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Wraith (Special Forces: Operation Alpha)

Page 12

by Kendra Mei Chailyn

  Amelia frowned at her jealousy and walked in Liam’s footsteps, being careful not to leave more of herself there than she needed to. He didn’t have to tell her, Amelia knew the less she can prove they were there, the better.

  They inspected the building, trying doors, looking in windows. They couldn’t get in, but she figured got a layout of the land by staring in the window. He pointed things out to her about the area in the back, the way the building faced, they colours the nooks and crannies. Eventually, they escaped to the car, where she cuddled into Liam’s side. He cranked the heat. Without waiting, Liam eased the car out of the lot and turned toward their hotel. They stopped for more food and coffee then continued on.

  At the hotel, they sat together and ate. She enjoyed this moment with him, loving the softness of his touch, the smile dancing in his eyes. After a while, he grabbed some paper and a pen and began scribbling.

  Amelia cleared her throat. “Do you have family?”

  “Here and there,” Liam said. He didn’t look up.


  “Meaning—my mother died when I was a kid and my father a few years ago.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Liam kissed her shoulder. “It’s okay. I’m an only child and my father didn’t come with anyone. My mother has family, but they weren’t close. I have an uncle in Alberta and cousins. What about you?” He went back to his sketch.

  “All I had was my father.” Amelia admitted. “After mom died. And Lisa. I come from a long line of only child families. That’s why I wanted a big family, but it doesn’t seem to be in the cards.”

  He paused and met her gaze before setting aside what he’d been working on to level his gaze on her. “You’re young, Hummingbird.”

  She shrugged. “I haven’t found anyone I wanted to help me with the family yet. I don’t just wanna have a child with anyone, you know?”

  For a while, Liam said nothing. He merely stared at her then smiled. “Well, don’t give up. I think you’d make a great mom.”

  Amelia’s heart soared. They talked for a little while before Liam left her alone. Unable to sit still, she paced the room, looking at one thing or another. Her mind went back to their talk. She’d never admitted her thoughts on a family to anyone, except her best friend. But for some reason, she couldn’t stop herself with Liam.


  Amelia looked up from the drawings Liam had done after returning. It was what he’d seen inside the building. He further impressed her with his skills and she made a mental note to ask him about it later.


  “I have a surprise for you,” he said, extending a hand to her.

  Without thinking, she accepted his had and allowed him to lead her toward the bathroom.

  “Close your eyes.,” he said.

  Amelia laughed. “Okay.”

  She did as he asked and soon, they were moving again. When they stopped, Liam began undressing her. Amelia giggled and licked her lips.

  “Liam Snyder, if you wanted my body all you had to do was asked.” She teased him. “All you would have to do was pinch my nipples or kiss my neck.”

  Liam pinched her bare nipples and she trembled. Amelia melted.

  “I’ll know this for next time,” Liam said, close to her ear before nipping at it.

  He picked her up causing Amelia to squeal. Next, he lowered her until perfectly, warm water flowed over her ass and rose higher. She tightened her arms around him but didn’t open her eyes until he told her to. When she did, he’d run her a bath and was sitting beside the tub on the bath stool.

  “I promised you a bath at some point.” Liam trailed a finger between her breasts. “I know this isn’t the perfect place or time. I know we’re still trying to get to the end, but I wanted you to have something good. Open your eyes.”

  “I do have something good—I have you.”

  He leaned forward to kiss her, softly at first then deeper.

  Amelia framed his face with her wet palms for another then rested in the tub. Liam didn’t leave her. He caressed her skin making her sigh.

  “What’s next?” she asked.

  “We wait for back-up then we go in to see what we can find.”

  She gave in to the soothing warmth of the water and the danger she saw in Liam’s gaze. Ever since she knew what made her hot, she’d always dreamed of a man looking at her the way Liam did. It was almost as though every time he had her naked, he wanted to ravish her.

  Amelia wouldn’t have minded.

