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Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Nine

Page 5

by Colin J Platt

  Chapter 71-The Corruption of Sionn

  We were back at the Guardian base on Kerion 6. The Master-Agent had been moved to a secure astral prison where it will be monitored from now on. The time machine had been deactivated and was now being dismantled. Sionn was in the briefing room where we were now gathering. Reeas and Deria were also here. Debra insisted on sitting next to me as she was now a Guardian. I tried to explain the situation to Sionn and Reeas before the meeting but they didn’t seem to appreciate it.

  Sionn started off with a tribute to Debra which I thought was nice. He also welcomed her officially back to the Guardian- Network. Sionn was now looking serious again. I knew exactly why. I could now access messages that were coming into the network as soon as, or sooner than anyone, even Sionn! One message was from a planet called Dienna 3, in the Laxian-Galaxy. I knew Sionn knew that I could access these messages, so I’ll let him carry on with the message. He said: 'Information about an army of Super-Robots has been received from a planet called Dienna 3. The intension of this army is to wreak havoc in the surrounding star systems, and dominate the Laxian-Galaxy. This incident is not the only one. Four more Galaxies are reporting the same type of incident I can tell you that this entire series of events is tied into Kallo and his helpers.’

  ‘How can this be?’ Someone in the audience shouted. ‘I thought the agents had been captured.’

  'Most of them have, but these incidents were planned long before that.’

  ‘Why didn’t you know?’ someone else said. 'Surely it was expected. These incidents have been happening regularly, have they not?’

  Sionn was now looking a little perturbed.

  ‘It is a never ending job just to keep track of Kallo’s endless team of helpers' Sionn replied. 'There are even dark agents who don’t even know that they are agents!’

  Another person shouted, ‘How can that be possible?’

  ‘They have been secretly adapted while sleeping.’ Sionn replied.

  ‘When will we finally be done with Kallo?’ One woman shouted from the front row.

  Sionn sighed, and looked unsure! I was starting to feel very sorry for Sionn. A thing I never thought was possible.

  ‘I’m afraid at this time we don’t know. Kallo is, as you know, in a High-Security Astral-Cell at this moment. But he is not the threat anymore! His helpers are now the real danger and I don’t mean the usual helpers. There are now, even as we speak, many thousands of Sleeping-Agents. That means there are many people who are working for Kallo in the dream worlds and don’t even know about it when they wake up’

  ‘What are we going to do?’ said another coworker.

  ‘We are going to take on the robot ships by old fashioned tactics.’ Sionn said.

  ‘You know that will fail.’ I said. Sionn was now looking at me with an expression that I have never before seen on his face before.

  ‘Yes, Dan, it probably will. But we have to try. You already know that the Master-Robots are linked together and cannot be shut down. You managed to destroy the Android fleet with your superior consciousness in Fexel space but they were Android’s. These are Super-Robots.’

  ‘Why don’t you say you don’t trust me and Debra?’ I said.

  ‘You know I trust you. But we can’t take a chance on Debra becoming depleted again.’

  ‘I won’t become depleted,’ said Debra, Who was surprisingly calm and even looked happy. I feel a change had occurred with Debra, but I was at a loss to know what. I know it is me who controls Debra but I cannot altogether control the emotions within myself. Sionn knew this and was testing me.

  ‘We are going to take a break at this point. Sionn said.

  ‘Dan,’ please join me into the other room.’

  ‘Debra was about to come with us, but Sionn said, ‘Please wait here Debra.’

  Debra said, ‘I’ll be right here, Dan.’ I noticed a strange look on her face. It was something I had never seen before, something was wrong, but what?

  ‘You will know everything that I know, Debra, so please relax.’ I said.

  ‘I know, but I am here if you want me.’

  ‘Thank you.’ I said.

  In the next room Sionn was again looking at me with the same worried expression.

  ‘Let us meditate to the inaccessible plane.’ He said.

  Wow! This must be important, I thought.

  After a few minutes in meditation I became aware in a beautiful place. The setting was Sionn’s birthplace in his present incarnation. The view was stunning. We were standing on a path looking at a range of mountains that seemed to be never ending.

  ‘This place is called Union,’ he said. ‘It took me several lifetimes to find the hidden door yet I know you can see it already.’

  ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘it is over there by the rock wall.’

  ‘I also know you can access the supposedly hidden locks and access the way to the next higher or lower levels on any plane.’

  ‘Yes.’ I said. ‘So?’

  ‘Can’t you see? It took me nine lifetimes to reach this point. And those lifetimes were very long. You have found the way in less than a second!’

  ‘What are you trying to say?’

  Sionn was now looking out over the range of endless mountains.

  ‘I am getting too old for this job.’ he said.

  ‘Never!’ I said.

  ‘Dan, I need a break from this never ending war with Kallo and his clones. You are too inexperience to tackle my job. So what do we do?’

  ‘I couldn’t do your job.’ I said.

  ‘Debra could.’


  'Kallo is no longer the threat, as you know. The real danger is from the menace that Kallo created many years ago. These recent events are only the tip of the iceberg. Debra is the only thing that can defeat the Master-Robots and you know it. I fear that this is also part of a plan to finally get rid of you.’

  ‘What are you saying?’

  ‘I want you to agree to separate from Debra.’

  ‘No.’ I shouted, ‘Anyway it is not me who is fixed to Debra. It is she who is attached to me.’

  ‘Then I have no other alternative.’

  Sionn touched me behind the neck. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I was now fixed to the spot. Two seconds later I was unconscious.

  For students: this message was added later. I know you are thinking that I should have seen this coming, but Sionn is, in my eyes, all that is good and spiritual he is a master and my friend so I had no reason to suspect anything unusual.

  I woke up in my usual place back at the base. Reeas was there, also Deria.

  ‘Don’t tell me.’ I said, ‘I have been tricked again!’

  Before they could answer Grenwer walked in. I could tell something was badly wrong simply by the look on his face although if Debra was still with me I would have known all he knew and more. But Debra was not with me!

  ‘We have a serious problem. Grenwer said. I am now taking over as the Higher-Coordinator.’

  Grenwer paused, looked over at Reeas then at Deria and finally at me.

  ‘Sionn has merged with Debra.’

  ‘What,’ shouted Reeas?’

  ‘We knew nothing about this till the last moment. He must think he can end this infernal feud with Kallo’s people.’

  ‘What can we do?’ Deria said.

  ‘At this moment, nothing, we can’t get any information from Sionn or Debra.’

  ‘Sionn must have been working on this for months.’ I said.

  ‘Longer I suspect.’ Grenwer replied.

  'Surely he must have sought permission.’ Reeas said.

  ‘Normally, yes, but this is not normal. I have known Sionn longer than anyone else apart from his family and Kallo. We go back a very long way.

  For your students: I can say one incarnation on some higher planets could be a long time, due to technology. But Sionn’s last incarnation was over 3,500 years because he was a Guardian; he died many times
but he is still Sionn, can you understand? There comes a time when we all reach a limit. For Kallo it was the meeting with Mannus and for Sionn it is the merging with Debra. Mannus is the power. Debra is also the power, but Sionn and Kallo are only soul!’

  ‘What are you saying, Grenwer?’

  ‘I am saying that you in your lower consciousness could control Debra! She may have got out of hand a time or two but it was relatively minor. What do you think could happen if Sionn exerts his full consciousness on Debra?’

  ‘I think I know what you want me to do.’ said Deria.

  ‘Yes, Deria, Please try to reach Sionn, do not contact him, just observe. Go to Dienna 3 first; there is no Guardian base there but we have an agent there who you can contact, he is called Joreb. You don’t need a physical body to access the planet as you are able to manifest into your higher light body. Dan and Reeas dream travel to the planet Axvious in the Quintos-Galaxy. There is a Guardian base there, collect a ship and then go to the planet Rifion. Super-Robots have already started to exterminate the population.’

  ‘How do you expect us to stop them?’ Reeas said.

  ‘Do whatever you can. Fabricate whatever you need.’

  With that, Grenwer left the room.

  Reeas, Deria and I were now alone.

  ‘There is one thing for sure.’ I said. ‘This is not any sort of test for me this time. This is serious stuff.’

  ‘Everything is a test in some way.’ said Deria.

  ‘What about contacting Mannus?’ Reeas said.

