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Chase's Teacher

Page 11

by Angela Franklin

  In the bathroom Callie was leaned over the toilet wishing it would stop. It was going to be a long pregnancy at this rate. Chasity handed her a wet paper towel then left. The cool wet paper towel felt good against her heated skin. Chasity returned with cold water and sat with her another fifteen minutes before she started feeling better.

  “Are you good? We can sit longer if you need too.” Chasity said as she was getting up.

  “Yeah I’m fine. I just need to sit back and relax a minute.” Callie told her as they walked out.

  “Guess that stomach bug isn’t gone yet.” Kara said.

  “Not yet, I’m just gonna sit back for now.” Callie said as she sat in a booth behind the others.

  “Hey Chasity, someone just pulled in.” Taylor told them. Callie just sat with her eyes closed.

  “I’ll see who it is.” Chasity told them.

  “Damn, he is hot.” Lindy said loudly, maybe she had had too much wine.

  “Come on in.” She heard Chasity say, but she wasn’t moving. She was perfectly content in her corner with her eyes closed.

  “Hey beautiful. I heard your luck ran out.” She heard in that deep voice she was starting to love. Callie snapped her eyes open but regretted it immediately and closed them back.

  She sat there taking slow deep breaths. She felt a cool cloth being pressed against her forehead and then his knuckles gently sliding down her cheek. It was comforting to know he was here, but she wasn’t ready to open her eyes just yet. The room was slowly stopping again so she waited till it was completely stopped.

  “There’s my girl.” Chase said smiling at her as she opened her eyes.

  “What are you doing here?” She asked smiling back weakly.

  “I got a text that you needed me so I came. Are you still feeling sick?” Chase asked watching her.

  “No, but if I move to fast it comes back. That’s why I was sitting here resting.” Callie told him putting her hand over his where it rested on her cheek.

  “See boyfriend. Callie was holding out on us.” Lindy said behind her.

  “Not now. Leave them alone.” Chasity said with steel in her voice. “ Callie are you felling any better?” She asked her.

  “Yeah I’m good now.” Callie said turning away from Chase to look at her sister. “I’m just tired.”

  “How about we get you home sweetheart.” Chase said pulling her attention back to him.

  “That’s probably for the best.” Callie said looking to Chasity. “Are you ready in case the car won’t start?”

  “That won’t be necessary. I will take you.” Chase told her standing up.

  “Chase, you don’t have to do that. The car may start, and Chasity said she would take me.” Callie told him looking to her sister for back up.

  “Actually I want to stay with the girls for a while and he’s already here.” Chasity said turning back to the group.

  “Trader.” Callie murmured under her breath making Chase laugh.

  “Come on, let’s see if your car will start.” Chase said holding a hand out to help her up.

  “Fine.” Callie said taking it before standing and walking out with the girls cat calling behind them.

  Callie turned back and stuck her tongue out at them before turning back to the door and walking to her car. Callie tried it once but it did nothing. She checked the battery cables, not entirely convinced her sister wouldn’t remove them to set her up, still attached. Going back she tried it three more times before Chase pulled her over to his truck.

  “Callie, that thing isn’t going to start tonight.” Chase said opening the door for her and helping her in.

  “You’re right dang thing is getting worse.” Callie told him leaning back as he shut the door.

  “So where do you want to go?” Chase asked as he started the truck up before turning to look at her.

  “Home was the plan.” Callie told him giving him the duh look.

  “I can do that, or we can pick up a few things and you can come home with me.” Chase said looking like that was the best idea ever.

  “Chase, I’m not sure I’m ready to be together again yet.” Callie told him wishing she was.

  “It doesn’t have to be about that. I won’t lie Callie I want you in every way, but I would be happy just to know your in the same house as me. The same bed would be even better, but it still doesn’t have to be like that. I just want to hold you.” Chase told her keeping eye contact so that she could see the honesty in every word.

