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Wraith (Special Forces: Operation Alpha)

Page 13

by Kendra Mei Chailyn

  “We have a runner!” Wraith called.

  “I see him!” Barbie said through the ear piece.

  “We need him alive!” Wraith added.

  “Hate to be the bearer of bad news,” Barbie added. “But you have company and they’re packing.”

  Wraith groaned.

  He and Beast went wide once more. Beast to cut off the company they had coming and Wraith to get the running man. He leapt over a low bannister, landed heavily on the wooden floor, sending up a swirl of dust.

  The man he was chasing darted into a room and slammed the door. Wraith used his foot to kick the door off its hinges and was in time to duck a chair being hurled at his head.

  “Ugh-Fucker!” Wraith growled.

  “You can kick his ass later,” Barbie said. “Hurry up! I’m helping Beast as much as I can, but the dim light and the constant moving is not helping.”

  “You’d never miss and hit him.”

  “Are we really going to have this argument right now?” Barbie asked. “Go!”

  “Roger that,” Wraith said.

  When the chase brought them down another staircase, Wraith climbed the bannister, sailed through the air and used the man as his landing pad.

  “Why run?” Wraith asked in Russian. Without waiting for a reply, he grabbed the man by the back of the neck and dragged him to where he could hear the sounds of fighting. Almost there, Wraith knocked his captive out, cuffed him to a metal pipe and rushed to help Beast.

  He entered the fray by sliding low to take out an attacker’s legs. Before them man could hit the floor, Wraith pushed up in a half handstand and brought his left leg down into the side of his captive’s head.

  The man hit the ground out cold.

  Someone grabbed Wraith from behind. Wraith brought his elbow back into the side of the person’s head, but the arms still held him. Frustrated, he dropped his weight on the arms, pushed backward until they stopped against a wall. When he swung back again, his elbow hit the wall hard. Irritated and in pain, Wraith used his body as a presser until the person behind him grunted and released him. Swinging around, Wraith shoved a palm roughly against the man’s neck then slammed a fist into his face.

  His attacker slumped down.

  By the time the fight was over, Wraith hurt terribly. But he still wanted to know what was in that room. He charged up the steps taking them two at a time, overstepping bodies Barbie had dropped from her perch across the room.

  He stepped over the bowing woman and entered the space his captive had been hiding. There was nothing special about it except the large, covered frame. His heart hammered inside his chest. Could it be this easy? Could this be where the Lala had been hiding all this time? It almost broke his heart to know such a magnificent piece of art would wind up in such a dank, dark space.

  He yanked the sheet off and frowned. The frame was empty.

  “Shit!” He swore as he crouched down to inspect it.

  The frame was real, old. “It was here,” he said in the mouth piece. “Someone cut it out of the frame.”

  “Es tut mir echt leid,” Barbie could be heard saying. “I’m really sorry.”

  Wraith wasn’t ready to leave yet. They came all this way, caused so much disturbance, he wasn’t leaving empty handed. Beast met him at the door and followed him back to where he’d cuffed his catch.

  “Where is it?” Wraith asked.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Lying?” Beast asked. “Do you really think it’s a good idea?”

  The man spat in Wraith’s direction. Infuriated, Wraith slammed a foot into the man’s ribs for his efforts.

  Crouching and leaning in close, Wraith ignored the stench of the man’s breath. “I wear no flag on my shoulders, so adhering to any form of world law is out the window. You and I get to have a little fun.”

  “Brother…” Beast was the voice of reason.

  Wraith ignored Beast and grabbed the man.

  “One more time.” Wraith warned.

  The man stared into Wraith’s eyes then crumbled.

  “Where is the painting?” Beast questioned in broken Russian.

  “I do not know!” The shaking man replied. “It was there yesterday! I hid it there after I stole it off a man in Moscow. I was going to try and sell it, leave Russia.”

  “If you’re lying…” Beast warned.

  “I swear!” The man sputtered.

  “Who is the man you took it off?” Wraith asked.

