag onto the bed and climbed into bed. Sitting with legs crossed, she opened her laptop and began to scroll through her mail, sifting the critical and essential correspondence out of the irrelevant ones.

  Amanda. Dear Amanda Panda. Anything from her was not irrelevant.

  Shane read through a few emails about Vino and one from Amanda wishing them good luck on the trip.

  She checked the coming day’s schedule and sent an email to Penny and her team, a follow-up requesting any special needs they had so she could make provisions.

  The next one caught her off guard. It was an email addressed to Ryan with Shane cc’d. This in itself wasn’t unusual, but the content was.

  Ryan, I'm delighted to be the one to talk further with you about this opportunity. It is unprecedented that they would pursue you at this level. It is a reflection of your exceptional work and contribution. Please have Shane schedule some time to discuss further details when you two are back in the office.


  Opportunity? Shane scrolled down the message trying to find the source of Amanda’s reference. She didn’t see it. What opportunity? She set an appointment with Amanda and Ryan before she went back, looking through email correspondence, looking for his big opportunity. She was still sifting through emails when her phone vibrated. She reached for her phone and saw Amanda's face on the screen.

  “Hi, Amanda, how are you?”

  "Hi Shane, I just wanted to check-in, how's it going?"

  “It’s going on well, Amanda, it’s beautiful here.”

  “How are the plans coming?” Amanda asked.

  Shane nodded. "Very well. We are all ready for the shoot tomorrow, and Tess is beyond excited."

  "That's great, Shane, so glad to hear it's going well. I see you scheduled an appointment for Ryan and me to discuss his pending opportunity. Thank you. I'm so excited for him to be considered for a position as a partner."

  Shane’s breath caught in her throat. They had extended an invitation for him to be a partner. Oh god. That was huge. “Of course, please let me know if there are additional arrangements he would need.”

  “Well, Shane.” Amanda began. “Now that you mentioned it, there would be some travel arrangements you would work on. The senior partners will be coming in a week from today to visit with him.”

  “A week from today?” Shane couldn’t keep the surprise out of her voice. She shook her head to clear her mind. Next week, it was so fast.

  “Amanda, what kind of arrangements do you need me to make?”

  She heard Amanda shuffling papers, "Yes, yes, here it is. I'll send a follow-up email along with the dates, but this what I have so far. Office space for the senior partners for the two days they are here, meeting rooms for both days, bring in continental breakfast, executive lunches, and schedule dinner for both nights. I was thought of somewhere like…” Shane was nodding, making notes. Somewhere like the swankiest restaurant in town. If he were being considered to be a partner, she'd do everything she could to get him there.

  By the time the house came to life with the sound of the others, she'd secured the necessary reservations and made the arrangements Amanda had requested. Ryan had done the work; she'd give him the backdrop to secure this position. If that's what he wanted, she will make sure he had it. She couldn't think of anyone that deserved it more. By the time she cleared up all the latest requests and questions, she was starving. Looking up, she saw the last of the evening light slipping away, and she was tired. It was late. She didn't intend to work this long, and this Cinderella was dressed completely wrong for the bonfire ball. The realization hit her as a soft knock sounded at her door.

  “Shanie,” His voice was low and brought a smile to her lips. Ryan.

  "Hey," she said, closing the laptop, as he peeked his head around the corner. “Just got back?”

  "Yeah." He said, slipping inside the room and closing the door behind him. His eyes were full of mischief. "Ali's with me. He's coming tonight. I think it will be just the four of us." Shane pushed the laptop to the side and slid off the bed as he moved towards her.

  "Hey, you." He said the words were low, and she felt them against her lips before he kissed her. His mouth was soft and hungry against hers.

  He leaned down into her while she wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms curled around her waist. Her body stretched out long and languid against his.

  She nuzzled her face into his neck. "Let's skip the bonfire," she said and giggled.

  He laughed as he moved her back to the bed. She felt the mattress against her thighs. “Tess would kill us.”

  “Do you think she would notice?” She teased as they went down on the bed, his fingers intertwining with hers as he pressed her hands into the mattress, his knee pressed between her thighs. She moaned softly into the pressure, “as long as Ali’s there.”

