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Claimed by a Highland Knight: Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance

Page 23

by Fiona Faris

  “I love ye so much. I cannae wait to have that future with ye,” she said. He hugged her to himself.

  “I cannae wait either,” he admitted.

  They got up together and went to the river to bathe, cleaning up after the intensity of the night before. Once they returned, they sat down to breakfast together, eating what was left of the bread, cheese, and pottage.

  “Are ye ready to meet me faither?” he asked as they took their dishes away from the table. “He has been meanin’ to meet ye after I told him that ye were the one I want to marry. I ken that it is sudden, so it is alright if ye are nae up for it today.”

  He had worried that he would overwhelm her, but she agreed immediately, leaning over to give him a kiss.

  “We should go,” she said with assurance. “He has waited two weeks already while me doubt held me back. There is nay reason why I would keep him waitin’ longer.”

  He sighed in relief, and once they were ready, they walked to the castle together, him in his cloak so as not to draw attention.

  They arrived, and Uielam took her to his father’s study, feeling nervous as he did. Regardless of how things went, he knew that he loved her, and he would marry her, but he was still worried, hoping that his father would like her. He did his best not to let his nerves show, however, as he wanted to put up a confident front for her who was probably a lot more nervous than him.

  He pushed open the door after a knock and found his father seated behind his desk with Mr. Abernathy standing over his shoulder as they discussed. Both men looked up at them, pausing what they were doing.

  “Well, met Faither, Mr. Abernathy…” He greeted as Lilia lowered herself into a deep curtsy, her hand shaking in his grip. He squeezed her fingers to show support.

  “Is this nae a good time faither? We could return at a later time,” he said, but Mr. Abernathy had already straightened and took all of the books before his father in his arms, walking towards them to exit the study.

  “Nonsense,” Mr. Abernathy said, “The Younger has returned with his bride-to-be, all of our prior conversations can be completed later.”

  He gave Lilia a kind smile as he passed and nodded at them both to go forward. Uielam took a deep breath, noting that Lilia’s hand had stopped shaking also. He was thankful to Osgar’s father as he had helped them calm down. Holding Lilia’s hand, he walked forward to stand in front of his father’s desk.

  “Faither, I would like ye to meet me future wife, Lilia McGrath,” Uielam said. He noted the calm look in his father’s eyes as he smiled and studied Lilia.

  “Welcome, Lilia. Please, ye both should sit,” his father said, gesturing to the two seats that were before his desk. They sat together, not breaking their hold on each other even once. They sat in silence for a few minutes as his father studied them, and even as Uielam squeezed her hand to comfort her, his own heart was thudding as he awaited his father’s judgment.

  “I ken that this must be stressful for ye…” his father began, causing the two of them to sit up a little straighter. “However, I have already given me blessin’ so ye can relax.”

  His father’s smile got a little bit kinder as he looked at Lilia.

  “Ye are a lovely young woman Lilia, but I have a few important questions…” He said. “Dae ye love me, son?”

  Lilia’s response was immediate, and she nodded, her conviction shining in her eyes.

  “Aye, I dae,” she said. “I love him with me whole heart.”

  His father nodded, accepting her answer, even as he began to smile without thinking, it made his heart warm every time he heard her say those words.

  “Dae ye understand that lovin’ him and marryin’ him means that ye will have to be the lady of the clan?” he asked.

  Once again, Lilia nodded. “Aye, I dae,” she said.

  “It has been many years since this clan had a lady as I refused to take another wife simply because of political responsibility, but that doesnae mean that me wife’s duties have been dissolved. Instead of me wife, Mr. Abernathy, and his wife have taken on these duties and have been workin’ hard to fill the shoes that she left behind. I ken that ye were nae born into this life, and this will be a difficult place for ye to take… Will ye be willin’ to work with us and learn how to be a proper lady for the clan?” he asked.

  This time Lilia paused and Uielam understood her hesitation as even he was not sure what it was that his father had in mind.

  “I understand if ye take some time to think of it. I will have ye take lessons here in the castle from one of the clan’s oldest nobles, Mrs. Alkard. She will teach ye all that ye need to ken if ye are willin’,” his father explained.

  Uielam exchanged a glance with Lilia, squeezing her hand to let her know that he would support whatever choice she made. He had promised that he would cross the bridge between them if she could not. If it came down to it, he was ready to have Flora take on the duties of the Lady instead.

  “I will dae it, I am willin’ to try,” she said, surprising him. Happiness flooded his heart, and it was all he could do to remain seated and not grab her into his arms.

  His father got up then and walked around the table, making them both shoot to their feet to meet him. He stepped forward with his arms open and pulled them both into a hug.

  “Welcome to the family, Lilia,” he said.


