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Married to Krampus (My Holiday Tails)

Page 18

by Marina Simcoe

  “I must look like the true Krampus to you,” he chuckled. “Hideous and covered in gore.”

  “No.” I shook my head, helping him take off his blood-soaked army coat. “When I look at you, I don’t see the Krampus, Grevar. I see a man who selflessly defended his family. Who saved me. And I admire that man, deeply.”

  Peeling his blood-stained shirt off, I hovered my fingers over the wounds on his shoulders. They all had been treated. The cuts and gashes in his skin had been covered by a protective healing film. The fur around the wounds, however, remained crusted with dried blood.

  “Daisy,” he exhaled, suddenly circling my waist with his arms and pressing his face to my stomach.

  Standing silently, I raked my fingers through the trimmed fur on the back of his head, trying to imagine what he must be going through. He’d spent years fighting the enemy who’d invaded his home world, only to have to fight it once again in the heart of his city, during the peaceful times.

  His hand unexpectedly slid from my waist down to my backside, cupping my ass cheek. With a low groan, he pressed me closer.

  “Grevar,” I said quietly, soothingly stroking the fur over his shoulder blades. “The bath is full, now. You need to rest tonight.”

  It was hard not to follow his lead, now that he finally held me with passion. He’d been in my thoughts constantly. Even without the fancy technology of the Dream Spa, I saw him in my dreams every single night. I wanted him, badly.

  No way was I taking advantage of him in this state, though. I wished for this to be more than a quick fuck after a stressful day. If we had sex, I wanted his mind and his heart to be into it too, not just his body.

  I cared too much about this man to become the mistake he might regret in the morning.

  “I’ll have to take the kids to bed,” I said, gently leaning away. Tearing my hands from him, I stepped toward the exit.

  He didn’t hold me back and didn’t stop me. Before leaving, I glanced over my shoulder at him.

  Bloodied and bruised, and gloriously undefeated, he sat on the edge of the tub, following my every move with those wonderful red eyes.

  “Thank you, Grevar,” I said softly but clearly. “Thank you for saving my life and for everything you’ve done for me.” I was not going to let this slip by, though. “Sleep well. We’ll talk about everything in the morning.”

  Grevar had become so close to me, I felt I could talk to him about anything. Whatever it was that had been keeping him away from me, we could talk about that too. We’d deal with it, just as we’d dealt with other things. I had faith that together, we could work it all out.

  Walking back downstairs to put our children to bed, I realized that Shula was right. This was my home, my family, and my husband. Grevar and I had created a home in his house. We were raising our children. And we shared a loving, caring relationship with each other, whether or not we’d had sex...yet.

  I had everything I’d ever dreamed of and more. My journey to Voran hadn’t been a failure, after all, but the biggest success of my life.


  “Get me the tablet, Omni,” he ordered to the AI.

  He’d washed all the blood and gore off his body, but remained in the tub, letting the warm water sooth his aching muscles.

  There was no way Daisy was leaving Voran next year, he’d decided.

  She liked it here, he was positive about that. She loved his children to the point of being ready to die for them, she’d proven that today. They absolutely adored her, too. She’d confessed he had her friendship, gratitude, and admiration. But he wanted all of her. Her heart and her body, too. He would do everything it took to make her see him as someone more than just a friend, as her husband and her lover too.

  Christmas, the holiday she had been talking about was tomorrow, and he had a surprise for her. Because that was how humans made gifts to each other—they kept them a secret until the moment they gave them to each other.

  He wasn’t sure exactly why Earthlings did it that way, but if Daisy would get more excited just because he had kept her presents a secret, then so it was going to be. During the past week, he’d been searching and buying presents for Daisy, and he had to admit, it’d been fun to guess what she might like. Omni had been hiding all the pretty things Grevar had found for her so far.

  Turning on the tablet, he checked on the delivery of the giant maikai tree he’d ordered. It was supposed to arrive early in the morning.