  “What if I get scared and want to go home. I’ve never spent the night with anyone except when I was with you.” Callie said biting her lip. She really wanted to go with him.

  “Callie, I don’t want to pressure you. If you want to go home I will take you there. I could stay there with you if you want or we could go to the ranch. If you truly want to be alone, I will just drop you off then go home alone.” Chase told her taking her hand in his.

  “I want to go with you Chase.” Callie said quietly looking down at their hands.

  “Anything you want Callie girl, and if you get scared I will take you home.” Chase said kissing her forehead before pulling away and putting the truck in gear. “We will go by your place and you can get some clothes and anything else you need.”

  “Thank you.” Callie said and looked out the window as they drove to her house.

  When they arrived he helped her out and walked her to her door. She left him in the living room as she went to her room to get a bag with some clothes. She packed more than she needed but she was nervous and wasn’t really sure what she would need. She wanted this more than she could have thought. She should feel rushed, but she really didn’t. The idea of being in bed cuddled up to him tonight made her heart race.

  “Chase?” Callie called out to him.

  “Right here baby.” Chase said as he appeared in the doorway.

  “I was just wondering, do I need to take a bath here, or should I bring things to your place.” She asked chewing her lip.

  “You’re welcome to bring anything you like. You can make yourself at home there, but if your more comfortable showering here that’s fine too.” Chase told her smiling.

  “I don’t mind showering there. I like to shower to relax so I usually do that right before bed, or if I’m stressed, or not feeling well.” Callie said rambling.

  “I am planning to have the master bathroom redone soon, but it’s pretty big and has a big hot water tank so it lasts awhile. You can take a hundred showers a day if that is what will make you comfortable.” Chase told her crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the door frame.

  “Thanks, I’ll just get the rest of my things then.” Callie said blushing as she went to the bathroom to collect the extra bottles of her favorite shower gel and shampoo, along with her tooth brush and the other necessities.

  “All set?” Chase asked as she came out and put the smaller bag with a small suitcase.

  “Yeah. I know it looks like alot but I wasn’t sure what I would need. If you would rather not do this, it’s okay. I won’t be mad.” Callie said keeping her eyes locked on her bags.

  “Callie, you can bring it all if you want. I just want you there.” Chase said raising her face and giving her a gentle kiss on the lips.

  “I think I’m good for now then.” Callie told him before moving to get her things.

  “You’re not allowed to lift that. I’ll get it, you just get the door.” Chase said reaching around her to grab both bags.

  “Chase, they really aren’t that heavy.” Callie said walking in front of him.

  “I know, but I like taking care of you.” Chase said and winked at her as he walked out the door.

  Callie walked through making sure the lights were off before going to the door. She closed and locked it and turned to find Chase standing by the passenger side of the truck with the door open waiting for her. Callie smiled and climb in admiring the view of those wranglers as he walked around the front of the truck.

��I’m gonna stop at the store before we go home. I want to make sure I have everything you like to eat or snack on. Do you have any long johns?” Chase asked turning onto the road again.

  “Right here.” Callie said showing him the box in her hand. “I’m not really picky. We don’t need to go to the grocery store just for me.” Callie told him liking the way he was trying to take care of her.

  “It won’t take long. Then we can get back to the ranch and relax.” Chase told her.

  Callie sighed but gave up. If he wanted to go to the store fine. He walked every isle and bought enough food to last a month, but he insisted they needed it all. She remembered the kitchen was big but wasn’t sure he had room for this much stuff. It took an act of God to get it all in the truck. On the drive to the ranch he reached for her hand, she didn’t resist. It was comforting to touch him, so why not just relax and let it happen.

  “Is there someone on the porch?” Callie asked when they pulled up.

  “It’s just Luke. He comes by a lot and even though he has a key won’t use it unless he’s starving.” Chase said as he got out.

  “Is he going to mind me being here?” Callie asked as he helped her out of the truck.

