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Claimed by a Highland Knight: Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance

Page 22

by Fiona Faris

  “I remember when ye first offered me these… I was a fool to turn it down. It doesnae taste bad, and it is actually quite fillin’. I am sorry for me behavior then,” he said.

  Lilia did not know what to say as she continued to eat, finishing her second bowl of pottage as he ate the bread and cheese. Each thing he did seemed to target her doubt until she was a mess inside. His actions, coupled with how much she had missed him, began to drown out the voice of doubt in her heart.

  “Why are ye doin’ all this, Uielam?” she asked quietly. He did not hesitate in his answer.

  “I am doin’ this to bring ye back to me,” he said, when her eyes shot up to his, he held her gaze unflinchingly. “Aye… I ken that ye have nae visited me on purpose. I ken that ye heard what me faither said two weeks ago, that is why I wanted to dae this because only words cannae express this properly.”

  He got to his feet and walked over to kneel in front of her, taking her hands in his.

  “I ken that ye have doubts… Ye see us as two people from two different worlds, the divide between noble and commoner being a bridge ye cannae cross. Ye hang back when I am surrounded by those in me circle and ye all but disappear as nay one notices ye… I am sorry that I didnae realize this sooner. When ye are in a room, ye are all that I see, and if ye give me yer hand Lilia, I will make sure that everyone sees nothin’ but ye as well,” he began, causing her heart to race.

  “Today I come to ye, nae as Uielam Younger, but as a man. Everythin’ that ye believe separates us, I will make nonexistent. If ye cannae cross the bridge between us, then I will dae it for both of us. Today I am a common man, I wear plain clothes, I bought from the commoners market, I cooked and cleaned and washed just as ye dae. I did all of this nae for show, but because I wanted ye to ken that if that is what ye require, I will dae it. I want to spend the rest of me life with ye. What happened with me faither will never happen again. I have told him this, and he has given his blessin’,” Uielam declared.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks as he spoke, all of her doubts being washed away.

  “There is nay other woman that could replace ye in me life because I love ye Lilia, I see none other than ye and will take none if it is nae ye. Will ye honor me love, and give have yer hand in marriage?” he asked solemnly.


  Lilia was quiet for several moments after he spoke, silent tears streaming down her face. He wanted so much to reach out and kiss her, but he could not. He needed her to come to him. The air was heavy with their combined emotions as though a lightning storm would occur under the cottage roof. Heat jolted through Uielam's veins.

  This time when Lilia reached for him, Uielam was ready. He no longer felt as though he were not worthy, he no longer felt the need to hold back. He wanted her unashamedly, his body screaming as her delicate fingers clasped his face and her lips, salty from tears met his. She was so soft, and today he allowed himself to hold her.

  The last time he had been reluctant and tentative when she came to him. This time his hands were sure as they wrapped around her waist, pressing her flush against him so that she could feel his growing arousal push into her belly. She moaned into the kiss, and his body jerked in response.

  He lifted her confidently, breaking their kiss to graze his lips against the sensitive skin of her neck. She threw her head back and allowed her fingers to get lost in his hair. His arousal had grown into a sizeable tent, and as he lifted her, he held her core against him through their clothes.

  "Ye're so bonny, Lilia…" He said, his voice a low groan as he pleasured them both, and her head hung back, leaving her clinging desperately to him by his shoulders as she moaned. Her obvious pleasure doubled his own. It seemed like just like him, she had wanted him desperately. Her nipples stood out against the thinness of her dress eagerly, as though seeking attention, and he leaned forward to take one in his mouth through the cloth.

  Now that he'd touched her, it had taken all of his will power to wait before going to her as he was plagued with erotic dreams that left him with violent erections on several mornings. Friction between them began to lower as she moaned until each roll of his hips against her center was accompanied by a wet squelching sound.

  She was moaning nonstop now, his name on her lips as she shuddered violently, her legs beginning to vibrate from the force of her release as her head fell forwards against his and she whispered his name listlessly.

  Uielam swallowed hard, forcing himself to wait as he wanted nothing more than to rip off the clothes that stood in the way of their bodies and pushing himself so far inside her, he could no longer tell where she began and where he ended.

  Patience Uielam… patience

  He chided himself as he carried her to the bedroom. Her eyes were glazed over with lust when he looked at her. She looked so needy that he gasped, shutting his eyes to regain some control. He focused on unbuttoning his shirt, taking the time to calm his body, which was going riotous with need.

  Lilia did not give him respite, however. His eyes flew open when he felt her hands on his waist, and he froze in the middle of taking off his shirt, watching with wide eyes as she removed his kilt, his fully erect member springing against her face as she leaned so close.

  A shudder ran through him as his sensitive tip brushed against the soft skin of her face. She did not stop, moving like a woman drunk as she rubbed herself against him, pulling down her shift dress until her breasts bounced free. He was helpless but to watch her as she moved him until he sat heavily on the bed.

