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The Love That Heals Me (Forever Mine Book 2)

Page 8

by H. J. Marshall

  Josh made his way to me and put his arms around me, causing me to lean into him and soak up his warmth. I am affectionate with him in a platonic way and had spent a few evenings leaned up against him while we watch TV, seeking comfort from my friend.

  “Are you ready for your adventure?” he asked as we made our way outside and around the building.

  “I sure am. Are we really going to see alligators on the tour?” I asked as we approached a smaller boat than I had seen previously. This one had a driver’s seat elevated in front of the cage and huge fan blade covered by a cage. Below that were two seats with seatbelts attached and a flat area at the front that had a cooler strapped down.

  “Alligators, turtles, raccoons, deer, boars, and if we are very lucky, maybe a Louisiana black bear, though this is the wrong time of year to see them.” A jovial man responded to my question, a happy grin on his sun-weathered face. “I’m Alex and I’m your guide for the day. You must be Caroline.” His thick accent making my name sound almost like it ended in “line” instead of the “Lynn” sound my parents had used. I kind of like it.

  “I am. It’s nice to meet you Alex. I wasn’t expecting any of this and certainly not a private tour.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Josh, it’s good to see you again. I got everything you requested and I’m ready when you are.”

  “Sounds good, Alex. Let’s get strapped in and we can get started.” Josh replied as he sat me down and made sure I was safely buckled into the high back chair welded to the boat. He was always making sure I was safe, probably a lingering side effect of his early childhood.

  “When did you meet Alex?” I asked as he buckled himself in and handed me a pair of headphones that were wired into a center console of the boat.

  “I called yesterday and Alex was actually in town so we met and I made all the arrangements for today. You ready for your life list check-off?” he smiled over at me.

  I placed the headphones over my ears and nodded my head as Alex fired up the large V-8 motor and the deafening roar overtook the quiet of the surrounding muddy waters. We pulled away from the wooden dock and began a slow pace forward, not wanting to create too much of a wake while we were so close to the building.

  Once we had been on the water for a minute or two, Alex pushed the throttle, the sound amplified and we shot across the grassy swamp like a bullet. My hair was blowing around my face and the wind pushing against us was intense as we glided across the murky waters towards the tree filled swamp.

  “This is a racing airboat. I probably should have mentioned that before we started.” Alex yelled through the headset, a smile evident in his voice.

  I had my hands down on the seat, gripping the small handles I had just realized were there when Alex made a sudden turn. The airboat made a spin to the right and we took off in the direction we had just come from, only to have him spin us again and put us back on our original track. I could hear his laughter through the headphones, the smile on Josh’s face worth every scary second we would spend in the swamp today.

  Alex slowed the boat down to a leisurely pace and guided us through what appeared to be cut out paths through the tall grass and around the cypress trees covered in Spanish moss. I had seen it growing up in Georgia and hoped this variety didn’t have the little itchy red bugs that the stuff back home had.

  We pulled up under a huge cypress tree and Alex cut the engine, allowing the sounds of the swamp to overtake the screaming of the airboat motor. A type of silence that I had never really experienced before surrounded the isolated boat.

  Alex began to explain about the moss and all its uses, from bed stuffing to surgical thread and dental floss. We each took a piece after he explained the bugs weren’t in this variety and I felt safe to touch it. The itch associated with them isn’t worth it, to me.

  The feeling of course thread, almost scratchy and sharp, was unique and I hoped that sensory memories would allow me to remember this moment we were sharing. The smell of the wet dirt, the water with its pungent yet not overwhelming odor, the crickets and frogs singing all around us, calling for a mate.

  I asked Alex to take a picture of Josh and I then the three of us took a selfie to memorialize the day. Alex fired the engines back up and we continued our tour, stopping to see the animals that lived in the swamp and had obviously become accustomed to being around humans.

  I noticed a head sticking out of the water, a long reptile body moving along with it, and pointed towards it, drawing Alex’s’ attention to the alligator moving slowly towards the boat.

  “Good eye, Caroline. Let’s go see if that big boy is hungry.” Alex acknowledged as he maneuvered us closer to the prehistoric-looking creature.

  He cut the motor and we were greeted with a deep sound, almost like a roar but low and guttural as the creature made its way right up to the boat but never tried to come on board.

  Alex opened the cooler and pulled out some raw chicken, putting it on a stick he had laid beside him and swung it over the boat to feed the alligator while explaining they aren’t animals that tend to attack unless they wander outside of their habitat. Small dogs are their usual prey when they find themselves in a yard or in a neighborhood, although it is a very rare occasion.

  “Would you like to feed him?” Alex asked when I put my phone down from videoing him and the alligator interacting with each other.

  “Absolutely!” I responded as I unbuckled my seatbelt and moved the few feet separating me from Alex.

  He handed me the stick with another piece of chicken attached and I placed the pole about six inches from the gators head, resulting in him pushing his body out of the water until he was high enough to take the meat from me. I was smiling and wanted to cheer but didn’t want to upset the alligator.

