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Chase's Teacher

Page 10

by Angela Franklin

“I’m scared. What if I do something wrong? What if you get to know me and I’m not what you thought?” Callie asked him.

  “Callie we can deal with anything if you will just give me a chance. Please let me prove it to you. We can go slow; we can start with that ride I asked you to go on.” Chase told her. “Wait, can you ride when you’re pregnant?” He asked her.

  “I have no idea. I need to call an OB/GYN to set up my first appointment, I could ask them.” Callie said worrying what she shouldn’t be doing anymore. “Let me up. I have to call the doctor. What if I’m hurting the baby?” Callie said in a panic.

  “Callie calm down. Lay here with me and breath for a minute and then we will go down and find a doctor. Laying here resting has to be helping the baby. Plus, I really like holding you.” Chase told her.

  Callie nodded and laid her head back down on his chest and closed her eyes. She was content but also really worried. She was squirming and he laughed at her.

  “Come on wiggle worm. You aren’t going to relax until you’re sure the baby is safe.” Chase said pulling her up with him.

  “I’m nervous. What if…” Callie started but he stopped her.

  “Stop with the what ifs. You are going to drive yourself nuts. We have nothing to worry about. You are healthy and the doctor had no concerns.” Chase said as they walked down the steps.

  “I know. I have never been through this and I don’t want to mess this up.” Callie told him flipping through the phone book he offered her.

  “Do you have any doctors in mind?” Chase asked her.

  “No. Maybe I should call Chasity.” Callie said feeling lost.

  “That would be the best idea and it would make her feel like part of this.” Chase said handing her the phone.

  Callie called her sister and Chase went to get her a glass of juice while they talked. He seemed to want to be a part of this, but he was trying to give her space to make her decisions too. Chasity answered and they talked for a minute before she gave Callie the name of her doctor and they hung up.

  “Any luck?” Chase asked as he came back in the room.

  “Yeah she gave me a name and I am looking for the number now.” Callie told him taking the juice.

  “Would you like me to go out on the porch while you make the call?” Chase asked giving her the option to do this on her own.

  “If you don’t mind I would rather you stayed with me please.” Callie said looking up at him from under her lashes.

  “Anything you want sweetie. Don’t forget to ask about the riding, if you want to go.” Chase reminded her with a smile.

  He sat on the couch beside her as she looked up the number. She could feel his eyes on her and resisted the urge to walk away. In her heart she wanted nothing more than to be with him, but Callie knew she wasn’t special enough to keep his attention for long. Maybe it was better to just go with it for now so she would have memories to tell their child about him when Chase got bored and left.

  “Everything okay Callie?” Chase asked grasping her chin and turning her to face him.

  “Oh, yeah sorry. I’m fine.” Callie told him trying to turn away.

  “Callie, don’t pull away.” Chase told her keeping a firm grip on her chin. “What happened? Where did you go just now?” He was looking in her eyes.

  “No where. I was just worrying about the baby. I need to find the number and I can’t do that with you holding my chin.” Callie told him giving a what she hoped was a believable laugh so that he would release her.

  “You aren’t fooling me, but I will let it go for now.” Chase said and kissed her forehead before he released her.

  Callie nodded and went back to looking for the number. She had no idea how many OB/GYN’s there were near the area. Thank God Chasity had told her who to call. This was going to be difficult enough without having to sort through all these doctors. She sighed and felt the warmth of Chase’s hand on her thigh. Callie looked up and smiled before looking back down and finding the number. She picked the phone up and dialed the number.

  After making an appointment with the new doctor and asking a few questions she hung up feeling a little better about taking the first step. Apparently she was over reacting and there was no need for it. At this point the baby wasn’t big enough to feel anything and she only needed to worry about straining her body at this point.

  “I can do pretty much anything. I just need to be careful with lifting and straining, other than that I am perfectly fine.” Callie said the relief clear in her voice.

  “That is great news. Does that mean you can go for that ride now?” Chase asked rubbing her thigh.

  “I can, but I don’t really feel up to it right now.” Callie said looking away.

  “That’s fine. What would you like to do today?” Chase asked her.

  “I am tired. I would just like to rest today.” Callie said shifting to stand up.

  “That sounds good too.” Chase said as he pulled her tight into his body and laid back on the couch.

  “Um, actually Chase, I would like to go home.” Callie told him pulling away.

  “If I let you leave will you agree to call me tomorrow? Will you agree to come over Saturday?” Chase said giving her a firm look.

  “Chase I need time…” Callie began to say.

  “No Callie. I will not let you pull away. It is only Wednesday. That gives you some time. I ask that you call me everyday so that I know you and our baby are okay. I want you to come over Saturday so that I can simply be with you and spend time with you.” Chase told her keeping a firm grip on her so that she couldn’t walk away.

  “Okay. I will call you tomorrow.” Callie said nodding and standing to leave.

  “Not so fast Callie.” Chase said standing in front of her blocking her path.

  “What I agreed to do what you asked?” Callie said shaking her head.

  “Yes you did sweetheart, but you don’t have my number.” Chase said smiling as he walked to the end table and wrote it down for her. “Now you don’t have any excuse not to call me. Be careful driving. I will talk with you tomorrow.” Chase said and gave her a quick kiss on the lips before pulling back to let her go.