  ‘Yes, we can try while we dream travel to Axvious.’ I said.

  Reeas and I were now in the restroom.

  ‘Dan, can I talk to you?’

  ‘Of course,’ I said.

  Can you access the lifetime we were together on Earth, in the year 1349 AD.’

  ‘Please, Reeas. Not that one.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because it is too painful.’

  ‘Pain is part of life.’

  ‘I know.’ But I didn’t know at that time that we would reincarnate together again.’

  ‘It was very painful for us both, Dan.’

  ‘No, Reeas. I lost you and the children to the plague. I was left on my own to suffer!’

  ‘We all suffered, Dan. Don’t you remember the famine that spread all over the continent from Asia to Europe?’

  ‘Yes, I remember, Reeas. I sweated blood trying to get us from France to Dover in England to outrun the Black-Death, only to find it had beaten us to it!’

  ‘Why did you reincarnate as a monk in your next lifetime, Dan? You left us again.’

  ‘What are you trying to do, Reeas?’

  'I am trying to find out if my Dan is still my Dan!’

  ‘You know I am.’

  I want to know that you are finally free of Debra.’

  ‘I can never be totally free of her, but I can be in control, given the time. If I was free of her then that freedom could be our downfall. Let us dream and seek the answer from the highest source.’

  You students know the scene by now: We were in beautiful setting overlooking a vast mountain range as far as the eye could see. Mannus was seated as usual on a golden cushion with his eyes closed. Reeas and I sat down to meditate. We became conscious in the Room-of-Doors. One door was standing out from the rest.

  Reeas said. ‘What are you waiting for?’

  I said, 'My emotions are starting to get the better of me.’ Reeas was now comforting me with her arm around my shoulder.

  'I’m sorry about the past life thing Dan, It seems I am still emotionally attached to certain past life events.’

  ‘It’s not that, Reeas, but this door. I feel this lifetime experience will be very traumatic!’

  ‘We will face it together, Dan.’

  ‘Yes Reeas, always together.’

  We walked through the door. Imagine my extreme disappointment when I realized we were back in England in the year 1349!

  ‘No!’ I shouted, as I saw my past life character holding my wife Katherine (who was Reeas) ‘I thought you would survive, Reeas. When we buried the bodies of our five children, I at least knew I had you.’

  ‘I know, Dan. But fate had other plans.’

  ‘Why am I here?’

  ‘That is the reason why I am here, Dan.’


  ‘You are too emotional to figure this one out, so Mannus arranged for me to be here.’


  ‘Yes, now follow your past life character.’

  ‘Do you know the rest of the story Reeas?’

  'No, Dan, I only know we have to do this together.’

  ‘What could it be leading to? I know I don’t survive more than two years anyway.’

  ‘Please, Dan. Just concentrate.’

  I was now getting interested as my past life character made his way up to the castle on top of the cliffs.

  ‘Why don’t I remember this?’

  ‘I believe it is for your protection.’ Reeas said.

  My character was now approaching the castle, probably trying to get to the church which was inside to pray. I was now very interested as my character stopped. Sitting at the side of the road was an elderly woman.

  'Alms for the poor,’ she said.

  ‘I just buried my whole family.’ My character said.

  ‘You’re immune then, you could make some good money burying people. But you won’t be able to get into the castle because of the Black-Death.

  ‘But I want to pray.’

  'You don’t need to go anywhere to pray.’

  ‘Are you mad woman? Why do you think saintly people spent all their lives building the great churches?’

  ‘They did it because they thought they could buy their way into the heavenly kingdom. Will you accept me as your savior?’

  ‘What? You are mad, be-gone woman.’

  ‘Alright, but you will have to wait a long time get this chance again.’

  ‘What chance?’

  ‘The chance to be a Guardian.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’

  The old lady was now looking at my character with a serious stare.

  ‘Search your consciousness for a few minutes. That is all I ask.’

  ‘I haven’t got time for this, woman!’

  My character was now making his way back down to the town. He realized that she was right about one thing. The castle would be locked against the plague.

  I was now feeling very depressed. Reeas said, ‘Don’t reproach yourself.’

  ‘Reeas, I jumped off the cliffs two years later!’