  Josh and I swapped spots and he took his turn feeding him before we buckled up and took off through the waterways towards a cleared area under some large, shady trees. We got off the boat and sat down to enjoy the lunch Alex had packed for the three of us while we talked of the pioneers and fur trappers who used to live in the swamps and bayous of Louisiana.

  There were a few die-hard Cajuns who still made their home out here in the inhospitable landscape, preferring to live a life of solitude over the hustle and bustle of even small-town life. Alex told us of a cemetery not too far from where we were sitting that had been out here for over a hundred years and how the loners of the bayou made sure their ancestors were taken care of and respected.

  After motoring past the small white headstones along the bank, we made our way through the maze of waterways and cut-throughs that made up the roadway of the swamps. Before I knew it, we were pulling back up to the building and thanking Alex for his informative and fun tour.

  After buying a few items from the gift shop, we walked back to the car and headed towards the hotel to shower and get ready to go dancing tonight. I had forgotten all about meeting Cody and some of the gym guys Josh had met during his research but I was excited to be going out and meeting new people. Even if Cody had given me a weird vibe when I met him, I was willing to trust Josh that everything was okay.

  New day, new start.

  I had met with Marcus and he told me that the deal with MSJ Media was legitimate and I would be a fool not to jump on it. They were offering to pay off my debt, grow my business, and give me money to use for the future of the gym, all without any strings attached. I had him do some digging into who had made the offer and a man named Lucas Walters had signed off on the deal. He was in charge of Acquisitions for the company and had been with them since he graduated from college.

  I trusted Marcus’s opinion and would discuss the contract with Emily and Cody over dinner tonight. Emily and I owned 80% of the gym combined and Cody had bought a 20% stake in the company during the expansion we did after Mom and Dad died. He was aware of the offer but stated he would go along with whatever Emily and I decided. Cody came from a prominent New Orleans family and only worked because he loved what he did.

ly and I made our way back to the house and she started to get ready to head out to the roadhouse for dinner with Cody before we were supposed to meet with Josh and the mysterious colleague he had spoken about. I hoped it wasn’t some uptight businessman or worse, some jackass who would turn crazy after a few drinks. I was not in the mood to deal with drunks tonight but knew that was part of going to the roadhouse.

  People come from all over the parish to enjoy the Saturday night cover band, Jacked-Up Betty, who could play just about any rock or country song from the last 30 years. Thibodaux also served some amazing food and cold beer on tap, which was important in the heat of Louisiana. The music would get loud and alcohol would flow, resulting in a good time being had by all. Altercations were rare since you got banned for six months for being involved in a fight and no one wanted to miss out on the good times.

  We met Cody for dinner at seven and grabbed a table near the dance floor so we had a good view of the stage. I wanted Emily to have a good time but wanted to keep an eye on the punks who would try—and fail—to hit on her tonight. The dance floor always gets packed around ten and stays that way until the bar stops serving at one, so I knew we had a long night of watching her dance and reject men ahead of us. I would only step in if they didn’t take no for an answer.

  “Marcus said the deal is legit and we should take it.” I started after we had placed our orders and we started munching on the bowl of peanuts they had on every table, throwing the shells to the floor.

  “I agree. This would pay off all of our debts and we would be able to really make a difference in the community. The partnership would be beneficial to the locals and we would still be making money, even if it is reduced tuition, on all the participants who take part in their program on top of our regular students.” Emily agreed as the waitress delivered our food and brought me a cold beer and her and Cody an iced tea.

  Cody was our designated driver tonight and I wasn’t planning on having more than a few beers over the course of the next few hours. We didn’t take any chances after our parents’ deaths. If you have one drink, no driving. Period.

  “I think this offer is the best thing that ever happened to us. Josh and his friend walking into our gym was fate telling us something. We just need to listen to what she is saying and believe it is for the best.” Cody replied, very serious all of the sudden. He kept glancing over my shoulder, I guess waiting for Josh to arrive. “I need you to promise me something, Andrew. Whatever happens tonight, please know that it is supposed to happen and I need you to really take the time to give it a chance. Life rarely happens the way we plan it but when something is real and meant to be, you have to fight for it. No matter the past, no matter the future, can you keep an open mind and an open heart?” My best friend cryptically asked me as he stood up and made his way towards the entrance.

  I looked back and saw Josh nearly a half a head above Cody as they shook hands and Cody greeted whoever was behind Josh with a small hug. They began to make their way towards our table and Emily had a look of awe and terror, causing me to begin to worry. Who was behind Josh that had Cody acting like the next few hours would decide the fate of my life and why was Emily looking between me and the approaching group of people like she had seen a ghost?

  “You remember Josh.” Cody stated as they got to the table and I got out of my chair to greet our new business partners.

  As I turned, Josh stepped to the side and my entire world came to a halt. Standing like a vision from the past, as beautiful as ever, was Caroline. Her blonde hair pulled into a ponytail and her tiny waist visible between her pants and shirt, making my cock hard almost instantly.

  “I’m thinking you don’t need any introductions to Josh’s friend, do you, Andrew?” Emily asked as she walked around the table and hugged a visibly shocked Caroline.