  “I have to work so it will be late tomorrow before I have time.” Callie warned him.

  “I will wait all day Callie.” Chase told her. “I could always bring you lunch and a long john if you want.” Chase asked hopeful.

  “You don’t have to do that. I will call you tomorrow night.” Callie told him walking to the door.

  “Okay. If you change your mind just let me know.” Chase said as he watched her walk out the door.

  Getting in the car Callie knew things would never be the same. She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but she would know soon enough.


  Chase watched her drive away wondering how he could convince her that she was it for him. He had told her but she didn’t seem to believe him. Callie was trying to push him away; he couldn’t let that happen. He was doing his best not too be to pushy but he knew if he gave her too much room she would be gone. Picking up the phone he decided he needed reinforcements if he was going to get through to her.

  “Sweetastics, this is Tina can I help you?”

  “Yes may I speak with Chasity please?” Chase told the cashier.

  “This is Chasity.” She said when she got to the phone.

  “Hey this is Chase. I’m really sorry to bother you but I need some help. Could you give me a call when you have some time to answer a few questions please?” Chase asked hoping Chasity could tell him how to make her believe him.

  “Sure Chase, is Callie giving you problems?” Chasity asked.

  “Yes and I could use some help.” Chase said wishing he could do this without asking for help.

  “I can call after we close up, if thats okay?” Chasity said sounding distracted.

  “That would be great thanks.” Chase told her before hanging up.

  Chase spent most of the day in the ba
rn with the new horses. They seemed to be doing good so he didn’t need to check on them but it kept him busy. He wanted to go see Callie but knew he couldn’t. Chasity called that night but couldn’t really help much. She told him that people had always picked on Callie about her weight and she never really dated because of it. He had already assumed most of that, but having the proof made it worse. She was a beautiful woman. She had luscious curves that a man could spend hours kissing and worshipping. He was determined to be the lucky man that got to keep them forever.

  Chapter 12

  Callie spent the next day working and calling Chase like she promised. On Friday she went back to work as usual, but she was so confused. When she called Chase the night before they had talked for a long time. She had only meant to let him know that she and the baby were okay and hang up, but he never let the conversation turn to that. He talked about the horses, things he wanted to do to the ranch, his life in Atlanta, even about what it was like growing up with Luke.

  She had laughed and shared stories of the way her sister was always into something when they were younger. She really enjoyed the conversation, he even made her laugh. She wasn’t sure how she felt about everything. Her classes were easy and the kids were behaving today, she wondered what was going to go wrong. Things never went this good with no problems. She hadn’t even been sick this morning!

  At the end of the work day, she figured out what was going to go wrong. It was her car again. The dang thing took five tries to crank. Instead of risking it not starting back and her missing girls night, she went straight to the bakery. Maybe if Chasity wasn’t busy they could talk. She really could use some advice about the whole Chase thing. Could a guy as perfect as him truly want her?

  “Hey Callie, why are you so early? Did you run out of long johns?” Chasity asked as she walked into the bakery.

  “More long johns would be great, but my car is acting up and I didn’t want to miss girls night, so I came early.” Callie told her smiling.

  “Okay great, but you can take my car and run home to change or whatever if you want to.” Chasity said bringing her some long johns and milk over.

  “Thanks, but I have on khakis today so I’m good. Have you been busy today?” Callie asked biting her lip.

  “Not really, why are you so nervous?” Chasity asked her curiously.

  “Well if you have time I would like to talk, but if you don’t it’s okay.” Callie said fidgeting with her napkin.

  “I have time, just let me tell Tina to only holler if she needs me.” Chasity said before disappearing. She was back in minutes. “Okay you have my undivided attention.”

  “Well, I don’t know where to start.” Callie said.

  “Is everything okay? Is there a problem with the baby?” Chasity asked, the concern was clear in her voice.

  “Yes of course!” Callie said quickly, “I didn’t mean to worry you. We are fine, I haven’t even gotten sick today.” Callie smiled and looked at her long johns.

  “That’s great, but what has you so nervous then?” Chasity said. “ Is there something wrong with the long johns?”

  “No they smell great.” Callie answered.

  “So why don’t you eat them instead of starring at them?” Chasity said giving in her a small smile.

  “I talked to Chase last night.” Callie said then bit into the first long john.

  “Okay… and?” Chasity prompted, but she had to wait because Callie was to wrapped up in her treat.

  “Wow these are great.” Callie said reaching for more.

  “Callie talk, or I swear I will take them away.” Chasity said reaching for her plate.

  “You wouldn’t dare deprive the baby.” Callie said laughing. “Anyway, we talked a long time. I almost fell asleep on the phone.” Callie said smiling so big her cheeks hurt.

  “Okay, that sounds good, so why are you so nervous?” Chasity said cautiously.

  “I think I’m starting to really like him.” Callie admitted before starting on another long john.

  “That’s a good thing, right?” Chasity said confused.

  “What if it’s all a joke? What if he doesn’t really want me? Where will that leave me and the baby?” Callie said, she was talking really fast and wasn’t sure if Chasity even understood her.