  She slinked between his legs then, her heavy breasts brushing against his thighs as she crawled upwards. His mouth fell open, and he breathed heavily, entranced by her breasts as she approached his face. He lowered his head to hers, and she kissed him, but all he could feel was the glorious softness of her breasts as they rested on either side of his erection as they lay against his thighs.

  He groaned deeply, his lust overtaking him. Lilia had a way of always making him lose control. He broke the kiss suddenly, leaning back and looking at where their bodies were joined. The lustful and confused look on her face only served to arouse him more as he grabbed her shoulders and pressed her forwards, making her breasts envelope his erection even more.

  He moaned loudly, he had never considered that breasts could feel so good against his member. Moving solely in the way that his lust directed him, he began to slowly thrust, his member sliding in the space between her breasts perfectly. She looked down at their joined bodies as he did this, curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

  She watched his face, realizing that he was drawing pleasure from grinding himself between her heavy breasts. She reveled in his desire and looked down at their bodies again as though looking for a way to increase that pleasure.

  She found it quickly, grabbing the sides of her breasts and pushing them closer together. The results were instantaneous as Uielam threw his head back and began to buck his hips even faster. As the sensations grew. He could not believe he was about to find release in her breasts, but he did, saying her name over and over as he coated her skin with his seed.

  He breathed heavily as she withdrew, looking down at the mess he had made on her skin, and she got to her feet. She shimmied out of her dress and picked it up, using it to wipe herself off. Uielam was shocked at what had just occurred, but despite having just come, he was still hard as rock.

  The last time she had been the one to come to him, granted she was drunk, but she had led their lovemaking. Once again, she was overwhelming him as he discovered more pleasure in her body. Was this how it felt when you loved the one you were with?

  She straddled him again, peppering his face with kisses.

  "I need ye Uielam… please…" she said. He did not need a lot of convincing to oblige. He grabbed her hips, his fingers pressing into the flesh of her butt as he pulled her up in his lap. He nibbled on her neck and slid into her.

  The sensations were heavenly, causing them both to moan. Uielam was confident that the feeling would never get
old. She was snug around him, and he could feel every inch of her walls as they accepted him.

  Aye… it really is different when it is with the one ye love.


  With the last of her doubts gone, Lilia had been left with nothing else to hold her back. All of the need that she had been pushing down came surging back up, and she found herself in his arms the next second. She fit against him perfectly, as though she had never left, and her heart was overflowing with love.

  She had never felt her heart swell as much as it did during his speech. She should have expected it with how charming he was, but yet it blew her off her feet. Perhaps it was because of his actions. It suddenly made sense why Flora has dragged her out of the cottage that morning and sent her back once it was evening.

  It was with great joy that she discovered a new way to please him, his expressions as he ground against her chest, causing the need to pool in her lower belly with fervor. She wanted him inside her, but at the same time, she was transfixed by the sounds he made as he found release against her skin.

  Now that she had satisfied her eyes, her walls were pulsing hungrily, and when he pressed against her, they gulped him down lovingly, down to the hilt, until there was no space between them. His teeth on her neck left sharp pin-points of pleasure, which rocked her down to her soul, and she moaned, wanting more and more.

  She rocked against him, moving and yet not as she did not allow a single inch of him to slide out of her. Her movements caused him to stir something inside her, a pleasure that bordered on pain. She had not felt this the last time… he had not gone this deep.

  His hands slid up from where he held her, and he found her breasts, teasing each nipple expertly and causing her walls to contract. She gasped as the sensations increased.

  "Uielam… if ye dae that, I will-" She started, but before she could finish her sentence, he leaned down, taking a nipple in his mouth again as he continued to tease the other with his hand. Her words turned into a cry of pleasure, and her hips began to rock faster of their own accord. The waves of pleasure beginning to soar.

  Again?! Am I goin' to come again?

  She had not thought that it could be so intense. She screamed his name as she crashed a second time., the waves rocking through her body and turning her limbs to liquid. She fell against him weakly, unable to move or even moan as her walls pulsed violently, gulping him down even deeper inside her.

  The room was spinning, and it felt like she might faint. She barely even registered the movement as Uielam turned them around so that she lay limply on the bed with him still between her thighs. He lifted her legs, hooking them around his waist by her ankles and leaned forward until he was over her with his arms holding him up on the bed.

  "Are ye tired, Lilia?" he asked, his voice gruff. She could only manage to turn her head to look at him through her hazy, satisfied vision. Was she tired? She didn't know. Was this lax feeling tiredness? He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  "Ye shoulnae be just yet. I am nae yet finished with ye tonight,” he said.

  With those words, he moved his hips for the first time since he’d entered her, withdrawing almost all the way and then thrusting in deep. It felt as though she had been hit by a bull, and she gasped, arching her back in a bid to alleviate the pleasure.