  “I don’t know his name. Two weeks ago, I kinda crashed the party—got in when security was busy with others—I went to the bathroom and saw it, figured it would be worth something. Then two days later, all hell broke loose! They started coming to my house, following me around…”

  Wraith dropped the man back to the floor and glanced over at Beast. If he were to believe this joker, he saw a pretty thing and figured he could get rich quick. Too bad for him the fucking painting was cursed.

  “Where was the house of the party,” Wraith asked.

  “Moscow—in Rublyovka.”

  “That’s a long way from here,” Beast said.

  “I know.” Wraith grumbled. “We should go. We’ve already spent too much time in here.”

  “You may want to get out of town.” Beast advised the man. “The next wave of people coming for the painting won’t be as nice as we are.”

  Wraith uncuffed him and the man scampered out of the space as if someone had lit his clothes on fire. Wraith and Beast followed, guns holstered and silent. They picked up Barbie and Amelia and headed back toward where they were staying. Amelia cuddled into Wraith’s side but said nothing otherwise. Barbie shoved the bag with her rifle under the front seat and exhaled loudly.

  Once they returned, and with Tex’s help, they switched hotels. It wasn’t good to stay in one place too long. They then sat down over dinner to plan how they would get from one point of the country to the other in less time than a car ride or a train.

  “They can put a man on the fucking moon but still no teleportation devices.” Amelia muttered irritable.

  Wraith laughed.

  “I like her.” Tex laughed out loud. “She does have a point.

  “It wasn’t to be funny.” Amelia told them.

  “We know,” Barbie said. “But we all need a little humor right now.”

  “Speakin’ of which.” Tex’s voice cut in. “Can I please point out we have no idea what house in Rublyovka he was talkin’ ‘bout. It’s not like the owner could go to the cops and report the damn Lala missin’.”

  “Before we trek all the way there,” Wraith said. “We have to at least get some proof of what he said is true.”

  “My gut said he wasn’t lying.” Barbie crunched into a chip.

  “How far is Omsk to Moscow?” Amelia asked.

  “Let’s just say we can’t make it in a few hours if we don’t fly,” Beast told her.

  “Okay—so how do we get on a plane?” Amelia wanted to know. “It’s not like we can just walk into an airport and buy a ticket. I’m pretty sure by now whoever is after me and this painting is on the lookout and they seem to have eyes everywhere.”

  “That’s where I come in.” Tex cut in excitedly.

  “Oh, brother.” Barbie groaned. “We’re not hijacking a plane.”

  Wraith leaned forward and peer at the screen. “How long do you need?”

  “Be ready to go in three hours.” Tex explained. “Leave nothing behind.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” Wraith said.

  The screen went black and a familiar silence descended over the room. Without saying a word, Barbie and Beast left them alone to stash their gears into the back of the Jeep. Wraith took the moment to pull Amelia into his arms and kissed her head as she snuggled into his chest.

  “I know this isn’t the life you’re used to,” Wraith said. “I know you’re tired. But I need you to be strong for a little longer.”

  “I don’t know.” Ameli
a’s voice trembled.

  “Do this for me.” Wraith caressed her arms then around to her back.

  “That’s not fair.”

  “I’m not burying you, Hummingbird.” He leaned back to frame her face with his palms. “We haven’t had a regular kind of courting but I’m not burying you. You’re going to get your shit together, and in the end, you’re going to claim me so I can keep you in my arms. Do you understand?”

  She bowed her head then turned it to kiss one of his palms.

  “Answer me, Hummingbird.”

  “I understand.”

  “Good. Now, give me a kiss and let’s help the others get ready.”

  Amelia smiled up at him and offered her lips. He kissed her, loving the feeling of her breasts against his chest, the softness of her lips, the sweetness of her tongue. He wanted her desperately, but there wasn’t time. He needed her to feel comforted by his words and his body but again, no time.

  “You two need a little more time?” Beast asked from the door.

  Wraith reluctantly lifted his mouth away.

