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India After Gandhi Revised and Updated Edition

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by Ramachandra Guha

  Mani, M. K. 494

  Manipur 137, 145, 259, 271–4, 548, 552, 646, 648, 700–1, 765–6

  Manu 234, 576

  manufacturing 205, 305, 389, 583, 616, 652, 660–1, 690, 733, 739, 741

  Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung) 96, 164–5, 167–8, 301, 303–4, 421, 454, 476–7

  Maoist radicals 421, 424, 672–3, 693, 697, 708, 766, 768–9 see also Naxalites

  Marathas 425, 527, 601, 662

  Marathi xxvii, 51, 99, 144, 178, 180, 186, 188–92, 282, 327, 501, 623, 663

  Marathwada 531

  Marathwada University 531

  Marlborough, Duke of xxiii

  marriage 231, 233, 234, 236–8

  arranged 235

  and the caste system 226

  cross-region 727

  monogamous 226, 234, 235, 238

  polygamous 226, 228, 233, 234, 642

  Martin, Kingsley 79

  Maruti cars 467, 505, 524, 534

  Marwari 117

  Marwaris 433, 551, 662

  Marx, Karl 135, 164, 290, 539

  Marxism 205, 220, 257, 287, 441, 442, 502, 504, 526, 670

  Masani, Minoo 341, 351, 355, 408

  Mata, Flory 294

  Mathura 642

  Mauryan Empire 530

  Mavalankar, P. G. 500

  Maxwell, Neville 414–15, 440–1

  Mayawati 631, 649, 709, 725

  Mayer, Albert 101

  Mayo, Katherine 153

  Mazumdar, Charu 423

  McCarthy, Mary 460

  McMahon Line 167, 169, 299, 301–2, 310–12, 315, 329–31, 333

  McNaughton, General A. G. L. 82

  Mecca 393–4, 705

  Meenakshipuram 560

  Meerut 559, 562

  Meghalaya 427, 450, 669

  mehmani mujahideen 642

  Mehta, Asoka 636

  Mehta, G. L. 460

  Mehta, Hansa 112

  Meira Paibis 701

  Meities 646, 700

  Menon, C. Achuta 470

  Menon, K.P.S., 150

  Menon, V. K. Krishna, 162–64, 305, 307–08, 315, 324, 326–27, 331, 336, 336, 340, 342, 398

  Menon, V. P. 36, 40–1, 43–44, 55, 58, 68, 100

  Menzies, Sir Robert 241

  Meos 18

  Merhuma 269

  Merkel, Angela 777

  Microsoft 662

  middle classes 12, 99, 135, 143, 148, 251, 259, 370, 491, 499, 500, 539, 540, 551, 560, 567, 583, 584–5, 592, 612, 629–30, 662–5, 669, 689–90, 702, 710, 733, 734, 781

  Middle East 73, 162, 374, 664

  migration 16, 59, 84–5, 90–1, 151, 186, 245, 264, 360, 363–4, 370, 468, 469, 551–2, 586, 613, 627, 734, 762, 764

  Mikes, George 289

  military aid

  Indian 331–2, 333, 338, 453

  Naga 428

  Pakistani 157, 158, 339

  military preparedness 451, 590

  military policy 328, 701

  see also armaments; Indian army; nuclear programme

  milk production 528

  Mill, John Stuart 120, 164

  mining 263, 672, 691–3, 695–6, 709, 741

  Ministry of Food and Agriculture 399

  Ministry of Information and Broadcasting 280, 505

  Ministry of States 44

  Ministry of Steel and Mines 399

  Mir Usman Ali, Nizam of Hyderabad 51–6, 143, 711, 759–60

  Mira Behn (Madeleine Slade) 220–21

  Mishra, Brijesh 683

  Mishra, D. P. 425

  Mishra, L. N. 481–2

  missiles 595, 672–3

  Mitakshara 225

  Mitra, Biren 424

  Mizo Hills 143, 403

  Mizo National Famine Front 403

  Mizo National Front (MNF) 403, 574, 646

  Mizoram 574, 586, 646, 765

  Mizos 143, 258, 403–4, 574, 646–7, 765

  Modi, Narendra xvii, 681–2, 690–91, 706–7, 719, 730–4, 738–9, 740–1, 742–5, 747, 777–8

