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The Future Is Asian

Page 43

by Parag Khanna

  Buffett, Warren, 317

  Bukhara, 32, 39, 46

  Burma, 39, 46, 49, 50, 51, 53

  see also Myanmar

  Bush, George W., 18, 240

  business schools, US, Asian campuses of, 232

  Buzan, Barry, 7

  Byblos, 28

  Byzantium, 36, 39, 91

  fall of, 41, 43

  Calcutta, 46

  Cambodia, 45, 52, 56, 122, 154, 239

  Cameron, David, 247, 293

  Canada, 7, 176, 284

  Asian immigrants in, 223–24

  China’s relations with, 223

  Latin American trade with, 273

  Can Asians Think? (Mahbubani), 3

  Canton Fair, 68

  capitalism, 2

  in Asia, 158–75

  democracy and, 352

  spread of, 22

  state-directed, 158–59, 160, 161–63, 170–71

  Capra, Fritjof, 220

  cars, driverless, 198

  cashless economy, 189

  Caspian Sea, 6, 29, 33, 40, 89, 92, 108, 140

  Castro, Fidel, 271

  Çatalhöyük, 28

  Caucasus region, 5, 33, 41, 45, 59, 84, 92, 109

  censorship, of social media, 320

  Central Asia, 32, 36, 39, 62, 68, 88, 92, 241

  Asianization of, 81

  British expansionism in, 46–47

  China and, 108–13

  gangs in, 255

  Muslims in, 72

  new Silk Roads in, 108–13

  origin of great plague in, 40

  Pakistan as conduit to Arabian Sea from, 113

  in post-Cold War era, 59–60

  rise of Turkic peoples in, 38

  traces of European lineage in, 253

  Ceylon, 53

  Chanakya (Kautilya), 33, 68

  Chandragupta, 33, 68

  charitable giving, 316–17

  Chávez, Hugo, 271

  Chen, Charles, 317–18

  Chengdu, 114

  Chiang Kai-shek, 49, 51–52, 56

  Chile, Asian trade with, 272

  China, ancient, 30, 31, 239

  technocracy in, 300

  China, in era of European imperialism, 44–45

  civil war in, 51–52

  Japan’s invasion of, 51, 77

  nationalism in, 48, 49

  republic established in, 48

  Western seizure of port cities in, 47

  in World War I, 49

  China, expansionist period in:

  Abbasids and, 36–37

  cultural and commercial exchange in, 38

  emigration from, 43

  ethnic and cultural diversity of, 37

  exports by, 42

  inward shift of, 43

  Mongul conquest of, 40, 77

  tribute system of, 39, 76

  China, People’s Republic of, 52, 68

  Afghanistan and, 116, 117

  Africa and, 261, 262, 263–65, 266

  AI research in, 200

  China, People’s Republic of (cont.)

