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Rivaled Warrior

Page 16

by Brenda Trim

“I think I’m good now,” he told Brianne when his boots planted firmly. “Thank you, love.”

  Her wings fluttered rapidly before she settled on the wall a few feet to his left. Her talons clutched the cliff like a seasoned pro. He vowed to add repelling to his workout but thanked the Goddess for blessing him with a harpy. He and Cade would be dead if not for Brianne and Raquel. The sheen in Brianne’s eyes told him she was highly aware of that fact.

  “Okay, that was too close for comfort,” Cade muttered to his right. Brianne’s head traveled from Cael and back to Cade rapidly, and her fingers twitched on the cliff.

  Cael felt her desire to embrace them both. The more time they spent together, the deeper the bond settled. Regardless of her decision, neither he nor Cade would be free of Brianne. Thoughts of relinquishing her to Cade filled his head. Endless torment ran rampant through Cael’s mind as he experienced the torrents of pleasure Brianne would find with his brother.

  Raquel’s laughter broke into Cael’s morose rumination. “Surely that didn’t scare you, warrior. You didn’t even fall ten feet,” she scoffed with a wink.

  “You sure about that? It felt more like a hundred feet. Pretty sure I shit myself,” he replied with a chuckle. He wasn’t kidding, despite his care-free attitude. That scared the ever-living fuck out of him. “There is nothing normal about dangling from rocks,” Cael explained as he cautiously made his way up the cliff.

  Brianne laughed and launched herself up. Her wings folded against her back and she landed on a five-inch ledge twenty feet above them. This was her natural environment. Her skill displayed how much time she spent climbing and flying up this mountain. She glanced over her shoulder, and smiled at Cael then graced Cade with the same brilliance. The way Cade’s energy flared matched his exactly.

  “I believe she’s taunting us, brother,” Cade said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

  Cael nodded as he stared at his alluring mate. “I think you’re right. If we weren’t hanging off a cliff, I’d say we teach her who she’s messing with.”

  “We’re almost to the top. You can teach me when we get there,” Brianne called out as she quickened her pace. There was no mistaking the excitement in her voice.

  “I want to watch,” Raquel blurted. “Seeing twins go at it is strangely arousing. I’ll pretend it’s not you, Bri. Or you could always let them practice on me. I’m down for that.”

  A flash of jealousy sparked before Brianne masked her reaction. Cael smirked at her, and his mate narrowed her eyes then shrugged. “I have no claim on these vampires. They’re free to be with whomever they want.”

  Cael growled and increased his speed as he headed for the female. “When I reach you, I’m going to take you over my knee. You won’t be able to deny you’re mine after I brand your ass with my palm.”

  “Mmmm. I’ve never been spanked before. Surprisingly, the thought doesn’t repulse me,” Brianne replied with a shake of her hips.

  “Ooo, yeah, let’s go to Bite, sestra. I hear they have whips and chains to excite us,” Raquel added in a sing-song voice.

  “Spank my booty, come on and spank my booty. Spank my booty, spank it real good,” Cade belted out as he ground his hips. The movement caused him to slip, but he quickly regained his balance. Once Cael knew Cade wasn’t in danger of falling, he burst into laughter.

  “OMGeeee, that was hysterical,” Raquel blurted.

  Cael wished for a minute that Cade was meant for Raquel and not Brianne. It would make life perfect.

  “See, my love. You don’t need to go clubbing when you’ve got this at home,” Cade commented.

  “Who’s gonna stop me?” Brianne asked defiantly.

  “Once I get hold of you, you’ll forget about your desire for anyone but me,” Cade said as Brianne reached the top and climbed onto the ledge.

  “I desire only two males, and you know it, Cade,” Brianne confessed as he and Cade reached the top, as well.

  They clambered over the edge and Cade jumped to his feet and grabbed Brianne. She squealed and wrapped her arms around Cade’s shoulders. He squeezed and lifted her off the ground, and her wings fluttered rapidly. Cael recalled they did that when she was aroused.

  Brianne suddenly lowered her head, placing her lips on Cade’s. Cael watched as his brother gripped Brianne’s ass, and pulled her tight against his body. Their mouths slid over one another as their tongues tangled with fervor. The moan that escaped the couple made Cael look away.