  Mohabat Khan, Nawab of Junagadh 49

  Mohammed (the Prophet) 344, 371

  Mohammed, Bakshi Ghulam251–6, 319, 341, 349, 409

  Mohan Lal 769

  Mohiuddin, Khadar 638

  Mohun Bagan Football Club 473

  monazite 45–6

  Monckton, Sir Walter 51–2, 53

  moneylenders 12, 109, 263, 422, 547, 666

  Monghyr district 411

  Monopoly and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission 471

  monsoons xxiv, 13–14, 183, 200, 209, 210, 283, 412, 440, 456, 499, 504, 585, 607, 622, 671, 676, 683

  Montgomery, Field Marshal 35

  Mookerjee, Syama Prasad 6, 136, 138, 238, 247–51, 255–6, 282

  Mookerji, Radha Kumud 234

  Moon, Penderel 28, 145

  Moorehead, Alan 79

  Moradabad 559

  Moraes, Frank 314, 317, 326, 385

  Morgan, J. Pierpont 152

  Morris-Jones, W. H. 292, 492, 504

  Moscow 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 167, 283, 285, 400, 453, 459, 523

  Moscow Radio 135

  Motherland (newspaper) 498

  Mountbatten, Lord Louis 4, 6, 17, 31–3, 35–6, 41–4, 46–8, 50–1, 53, 55, 62, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 81, 144

  Mountbatten, Edwina 141

  Mudie, Sir Francis 16

  Mughal emperors 10, 17, 129, 5071

  Mughal Empire xix, 37

  Mughals xx, 12, 37, 557, 565

  Muivah, T. 428, 548, 648, 765–6

  Mujahid Manzil 252

  Mujib. see Rahman, Mujibur

  Mukerji, D. P. 147

  Mukherjee, Ajoy 419, 422, 423

  Mukherjee, Hiren 392, 408

  Mukherjee, S. N. 106

  Mukherjee, Shyama Prasad 134

  Mukti Bahini 451 456, 462

  Mukul 697

  multinationals 522

  Mumbai 668, 672, 687, 705–7, 733, 764, 780

  train bombings 707–8 see also Bombay

  Mundaserry, Joseph 290

  Mundhra, Haridas 297

  Mundhra Scandal 297–8, 771

  Munshi, K. M. 53, 55, 105, 110, 129

  Murree, Pakistan 65

  Murrow, Ed 209

  Musahars 528

  Musharraf, Pervez 676–8

  Mushtaq, Mir 398

  music 108, 367, 513

  classical 39

  film songs 763

  Muslim League 9, 11, 13, 17, 25, 26–31, 36, 46, 48–9, 65, 73, 77, 98, 103, 138, 151, 182, 259, 294, 360, 362

  Muslim United Front (MUF) 588–9

  ‘Muslim Women’s Bill’ 577, 579–80

  Muslims xxii, xxvii, xxxi, 5, 24, 97, 127, 139–40, 399, 409, 428, 434, 445, 459, 544, 747, 783

  appeasement 134, 137, 640

  Assamese 142, 551, 552, 737, 738

  Bengali 448, 553

  and the Constitution 110

  and cow slaughter 429

  distrusted status in India 359–71, 379–80, 429–30, 560, 746, 780

  entrepreneurial 662

  and family planning 511, 512

  and the film industry 686

  and the 1952 general election 138, 142–3

  and the 1967 general election 426, 444

  and the 1977 general election 521

  and the 1980 general election 543

  Gujarat pogrom 2002680–2

  and Independence and Partition 6–13, 14–22, 25, 26–30, 32, 33, 48, 238, 360–1

  invaders 36–7, 129, 134

  Jana Sangh’s animosity towards 134, 524, 559

  and Kashmir 239, 242–3, 245, 246–7, 255–6, 344, 356, 370, 380, 397, 527, 609–12, 642–5