  Ryan laughed, his lips on her lips, kissing between words. "Maybe not if Ali's there." He said and dipped his head, nuzzling the hollow of her neck, his mouth on her throat, moving south, she felt her body respond and reached for him.

  Oh. She groaned. Wanting to please him and knowing they didn’t have the time to play. “No, no, lover boy. We have to go. I was just kidding. Tess would be really upset if we missed her party.”

  He sighed and went slack against her, his full weight bearing down on her for a moment before he rolled off onto his back. “I know.” He groaned. “Plus, we are like half the party.”

  “Okay, you get ready, we’ll head down there.”

  "Okay." She leaned against him for a moment longer. "I'm so glad you're here." She said before she slipped from the bed, leaving him alone.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To pick out something to wear from Tess’s closet.” She giggled and closed the door to his dramatic exhale and groan.

  "Tess?" She called mimicking Ryan's entry to her room moments ago. She knocked and knocked again. The door swung in with her gentle wrapping. "Tessa?"

  The room was dark. Tessa poked her head out of the master’s bathroom, dressed in only a towel. "Hey," She said, grinning. Her blond hair hung loosely around her shoulders. "Come on in." Tess had slipped back into the bathroom, and Shane heard the towel drop to the floor.

  “Tess, can I borrow something to wear?” Shane asked. Tess’s reply was muffled behind the running the shower water. Shane had to move closer to the doorway to the bathroom and leaned against the door to make out what Tess was saying.

  “Of course, whatever you like.” Tess’s image through the frosty glass was a fuzzy one but still a delight. Tess had piled her blond hair on her head. Shane could see the lovely outline of her friend just beyond the glass door. She was covered in suds and bent over, shaving her legs. Jesus, she was a tasty sight.

  “Thank you. I need something beachy.”

  Tess laughed. “Of course. It will be fun. W
e used to love going down to the beach for a bonfire.”

  Shane smiled and closed the door behind her to protect Tess from the cold beyond the bathroom. “How was your day? Did you get a little rest?”

  Tess smiled. “I did. It was wonderful. How was the tour?”

  A blush rose to Shane’s cheeks. “Amazing.” she began, “Tess, you saved his bike? Ryan’s bike.”

  She popped her head out of the shower door and beamed, “I wanted to do something for him. To make it up to him.”

  Shane frowned. “What do you mean?”

  Tess shook her head, her eyes slid away from Shane's, and she closed the shower door. "Let him tell you. It’s better that way."

  Shane’s concern deepened. “Tess.” Her voice was firm. “Tell me.”

  “Shanie, it was years ago. It’s what was between us. Honestly, your presence is the only reason he was willing to come back to this place.”

  Shane shook her head, not connecting the dots.

  "Listen, we were kids. It was that last summer he was here." Tess paused so long Shane thought she wasn't going to continue. "He was in love with me." Another pause, "And I was me." Shane watched as Tess twisted in the shower rinsing off the soap bubbles. The water stopped, and she stepped out, glistening and lovely. She reached for a thick white towel and wrapped it around her, covering her breasts and the curve of her hips. "I hurt him. I let him love me and encouraged it knowing I would never love him back. Not like that. Not like he needed me to."

  Shane's heart sank at her explanation. "I didn't mean to." She continued. "I mean, I meant to. I didn't understand the depth of my actions. For me, youth and power were a terrible combination. I used what I had and hurt him terribly. When he left, he left behind everything that he loved, here.

  We were his family. He thought he loved me. Ali was his best friend. Micah was the only father he knew." She paused. "He bought me a ring, asked me to marry him.”

  Shane’s stomached dropped. There it was. That was why.

  Tess continued her explanation. “I turned him down, flat. I never wanted that. I never thought of him like that; but he was the first man who left me. That left a different set of scars. It taught me a lesson I have not forgotten. I begged him to come back. Those requests went unanswered. When I found out he sold the bike to buy the ring, I bought it back.” She shook her head. Eyes stormy with the memory. “I had to get it back. It's been sitting there ever since then. Ali restored it. He stayed here with me, missing Ryan just as much as I did."


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