  Lievoa was coming over for breakfast tomorrow, and his dad and brothers would be arriving later in the afternoon.

  Daisy would have her very first Christmas on Neron. And he was determined for it not to be her last one in his house. All her Christmases should be celebrated with him and his boys, because they were a family now. Shula gave him the twins, but Daisy made all of them a much happier family. Their world would never be complete without her anymore.

  She had to stay.

  None of what he’d planned and organized seemed adequate, though. Something else was needed, something bigger. Something that would help him keep her in Voran for sure.

  Lievoa had given him an idea.

  On his tablet, he requested the information about the Central Mall. This place was bigger, with better security than the Eastern Mall his cousin had suggested. It was also closer to their house and directly on his way to work.

  Most stores were closed now, but the mall AI would be available to answer his questions.

  He clicked on the contact button for property lease inquiries.

  Daisy had wanted to have her own bakery. He would help her get started. With her talent and perseverance, he had no doubt she’d make it a success. She’d stay after the year was up, and he’d have all the time he needed to convince her he was worthy to be her husband in every sense of that word. Then he’d spend the rest of his life making her happy.

  He scheduled viewing appointments for three of the available properties at the Central Mall, for the day after tomorrow. After work, he’d take Daisy to see them all and choose which one she liked the best.

  Feeling better about the situation now that he had a plan, he was about to turn off the tablet when a message from the mall AI popped up.

  “Would you like to see the specials or to book follow-up appointments with the previously visited businesses?”

  A list of the stores and services scrolled by. Judging by the date, these were the places that Daisy had visited during her shopping trip with Lievoa.

  Except for the Dream Spa. That one must have been there still from when he had visited the establishment a few times earlier. Long before Daisy came into his life, he would go to the spa on the nights when staying at home felt exceptionally lonely and he craved the intimacy beyond what his own hand could deliver. Those lucid dreams had been fun. Except that at the end of the day, he would still return to his empty house. Alone.

  Upon a closer look, the day of the last visit puzzled him. It was the same date as Daisy’s shopping trip. He pulled up the statement of his credit account. Sure enough, there was a corresponding charge for it on that day.

  Blood heated in his veins from the realization that it was his wife who had paid the visit to the spa that day. Why would she do that? When she had him, the breathing, living—and lately, perpetually aroused—husband at home?

  “One day, you will want to be fucked by a man. And it could only be me,” he’d told her long ago.

  The fact that she had gone to that place instead of coming to him burned through his pride and dignity like acid. Did she despise him so much that she preferred a machine to his touch?

  After everything they had been through together.

  After what she’d just said to him tonight.

  Whether or not they shared a bed, Daisy was his. She belonged to him, body and soul, she just needed a little more time to realize that, and he was willing to give her the time.

  If she were to dream about another man during this time, however, all his efforts would be lost. Then, she�
�d leave...

  He thought about the life they had already built together here in their home. How comfortable they had become with each other. He couldn’t imagine this house without her.

  “She could’ve simply gotten a massage to relax her muscles,” he told himself, trying to fight the poison of jealousy flooding his veins.

  Then he thought about the change in her behaviour of late. How oddly skittish she had become. Talkative by nature, she would suddenly fall silent. Whenever they touched, even accidentally, she would pull away quickly.

  If there was another man...

  He groaned, sitting up in the tub. The water splashed over, just like his anger bubbling over inside him. What hurt the most was that she had done this behind his back. While all his thoughts had been about her, she’d been dreaming about someone else.

  “I need to see the footage of the last visit charged to my credit account,” he typed the message to the Dream Spa AI.

  Knowing it would only hurt more, he couldn’t stop. He needed to know everything, now. The whole entire fucking truth, no matter if it was about to destroy him.

  “Due to our privacy policy, we need to confirm your ID, please,” a reply came.