  of Kerala 77, 283, 284, 398

  lack of an Indian middle class 373, 560, 686, 753

  language 117, 118

  laws 224, 230, 234–5, 236, 238, 576–8

  position in India 81, 239, 242–3, 245, 359, 371, 376–7, 379, 397, 398, 430, 560, 686–7

  post-independence n
eed for protection 128

  and ‘princely India’ 37, 39, 40, 46–7, 49–50, 51–6, 59–61, 63–6, 68–74, 76–7, 79–82

  Ram Janmabhoomi issue 578–80, 591, 596, 606, 626, 640, 652, 679–80, 737

  refugees 15, 85, 88, 90, 93

  reservation for 112, 114

  separate electorates, demand for 111

  and the Sikhs 14–15, 93, 182

  voting habits, vote bank 137, 374, 521, 527, 543, 640, 753

  see also Hindu-Muslim conflict; Islam

  Mussolini, Benito 53

  Muzaffarabad 66, 74, 356, 700

  Muzaffarnagar 512

  Myrdal, Alva 164, 176

  Myrdal, Gunnar 176

  Myrdal, Jan 547

  MysIndia (weekly) 692

  Mysore 39, 42, 57, 110, 180, 196, 215, 425, 437, 608

  Nadars 662

  Naga HoHo 648

  Naga Nation, The (journal) 259, 259, 261, 262

  Naga National Council (NNC) 259–62, 265–70, 272–4, 321, 387, 548

  Naga People’s Convention 321

  Naga tribes 258, 259, 260–2, 264–75, 320–2, 387–8, 403–5, 412, 472–3, 492, 526–7, 657, 745

  Angami 259–60, 261, 264, 268

  Aos 259, 321

  conflict, insurgency 268–75, 426, 428–9, 474, 548, 646, 647, 648, 700

  receive Chinese military aid 428–9

  territory 259

  Tangkhuls 272, 548, 646, 700, 765

  Nagaland 269, 320–1, 343, 387, 403–5, 428, 472, 475, 526, 548, 595, 648, 700, 765–6

  elections 1974 473

  Nagar-Haveli 174

  Nagpur 375–6

  Nagpur Congress 1920 177

  Nair Service Society 284, 289, 291, 292

  Nalgonda district 52, 95

  Namboodiri Brahmins 285

  Namboodiripad, E. M. S. 286, 288, 291, 293–4, 307, 419, 481

  Namka Chu valley 329

  Nanak, Guru 70, 86

  Nanda, Gulzarilal 385, 402

  Nandigram 689–90

  Nandy, Ashis 571

  Nankana Saheb 13, 14, 86, 87

  Napoleon Bonaparte xxxiii, 73

  Narain, Lala Jagat 556, 562

  Narain, Raj 484, 485, 520, 535

  Narayan, Jayaprakash 134, 136, 138, 282, 303, 327, 342, 348, 350, 387–8, 405, 409–10, 471, 475–6, 477–9, 480–8, 490, 492–4, 503, 518–19, 522, 524, 535, 536, 542, 722

  Narayan, Prabhavati 480, 493, 536

  Narayana Guru 284

  Nariman, Fali 500, 779

  Narmada Bachao Andolan 671

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel 162

  National Assembly of Pakistan 449, 463

  National Awami League of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman 447–8, 449

  National Conference (NC) 61, 63–4, 69–71, 73, 78, 81, 239, 242–6, 248, 252, 254, 472, 527, 562, 565, 588, 643, 679, 709, 748