  His gaze clashed with Raquel’s, and she gave him an understanding grimace. Cael was about to walk away when soft hands tugged his shoulder and yanked him off balance. He twisted and turned then came face to face with a heaving Brianne.

  Cael stood there confused until she grabbed him, kissing him with enough passion to make a cambion blush. She stood on tiptoe and cupped his cheeks while his hands found purpose between her shoulder blades. His fingers teased the seam along her wings, and Brianne moaned in his mouth and writhed against him. He took control of the kiss and explored her mouth like he wanted to ravish her body.

  Grabbing one knee, he wrapped her leg around his hip, bringing her core into contact with his erection. She tightened her limb and ground against his hard shaft. His eager cock kicked in his pants, and it took every ounce of effort to stop his urge. He wanted to fuck her right there and show his brother she belonged to him, but he knew that was wrong. He couldn’t intentionally hurt him.

  Shifting his hold, he lowered her leg to the ground. Cade approached them and placed a hand on Brianne’s shoulder. Cael sensed her racing heart and wild desire, along with Cade’s reaction to her burning need. For one brief moment, a feeling of rightness settled over Cael. The three of them shared something bigger than Fate. It was inevitable.

  “Okay,” Cael said, shaking off his epiphany, and refocusing on the pertinent issue. “How far is the village?”

  “It’s about thirty yards that way,” Brianne replied and pointed to the east. “Anna and Jade live in the closest houses.”

  “It won’t take much to convince them to join us. Anna and Jade already believe Aurora abuses her power and makes too many decisions without consulting the tribe,” Raquel shared as they walked toward the harpy community.

  They traveled about fifteen feet, and Cael was suddenly surrounded by thick brush. He couldn’t extend his arms without touching tall evergreens. Another ten feet and Cael was overcome with an urge to turn and walk away. The impulse was fleeting, and he shook off the compulsion without much effort.

  “We use aversion spells. Aurora felt that was better than paying for a more intricate invisibility spell,” Brianne explained as she watched him scan the area.

  “That’s smart. The spell is a good one. No human would come within twenty yards of your homes,” Cael replied.

  They came to a break in the trees and stopped to check for anyone in the area. For a supernatural village, it was awfully quiet. Unnaturally still, Cael thought. Brianne retrieved one of the yellow stones Suvi gave her and started toward the houses.

  After several feet, Cael understood why no one was out and about. The atmosphere was smothered in dark energy. His skin didn’t prickle, so he knew it wasn’t skirm. There was malicious intent, but Cael couldn’t determine the root cause. He wondered if a portal had been opened into Brushy Keep.

  Brianne and Raquel stilled their wings and walked carefully to a large tree between two massive evergreens. Cade and Cael were two steps behind them. They placed the first crystal in the dirt, careful to cover it with leaves then continued walking.

  “How will we know if this works?” Cade asked. “Suvi never told us what to expect. Just that it would clear their minds.”

  Raquel placed another stone and glanced at Cade. “If you’re asking, that means you can’t feel it. These crystals must be spelled specifically for harpies because my mind is sharper now than it was a second ago.”

  “Yeah. I’m even more dedicated to our plan than when we left Zeum,” Brianne murmured in agreeme

  After placing two more stones in the earth, they reached the center of the village. There were several ground-level establishments, including a café. His gaze snagged on Aurora, sitting at a table next to the window. Sweat dripped down Cael’s neck. The harpy leader wasn’t any better than the last time they’d seen her.

  She was bruised, and her cuts hadn’t healed. Her gray skin was flaking off her body, and the black circles around her eyes were haunting. In the next blink, Cael shuddered when Aurora’s face morphed, and a skull replaced the dying flesh. She reminded him of the zombies from his favorite television series.

  “I can see the demon inside her. This isn’t good. We need to save her, and fast,” Raquel whispered.

  “No kidding,” Cade agreed. “If I didn’t know better I’d think she was the undead. I will give it to your leader. Aurora’s not making this easy for the demon. I’ve never seen anyone fight a possession with more vigor.”

  “Yeah, but Raquel is right. We have got to act fast, or that demon will be expelled, and Aurora will be dead,” Cael added.