  alternative energy programs in, 141, 178–80, 242, 272–73, 322

  American students in, 230

  Arab world investments by, 103

  arms sales of, 101, 274

  Asian investments by, 156–57

  Asian migrants in, 337

  Asian trade of, 157

  Australia and, 127–31

  automation in, 193–94

  automobile industry in, 194

  Brazil and, 276–77

  Buddhism in, 332

  Canada’s relations with, 223

  cashless economy in, 189

  Central Asia and, 108–13

  charitable giving in, 316, 317–18

  civil society in, 313

  in clashes with Soviet Union, 56

  in Cold War era, 55, 56, 57

  data collection in, 319

  debt in, 159

  defense spending by, 137

  diaspora of, 333

  digital technology in, 319

  domestic politics of, 222–23

  economic deceleration of, 147, 150

  economic growth in, 9, 10, 17, 148, 337

  educational investment in, 227

  electronics exports of, 85–86

  ethnic diversity in, 69

  Europe and, 242–43, 246, 248–50

  exports of, 153, 159

  film industry and, 347–48

  fintech industry in, 188

  geopolitical rise of, 13, 15

  global governance and, 322–23

  global image of, 330

  global infrastructure investment by, 322

  Gulf states and, 101, 102

  hegemonic ambitions of, 19–20, 73

  high-tech exports of, 153

  high-tech imports of, 195–96

  imports of, 195–96, 264

  India and, 113, 117–18, 119–20, 155, 156, 332

  industrialization in, 163

  infrastructure projects in, 6

  Iran and, 101, 106–7, 116

  Israel and, 98–99

  Japan and, 134, 136–37, 141–42

  Latin America and, 272–75

  meritocracy in, 301

  naval forces of, 105

  North Korea and, 143

  oil and gas imports of, 96, 176, 207

  Pakistan and, 114–16, 117–18

  policy corrections in, 300

  pollution in, 181

  population of, 15, 18–19

  in post-Cold War era, 60–61

  privatization in, 170–71

  R&D spending in, 197

  renewable energy programs of, 19

  respect for government in, 302

  restrained geopolitical policy of, 137–38

  returnees in, 226

  Russia and, 82–83, 84–85

  self-sufficiency goals of, 194–95

  social credit system (SCS) in, 319

  social media in, 314

  solar panel industry in, 242, 272–73

  Southeast Asia and, 122, 154

  South Korea and, 141–42

  sovereign debt of, 165

  state-directed capitalism in, 158–59, 162–63, 170–71

  steel production in, 109, 272–73

  as superpower, 15

  Taiwan and, 141

  technocracy in, 300–302

  territorial claims of, 11

  traditional medicine of, 355

  Turkey and, 93

  Turkic neighbors of, 59–60

  urban development in, 190

  US trade with, 272–73

  West’s misunderstanding of, 147

  West’s overemphasis on, 18–19

  women in, 315

  as world’s largest economy, 14, 63

  China, Republic of, see Taiwan

  China Development Bank, 84–85, 104, 110, 273

  China Harbour Engineering Company, 99

  China Investment Corporation (CIC), 110, 164

  China Model, The (Bell), 301

  China National Petroleum Corporation, 107

  China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), 114, 117, 119

  Chinese Americans, 217

  Chinese Exclusion Act, 217

  Chinese writing system, 69

  Chola Dynasty, 38, 39, 75, 105

  Chopra, Deepak, 220

  Christians, Christianity, 43, 69–70, 71

  in Asia, 74

  crusades and, 39

  in Southeast Asia, 121

  spread of, 35–36

  Chua Beng Huat, 297

  Churchill, Winston, 51

  Cisco Systems, 212


  optimized size of, 197–98

  West Asian origins of, 28

  see also urban development

  civilization, global:

  Asianization of, 21–24, 345–51

  Westernization of, 21, 22–23

  civil liberties, 309

  civil service:

  in Britai
n, 293–94

  in Singapore, 292–93

  in US, 293

  civil society, 313

  Clash of Civilizations (Huntington), 15

  climate change, 90, 266

  Clinton, Bill, 60, 82, 249

  Clinton, Hillary, 83

  coal, 112, 176, 177

  cognitive processes, Asian vs. Western, 357–58

  Cold War, 2, 3, 6, 14, 19, 51–58, 86, 138, 283

  colleges and universities, Asian:

  all-English programs in, 231

  ethnic and cultural diversity in, 338

  colleges and universities, European, Asian campuses of, 257

  colleges and universities, US:

  Asian campuses of, 231–32

  Asian enrollment in, 224–27

  Asian studies departments in, 230

  study-abroad programs in, 230–31

  colonialism, 6, 22, 24, 27, 329

  legacies of, 77–78

  Columbus, Christopher, 43

  commodities, trade in, 100, 111, 113, 160, 176, 322

  China and, 21, 150, 157, 158, 273, 276–77

  Russia and, 85, 88

  Turkey and, 93, 94

  Communist Party, Chinese, 49, 159–60, 300, 301

  conflict, regional systems and, 11

  Confucianism, 32, 34, 70, 300, 301

  Congress, US, 195, 207, 222, 284

  Asian Americans in, 221

  Congressional Research Service (CRS), 293

  Conrad, Sebastian, 28

  Constantinople, 36, 39

  sacking of, 43, 73, 91

  consumerism, 23

  corruption, 161, 267, 305

  cosmetics industry, 346

  Costa Rica, 274

  Council of Europe, 57, 92, 241

  coworking spaces, 204

  Crazy Rich Asians (film), 347

  Crimea, Russia’s annexation of, 83

  Crimean War, 47

  crusades, 39

  Cuba, 271

  Asian immigrants in, 275

  cuisine, Asian:

  fusion, 345

  global spread of, 343–45

  Cultural Revolution, 56

  culture, Asian, growing cross-border and global awareness of, 340–51

  currency exchange rates, 169

  Cyprus, 91

  Cyrus the Great, Persian emperor, 30

  Dalai Lama, 55, 120, 222, 358

  Damico, Flávio, 277

  Daoism, 31, 34

  Darius I, Persian emperor, 30

  Darius III, Persian emperor, 32

  Defense Department, US, 98, 143

  defense spending:

  in Asia, 17, 105, 137, 138

  by Europe, 240, 248

  Delhi Sultanate, 38–39

  Demetrius, king of Bactria, 33

  democracy, 15, 281–86

  appeal of stability over ideals of, 285–86, 296, 309–13

  Asian versions of, 21–22, 23, 281, 288–89

  capitalism and, 352

  failures and weaknesses of, 282–86, 294, 302–3

  parliamentary, 295

  Plato on, 286, 291

  policy vs. politics in, 289, 296

  populists’ hijacking of, 3

  post–Cold War triumph of, 2

  Singapore’s melding of technocracy and, 288–89, 290, 298

  Deng Xiaoping, 57, 300

  Dharma Bums (Kerouac), 331

  Didi Chuxing (DiDi), 174–75, 198

  digital integration, 186–89

  digital technology:

  Asia and, 324

  in governance, 318–20

  Djibouti, 263

  DNA editing, 201

  Doha, art scene in, 342

  dollar reserves, Asian holdings of, 163

  Dream of the Red Chamber, 353

  drones, commercial, 209

  drug trade, 106–7

  Duara, Prasenjit, 358

  Dubai, 172, 173, 202, 212, 251, 261, 334

  Dubai Ports World, 104, 261, 263

  Durban, 265

  Durov, Pavel, 173

  Dutch, Southeast Asian colonies of, 45

  Duterte, Rodrigo, 123–24, 305, 340

  illiberal policies of, 306

  Dyson, 210, 257

  East Asia, 6, 51, 70, 140

  cross-border literary tradition of, 353

  democratization of, 61

  economic growth of, 9

  economic stability of, 63

  exports of, 153, 154

  Gulf states investments in, 103–4

  oil and gas imports of, 82–83, 84–85, 106, 152, 175

  in post–Cold War era, 60–61

  prehistoric civilizations in, 29

  US and, 140–41

  US presence in, 16, 73

  see also specific countries

  East Asian Community (EAC), 9

  eco-activism, 182

  e-commerce, 210–11, 228

  Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), 58

  economic growth, 3, 4

  rule of law and, 309–10

  economy, global, 321–22

  eco-tourism, 340

  Ecuador, 274

  education and professional training, 204–5, 317

  Egypt, 29, 262

  Eilat, 99

  election, US, of 2016, 83, 320

  electricity transmission systems, 112

  electric vehicles, 179


  Asian need for, 9, 17, 62, 82–83, 84–85, 96, 100, 102, 103, 106, 152, 175–80, 177, 207