  “No,” Amelia said. “I’m about to go grab my stuff from the other room.”

  She rested her head on Wraith’s shoulder for a quick second then peeled herself from his arms and scampered out. Barbie went with her and Wraith felt the power give out of his legs. He sat on the sofa and buried his face in his hands.

  “There’s no shame in loving her,” Beast said.

  “I was supposed to be saving her.”

  “Let me save you some time and pain.” Beast hunched down in front of him and gripped his shoulder. “I fell in love with the woman I was protecting too. I don’t know how much of the story you know, but someone was after Fleur. I couldn’t stop it. Not only is she beautiful but Dr. Jones is smart and funny and calls me on my shit…”

  Wraith looked up.


  “Historian. She came to Germany for research on her dissertation and wound up uncovering a neo-Nazi. Long story. But the morale of it is this, love comes when you least expect it. Just because you didn’t see it coming doesn’t mean it’s not real.” Beast paused. “And besides—you will know in the future how hard you had to fight for this relationship, which means you won’t take it for granted.”

  Wraith nodded.

  “So—let’s do this.”

  “Okay, brother.” Wraith hugged Beast. “Let’s do this.”

  Chapter 15

  Amelia wasn’t sure how they did it, but Tex found them a plane and a pilot. Around three hours later, they were driving through a wealthy neighbourhood in Moscow. It was unbelievable to her how they’d just left a broken-down town to such opulence.

  Once they were set up in one of those fancy houses, Beast and Barbie opted for some sleep and though Amelia was tired, she talked Liam into having a shower with her. She lathered his back, thinking about her old self, wondering if that version was dead or in hibernation. If she hadn’t been forced out of her box, would she even be in this tub, with Liam, naked?

  Amelia sighed and had him turn to wash his front. She’d never been with a man whose body turned her on so desperately. She caressed him, dragging her soap covered palms back and forth over his nipples, making him moan. When she finally circled his cock with her fingers, Amelia knew there was no turning back.

  She stroked him while staring into his eyes, watching the fire swirled from a small flicker of light to an all-out inferno. Amelia wanted to do so much for Liam—he’d given up his solace to save her. Who else would have? He’d been shot at and shot for her. But where they weren’t in a place where he could make him dinner or take him out for wings and beers. All she had was herself—her body, her mouth, her heart. Could she ever be enough?


  “Yes, Hummingbird?” His voice cracked over her nickname.

  “All I have is me.” Amelia whispered, lifting her mouth.

  He framed her face.

  “I want you to be happy. I don’t want you to die here.”

  “No one’s going to die.” Liam said. “I won’t allow it.”

  Though Amelia nodded, the tears she’d been trying not to shed burned in her eyes making her blink even as his mouth descended on hers. Amelia melted into his chest, her fingers skimming his flesh to find his cock again.

  She allowed the water to rinse him before sliding down to her knees. Tentatively at first, she licked the head of his cock, tasting him hot and tangy. The water stopped and she looked up to see he’d turned it off. But she didn’t care. She merely met his gaze as she naughtily drew the mushroom head to the back of her throat.

  His eyes rolled back.

  She released him only to do it again. He tangled his fingers in her wet hair and used her mouth to his will. Amelia moaned, groaned, pinched her own nipples—enjoying every second she could. His muscular body trembled as he tossed his head back and wrenched his hips from her mouth. Amelia bowed forward and kissed the hardness of each thigh.

  Liam gripped her shoulder and drew her to her feet only to slam his mouth down over hers. Whimpering, Amelia slid her arms around him. Roughly, he turned her around, pressed her into the cold wall and pushed into her.

  Amelia climaxed.

  The scream torn from her was cut off by one of his large palms over her mouth. Amelia couldn’t have controlled it. Liam knew precisely how to use her body, to make her feel sexy and wanton.

  “Yes! Yes!” She mumbled into his palm.