  “It’s my fucking account!” he growled, climbing out of the tub and leaving puddles of water everywhere. “And my own wife!”

  Stomping into the bedroom, he got the credit bracelet and his ID, then scanned them both for the AI.

  “One moment, please.”

  Clutching the tablet in his hand, he paced the floor, dripping water on the rug. He waited for the video to load, expecting his heart to break into a million little pieces any moment, now.

  Hitting play, he braced himself for the image of one of those human men from Earth with their clean-shaven chests. They’d be holding his wife in their furless arms.

  His own scowling face appeared on the screen instead, making him think he was somehow staring at his reflection, at first.

  The image zoomed out, then, showing his shirtless torso.

  “Oh no...” Daisy’s voice reached him, confirming he was now watching her no-longer secret fantasy.

  Tablet clamped in his numb fingers, he plopped on the bed in shock.

  Daisy, his sweet little flower, had been fantasizing about being pounded hard by someone who looked an awful lot like him.

  It was him, his “fierce” red eyes included.

  He watched for another moment, giving his brain the time to catch up with what he was seeing. However, his cock caught on with what was happening first, jumping to attention, hard like steel.

  Should he even be watching this? Let alone getting hard to the video of the naked Daisy now being hammered from behind. Somewhere deep inside, a small voice whispered belatedly that he shouldn’t be intruding on her private fantasies.

  “This is my fucking face, right there!” he snapped at his inner voice, pointing at the image on the screen. “I am already involved. More that I fucking knew!”

  He should’ve known. How had he been so blind? So clueless? For so long? He’d read all her signs wrong.

  “It’s my fantasy, too.”

  And it was time to make fantasy a reality.

  He stopped the video.

  “Is there anything else we can do for you?” the AI prompted.

  “No,” he gritted through his teeth, “but I can.”

  Chapter 19


  He found her in front of the mirror in his old bedroom, brushing her amazing orange hair. She was wearing a much more modest nightshirt this time, something that actually concealed most of her body from view.

  But not for long.

  He lunged for her straight from the doorway, dying to hold her. No doubts marred his mind any longer.

  Her big eyes grew even bigger at the sight of him butt-naked, bath water dripping from his fur.

  “Please, don’t say no.” He gathered her in his arms at last.

  Her chest rose with a deep breath. Lifting her arms, she wrapped them around his neck.

  “Yes,” she exhaled. “Grevar. Honey. A million times yes.”


  It felt like a huge boulder that had been pressing down on all his hopes and plans for the future had rolled away, letting him breathe freely once again.

  He buried his face in her neck, breathing in her scent, her warmth, and her sweetness.

  “Grevar?” She stroked his back. “How are you feeling, darling? Are you sure that’s what you want? Right now?”

  “I’ve been sure about what I want for a long time.” He slipped his hands under her nightshirt, squeezing her round backside. “Now, that I know exactly what you want, nothing is going to hold me back.”

  “What do I want?” She leaned back, catching his eyes, a teasing spark flashing in hers.

  “Me,” he growled, lifting her up onto the dresser. Her legs fell open, making room for him to get closer. “You want me.”

  The full meaning of his own words rolled through his chest with surprise and pleasure. He still couldn’t believe his Daisy was not repulsed but aroused at the sight of him.

  She moaned, as if to confirm it again, and he slid his hand up her thigh. Dipping his thumb between her legs, he found her warm and slick already. His heart swelled with pride and delight as another shot of lust surged to his groin.

  “Tell me,” he rasped, hiking her shirt up to her waist. “Have you been thinking about me, right now?”

  “Always,” she murmured, her cheeks turning that delicate shade of pink they often did when she was angry, or embarrassed, or...aroused as it turned out. “I cannot stop thinking about you. I’ve tried but...All those naughty thoughts...”

  “Good.” He slid his hand up her body, palming her breast—full and warm in his grip.