  When the water ran cold, Liam lifted her out, dried her with a clean towel, then carried her to bed. He laid her naked between the sheets then crawled in behind her and drew her into his chest. Amelia rolled over to face him, snuggled her head under his chin and exhaled deeply. He wrapped his arms around her, kissed her forehead and pulled her even closer.

  “You’re spoiling me,” Amelia said.

  “I want to.”

  “Thanks for this,” Amelia told him. “Um—I should probably get dressed before your friends arrive. I don’t want to be naked…”

  “You’re naked for me, Hummingbird.” His voice was a soft rumble. “I want to feel you bare like this. Give me this.”

  She smiled, kissed his throat and settled back against him.

  “Remember when you asked me to say something to you in Mandarin?” Liam asked.

  “Yes. You said one day you might tell me what it meant…”

  “Nǐ zhēnměi.” He repeated. “You are so beautiful.”

  She blushed. “Aww, baby.”

  He kissed her deeply.

  Early the next morning, Amelia woke up alone. She pulled the sheets over her breasts as she rose and looked around. Liam was nowhere to be seen but she could hear voices in the other room. Nervous, she hurried into the bathroom and hauled on her clothes. Her gun was still in her pocket in the outer area. Once she was sure her clothes was presentable, she brushed her hair back, tied it up and slowly walked out of the room to find Liam with two other people.

  There was a man and a woman. The man—sexy, muscular, dark hair and wearing blue jeans and a black graphic shirt. The woman was beautiful, African American and dressed in skin tight leggings and a boyfriend sweater.

  “Um…” Amelia said.

  They all turned to look at her and Amelia wanted to crawl under the floor.

  “Amelia,” Liam said with a smile. “Come on in.”

  She walked to stand by Liam’s side.

  “Meet Alric Gerhart,” Liam said.

  “They call me Beastmode,” the man said, extending a large hand. “But honestly, Beast is fine. It’s a pleasure.”

  Amelia accepted the greeting. “Nice to meet you.”

  “And Sabine Henson.” Liam motioned to the other woman in the room.

  She grinned and waved. “Barbie.”

  Amelia gave them each a curt nod.

  “These are the guys Tex was telling us about,” Liam told her.

  “GSG 9—right. I’m glad you’re all here.”

  “Tex calls, we answer,” Barbie said.

  “My lady sent you a care package,” Beast said. He walked over to a duffle bag and brought it over. When he sent it in front of Amelia, he eased back. “She figured you needed a lady’s touch in all of this.”

  Tears burned her eyes. “Thank you,” she told him. “Thank her for me.”

  “No need.” Barbie batted a wrist. “We take care of our own. Now, how can we help?”

  They got down to business. The plotting lasted well into the morning. Beast excused himself to run out for food and by the time he’d returned, the group was pretty much talked out. Amelia and Barbie sequestered themselves in the bedroom while Amelia went through the bag Beast had brought her.

  There were a couple pairs of jeans, sweaters, three graphic shirts, new panties with tags on them, new bras, facial clothes, hair tie a hair brush and a few other things a woman would need. Tucked in the very bottom was a soft piece of material. Not knowing
what it was, she pulled it out and unfolded it.

  Amelia gasped as the sexy nightgown filled her gaze.

  “Oh lord!” Amelia shoved it back into the bag.

  Barbie doubled over laughing. “There is nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “How did she know?”

  “That you and Liam were sleeping together?” Barbie asked. “She didn’t. But Liam isn’t hard on the eyes. And from what I’ve heard about him, he’s a good man. Besides, Fleur has been in your shoes.”

  “Her name is Fleur?”

  Barbie shook her head and wandered over to the window to peer out. “No. Miracle.”

  “Miracle?” Amelia giggled. “Really?”

  Barbie nodded. “Miracle Jones but if Beast has his way it won’t be Jones for long.”

  “He loves her, huh? I’ve always wondered if these military men knew what it was like to love a spouse. My father wasn’t a very good example.”