  The two embraced for a moment, tears in both of their eyes as I stood like a statue, afraid my movements would make her disappear. They were speaking low and fast like they always did and I was having trouble processing the reality she was standing in front of me.

  How did she get here?

  How did she find us?

  Who is Josh to her?

  Why isn’t Emily as surprised as I am?

  How long has my best friend known who she was and how she was associated with the MSJ deal?

  I must have let my inner dialogue wonder longer than I thought, because the first words I heard from her were, “Maybe this is a mistake. I’ll just catch an Uber back to the hotel.” A look of shock and worry on her face.

  “Please, don’t go. I’m just…how did you find me?” I said as I reached out and gently grabbed her hand as she tried to turn and leave, lightning shooting up my arm, directly to my heart, causing it to beat for the first time in over four years.

  “I didn’t find you. I had no idea you would be here or that you knew Cody. I thought we were just meeting some people for drinks and dancing. I don’t understand. Josh?” She turned her entire attention to him, removing her hand from mine and tucking them across her body, making me feel unreasonably angry and hurt.

  Why doesn’t she want to touch me?

  Is Josh her boyfriend?

  Am I going to have to spend the evening watching her and the man in her life enjoy themselves together?

  “Remember when I told you that I needed you to trust me? I meant it, now more than ever. This is your chance to get your answers and put this to rest so you can finally find your happiness, Caroline. Let’s sit down and have a drink. Okay?” Josh seemed to be pleading with his eyes.

  “Okay. I just need to run to the restroom. I’ll be right back,” she nervously uttered as she turned from us and hurried away.

  “I’ll go with her.” Emily replied and followed her towards the back of the building, my eyes unable to stop staring at her golden hair as it swung back and forth when she moved, and her perfect ass swayed with each hasty step. When the door to the restroom closed, I turned my attention to Cody and Josh who both had smiles on their faces, looking proud of themselves.

  “How long have you known who I was?” I asked Josh, hoping he understood how pissed I was that he kept Caroline a secret from me until now. I willed some of the blood to flow away from my throbbing erection and back to my brain.

  “From the first night I walked into the gym and Cody told me who the owner was. He explained that Andrew Sheppard was the owner and his sister Emily ran the front counter. I put two and two together very quickly and I told him who was in your gym, using your equipment, while you were in the back room having your fun with that redhead. I saw you go into the back before we walked in and noticed how Cody kept looking over his shoulder towards your office when he realized who was standing less than 20 feet from him. The love of your life. Caroline.”

  “Why not tell me who you were? Why all the charades?”

  “Were you really going to be okay if you walked out with your flavor of the night to see Caroline working out in your gym, oblivious to your escapades. How do you think she would have taken it that the first time she sees you, you’re leaving with your latest hookup? It would have devastated her even worse than you already did and I love her too much to let that happen again.” As he responded, his arms crossed over his chest, and his demeanor changed to angry.

  “You love her? Who are you to her?”

  “Not that you deserve to know but, I’m a friend, nothing more. I want what is best for her and I think that your stubborn ass is her true soulmate. I want her to be happy again and if it means I have to deceive her and you to accomplish that, then I will. Suck it up, Andrew. Cody here has already told me you are still in love with her. So, what gives? Why did you break her heart so badly that she has been unable to move past you?”

  “That’s none of your damn business. I don’t have to explain myself to you or anyone else over why I did what I did. What we had is in the past, and I’m sure she has moved on from me now. I’m positive it was just the shock of seeing me that has her like she is.”

  Leaning his body across the table he began. “I shouldn’t tell you this, but I’m going to because she deserves to love and be loved and, for some reason, she can’t get past you. You broke her heart with the last words you said to her. Then disappearing like you did, with no contact or anything, was a pussy way to deal with whatever issues you had. The only person she told about what happened was her mom. She wouldn’t even talk to Maddie about it. She tried to date—and had a string of assholes take advantage of her. I saw it all and was powerless to stop her self-destructive mindset. She sees herself as undeserving of love, that if she was lacking something that made her soulmate leave her, she must not be valuable. She is a precious gem you threw away over… what? I don’t even know. You probably don’t even know. But you will pull your head out of your ass and give her the closure she deserves so I can take her home and watch her rebuild her life. Hopefully, this will be the last time you can break her heart because you have been doing it day after day since the minute you hung up that phone.” he said, as he stood up and walked towards the restrooms and away from my boiling anger.

  “Who the fuck does he think he is? And why the fuck didn’t you tell me you saw her? What the hell, Cody? You are supposed to be my best friend and you led me straight into an ambush tonight.” My voice elevated, causing a few of the people around us to turn and look toward the commotion I was creating.

  “This is why! You would have made an excuse and hid from her, continuing to be a miserable bastard. You talk a good game but every time I see you with one of the gym bunnies, a little more of the light goes out of your eyes, a little more of your love for her disappears. I know what she meant to you and I know why you did what you did. I am the only one who knows and I hate that now, faced with Emily leaving, you’ll be worse than you’ve ever been. You blame yourself…”


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