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Rivaled Warrior

Page 15

by Brenda Trim

  “Thank you for your gift. I’m healing faster than ever before. You have magic in your blood, love,” Cael confessed as he rested his forehead against hers.

  A smile spread over her face. “Of course. I’m magically delicious, after all.”

  He groaned and removed his hand from her pants. Licking his fingers, she shuddered with renewed need. With a curse, he stuffed his still erect cock into his pants and zipped up. “Mack was spot on,” he stated and smashed his lips against hers.

  The kiss was rough and possessive, and she gave herself over to it. The dichotomy between the two males was overwhelming. She craved everything about Cael, but as soon as Cade appeared, she wanted all he offered.

  “She must be a seer,” Brianne responded on a pant.

  Cael grabbed her hand and looked down at his stomach. Brianne could see the wound was improving. No longer a gaping hole, it was scabbing over before her eyes. Soon, it would heal completely.

  “Elsie has the premonitions. Mack, on the other hand, has no filter and says whatever comes to mind. But, she wasn’t wrong about you,” he stated.

  A branch snapped nearby, and Cael shoved her behind his back, drawing his sword in the blink of an eye. As Cade approached, Brianne noted his expression was more pained than Cael’s after his injury. Perhaps her hope was nothing but a fantasy, Brianne thought.

  “We have a major fucking problem,” Cade announced.

  Raquel gave her a thumbs-up and fanned her face. Brianne understood what her sister meant, and so did Cade. His scowl deepened, and he looked away. The last thing Brianne wanted was to make Cade feel worse. Her desire for Cael had no reflection on her feelings for Cade. She never thought she would fall for two males at the same time, but here she was, torn between the two vampires in front of her.

  “What’s wrong?” Cael asked all business.

  She would’ve worried about his abrupt change in attitude if she couldn’t feel his love for her through their bond. Not that she doubted his feelings, but she wished it wasn’t forced on him by a Goddess. She wanted to know these virile males made the choice to love her, not because some stupid instinct determined it.

  If she chose a mate, they would know it was her heart’s decision, not an impulse driven by some unforeseeable Fate.

  Cade’s reply was the last thing she expected and had her mouth hanging open. “Crocell and her minions are attacking Zeum. Zander said there are at least fifty demons on the property. Nate shifted and had a midnight snack, but more demons arrived before he could regroup. Blood tipped spears were used, and he’s down for the moment.”

  “Fuck! We need to get back pronto. They can’t defeat that many without us,” Cael replied as he frantically glanced around. Brianne could sense his panic and reached out, grabbing his hand.

  Cade walked over and gripped Cael’s shoulders, shaking him. “We aren’t going anywhere. Zander wants us to remain here, and ensure Aurora and her followers can’t join the fight. Having two camps of enemies coming at them is the last thing they need right now.”

  “There’s got to be something else we can do,” Brianne said. “There are babies there. And, the princess.” The thought of either Izzy or Maddox being hurt had her inner harpy squawking for blood.

  “Gods dammit,” Cael cursed and yanked his blond hair. “I get it, but I don’t like sitting here while they’re in danger. I assume they’ve taken the children into the tunnels?”

  “Yes. Izzy, Maddox, and Brantley are safe, and the females are with them. It’s tight quarters because so many have moved into Anthru House, but Crocell and her demons can’t get to them,” Cade explained.

  “But they can get to our brothers. If anyone is injured, I will hunt that bitch down and tear her apart with my bare hands,” Cael vowed.

  Brianne understood a little of Cade and Cael’s background, including how they were aimlessly going through life when Zander found them. He saw greatness underneath the alcohol and idiocy. No one believed they’d do much beyond bedding females, getting drunk, and betting money they didn’t have. Even their parents had given up on them.

  “You and me both. Hayden is sending his CLAW to assist the battle. Our job is to ensure Aurora doesn’t follow through on her plan of attack.” Cade pulled Brianne into his arms and hugged tightly while he spoke. She felt his need to be close to her, and she wrapped her arms around his waist, offering comfort.