  “Nope. I will get your bags and unlock the door, but I want you to sit back and relax. You can sit on the couch or in the kitchen.” Chase said walking up the steps.

  “Hey Callie, how are you feeling?” Luke asked when she got to the porch.

  “I’m good.” Callie said looking down, afraid he was gonna be mad she was here.

  “Hey man, let me put this up stairs and then you can help me carry in the groceries.” Chase told Luke after he opened the door.

  “Sounds good. I’m starving. I forgot to go to the store.” Luke said walking in behind them. “So are you staying the weekend Callie?” He asked.

  “Um. I’m staying tonight.” Callie said biting her lip.

  “Great. This house needs some life.” Luke said before turning back for the door.

  “See, I told you it would be fine.” Chase said kissing the top of her head. “Now go sit.”

  Callie sat in the kitchen, not really comfortable being alone in the house yet. The guys made trip after trip and were laughing and talking every time they came in. Callie sat quietly enjoying the easy relationship they seem to have. She was worried after their fight. She really hated seeing siblings fighting.

  “Okay Callie. This is the last load. Where do you want everything put?” Luke asked her. Callie looked up at Chase confused.

  “We rarely remember to go to the store and nothing really has a place. You tell us where you want it and we will put it up.” Chase said picking up a bag.

  “This is your home. You should decide where you want things.” Callie told them.

  “Well, I don’t live here and neither one of us cooks much. Women always know where to put things to make them easy to get to and convenient for where they might be needed.” Luke said waiting patiently for her guidance.

  “Um, okay.” Callie said and directed them where to put things.

  As it turns out Chase did have room for everything. There was pretty much nothing in the cabinets. Luke followed her direction and tried to make it look neat. She had no doubt it wouldn’t stay that way. Even her kitchen didn’t stay neat. When they finished they came to the table and sat with her.

  “I know it’s late, but I’m hungry. Ya’ll up for some dinner?” Luke asked them.

  “Sounds good to me, are you hungry Callie?” Chase asked her.

  “Yeah. I didn’t eat anything but long johns after work so I can make us something.” Callie said pushing back to stand up.

  “Oh no. You and Chase are going to relax on the couch while I make dinner.” Luke said walking to the fridge.

  “I thought you said ya’ll can’t cook.” Callie said cocking her head to the side.

  “I said we don’t cook much, but we can. Ya’ll relax, I’ll get something going.” Luke said pushing them out of the kitchen.

  “Callie, do you need anything to drink?” Chase asked before they sat down.

  “No, I’m good right now.” Callie said waiting for him to sit.

  Chase sat in the corner of the couch so she went to sit on the opposite end. He stopped her and pulled her down beside him. He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close before smiling down at her. He grabbed the remote and began flipping channels as she snuggled in closer leaning her head against his chest. She could hear his heart beating and it soothed her.

  “Anything you want to watch baby?” Chase asked her.

  “No, I don’t care, watch whatever you want.” Callie said.

  She was so comfortable. She felt Chase’s arm move from around her shoulders to land where his hand was on her hip. He was so warm. She was trying her best to stay awake, but with the way he was rubbing circles on her hip and his steady breathing, she was out like a light.

  Chapter 13

  Chase couldn’t believe she had agreed to come home with him. She was so pale when he got to the bakery it had scared him. She was fine by the time he got her home, but she still came. She was so tempting with those green eyes and those pouty lips, he wasn’t sure how he was going to resist her, but she was actually letting him touch her so he could manage. He had been surprised when Luke had ask her to organize the kitchen, but admired him for doing that to make her feel welcome. Usually they just crammed everything in the cabinets and went on a search when they wanted something. Her system was much better.

  He hadn’t even known Luke was going to be there, but he never minded seeing him. Callie had started to relax when they were in the kitchen and he was thankful. She was so nervous. He was going to call Monday and talk to someone about redoing the bathroom ASAP. If that relaxed her then he would make it the best he could for her. He had been amazed that she had actually snuggled into him without him having to coax her. She fit perfectly against his body and when he put his hand on her hip it didn’t seem to faze her. He could tell she was asleep, but that was fine. They could go to bed after they ate. Luke was a saint for cooking for them.