  “They can. You just have to sit in a room for two seconds with the two of them.” Barbie smiled warmly. “My guy is new to this whole special forces deal, but he loves me like no other can. The thing is, when they do love you, its fierce and without reservations. They would make the world explode to save you and nowhere is too dark where they won’t find you.”

  “I need that. Anyway, where does the name Fleur come from?”

  “When you become a part of this family, you get a nickname.” Barbie explained. “Beast picked Fleur for her.”

  “Which would explain why Liam calls me Hummingbird.”

  Barbie turned and smiled. “Maybe.”

  “What’s your guy called?”

  Barbie smirked. “Crash,” she said, proudly. “Survived a couple plane crashes. He used to be a smokejumper in the United States.”

  “I see.” Amelia nodded. “Are you a part of Tex’s team?”

  “No. I’m a part of CIRO, Beast’s team.”

  “Wait…” Amelia was stunned. “You’re GSG9?”

  Barbie nodded.

  “So, you’re bad-ass, huh.”

  She smiled, her glorious white teeth complementing her beautiful dark lips. “Something like that.”

  “If I get out of this alive, you and the guys should visit me in Toronto,” Amelia told her. “I’ll cook and you wouldn’t need a hotel. You can all stay at my place. It would be the least I can do.”

  “We didn’t do this for payback.” Barbie sat on the side of the bed. “We did it because we are our brother’s keepers.”

  “But I’m not a part of this family.”

  “You don’t think so?” Barbie smiled. “Tex likes you. If he does, he will move the world to make sure you’re all right. Being in our Texan’s heart says a lot.”

  “I think he’s doing this for Liam.”

  “Well, the next time you talk to him, ask him.”

  Amelia sighed. “I can’t wait for this to be over. I want my old life back.”

  “Your old life doesn’t have Wraith—or the fantastic CIRO at your back.” Barbie beamed proudly. “What kind of life is that?”

  Amelia couldn’t help laughing. “You know what I mean.”

  “I know. It’s hard, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. We’re gonna get you through this—you’ll see.”

  Chapter 14

  Night fell over Omsk and as usual an unease came with it. The last time Wraith was in the forsaken place, his life almost ended. He never thought he’d be back. Before, he hadn’t been afraid. Death was a part of the job. Now, his heart slammed inside his chest. He had something to lose—if he died, he’d lose Amelia. Though she wasn’t his yet, he wanted her to be. He wanted to claim her, to wake up with her in his arms, to listen to the cute way she snored as she fell into deep sleep.

  He wanted all of her in his life—needed her. The thought of the father to her children being someone else almost brought him to his knees. The anger it sent surging through him was unbelievable. He pulled the flap by his neck and the Velcro coming apart echoed through the silence of the room. Wraith frowned and pulled the flap then pressed the Velcro together. As he was shoving his gun into one of the holsters strapped to his thigh, footsteps caused him to turn.

  “What do you think?” Barbie asked, stepping out of the way.

  Wraith licked his lips. Amelia did a runway twirl. He didn’t think she could be any sexier but as she strutted toward him dressed in a tight pair of black pants, military boots and a top which gave him an idea of the voluptuousness of her breasts.

  “What Wraith meant to say.” Beast laughed. Without looking away from the computer screen in front of him. “Is, you look lovely.”

  Wraith grunted and picked up her gun. She’d left it in her coat pocket. When she was standing directly in front of her, he handed it to her then leaned in to whisper in her ear. “When this is over, I’ll show you just how much I like what you’re wearing as I shred it from your body.”

  She rested a palm to his chest while using the other hand to push her gun into the holster at her hip.

  “Then we’d better get this show on the road then.” She kissed his shoulder and stepped away.

  “Okay, boys and girls, gather around.” Beast called.

  “You found him?” Wraith asked as they rushed to look over his shoulder.

  “He didn’t make it easy,” Beast said.

  Tex’s face appeared on the screen, a wide smile on his face. “You’ve gotten better, Beastmode.”

  “And you’re still a dick.” Beast chuckled. “Let’s hear what you got.”