  Her movement only served to place her breasts within reach of his mouth a third time, and Uielam did not hesitate. He lapped at her nipple lovingly as he continued to slam into her without restraint. She had already achieved release twice, and this time, she feared that the pleasure might kill her.

  With each thrust, it felt as though she were floating out of her body, higher and higher with each slam of his hips and lap of his tongue. He groaned against her breast, raising his head as his release approached.

  "Lilia… oh Lilia ye feel so good…" he chanted as he continued to move. She could not answer. His voice sounded far away, as though her pleasure was an ocean, and she was underneath listening to him speak from above the water.

  He came at the same time she did, clutching her to himself as he released into her. She felt tingles all over her body, her thighs trembling nonstop, and her fingers twitching as the pleasure rocked her. She could not think and was not even sure that she was breathing. All that she knew was Uielam as her release put her to sleep.


  The morning found Uielam in Lilia’s arms. He lay tangled in the sheets with her clinging to his chest with one leg thrown over him. He laughed to himself quietly. Despite how small the bed was, he had never felt more comfortable. He turned his head slightly to look at her. She was breathing softly, completely asleep. He did not want to move, wishing that he could stay that way even just a little bit longer.

  He brushed her face lightly with the tip of his finger, she was absolutely gorgeous. The night before had been intense, blowing his mind. If that was how nights were going to be then, he was in for the ride of his life. After he brought her to release the second time, something within him had snapped. He was still not sure what it was that had driven him over the edge… was it her expressions as she came apart in his arms, or the feeling of her walls clamping down on him and pulsing.

  He did not know what the answer to his question was, but it did not quite matter, all he knew was that it pulled something primal from deep inside him and drove him to act. He worried if he had been too hard on her. She was sleeping peacefully now, but the night before, she had been twitching for several minutes even after he withdrew from her. He had been worried, but eventually, she had calmed down, falling into a deep sleep, and he was not far behind.

  Lilia stirred as his finger caressed her face, and he stilled his hand instinctively. She groaned lightly and made to turn. His eyes widened as he realized what she was doing, and he grabbed her by the waist just before she fell off the bed. The jolt seemed enough to wake her as she gasped and clutched his hand, where he held her, breathing heavily.

  Uielam pressed his lips together to help him not to laugh, but he failed, ending up guffawing as she rolled back into the safety of his arms with wide eyes. Her bed was small, and it did not help with his large frame taking up all the space. If she were lying alone on the bed, she might have been able to execute that turn without incident.

  “Uielam…” She murmured, slapping at his chest as he laughed at her.

  “Tis good to see ye awake me darlin’. May yer mornin be merry,” he said leisurely. “And considerin’ the way that ye have avoided an accident just now with me help, I believe that ye have indeed come to a merry start.”

  She gave him an unimpressed look causing him to laugh even harder. She eventually cracked a smile, sitting up and stretching. He watched the sensual curve of her back with a grin. His future wife… the thought suddenly hit him, and he frowned in realization.

  He sat up as well, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

  “Oi, I just realized that ye didnae answer me question yesterday,” he said, causing her to turn to him with a confused expression.

  “Ye didnae answer if ye will marry me or nae,” he said. She raised both brows before slapping her hand to her forehead.

  “So all of the events of last night didnae constitute an acceptance to ye?” she said. Uielam nuzzled her neck lovingly.

  “Nay, I want to hear ye say the words,” he said. She chuckled as his lips tickled her.

  “Alright, alright.” She agreed, turning to face him. “Aye, I will marry ye Uielam. I will be yer wife, the maither of yer children, and the lady to yer clan.”

  A happy smile spread across his features even as she looked around the room wistfully.

  “I have made up me mind to love ye and follow ye, but I will miss this place… The house me maither built for us… I had promised me maither that one day I would make a home out of it, and its walls would be full of the laughter of her grandchildren who wouldnae need to work for another to eat… However, I am sure she would be happier findin’ me in a castle,” she mused. Uielam looked at t
he room along with her.

  “Ye can still dae what ye promised yer maither…” He said, the future already playing out in his head as she turned to him with a questioning expression.

  “How?” she asked.

  “I told ye that I come to ye as a man, nae as The Younger and I still stand by that… What if we still built this place? We could make a mansion out of it, and then whenever the life of a noble becomes too stiflin’ for ye, we will return here. I will be just Uielam, and ye will be Lilia. While we are here, we willnae have to worry about our titles. It will be the same even when we have children… then these walls will hear their happy laughter, just as ye promised yer maither,” he said.

  Lilia stared at him dumbstruck, and his cheeks began to warm. He wondered if it was a bad idea. Maybe she did not mind the noble life and did not want to ever go back. However, she quelled his thoughts as she flung herself into his arms the next second, kissing him deeply.


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