  “Oh, I want you, Grevar,” she moaned, when he softly plucked her nipple. Wrapping her legs around his middle, she pressed herself to him, rubbing her core against his erection.

  Lust blinded him. His mind swam with need for her.

  “This one will be quick,” he warned, fitting himself between her thighs. “You drive me wild. I feel like I’ll explode any minute.” Everything in him was on fire, ready to explode—his mind, his heart, his cock. “But I want to come inside you.”

  Cupping her backside, he slid her forward along the top of the dresser, impaling her on his cock.

  “You are huge!” she gasped, biting her bottom lip.

  “Is it just like you’ve imagined?” he asked, giving her a moment to adjust before thrusting just a little deeper.

  “Oh no, better.” She breathed heavily. “So much better. Please, don’t stop.”

  He couldn’t stop, even if he’d tried.

  Buried balls deep in her slick warmth felt incredible, the orgasm was teasing him already. Pumping his hips, he let his desire for her overtake him. It spread like warm sunshine through his entire body, growing hotter with each passionate thrust.

  “Yes,” she whimpered, fisting her fingers in the thick fur on his shoulders. “Oh God, yes...”

  Gripping her ass, he pumped harder.

  Her body tensed. Her legs flexed, holding him in a vise as she arched her back. Sliding his hand up, he found her breast under her nightshirt. Cupping it, he slightly pinched her pebbling nipple, tipping her over the edge.

  Breathing in sharp gasps, she came around him. Her muscles clenched, bringing on the explosion of his own climax. The pleasure rippled through him, rocking his body and blowing his mind.

  Clutching her to his chest with one arm, he roared and slammed his hand into the mirror behind her.

  The dresser shook. The mirror shattered, raining shards to the floor.

  “Oh no! Not again.” Daisy glanced back over her shoulder. “Do you always end sex with breaking things?”

  “End? Sweetheart, this is just the beginning.”

  I CLUNG TO HIS SHOULDERS as he carried me to bed.

  “Now, I can take my time.” He laid me down on the bed. “I
want to see all of you.” He grabbed the hem of my white cotton nightshirt and took it off over my head.

  He then sat back on his haunches, sliding his glowing gaze down my body.

  “So?” I exhaled a nervous giggle, since he just stared at me, not saying a word. “What do you think?”

  “You’re breathtakingly beautiful.” Splaying his hand on my stomach, he slid it up to the valley between my breasts. “Your skin is glowing in the moonlight.”

  I didn’t know my Colonel could be this poetic. I wasn’t sure about the glowing part, but my skin tingled with warmth and my chest heated with pleasure from his attention and the admiration in his eyes.

  “Do you find me odd? Different from what you’re used to?” I asked.

  “Special, my Daisy-flower, not odd.” He shook his head. “You are nothing like anyone I’ve ever seen. You make me feel like no one else, too. You are you—beautiful, kind, and unique. And I wouldn’t have you any other way.”

  He was unique for me, too. One of a kind. And it had very little to do with his otherworldly looks.

  Now that I finally had him, I wanted to explore every inch of his marvelous body. I slid my hands up his abs—carved granite, covered by short velvety fur. It was considerably thicker and longer over his pecs.

  A trail of longer fur also ran from his belly button down to his magnificent erection that bobbed hard and strong again. I stared at it for a moment, wondering how it had ever fit inside me in the first place. The sensation of being stretched impossibly wide lingered between my legs, tingling with a renewed rush of need.

  He leaned lower, gently trailing his lips along my skin, just below my ear.

  “Kiss me, Grevar,” I whispered, fisting my hands in the fur on the back of his head.

  With a groan, he took my mouth, pressing his chest to mine. His fur tickled my erect nipples. The tip of his tongue slipped past my lips, and I met it with my tongue. Arching my back, I longed to press every inch of my body to his.

  His hands seemed to be everywhere at once. Massaging my breasts, squeezing my ass, gliding along my skin with increasing urgency.


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