  “Right-o.” Tex got down to business, his picture sliding to the top corner of the screen. After a few taps at his keyboard, a 3-D image of a map appeared. It seemed very old. “This is a floor plan of the buildin’. The down side—it’s over thirty years old. They haven’t been updated since the place went up. Any number of things could have changed.”

  “That’s not very helpful,” Amelia muttered. “This means we’ll be going into this with no clue.”

  “We’ve done this before,” Barbie said. “Don’t worry so much.”

  “Barbie is right,” Beast said. “We just have to be a little more careful.”

  “Any place for me?” Barbie asked.

  Tex tapped away and another map popped up at the top of the screen. A glowing red dot flashed at a certain point. “Here,” Tex said. “I don’t know how stable this place is. It’s been abandoned for months.”

  “So, you’re not going in with them?” Amelia asked.

  “I’m back up on this mission,” Barbie explained. “We’ll flesh it out first.”

  Wraith watched Amelia. He could tell she wasn’t a fan of what was happening. But there wasn’t really anything either of them could do. By the time they were geared up and ready to go, the plan was simple. Amelia would walk with Barbie who would be in position to back them up from a perch in the hills above the diner across the street.

  The rest of them would have to go in blind, going room to room and dealing with whatever came on the fly. Wraith pulled his mind into war mode as Tex worked to disable the cameras for the restaurant to they could pile through the back door. Once they were in the black Jeep the CIRO guys came in, he settled back and laced his fingers with Amelia’s.

  “Keep your eyes open.” Amelia whispered to him.

  “I’m coming back.” Wraith told her. “You made me a promise, remember?”

  “I did?” Amelia arched a brow. “I did! Make me keep it.”

  Wraith dropped a chaste kiss to her lips then her forehead.

  “T minus sixty seconds, Barbie and Hummingbird.” Beast called from the front seat.

  “Roger that.” Barbie replied.

  Amelia said nothing. She leaned forward to press her forehead at the neck of Wraith’s bulletproof vest. He held her as close as he could for as long as he could. When they arrived at Barbie’s and Amelia’s drop point, he kissed her roughly but had to let her go. He didn’t even have time to watch after her. The moment they were out of
the jeep, the two disappeared into the blackness, leaving Liam weak with worry.

  “Eyes on the prize, Wraith,” Beast said. “We get this right and you can take her home.”

  “You know.” Wraith stared at Beast.

  “Of course, we know,” Beast said. “Only a man who loves her could look at her the way you do. So, let’s do this right and get you back to her.”

  Wraith nodded.

  “Boys?” Tex’s voice filled Wraith’s earpiece. “I see you’re thirty seconds out. I’ll keep an eye on the authorities and other things. Once you get inside, you’re on your own. I’m blind, got it?”

  “Yes,” Beast said.

  “I don’t think I have to tell you to watch each other’s backs.” Tex’s voice was serious.

  By then Beast had parked and they were getting ready to alight. The two of them looked at each other then climbed from the truck and made their way, guns hefted into the unknown.

  The first floor was clear.

  The second floor was too but the floor grew less and less stable with each room they cleared. The third floor had one dead a body, rats scurrying to and fro and drug needles. Wraith used the tip of his boot to shake the man. With Beast covering, Wraith felt for a pulse, but there wasn’t one. There wasn’t a smell and the body had yet to go into rigor mortis. He hadn’t been dead long.

  To save time, they left him there and continued. At the top of the place, they found two other people, drugged out of their minds. The world could end and they wouldn’t have had a clue. There was no use asking them anything.

  “Are you here in your ships?” One woman asked in rough Russian. “I am ready to go, man.”

  Wraith stepped around her, but she merely fell to her knees and started bowing to him. He inspected the room and was about to leave until something moved in a smaller space to the right. Instantly, without a word, he and Beast went wide, gun training on the area. While Wraith faced the suspicious movement, Beast watched the others in the room. It wasn’t unknown for someone high to start wielding a used needle like a weapon.

  When he barged in, a man took off running and out another door.


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