  “Did Jace find anything on how to deal with Aurora?” Cael inquired.

  During the chaos at Brushy Creek, Brianne forgot about needing a solution to that problem. They couldn’t leave their leader possessed by some demon.

  “He said to reach out to the triplets. They will have something for us,” Cade said.

  “Triplets?” Brianne asked her skin prickling with jealousy at the familiar way he referred to the group. She didn’t care if they were males or females. She didn’t want either of these vampires having sex with anyone else ever again.

  “The Rowan sisters. They are the new High Priestesses for the witch nation and the most powerful beings in the realm,” Cade explained.

  “We can discuss this as we walk. We need to get moving so we can reach our haven before sunrise,” Raquel encouraged.

  Her world was falling apart. Brianne led a simple life that didn’t involve demons and death. She was rethinking her desire about these two males. With them, life would always include one or both in some fashion. Her pursuit of Red Vines and the next trinket to add to her collection seemed inconsequential in comparison.

  “What in the hell is all this?” Cade blurted as he glanced at the secret hideaway. He wasn’t sure what he expected, but it wasn’t the cleverly hidden cave system that held more crap than a hoarder’s basement.

  Brianne rounded on him and thrust her hands on her hips. “You have a problem with my treasures? You can turn around and walk out into the sun. You may be sex walking and have a magical cock, but these are my most valuable belongings. Only those I care about get to see them, and I’m beginning to rethink my feelings for you.”

  Cael slapped Cade on his shoulder, making him growl at his twin. “Keep putting that foot in your mouth, brother. It’ll make her choice an easy one. Clearly, I’m the one for you, love. I see you like picture frames. I can’t wait to fill them with you.”

  Asshole, Cade thought. His brother always had a way with words, and today wasn’t any different. It pissed Cade off that his twin was outshining him where Brianne was concerned. He wanted to punch his twin in the face when his mate lit up at Cael’s words.

  A chime interrupted, saving Cade from a response. He pulled his cell phone from his back pocket, and read the text message. “Pema and Suvi are making their way to us, and asked that we show them the location of the cave.”

  Brianne hurried to the entrance. Cade remained in place, so he avoided the early morning sun at the entrance. “You told them to come in from the east, right? Otherwise, Aurora will spot them.”

  “I gave her your exact instructions. I still can’t believe Brushy Keep is directly above us,” Cade replied.

  “Most set their havens far from the city’s center to keep their treasures safe, but Raquel and I wanted ours closer. We stumbled upon the hidden caves by accident and claimed them as ours,” Brianne explained and waved her arms over her head.

  Moments later, Suvi followed Pema into the cavern. “You hiked down the cliffs in those shoes?” Raquel blurted to the black-haired witch.

  Suvi smiled brightly and lifted her leg, turning her foot back and forth. “Of course. These are my new favorite boots. I do everything in them.”

  “Everything?” Raquel asked and waggled her eyebrows at the witch.

  “Ignore her,” Brianne interjected and thrust her hand out. “I’m Brianne, and this is my sister Raquel. She’s jealous because she couldn’t walk across a concrete floor in flip-flops, let alone go mountain-climbing in stilettos. But, those boots are badass even if the heels are six inches high.”

  “Where’s Isis?�
� Cade interrupted. It wasn’t often he saw the triplets apart, and he worried the situation at Zeum was more severe than Zander led them to believe.

  “She stayed behind with Donovan. He’s become very protective lately,” Pema explained.

  Suvi nodded her head. “One day, he’s going to be the best mate to some lucky female. Anyway, here’s the crystals. Let’s go over how to use them,” the witch announced to the small group.

  “Those harpies are pissed. We came across a small group in the woods, discussing their situation. Seems most are following Aurora, but a few are questioning her sanity,” Pema added, getting down to business while Suvi unpacked several rocks.

  Suvi pushed aside some nick-nacks littering a table and arranged the four crystals in a circle. “The energy above us is definitely muddled, and getting darker by the minute. You need to act fast before Aurora is too far gone to save.”