  Brianne placed another crystal on the ground, and their group froze when Aurora’s head snapped in their direction. Cael couldn’t tell if she saw them, or not. No doubt the demon sensed the spell, but Brianne quickly hid the rock by kicking it under a pile of leaves. Aurora turned away, and Cael exhaled. She hadn’t detected them, after all.

  “Are there demons in the area?” Brianne asked as they left Aurora and her warrioresses, walking to the other side of the village. “My skin is crawling with a million ants.”

  “I don’t want to stick around and find out,” Cade said as he brushed dried leaves aside and cleared an area to place the next stone.

  “Let’s get to your haven. I barely survived mountain climbing, and I’m quite certain I don’t have enough mojo to save me from a sunrise, too,” Cael admitted as he looked to the horizon.

  “Follow me, my fair-skinned mates,” Brianne stated and sashayed toward a group of houses.

  Cael looked at Cade, and they shared the same shocked expression. Did she just refer to them as her mates?


  “I need you both to listen,” Brianne announced the second they entered her cave.

  Cade’s stomach dropped, and he looked at his brother. The tone of her voice told Cade that she meant business and he sensed her steely determination through their bond.

  “I know I asked for time to get to know you both so that I could choose,” Brianne continued as she picked up a box and took out a package of Red Vines, ripping them open. “Well, I have a problem. I can’t pick one of you. I’ve fallen in love with you both, and it isn’t possible for me to be with only one of you. For me, it’s either the three of us or none of us. Nothing else feels right. I know you believe the Goddess made a mistake in giving you the same mate, but it feels right to me. So, after we capture the demon, I think it’s best we part ways. Don’t worry, I’ll still meet Jace and give him blood, but I can’t be the reason two brothers hate each other. No puedo,” Brianne explained and crossed her arms over her chest.

  Cade’s heart stopped then sank to his toes. Her expression was sincere. The decision was final. His mate didn’t want anything to do with him. Somehow, it would’ve been easier if he lost Brianne to his brother. Okay, that was a lie, but the fact she was rejecting them both was devastating.

  Cael sat down with a heavy sigh and rubbed his face. “Fuck, Bri. I was going to tell you to choose Cade. I’ve been miserable ever since we started fighting. I miss his thoughts in my head. It feels like I’ve lost half of myself, and I was ready to give you up to get that back. I figured if we continued this rivalry, we would push you away. I didn’t want to lose you both,” he divulged and looked at Brianne then Cade.

  Cade’s mouth dropped at his brother’s heartfelt words. Brianne chomped on the red licorice with her eyebrows creased, apparently upset over the situation. Cade refused to allow this to happen. There had to be another way.

  “I miss you, too, bro. And, I can admit when I’ve been a complete asshole. Look, when the three of us are together, it feels…complete. I know it sounds crazy, and I’m not sure how we do this, but I truly believe if two people can share a mate, it’s you and I,” Cade relayed, meeting his brother’s gaze then turned to Brianne. “Would you accept us both? I know this has been difficult for you, but I think I speak for both of us when I say we need you. Not for your blood, but because we love you,” Cade declared then held his breath, waiting for her reply.

  Brianne’s eyes went wide, and her candy fell from her mouth. “What do you think Cael?” she sputtered.

  Cael looked from Brianne to Cade. “C’mon, brother. I’m willing to try if you are. We can’t lose our mate,” Cade urged telepathically.

  “Oddly enough, it feels right to say fuck yes and know that we will share Brianne. When I watched you fall from the cliff, something changed for me. Or, maybe it’s been happening slowly. Yes, brother,” Cael answered in his head and Cade couldn’t hold back his smile. A huge weight lifted at his brother’s words, and he knew this was meant to be.

  “Yes, love. My brother and I belong to you,” Cael promised Brianne.

  “What do we do now? I know this isn’t going to be easy for us,” she replied.

  “First, we expel the demon from Aurora,” Cade said and made his way to Brianne’s side. “Join me, brother,” he told Cael who was there in the next breath. “Would you do us the honor, and mate us?”

  Brianne gasped, and her hands flew to her mouth while Raquel muttered, “Oh, my Gods!”