  National Democratic Alliance (NDA) 651, 653–4, 658, 683, 684, 685

  ‘national essence’ xxii

  National Front 593, 594, 602, 605, 635, 646

  National Integration Council 429

  National Planning Committee (NPC) 201–2

  National Sample Survey (NSS) 204

  National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) 548, 648, 700, 765

  nationalism 360, 767

  Chinese 301, 332, 336

  Dravidian 776

  Hindu 776

  Indian xxii, 45, 147, 180, 282, 500, 657, 756

  religious 626

  nationalization 136, 219, 220, 287, 435–7, 439, 445, 470–1

  Nav Nirman 474

  Nawabs 37 see also princes

  Nawanagar, Jam Saheb of 439

  Naxalbari 420–21, 441–2

  Naxalites 421, 423–4, 441, 475, 539, 547, 561, 672, 697–8

  Nayar, Kuldip 498, 595–6

  Nazism 452

  Nehru, Arun 575, 579

  Nehru, B. K. 565

  Nehru, Jawaharlal 4–9, 14–16, 18–20, 31, 36, 39, 41, 46–7, 53, 58, 87–8, 90, 100, 105, 110, 197, 286, 305, 307, 360, 389, 398, 399, 401, 409, 412, 438, 443, 460, 472, 475, 497, 500, 503, 504, 514–15, 517–18, 521, 522, 529, 542–3, 544–5, 568–9, 573, 578, 594, 609, 617, 632–3, 635–6, 660, 711, 729, 732, 742, 752, 759–61, 770, 771, 783

  and the Afro-Asian conference (1955) 161–2

  and agricultural reform 214

  and Andhra 185–6, 195, 197

  animosity with Patel 125–9

  Autobiography 4, 147, 149, 176

  becomes prime minister 431

  birth centenary 593

  Brahmin 126

  and China 164–70, 300–2, 308, 310–12, 313–18, 323–5, 328, 330–5, 336–7, 340–1

  and civil law 224, 227–9, 230, 231, 232–3, 237–8, 578

  and the Communists 96, 98

  Congress Party position weakens 344

  and the Constitution 103–4, 115

  and the Dalai Lama 299–300

  damaged reputation 294, 336, 340–2, 343–4

  death 342, 359, 385–7, 414, 637, 762

  on democracy 146–7

  on Desai 402

  dynasty 385, 502

  and economic development 201–4, 206–9, 212–14, 218–19, 221, 222, 650, 689

  and the English language 117–18, 761, 762

  foreign policy 148–76

  and Gandhi’s death 22–4

  and the 1952 general election 131–44, 145–48, 232–3, 366, 739

  and the 1957 general election 280, 282

  and the 1962 general election 327, 328

  and the Goan ‘liberation’ 325–7, 770

  honorary doctorate 154

  and the Indian army 759, 761

  and Jayaprakash Narayan 348, 410, 475, 492

  and Kashmir 59, 61–4, 68–73, 78–80, 244, 246–8, 250–4, 344–58, 387, 410, 472

  and the Kerala Communists 289, 291, 293

  and linguistic diversity, language issue 178–80, 183–5, 186, 188, 193–5, 389, 390, 392, 393