  “What do we need to do? And, how will we know if we’re too late?” Cael asked the High Priestess.

  Suvi stood and reached inside her designer backpack. She pulled out several vials of glowing liquid and placed them next to the rocks. “The crystals will explode upon contact, trapping the demon.”

  “You have anything less incendiary?” Cade inquired as he looked at the green and blue contents of the vials. They swirled in the bottles like a tornado ready to destroy a city.

  “This is the only way to remove the demon from her body. You four will need to surround her at all the power points. North, South, East, and West. Once in position, toss the vials at her. This will disorient and immobilize her for less than a minute, so you need to act fast and place the crystals in the exact position.”

  “What will happen once we do that?” Brianne asked.

  “The spell will activate and suck the demon from her body. You’ll want to have a healer on hand once her energy gives out,” Suvi explained.

  “You’re sure this will work?” Cael asked with a tilt of his head.

  Suvi nodded emphatically. “Yes. The Mystik Grimoire was precise on what needed to be done. This crystal,” she said, lifting the biggest of the set, “will be the one that traps the demon. It needs to be set to the north. All need to be in contact with the dirt or they will be ineffectual. And, these can be set throughout the village to free any that are under her control. It will allow them to see the truth of who inhabits Aurora, and they should switch to your side,” she explained.

  Cade noted the crystal designed to trap the demon looked like a diamond where the others were bright yellow. They all pulsed slightly from the energy they contained.

  “Here are a few potions you might be able to use during battle. They’re offensive and won’t do much, but Brianne and her sister can wield them and remain safe. It’s all the help we can give right now. I wish we could do more,” Pema relayed.

  “This is more than enough. Thank you. Can you tell us what’s happening at Zeum? We’re losing our fucking minds with worry. We would’ve gone back if Zander didn’t order us to stay and handle Aurora,” Cade stated as the sisters took their leave. He was ready to join them, but he’d never leave Brianne’s side. She came before everyone and everything.

  “The Dark Warriors and shifters managed to keep the demons from breaching the barriers,” Suvi shared. “Pema, Isis, and I reinforced the layers of protection and Evzen and Jace are doing the rest. Crocell disappeared before anyone could reach her ugly ass, but her numbers took a hit,” Suvi said with a wry smile.

  “I assume Nate healed,” Cael put out there.

  “He did. The demon blood hit him harder because he’s never encountered it before. The serum works for dragon shifters like it does the rest of us and thankfully he was back in action much faster,” Pema replied.

  “Thank fuck. We worried about painting a bigger target on our backs by bringing the stripling to the property,” Cael murmured.

  “It will take a catastrophic event for them to break through, but I understand Elsie and Zander’s fear. She’s never going to leave Izzy alone,” Suvi said.

  “So long as there is breath in my body, that blue bitch will not get to that child. And, I assure you, one way or another, Crocell will pay like her sister,” Cade promised as he clenched his fists. He wanted to be the one to end her sorry existence.

  Demons would never stop hunting them, but it was a relief that he had a safe place for his mate. Her home was compromised. There was no way he could stomach the thought of her living at Brushy Keep with how easily the demons took possession of her leader. But before Cade convinced Brianne to leave her home, he needed her to choose him as her mate. Hey, if he were going to dream, then he would dream big.


  Sweat dripped down Cael’s spine, despite the falling snow. It was freezing rain, he amended as the icy pellets pricked his face. The trek up the steep cliffs to Brushy Keep was next to impossible. His mate and her sister made it look easy task, and for harpies, it was. Their clawed feet were designed for gripping, and he cursed his leather boots.

  Branches shot out among the rocky terrain, growing in an environment Cael didn’t think possible. The first time he grabbed hold of a limb, thinking it would support him, was the last. The roots immediately gave way, and he slipped. His quick reflexes were his saving grace, and Cael grabbed onto a large boulder, stopping his fall. He didn’t miss Brianne’s gasp or the panic in her dark eyes.

  “Damn, who’d have known Dark Warriors were such pussies,” Raquel said with a shake of her head as she quickly scaled the mountain’s ledge.