  The day had finally arrived, and Lilia was a mess of nerves. Her hands were shaking with nerves, yet her heart was thumping with excitement. She’d never been so happy in her life. She was marrying Uielam Younger, something that she had never even had the courage to dream about before despite having liked him for several years.

  As maids who had been her colleagues just months ago rallied around her, helping her to dress, she could not help but wish that her mother could have been beside her instead. She had achieved and even exceeded the dreams her mother had for her. She hoped that she was proud, looking down at her from heaven.

  The past month had been hectic, but for Uielam, she had been willing to go through with everything. He had said that if she would not cross the bridge, he would do it for her. However, she could not allow him to put in all the work for their relationship and wanted to meet him in the middle.

  They would find middle ground on the bridge instead of letting him cross it alone. His thoughtful proposal had inspired her and given her the resolve she needed. The classes the Laird had set up for her had not seemed difficult at first since her mother had taught her quite a few things on how the nobles behaved and carried themselves, however when it came to other things such as a lady's duty, she had begun to struggle.

  Mrs. Alkard, the old noblewoman who had taught her, was strict and tough on her despite Uielam sitting in on most of her classes and waving at her supportively every time she glanced his way. She had trouble memorizing the names of the noble families in their clan as well as the allied and friendly clans, even with Flora helping her after the old noblewoman left.

  Uielam had been as supportive as he promised he would be, never allowing anyone to look down on her. At the announcement of their betrothal, he never left her side, taking her with him as he walked around the room, introducing her to everyone he could.

  She had, in turn, put her lessons to use, adding to the conversation when Uielam gave her an opening and not allowing herself to be left out. They worked as a team to establish her existence to all of the nobles, and as Uielam had promised, everyone knew who she was, and she did not ever feel like a fly on the wall.

  Osgar and Flora were also very helpful, going around their fellow nobles and speaking of her character and how they knew her although the rest of the nobles did not. Since Flora and Osgar were heirs to the most powerful nobles, all of the others fell into line very quickly.

  Luckily for her, it seemed like Mrs. Alkard also approved of her as, according to Flora, she had heard the woman calling her a bright young woman who would make a fine lady. However, the next day when she arrived for classes, Mrs.
Alkard was as strict as ever.

  The fairytales never told how difficult it actually was to go from rags to riches, but she experienced it all. However, with Uielam by her side, and Flora and Osgar helping where they could, she had it much easier.

  She also had the cottage remodeled into a mansion where Uielam agreed that they would escape to whenever she began to crave the simple life. Even years into their marriage, they would still go there in ordinary clothes with their children and simply be themselves, without the title.

  Flora appeared in the mirror beside her, hugging her from the side and drawing her back to the present.

  "Ye look so bonny, Lilia," her friend said. Lilia hugged her back, studying her reflection. Her skin had never looked better after a month of treatments under Mrs. Alkard's direction with an assortment of herbs and oils. Her lips were stained a perfect red with beetroot and her hair beautified with flowers woven into a crown.

  The dress she was wearing was the finest thing that she had ever worn, handmade with the finest silks and beaded with the most beautiful pearls. She was sure that it had cost a fortune, but Uielam claimed that it was a modest price. She knew that his definition of modest was miles apart from hers, but she had loved the dress as well.

  "Thank ye…" she said, and Flora squeezed her a little tighter. Osgar knocked at the door twice before poking his head into the bedroom, and they both turned to look at him.

  "Are ye two done preparin'? I have been out here for minutes on end. I just want to fulfill me duties as best man and merry the day away in celebration of me best friend's happiness. Is that too much to ask?" he asked.

  Lilia laughed, the friendship between Uielam and Osgar had very quickly spread to include her, and she deeply appreciated him for the way that he accepted her despite her being nothing more than his sister's best friend and a maid, not that long ago.

  "Ye could dae to wait a bit longer," she joked but lifted her dress lightly and walked towards the door. He claimed that he’d been waiting, but in truth, he had only just finished getting ready himself, according to Flora, who said that he had woken late since he was busy the night before preparing for the feast that would follow the wedding. Osgar only rolled his eyes before giving her a kind smile.

  "Ye look great, Uielam just might trip at the sight of ye," he said to which she touched her heart,

  "That is the nicest thing ye have ever said to me, thank ye," she said.

  "Tis yer weddin' day, of course, he is goin' to be nice, that is only decency. Also, probably because he kens that I would strangle him to death if he were nae supportive on this day," Flora chimed in.

  Osgar turned unimpressed eyes to his sister as they all walked out of the castle together.

  "Ah, aye, Flora is lookin' nice today as well, well then if only ye could always look as nice as ye currently dae. I feel sorry for the poor Duffie man who will meet with a lovely-lookin' lass, nae realizin' the terror ye really are," Osgar teased.