  and local self-governance 633

  love of modernity 222, 224

  on Mookerjee’s death 251, 282

  and Muslim League 26

  and the Muslim minority 367, 370, 379–80, 409, 686

  political views 431–2

  power struggles with Prasad 126–7, 129

  power struggles with Tandon 127, 129–31

  prison letters to his daughter 517

  public disrespect towards 194, 230

  and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh 97, 98

  and the refugee crisis 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 137

  as responsible for India’s democracy 412

  reunited with Patel 22–4

  and science 212–13

  and secularism 223, 224, 239, 244, 354

  and Shastri 344, 346, 351, 386, 398, 401

  Shivaji Park 60th birthday speech 99

  and a Sikh state 318–19

  and the Soviet Union 158–61

  successor to 342, 385–7

  suffers minor stroke 343

  on the Swatantra Party 296

  and Thimayya 307

  tide turns against 279, 291–2, 293, 322, 336, 340–4

  and tribals 260–75, 321

  and the United States 150, 152–8, 336, 338–40

  and the unity of India 148

  and the Untouchables 375, 380

  weakened in body and mind 294, 341–4

  work undone by daughter Indira 514–5, 517

  Nehru, Kamala 480

  Nehru, Motilal 305, 497

  Nehru, Rameshwari 93

  Nehru, Shivrajvati 235

  Nehru, Vijayalakshmi. See Pandit, Vijayalakshmi

  Nepal 150, 420, 441

  nepotism 467, 550, 775, 777

  New Deal 210

  New Delhi xxv, 5, 20, 43, 62, 68, 88, 134, 135, 160, 168, 170, 172, 230, 280, 338, 359, 386, 389, 391, 394–6, 402, 405–7, 427, 439, 441, 450, 452–4, 458, 461, 472, 479, 485, 492, 503, 517, 518–19, 525, 531, 556, 573, 589, 593, 633, 635, 674,
677–8, 700, 702, 705, 717, 725, 731, 743, 748, 772, 775, 778

  and Anna Hazare 719–22, 724

  and China 303, 304, 308, 310, 313, 315, 317, 329, 523

  Dalai Lama in 299, 302

  Dulles in 158

  and Kashmir 241, 347, 355–6, 527, 588

  and the Kerala Communists 283

  and the liberation of Goa 325, 769

  and the Naga problem 258–9, 261–2, 265–7, 269–70, 272–3

  and Sikkim 480

  New York Times (newspaper) 43, 126, 326, 330, 440, 458–9, 496, 523, 533, 542, 569

  ‘Newspaper Revolution’ 540

  Newsweek 675

  Niazi, Lieutenant General A. A. K. 456, 457

  Nijalingappa, S. 391, 436, 437

  Nile 380

  Ninan, T. N. 751

  Nirankaris 554–6

  Nirbhaya 728

  Nixon, Richard 157, 452–3, 455, 458, 516

  Niyogi, Shankar Guha 539–40

  Nkrumah 441

  Noakhali 11, 16

  Noel-Baker, Philip 73

  Nokia 662

  non-alignment policy 150, 161–3166, 176, 311, 327–8, 327, 339, 431, 523, 543

  non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 667, 669

  Noorani, A. G. 391, 471

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 305, 453

  North East Frontier Agency (NEFA) 170, 266–7, 274, 300, 304, 310, 329–30, 332–3

  North Konkan 188

  North Korea 137

  North-West Frontier Provinces 64, 66, 67, 87

  Nossiter, Bernard 754–5

  Nowshera 80

  Nu, U 267

  nuclear programme 388–9, 477, 653–5, 658, 677–8, 689, 702–5, 707

  Obama, Barack 743, 777

  Objectives Resolution 104, 114–15

  O’Brien, Conor Cruise 627

  Observer (newspaper) 428, 504

  Official Languages Act 390

  oil 162, 471, 551, 552, 615, 772

  crisis 1973 471

  Operation Barga 525–6

  Operation Bluestar 563–4, 566, 571, 587–8

  Operation Faith 572

  Operation Flood 528

  Operation Gibraltar 395, 397

  Operation Grand Slam 395

  Operation Vijay 326

  Opinion (magazine) 499

  Organiser (weekly) 145

  Orissa 42, 110, 142, 177, 196, 208, 221, 263, 280, 282, 343, 416, 421, 424, 450, 468, 502, 527, 584–5, 635, 640, 642, 651, 657, 671–2, 673–4, 693, 708

  Oriya xxvii, 117, 180, 197, 754

  Oriyas 195

  Orwell, George 22, 288

  Osmania University 426

  Other Backward Castes (OBCs) 105, 601–2, 618, 620, 628, 630, 747

  Outer Line 170

  outsourcing 659, 661, 675, 749

  Padmanabhan, Mannath 292–3, 293, 481

  Pahalwan, Massu 140

  Pakistan 39, 95, 111, 126, 133, 134, 310, 313, 328, 360–5, 370, 379, 387, 399, 414, 420, 428, 441, 492, 516, 524, 533, 565, 570, 587, 590, 616, 627, 640, 655, 705–7, 752–5, 759–61, 764

  and China 452, 453–4, 457

  civil war 447–59, 573–4, 756, 767


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