  “I see Callie seems to have relaxed.” Luke whispered coming in the living room.

  “Yeah and I can’t thank you enough for making dinner and helping with everything.” Chase whispered back.

  “I’m glad to see her here, surprised but glad. Is she really only staying tonight?” Luke asked him.

  “I will work on that tomorrow. I was shocked she agreed to come over tonight so I didn’t push.” Chase told him still rubbing her hip.

  “Well dinner’s ready. I will leave you to wake her.” Luke said walking back to the kitchen.

  “Callie girl.” Chase said using his free hand to rub her cheek while still holding her hip. “Sweetheart, dinner’s ready.” Chase said and kissed the top of her head.

  “Five more minutes.” Callie said putting her hand on his chest.

  “Come on. Luke worked hard to make us dinner, and we can go to bed after we eat if you want.” Chase told her gently squeezing her hip.

  “Fine. I’ll get up, but you owe me a hot relaxing shower for waking me up.” Callie said pulling away.

  “Anything you want baby. I could even wash your back for you.” Chase said standing to pull her up.

  “Keep dreaming Romeo.” Callie told him. He leaned down and kissed her lips gently and then laughed.

  “Can’t blame a guy for trying.” He told her.

  “Are you two coming, cause I have no problems eating without you.” Luke called out from the kitchen.

  “Cool your jets, we’re on our way.” Callie hollered back shaking her head.

  As they ate dinner he saw that everyone was relaxing and seemed to be taking on a role in this new dynamic. Callie had picked on and terrorized Luke, and he had gave as good as he got. She had picked with him too, but if he said anything suggestive or flirty, she would blush and look away. Chase could really get use to this. This was the family he wanted. The only thing mi
ssing was her sister and the baby, but the baby would be here soon enough.

  “Thank you for dinner Luke. I really do appreciate it.” Callie said smiling at Luke. Chase could tell now, that the smile she gave Luke was different. It was more like a good friend or sibling, nothing heated about it.

  “I’m glad you liked it. I’m sure you will return the favor. How about we do a dinner Sunday afternoon, you can even invite Chasity out.” Luke told her smiling.

  “I’m going home tomorrow and I’m sure ya’ll have alot to do. Maybe another time.” Callie told him.

  “Sure, well you guys go on to bed, I can do the dishes.” Luke said getting up and gathering all the plates, then he turned back. “Maybe we can call someone Monday about putting in a dishwasher. It’s past time to get with the times.”

  “Sounds good. I have a few other projects I need done anyways.” Chase said standing to help Callie up.

  “I really don’t mind helping with the dishes.” Callie said stepping toward the sink.

  “I know your tired, go to bed.” Luke said giving her a quick hug and pushing her toward Chase.

  “Alright, goodnight.” Callie said as they walked out of the room.

  Chase stayed by her side as they walked through the living room, and behind her up the stairs. She hesitated at the top, so he took her hand and led her to his room. He had her suitcase on top of the dresser and the smaller bag beside it. She froze just inside the door, so he stepped in front of her so he could read her face.

  “Callie, I can sleep in another room if it will make you more comfortable, but I would rather be with you.” He told her watching her reaction.

  “It’s not that I don’t want that, I’m just nervous.” Callie said biting her lip.

  “We will go slow and if anything makes you uncomfortable just tell me okay?” Chase said praying she wouldn’t tell him to go away.

  “Okay.” She nodded. He heard the sound of the door down stairs and knew Luke had left.

  “This is the bathroom, towels are in the cabinet. The water will be very warm. You can take a bath or a shower. Make yourself at home. Just leave your things in there and we can pick them up when you go home.” Chase told her hoping she felt comfortable here.


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