  "A terror? How am I a terror?" Flora demanded.

  "Oh, have ye heard yerself snore when ye sleep? Ye even wake up lookin' like a mountain beast," Osgar retorted.

  Lilia, who was used to the siblings bickering like twins the instant they were together only laughed fondly. This was her life now, they were her friends. She was sure to leave the castle on her right foot in hopes of good luck and took Osgar's arm in preparation for their walk to the Kirk. Uielam stood with his father by the castle gates, and when he saw her, he did indeed trip, stumbling for a moment and making Osgar snicker.

  The Laird gave her a kind smile as they got closer, leaving Uielam and passing Flora as she rushed forward to take her place in their procession.

  "Lilia me child, ye are stunnin'. If only me beloved Elaine were here to see what a wonderful woman our son fell in love with,” he said, causing her heart to swell with emotion.

  "Thank ye, me Laird," she managed to say through her emotions. He put a hand on her shoulder,

  "Please, ye may call me Faither," he said before going past them to the carriages that would follow behind them.

  Still soaring with elation from what his father had said, she wiped her eyes and looked ahead at Uielam. He looked so handsome that her heart skipped a beat. He had combed back his blonde hair, and his shoulders looked even broader in his formal jacket.

  She gave him a wide grin, her heart thumping louder and louder in her chest as the first fingers of sunlight hit her face. All former doubts were long gone, leaving nothing but satisfying happiness. She could not wait to marry him. Uielam took Flora's arm and took his position walking in front of them as was their wedding culture, but he kept trying to sneak glances at her, making her heart flutter with joy.

  The walk to the Kirk was not too long, and soon enough, she was holding Uielam's hands and saying their vows. His large hands swallowed hers, and his broad smile told the tale of his love for her. She happily kissed him as the priest announced their marriage as official, and they were rained with flower-petals from the nobles.

  They went inside the kirk to bless the food as a married couple and drink from the quaich.

  "Ye look like an angel come down from above to bring light into me life," Uielam whispered to her as they drank from the two-handed wooden cup.

  "Ye are the light of me life," she whispered back, her love shining from her eyes.

  They returned to the castle in carriages this time, and Uielam did not let her out of his arms. He seemed so happy, she thought he would burst.

  "I love ye," he continued to whisper in her ear every minute or two until they arrived at the castle.

  The feast was huge, Osgar had truly outdone himself. There was music, with musicians playing a jolly beat on bagpipes and fiddles. There was eating and drinking galore as the nobles celebrated with them. The food was delicious, and she ate fruit she had never seen before then.

  She caught a glimpse of Osgar eating and drinking, making merry as he had said, and Flora dancing with a handsome man she assumed was Philip, the Duffie clan man.

  "Dae ye want to leave the feast early?" Uielam's voice whispered in her ear, and Lilia was certain, her heaven had come early, deciding to meet her on earth.

  Extended Epilogue

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  Do you want more Romance?

  Turn on the next page to read the first chapters of my latest best-selling novel: Highlander's Poisoned Heart

  This is the story of Kyle, a Highlander, yearning to be liberated from the accusations of treason, and Neilina, an abused girl seeking freedom. As they will fight to break their chains, they will be chained again; but this time by love...

  Highlander's Poisoned Heart

  Chapter One

  Kyle MacDonnell looked down at the MacFarlane lands stretching out before him. For the last year and a half, he’d avoided people for fear of being discovered and forced to meet justice for a crime he did not commit. Now, as the wind swept over the glen, he watched people from all over scurrying in and out of McFarlane lands, gathering for the Highland Games.

  A year and a half had passed since his exile from McDonnell lands. He knew the risk—to be found would mean death for him. Kyle studied the throngs of people setting up camps and carting their wagons in from the outlying roads. Kyle stood up, brushing the dust from the palms of his hands. No amount of lingering would conceal him. If there was any chance of him clearing his name, this was it. He was re
lying on the crowds to keep himself from being noticed.

  Kyle’s heart raced as he walked his horse towards the settlement, stretching out from the main keep. He pulled his hood further down over his eyes. A man bumped into him, and a jolt of fear raced through Kyle. He instinctively grasped the hilt of his sword. He could hardly process the man’s apologies over the sound of his heart pounding in his ears. He straightened himself and pushed further along the road, trying to get his bearings amongst the chaos of celebration.

  Rich aromas filled the air as vendors and homes alike cooked to welcome the arrival of clans from all over Scotland, in hopes of uniting the people following the failed Jacobite revolution. An energy existed, a charge in the air, full of both excitement and stress as the people hurried to prepare for the event.


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