  Cael gripped a large rock and contemplated throwing it at the female’s face. Probably not the best way to win his mate, he surmised and released his hold.

  “That’s easy to say when you have talons and wings. Remind me again who needed saving during the battle with the Crow Tengu,” Cade countered with a smirk.

  Cael glanced over at his brother and smiled. “True that, brother. We aren’t fucking gymnasts performing on a balance beam.”

  “You want some cheese with that whine?” Raquel sassed and rubbed her eyes as if she was crying.

  “Stop, Raq. Remember, they’re out of their element here. And, these males kill demons in their sleep and eat skirm for breakfast. It’s amazing they’ve made it this far, if you ask me,” Brianne replied.

  Cael looked to his mate, and saw the moonlight bouncing off her silhouette, and was temporarily dumbstruck. She was enchanting, her arched wings casting shadows across her face. He had the distinct impression that the way her face was half-hidden in shadows represented him and his brother.

  He shook his head at his ridiculous notion, but couldn’t ignore the feeling that he was the dark half and Cade the light. Cael had lewd tendencies that craved submission and liked sex rough. Not that his deviance compared to Prince Kyran, but he preferred to give a touch of pain to his lovers. And, Brianne blossomed under his touch because she was made for him. Or, he was made for her. Regardless, he knew, without doubt, they belonged together.

  “You’re in deeper than I thought, sestra. Maybe bringing Cade and Cael here was a bad idea. We need to get you away from them,” Raquel postured.

  “Watch your tongue,” Cade growled. “One of us is her Fated Mate. There will be no separating us ever again.”

  “Settle down, Vampzilla. My sister hasn’t chosen either of you. You are nothing more than a pleasant diversion,” Raquel spat.

  Cael watched as Cade suddenly twisted, his hands clenched in anger. Cael’s heart stopped when he realized his brother’s mistake. Cade lost his tenuous grip and fell backward. In the blink of an eye, Cael envisioned his brother plunging to the ground, leaving Cael alone. An empty void consumed his chest as he acknowledged Cade’s role in his life. They had been inseparable since birth, and Cael refused to lose him. He would rather die than see his twin fall to his death. Without hesitation, Cael dove for Cade.

  His hand clasped his brother’s. The flimsy limbs were the only things within reach. Instinct kicked in, and Cael shouted, “Gra
b a branch, now!”

  Cael’s hand shot out and grabbed a bough at the same time as Cade. The fact that his twin listened and trusted Cael broke his heart. He’d been a complete jackass to Cade since Brianne walked into their lives. That was unacceptable and needed to stop. His brother was as much a part of him as his Fated Mate. They would have to make this work somehow. He couldn’t lose his brother.

  Their joined bodies jerked, and their combined weight challenged the branches. Rocks rained down the cliffs, echoing around them. Brianne and Raquel were behind them before the branches snapped and sent them tumbling again.

  Brianne’s arms were a warm blanket, holding his weight against the rock wall. His head lowered to make sure Cade was safe, and he sighed when he saw Raquel holding Cade.

  “You have to let go of him,” Brianne gritted. “I’m too close to the cliff, and my wings are struggling,” she stated through panting breaths.

  Their massive wings beat around them, slapping the rocks. Harpies needed air current to fly, and they couldn’t obtain enough momentum.

  Cael met Cade’s gaze and nodded then released his brother’s forearm. Loose shale crumbled beneath his frantic fingers. He felt a surge of strength at his waist, and the air stirred around them as the velocity in Brianne’s wings increased.

  His hair whipped around his face as Brianne’s front pressed against his back. “I’ve got you, mi león. Find a hold then worry about your footing,” she instructed and placed a kiss against his cheek.

  Her patience eased his anxiety as much as her touch. Against his will, Cael’s cock hardened and his mate mark bellowed its desires.

  He settled his frantic feet and gazed above, seeking space ample enough for his fingers. After finding finger-holds, he shifted his boots, seeking stability. More rocks broke free, rolling down the cliff.


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