  Liam growled behind her and she trembled through her second orgasm. Her knees shook but she reached behind to scrape his thigh with her nails. Liam rode her, hard, fast, without mercy. He gripped her like she belonged to him, like her body was no one else’s and he wanted to mark her to show the world his ownership. She whimpered, loving the idea of being his woman, of being the only woman he would tattoo his soul to.

  “Baby,” Wraith said through gritted teeth. “I want you to come again for me.”

  He dropped his hand from her mouth.

  “I don’t…” She panted. “Shit, Liam, right there!”

  He scooped her hair from her shoulders, used it as leverage and brought her to another climax that made him have to once again cover her mouth. He drew from her body, panting and bracing a palm into the wall by her head. Amelia turned around, gripped his dick once more and stroked it until he exploded. His excitement landed in hot splashes against her skin, burning her sweetly.

  Liam rested heavily against her. “I want—to give—you more,” he said, his breathing making it hard to speak. “So much more, but…”

  “I know.” She turned her head and kissed his shoulder. “I know. We’ll get through this and then you can give me everything.”

  He kissed her wet shoulder and stood back to turn the water on again. This time, they finished their shower around kissing and soft touches. They couldn’t fall into bed naked, which was what Amelia really wanted to do. She wanted to rest a little then have free access to Liam’s body when she woke. Unable to do what she wanted angered her—it raged through her like the lick of flames against her very core. They were keeping her from enjoying her man. That one transgression, in her anger, was punishable by death. If they kept pushing, Amelia would carry out their sentences with impunity.

  She remained in his arms for as long as she could, enjoying the warmth of his flesh and the beat of his heart under her ear. Eventually, she slipped into dreamland. When she woke again, she was alone. With a sigh, dressed in some of the clothes Fleur had sent her. After brushing the tangles out of her hair, she pinned it up as best she could, swiped her palms against her cheeks. As presentable as she could be, Amelia shrugged and exited the room to find Beast asleep on the sofa, Barbie digging through a back and Liam was nowhere to be seen.

  “Um…” Amelia said.

  Barbie smiled. “He found somewhere to workout.” She pointed.


  When Amelia found him, Liam was shadowboxing in a large empty room. Shirtless, muscles slick with
sweat—he made her hot. Still, she remained silent, watching him.


  She hadn’t realized he’d moved. “Mhmm?”

  “I love the way you look at me.” He was dragging a towel over his body. “It’s almost as if I’m the only man on earth. I love the almost primal way your eyes shimmer for me.”

  Amelia’s cheeks heated. “I always thought I was better at hiding my feelings.”

  “Maybe.” He draped the towel over his shoulder and pressed his mouth to Amelia’s throat. His beard tickled her flesh. “Or maybe, I’m just this good at reading through your walls.”

  She sighed.

  “Hey you guys!” Barbie called from the next room. “Tex has something!”

  Barbie’s shout broke the trance and they went barging into the sitting room.

  “I went diggin’.” Tex leaned backward to accept a mug from Melody and a kiss. She stopped to wave at everyone and was gone. “I’m not sure this is anything, but I’ve narrowed down the houses your guy could have been at a party at.”

  “How?” Amelia asked.

  “People post everything on social medial these days,” Tex said. “It’s a mine field of information to dig through. I found two houses with parties the same time two weeks ago.”

  “Slow week in Rublyovka I see.” Liam grumbled.

  “Probably.” Tex smiled. “Neither of them reported a theft but only one brought in private security. The other house wasn’t big enough. I checked security footage for both houses and only one had a party big enough to require said security. I’m sending the address to your phones now.”

  Amelia sat on Liam’s lap as they spoke back and forth with Tex. The entire landscape seemed impossible to navigate. The streets hadn’t been ploughed when they entered. For such a luxury place, they sure didn’t take much care for convenience.

  Still, Tex pulled up floor plans for the house and a plan was hatched.

  Beast had been silent most of the time. He was staring at his computer screen, frowning.

  “Something wrong, Alric?” Amelia asked.

  He smiled at her. “You know, everyone calls me Beast.”


  “Barbie set up some eyes outside while you were—um—sleeping. It seems we have company.”


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