  ‘And that is why you missed another chance to become a Guardian,’ said Reeas.

  Suddenly we were back in the Room-of-Doors. I turned around to find Mannus. He was dressed in an ordinary suit!

  ‘Who do you think the old woman on the road was?’ he said.

  I thought for a minute and replied. ‘Well, she has to be a Master, I know that much.’

  With a wave of his hand she appeared, he then clicked his fingers and Sionn appeared then faded away! Mannus now disappeared and was replaced by Grenwer.

  ‘What have you learned?’ he said.

  ‘I have learned that Sionn is in need of help, he tried to help me when I needed it. But I couldn’t see it at the time.’

  ‘What else?’

  ‘Well, Mannus once said that Debra and I are never parted. So I suppose it is up to me to find her.’

  ‘Good. Now transfer to Axvious, be mindful that the robots are consciously aware. The threat is so great that Mannus himself is watching with interest.

  Now for you students out there: please upload your thoughts again. I know you probably have already, but I must ask. It is very important.

  Reeas and I now realize that this is the biggest crisis that the Guardian-Network has ever faced. Why doesn’t Mannus stop it? You say. Mannus is the power, yes? But Mannus is also the Watcher. He keeps his eye on things. But it is up to the G
uardians to keep order. If something gets out of hand, he will exert his authority as he did with Kallo. I now know that 24 Students will be at the sub base working in the dream state. That is very commendable my friends! The main problem was how to defeat the Super-Robots.

  Sionn is a far greater problem though, too difficult to simply access by any normal means. I’m sorry that I won’t be able to meet you there as Reeas and I are going to seek a little extra help from the Meeting-of-the-Masters on the inner planes.

  We became aware as usual in another beautiful setting. I could see all of my past life masters, plus many more from Reeas’s past lives also. There are hundreds more, plus Thalo and his people, also Fagil and his brethren. Mannus was seated in the center as usual but higher up. He was like steeple on a church I suppose. But this steeple was more than just a building. He was the Powerhouse.

  We sat down to meditate. After a while, I don’t know how long. I became aware of being in a room similar to the one at our normal base, but I knew we were on Axvious. I couldn’t remember anything that had happened at the meeting but I knew something important had occurred. I looked over at Reeas who was still asleep. I thought how very lucky I am to have her in my life when she suddenly changed into Debra! Five seconds later she was back to Reeas. Now Reeas was awake. She must have seen the look on my face as she said, ‘What is it?’

  I was now wondering if I should tell Reeas what had happened, when a message came through from Deria. She said, ‘Do not reply to this message. I have located Sionn, he is on Dienna 3. There is no immediate danger. I will contact you later.’

  ‘Well, at least that is one thing less we have to worry about.’

  ‘Dan. I know you know something that I should know.’

  ‘Please, Reeas, just give me a minute. Please stand here and just relax for a short time.’

  ‘Why?’ she said.

  ‘I will tell you later. Please relax.’ I then stood in front of Reeas and closed my eyes. Now I could see Debra! I then concentrated on her. Within one minute I could hear Debra shout.

  ‘Dan! Where are you?’ A few seconds later she was gone! I opened my eyes. Reeas said, ‘What did you see?’

  ‘Reeas, could it be possible that Debra is part of you?’

  ‘What?’ she said.

  ‘I just saw her when I looked at you with my eyes closed!’

  ‘No.’ she said.

  ‘I also saw you turn into Debra when you were asleep.’


  ‘Reeas, please concentrate. I now believe that you have been shielded from knowing too much about Debra and your past lives.’


  ‘For just such a crisis as we have now with Sionn. Think about it. Debra didn’t really object too much about you when you wanted to be alone with me.’

  ‘What about the time, you and she took off to her home planet?’

  ‘That was to trap Kallo!’

  ‘We could find out for sure from Grenwer.’

  ‘No. we have to be careful; we will keep this to ourselves for now. OK?’

  ‘Yes, Dan. Dan.’

  ‘Yes, Reeas?’

  ‘Can we dance? Or do you want me to dress up in full combat gear?’

  I had to laugh but I was worried.

  We just stood there holding each other while doing the old fashioned smooch. For anyone with any sort of stress this dance is for you, onwards my student friends.


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