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Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Nine

Page 4

by Colin J Platt

  Chapter 70-Kerion 6

  I was now conscious in the cloned body of myself, on Kerion 6, Reeas was herself and Deria was invisible, as she said she would be before we left base; she is a master when it comes to detection. She can access other places that we simply can’t get to, and she was even now seeking out agents who could be somewhere in hiding. The greeting committee was made up of just three people. The higher-coordinator for Spiron 21 who is called Maxim 3 plus two Guardians named Reilous 4 and Ferious. Deria informed me that they are genuine. She then informed me that she was going undercover for the near future; we could not contact her in any way but she as usual could contact us. The Guardian base was similar to Earths but was much deeper underground, sixty seven miles in fact. For students who wonder how the lightship gets into and out of the bases, it is something comparable to the light particles which are called neutrinos; they come from outer space hit the Earth or any other planet, travelling through any object, even people, then they shoot straight out into space again. Well, that is what the lightship does. It can travel through anything, even stars! We don’t need any gates or underground entrances to access the bases, OK, lesson over.

  I am now going to access the astral plane to meet the students who managed to get here in the dream state. Reeas and I were now conscious in the astral bodies on Kerion 6. I already knew the three students were waiting for us in the briefing room. After saying our hello’s I asked if any of them had any luck unscrambling the coding locks on the Deep-Access computer banks; the answer was negative. Whoever programmed the time traveling machine to lock into the Central-Database on Kerion 6 knew what they were doing.

  This whole episode was now starting to hit me. Reeas said the same. Whoever instigated this intends to destroy multiple worlds and alter the time continuum and we can’t do a thing about it! Deria was now sending me a message. We had to get back over to the Physical-World planet of Kerion 6. Deria said she might have a possible lead. Deria was still in High-Cloaking mode as we became conscious at the base.

  'Dan, do not reply to this message, do not even think too deeply about me sending it to you! Get over to the Time-Traveling facility as soon as you can.’

  Reeas and I are now in the elevator heading up to the outside world. Reeas knew not to break the silence of thought as it would compromise the situation. We just concentrated on getting there. I was very interested in the main mode of transportation though; it was a sort of small moving roadway plus escalator, the people seemed to be standing on nothing but on closer look it was a sort of clear self-cleaning plastic or glass.

  The people are moving about in their millions! Everywhere I look there are people! Kerion 6 is about the same size as Earth, but hundreds of years ahead in technology. I knew the population to be one hundred and forty-five billion; every conceivable space had been used up on the planet, even underwater. I thought this will all be gone in the next few hours.

  We are then escorted to a special air car which is laid on by the Guardians. It didn’t take long to get us to the Time-Traveling facility. I kept my thoughts to myself as we entered the building; we are escorted into a special elevator; I could tell this lift was no ordinary elevator; we are going to descend sixty-seven miles! The Guardians had the foresight to make the base deep. No students, I didn’t compromise myself. The Guardian-Database works in mysterious ways. Some notes can be added later and some right away. We entered the facility. We have special permission of course from the Kerion Government. They are now aware of the Guardian-Network. The damage was done so to speak, as the time machine was nearing critical point, so it didn’t matter too much if the enemy agents found out about us, but we still had to be careful. I wanted to find the Master-Agent, and that could be difficult.

  We knew we had just ten hours to either find the correct cancellation codes for shutting down the machine which was a long shot as it was nearing critical point already, or finding the Master-Agent, or agents, to get the codes.

  Deria was now sending me a message. It said be careful when you get to the time machine itself; there is an alien presence there. We are wearing our light suits so we are protected, but anyone and everything else would be vulnerable. We reached the time machine room to be greeted by several scientists, who seemed very nice and friendly, in fact overly so. I felt they were trying to put us off guard. I had to ask them to be silent for a while, that seemed to agitate them. Reeas said, ‘Dan, I can sense a presence.’ I was also sensing a feeling of what I can only describe as depression coming from an area to the right of the machine itself.

  ‘OK, I want everyone out of here and I want a security check and isolation bands on all the people here.’

  ‘What?’ Shouted the leader of the group? We are senior officials here!’

  ‘I don’t care if you are the Director.’ I said, ‘Out!’

  We are now alone. Deria was now in the room but still under her High-Invisibility mode. Her message was now coming through in High-Security mode. 'Dan, Reeas hold hands and meditate to level 15. Do not send me any messages. Do not worry about the alien presence it cannot hurt you while you are in the light suits also, it cannot leave this facility it is linked into the time machine.’

  Becoming conscious on level 15 was relatively easy to do; we had done it many times before. It was also a secure realm for us. In other words, dark entities cannot access it. We were now in the presence of numerous Guardians, Masters, and other people. Sionn was the person who was officiating.

  ‘We have now found out what this Dark-Master is. We still don’t know who it is. It is a Master-Shadow-Person, similar to the one found on the Felthen ship, it is also much more able and willing to accomplish what it was meant to do; and that is to destroy all the worlds in the Spiron 21 and Phopion-Galaxies! It will also alter the time continuum. Before you ask can it be stopped, the answer is no!’