  “Slow down Callie. Has he given you any reason not to believe him?” Chasity asked her.

  “Well no.” Callie said eating her last long john.

  “Did he say you have to decide now if you want to marry him, or he will leave and never come back?” Chasity asked her.

  “Of course not, he would never do that.” Callie said offended she would even think that.

  “So what’s the problem with seeing where this can go?” Chasity said smugly.

  “You’re right.” Callie said grinning.

  “When are you talking to him again?” Chasity asked her.

  “I was suppose to call him today, but its girls night, so I probably won’t.” Callie told her and she was surprised by how sad that mad her.

  “There’s no reason you can’t call him while I clean up. We still have an hour before girls night.” Chasity told her and winked before walking away.

  Callie pulled her phone out, but hesitated. Would he want to talk to her? What if he was busy or not at home? She felt like a love sick kid about to call her crush, this was ridiculous. What’s the worst that could happen; he might not even answer.

  “Call him.” Her sister called out.

  “Okay, okay.” Callie said then picked up the phone and dialed.

  “Hey baby.” Chase answered on the second ring.

  “Oh hey, am I interrupting time with your girlfriend?” Callie asked playing with him.

  “As a matter of fact, not at all. She happens to be on the phone with me now.” Chase replied making Callie blush. “So how has your day been, have you been sick?” He continued.

  “Actually I haven’t been sick today.” Callie said, excited she was feeling so good.

  “That’s great. Do you have your long johns?” Chase asked her.

  “Yeah, I’m at the bakery now so Chasity gave me some. My car didn’t want to crank after work, so when it did I came over here. I don’t want to miss girls night.” Callie told him.

  “Maybe it’s the battery. Do you want me to come look at it for you?” Chase asked her.

  “Thanks but the battery is new. I think it’s just dying.” Callie told him touched he would offer.

  “Do you need me to take you home tonight?” Chase asked her and he sounded excited at the thought.

  “Um, hang on, let me ask Chasity if she can.” She asked him before asking Chasity. “Chasity is going to drop me off if the car won’t start tonight.” She answered him.

  “Okay, but can I come get you tomorrow?” Chase asked her.

  “Sure, but I can’t promise I won’t get sick on you. It comes out of nowhere and I usually feel better pretty quick after that.” Callie warned him.

  “Callie I don’t care if you want to do nothing but sit on the couch all day, and if you get sick, I will hold your hair and get you some cold water. I just want to be with you.” Chase told her. She could hear the honesty in his voice and it brought tears to her eyes.

  “So, um, what time are you coming tomorrow?” Callie asked clearing her throat.

  “How about nine in the morning?” Chase asked her.

  “That’s great. I get up around eight so that gives me time to get ready.” Callie told him.

  “Bring a jacket in case you want to go riding.” Chase told her.

  “Sounds good. I should go, some of the girls are coming in.” Callie told him sadly.

  “If you change your mind about that ride tonight call me. I would be happy to come take you home.” Chase told her suggestively and she laughed.

  “That’s how we got into this mess.” Callie told him playfully.

  “And I wouldn’t trade a second of it.” Chase said sobering her up.

  “Bye Chase.�
� Callie said.

  “I’ll see you in the morning beautiful.” Chase said and hung up.

  “Wow, what has that dreamy look on you face?” Taylor asked as they came to sit with her.

  “Oh hi, um.” Callie started coming back to reality.

  “That would be her hunky boyfriend.” Chasity said making her blush.

  “Callie has a boyfriend? Do tell, and even better you got any pics of him on your phone?” Lindy said wiggling her eyebrows.

  “He’s not really my boyfriend.” Callie said quietly.

  “Have you been out to eat with him?” Taylor asked her.

  “Yes they were at Susie’s the other day.” Kara answered.

  “Has he been to your place or you to his?” Lindy continued.

  “Yep and they are spending the day together tomorrow.” Chasity answered for her.

  “I think we have enough evidence to take a vote. Ladies, does Callie have a boyfriend?” Taylor asked and all the girls raised their hands voting yes.

  “You need to stop reading all those books about lawyers.” Callie muttered and they laughed.

  “The vote is unanimous. Callie you officially have a boyfriend.” Lindy said slapping her hand on the table like a gavel.

  “Alright ladies lets enjoy our evening. Callie needs a break from the interrogation before she goes up in flames.” Chasity said bringing drinks and snacks over.

  “Callie aren’t you drinking with us tonight?” Kara asked her.

  “I’ve had a stomach bug and think it’s best if I lay off the alcohol tonight.” Callie said not wanting to tell them about the baby yet.

  “ Sounds like a good idea.” Taylor said nodding.

  The girls ate and enjoyed their drinks. Callie was having a great time. They did pick on her, but it was okay because everyone was having a blast. She did kinda miss Chase though. The girls never asked for details or even his name so she let it go. About an hour later she started feeling kinda nauseous, but hoped it would pass. Within five minutes she was running for the bathroom. This sucked!

  “Callie, are you okay?” She heard Kara calling after her.

  “Just give her a second, I will go keep an eye on her.” Chasity told them.


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