  Europe’s need for, 84

  Enlightenment, 22

  Erdoğan, Recep, 87, 91, 92, 222, 310

  Ethiopia, 262

  eugenics, 200–201

  Eurasia, 81

  Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), 85, 87


  alternative energy in, 175

  anti-Muslim movements in, 255

  anti-Soviet revolutions in, 58

  Arabs in, 253, 255, 258

  Asians in, 253–58

  austerity policies in, 299

  China and, 243, 246, 248–50

  as coherent regional system, 7

  defense spending by, 240, 248

  energy needs of, 84

  global civilization as influenced by, 21, 22–23

  governance systems in, 284

  internal trade in, 152

  postwar rebuilding of, 14

  Russia and, 83–84, 85, 89

  Syrian refugees in, 63

  US financial holdings of, 164–65

  US relations with, 240

  in voyages of discovery, 43–44, 68

  see also specific countries

  Europe, Asia and, 239–58

  arms sales in, 251

  Asian investment in, 163, 246–47

  financial sector in, 246, 247

  food transport and, 244, 248

  free trade agreements in, 250

  infrastructure connectivity and, 243–44

  retail sector in, 244

  tourism in, 254–55

  trade in, 13, 14, 241, 250

  urban development and, 245–46

  European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), 241

  European Central Bank, 243

  European Coal and Steel Community, 7

  European Customs Union, 92

  European Economic Community, 57

  European Investment Bank (EIB), 250

  European Union, 2, 11, 13, 14, 127, 133, 249

  expansion of, 241, 258

  Israel and, 97

  execution rates, in Asia, 308

  Export-Import Bank of China, 84–85, 110, 273

  Facebook, 208, 209, 219, 320

  family-run businesses, Asian, 159–60

  Far East, use of term, 5–6

  Far Eastern Economic Review, 353


  Asian, spread of, 345–46

  Asian models in, 346

  European, Asianization of, 345–46

  Filipino Am
ericans, 217

  film industry:

  in Asia, 347–51

  Asian directors in, 347

  cross-Asian collaborations in, 348–49

  Hollywood’s use of Asian themes in, 346–47

  US-Asian collaboration in, 348

  finance industry, Asian, 163

  bonds in, 163, 164, 165–67

  commodities markets in, 176

  cross-border investments in, 166

  foreign investments in, 167, 168, 171–72

  IPO’s in, 167

  private equity in, 171–72

  privatization and, 169–71

  stock markets in, 167–68

  US and European investments by, 163–64

  venture capital in, 173–74

  finance industry, US, 166

  Asia and, 167

  financial crises:

  Asian (1997–98), 61, 62, 121, 151

  Western (2007–08), 3, 14, 17, 62, 147, 152, 164, 233, 299

  fintech (financial technology), 158, 168, 169, 188, 213

  Flanagan, Owen, 357

  flashpoints, geopolitical, in Asia, 11


  Asian demands for, 244, 248

  Asian production of, 177, 180–81, 182

  Foreign Affairs, 8

  Fosun International, 159–60

  Foxconn, 132, 153, 194, 228


  Arab immigrants in, 253

  Asian immigrants in, 253

  Asian trade of, 244

  Indochina colonized by, 45

  and loss of Indochina, 52

  West Asian mandates of, 49

  Francis I, Pope, 358

  Franco-Prussian War, 286

  Freedom House, 308

  free trade:

  Asia and, 8, 102, 124, 129, 133, 153, 154, 158, 223, 250, 252, 272, 273

  Western promotion of, 2–3, 158

  Fujimori, Alberto, 276

  Fukuoka, 135–36

  Funabashi, Yoichi, 8–9

  Funan Kingdom, 34

  Fung, Spencer, 184

  Future Forward Party, Thailand, 307

  Gama, Vasco da, 43

  Gandhara, 32, 33, 34

  Gandhi, Mohandas K., 49, 265, 316

  Ganges region, 29, 32

  Ganges River, 33, 35, 46

  “Gangnam Style” (music video), 343

  Gates, Bill, 317

  Geely, 194

  General Electric, 110, 168, 211

  Genghis Khan, 39–40

  Georgia, Republic of, 59

  technocracy in, 307

  Germany, Nazi, 50

  Germany, unified:

  Arab refugees in, 255

  Asian immigrants in, 253, 254, 256

  Asia’s relations with, 242

  multiparty consensus in, 284

  Ginsberg, Allen, 331

  Giving Pledge, 317

  Global-is-Asian, 22


  Asia and, 8–9, 162, 357–59; see also Asianization

  growth of, 14

  global order, see world order

  Goa, 44, 89, 186

  Göbekli Tepe, 28

  Goguryeo Kingdom, 34

  Go-Jek, 187

  Golden Triangle, 123

  Google, 199, 200, 208–9, 219

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 58


  digital technology in, 318–19

  inclusive policies in, 303

  governance, global:


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