  ‘Why not?’ I asked.

  ‘It is because the critical point has already been reached, even if Dan, Deria and Reeas manage to isolate the dark agent it would be no good.’

  'What about Debra?’ I said.

  ‘I’m afraid Debra is not responding to our wishes.’

  'Let Dan see her.’ Reeas said.

  ‘I’m afraid it would do no good, Debra is less than she was when Dan first created her!’

  ‘It is still a chance.’ said Reeas. 'I want to meet her also.’

  ‘And I want to meet her.’ said Deria.

  ‘Very well.’ said Sionn, ‘But there is little time left.’

  We transferred back to the time facility on Kerion 6. I instructed the security people to let no one into the time room. We then made our way back to the Guardian base. Sionn was already there. Sionn informed us that Debra was now less able than even a few hours ago! He began to look very serious now. We knew he was about to say something very important so we let him gather his thoughts together for a short time. Yes, students, I know he is a Higher-Guardian and should be able to simply state what he means right away but he is also susceptible like us all. No one and nothing is perfect in the lower worlds; and the lower worlds are everything below the Higher-God-Worlds. These Higher-God-Worlds are places where even we as Guardians are unable to penetrate deeply.

  ‘This is my fault entirely.’ Sionn said. ‘I am the one who made the network vulnerable by allowing Kallo access to our entire system. I thought I could finally end his long and bloody reign.’

  'We did.’ I said. 'You didn’t know Debra would deplete herself again. Everything must have checked out as you had experts employed in the whole plan, right?’

  'Yes, but I should have known that Debra is the one thing that I simply don’t understand! I don’t know how she, or it...

  ‘Don’t call me an It,’ said Debra as she appeared for a second and promptly disappeared again.

  ‘Debra.’ I shouted as I ran towards the waiting first ship. I shouted back to Sionn, ‘Please give me some time to find Debra.’ I entered through the wall of the ship. Debra was now
sitting at the control panel looking at me with a serious expression.

  'Why did you leave me?’ she said.

  'I didn’t.’ I said, ‘I was told you were now part of the ship and that I was now just Dan Sherman’ again.’

  ‘They wanted me to become the Ship again. Am I just the ship to you, Dan?’

  ‘No,’ Debra, you are everything to the Guardian-Network.’

  'Am I everything to you, though?’

  'Yes, Debra, you are more than that, you are part of me as Mannus himself said, we cannot be parted.’

  I knew we were now already out into deep space.

  'Where are we going, Debra?’

  ‘We don’t need anybody else, Dan.’

  Please, Debra. I have a job to do, or rather, we have a job to do.’

  'They don’t want us; I can access the databank, Dan; they only want to use us. I’m taking us to a lovely little place I know on Thelmar; it is over 1,480 million light-years away and will take us a long time to get there, we can be together, and we will be safe from the disaster that is about to happen on Spiron 21 and Phopion. You think I don’t care about that sort of thing, but I do.’

  'No.’ I shouted. 'We have to help.’

  ‘Why? They don’t care about us.’

  ‘I care about us, Debra. I want us to be together as Guardians.’

  ‘Do you mean I can be a real Guardian? And not like before?’

  ‘Yes, I promise. Please Debra; we have little time left to save billions of souls.’

  ‘Why can’t I be a soul, Dan?’

  ‘You are part of me Debra, so you are part of my soul.’

  ‘Do you really mean it, Dan?’

  'Yes, can you not feel it?’

  I don’t know, Dan. But if you say so then I believe it.’

  ‘Debra, look at me. I want you to be a part of me again. I want you because I am not complete without you.’

  ‘Then let us dance! I suggest the Tango.’

  ‘Yes, Debra, but please let us avert the crisis at Kerion first! Can we manage the job together, or is it too late?’

  Debra was now looking at me with curiosity.

  'What’s wrong?’ I said.

  'I want to be more caring, but I don’t know how? I know I have to protect all life, but I don’t feel caring.’

  ‘Just try to feel what I am feeling.’ I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  ‘I will try, Dan.’

  ‘Now, Debra, please tell me how long have we got left to avert the crisis?’

  ‘What crisis?’ Debra said. I was now starting to get a little nervous.

  ‘Please, Debra, if you are trying to be humorous, this is not the time.’

  She was now holding out her hand to me. ‘Touch my hand,’ she said.

  As soon as I touched her hand I knew the crisis had been averted. Debra had already decoded the time machine and isolated the Master-Agent before we set off on our journey! I now knew everything Debra knew about the situation, I also knew Sionn was about to send us a message to return to base. That is a new one for me I thought, knowing Sionn was about to send a message before we received it! I could now see that Debra was back to her best. Please Mannus, let this time with Debra be better.

  ‘It will be’ she said, let’s dance.’

  ‘OK by me,’ I said.

  ‘OK by me, too,’ she said, ‘I love your little idiosyncrasies, Dan. I feel complete now.’

  I can tell you students: I was feeling pretty good at this moment.


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