  Cael wrapped his arm around Brianne’s back below her wings. Cade couldn’t resist and stepped closer, placing his hands on her hips. He pulled her tight against his body. Her shiver of desire rippled through Cade, and Cael, as well.

  “I never thought the two of you would come to an agreement like this. Que milagro. Si. I will mate you,” Brianne said and attacked Cade’s mouth.

  Her lips were swift and insistent as her tongue licked along the seam of his mouth. His hands roamed toward her delectable ass and encountered his brother. Cade broke the kiss and looked at Cael, his blue eyes glowing with need. Cade turned Brianne in his arms and guided her to Cael.

  “Goddess, you are exquisite,” Cade murmured as his brother kissed Brianne.

  Cade watched his brother taste and nibble Brianne’s mouth, and Cade’s shaft hardened with the sight. The sensations coursing through his body were new and thrilling. He never imagined his arousal would connect with Cael’s and intensify with his brother’s need.

  Cade allowed his hands to run up her soft stomach to her chest. He trailed his fingers under each breast, making her moan into Cael’s mouth.

  Cade pressed his erection into her backside and his chest against her wings. Brianne’s soft ass cradled his cock, urging him to rub against her. His hips moved, and his hands cupped her supple breasts. He felt her nipples harden beneath her soft sweater, and he pinched the turgid tip as his lips trailed along her neck.

  “Umm, I’m glad that you vamps have figured out your shit. But, before you three get naked and start bumping pink parts, we need a plan for tomorrow,” Raquel blurted.

  “It’s a damn good thing I love you, sestra,” Brianne growled as she broke away from Cael’s mouth. “Can you just take a walk for a few hours? My mates and I need to celebrate.”

  “You will have an eternity to celebrate. What can’t wait another minute is Aurora. That demon is killing her and, if we don’t do something, Brushy Keep will be lost. Do you want the death of harpies on your hands?” Raquel interjected.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. It’s not every day you find your mate. Or, in my case, mates,” Brianne replied and leaned against Cade’s hold.

  His hands continued their exploration of her body, his lust at an all-time high. His mating brand throbbed, demanding he complete what he started.

  “So, warriors. Now that you’ve taken my sister from me do you think you can help save my peo
ple and home?” Raquel asked.

  Brianne broke free of their hold, and Cade’s lust-filled haze disintegrated. He looked to Cael and saw glowing eyes revert to their familiar shade of blue.

  Brianne rushed to her sister’s side and hugged her tight. “No one has taken me from you. I might live part-time at Zeum, but as my family, you are always welcome.”

  “Yes, you’re always welcome,” Cade confirmed.

  “That’s not so appealing. Everyone there is mated,” Raquel grumbled.

  “Not everyone. Tristan might be young, but he’s no longer inexperienced,” Brianne replied with a chuckle.

  “He won’t be alive to entertain your sister if you keep reminding us, mate,” Cael threatened.

  “I’m not interested in your sloppy seconds, sestra. Plus, I need a real male,” Raquel divulged.

  “I know that’s right. And, I’ve got the best males around. There’s no one for me, except you and Cade,” Brianne promised as she made her way between him and Cael, and ran her palm up Cael’s chest.

  She kissed him passionately for several long seconds. Arousal shot straight to Cade’s cock, and he moved closer to the pair. Before he could grab her breasts, Brianne’s mouth was on his in a hungry kiss.

  Raquel picked up the Red Vines and waved them next to their faces. Brianne broke the kiss and laughed.

  “I don’t suppose these hold the same allure they used to,” Raquel said. “But, they did get your attention. It’s time to plan our incursion before you three get distracted again.”

  “You’ve got it, sister. Let’s do this so we can continue our fun without an audience,” Brianne muttered, kissing Cade then Cael.

  Cade agreed. Discovering Brianne was his mate seemed like a disaster only days ago. Now, it was turning into the best moment of his life, and he was anxious to claim their mate in every way.

  But first, they had a demon to eradicate.

  “Focus, Bri. If you don’t stop daydreaming about sex with your hunky vampires, we’re going to have a problem. We’re about to ambush our demon-possessed leader. Now is not the time to have your head in a threesome,” Raquel chastised.


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