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Doc Holliday

Page 70

by Gary L Roberts


  Cow-Boys posse

  Crummy, George W.

  Cruz, Florentino shooting

  Dake, Crawley P.

  Deal/Tiebot/Haws posse

  Dodge City, Kansas, marshal

  Dodge City War

  Earp, Morgan shooting death

  Elder, Kate

  finances of

  Fisher, Kate

  Goodrich, Briggs

  health of

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  Hooker, Henry C.

  horse and mule thefts

  Joyce, Milton E.

  Lake, Stuart N.

  Las Vegas, New Mexico

  Lotta Crabtree case

  lynch mob

  Masterson, Bat

  McLaury, Thomas Clark



  Nome, Alaska

  Paul, Robert H. “Bob”

  personality of

  Pima County sheriff


  protection of

  resignation of

  Ringo, John Peters

  Sharkey-Fitzsimmons fight

  social class

  stagecoach robbery

  steel vest of

  Stilwell, Frank, shooting

  Stilwell, William H.

  Tombstone, Arizona

  Tombstone, Arizona, sheriff’s office

  Trinidad, Colorado

  Tucson, Arizona

  U.S. marshal

  water rights

  Wells, Fargo & Co.

  Earp-Clanton imbroglio, See also Clanton, Billy; Clanton, Joseph Isaac “Ike”; Earp, Wyatt

  E’Dalgo, Francisco (Francisco Hidalgo)

  Civil War (U.S.)

  death of

  marriage of

  E’Dalgo, Martha Freeman

  Elder, Ike S.

  Elder, Kate (Kate Fisher, Mary Katharine Harony). See also Fisher, Kate (Kate Elder, Mary Katharine Harony)

  arrest of

  Behan, John

  death of

  Earp brothers

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  Masterson, Bat

  media and books


  Ringo, John

  stagecoach robbery

  election of 1856

  election of 1858, Republican Party

  election of 1860, Georgia

  Elliott, Richard E.

  Elliott, Victor A.

  Emmanuel, Alfred H.

  Empire Ranch (Vail)

  ether, medical science

  Evans, J. W.

  Fambro, Bob

  Fannin, James

  Farley, Hugh

  faro (game), See also gambling

  Faucett, H. S.

  Felter, Andrew J.

  Ferguson, Elliot Larkin (alias Pete Spence, Peter Spencer). See Spence, Pete (Elliot Larkin Ferguson, Peter Spencer)

  Fergusson, William

  Finaty, Harry

  first cousins, marriage between

  Fishback, Charles L.

  Fisher, Kate (Kate Elder, Mary Katharine Harony), See also Elder, Kate (Kate Fisher, Mary Katharine Harony)

  Fitch, Thomas J.

  Fitzgerald, Eleanor

  Fitzgerald, Philip

  Fitzpatrick, George

  Fitzpatrick, T. E.

  Flood, John H., Jr.

  Flood, Thomas


  Civil War (U.S.)

  McKey family

  Floyd, Charles

  Fly, C. S.

  Fly, Mollie

  Flynn, James

  Fogarty, Mike. See Thurmond, Frank (alias Mike Fogarty)

  Fonck, John L.

  Fonda, George

  foot races, Fort Griffin Flat, Texas

  Force, Richard

  Ford, Arthur C.

  Ford, John

  Ford County Globe (newspaper)

  Forrest, General Nathan Bedford

  Fort Concho, Texas

  Fort Griffin Flat, Texas

  Brocius, Curly Bill


  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”


  society in

  Fort Sumter

  Foster, Charley

  Foster, J. G.

  Fountain, Albert Jennings

  Foy, Eddie

  Franklin, C. A.

  Freedman’s Bureau

  Freedmen, Reconstruction

  Frees, Billy

  Free-Soil Party

  Frémont, John Charles

  French, Charles

  French, Harrison

  Frink, J. R.

  Frink, Lucian F.

  Fuches, A. Jameson, Jr.

  Fugitive Slave Law

  Fuller, Old Man

  Fuller, West

  Gage, E. B.

  Gallagher, Frank

  Gallagher, Johnson


  gambling. See also faro (game)

  Denver, Colorado

  Dodge City, Kansas

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  Leadville, Colorado

  Prescott, Arizona

  Santa Fe, New Mexico

  Smith, Lee

  Tombstone, Arizona

  Trinidad, Colorado

  Tucson, Arizona

  Garden City Irrigator (newspaper)

  Gardiner, J. B. W.

  Garvin, James B. “Tex”

  Gauze, Jake

  Geary, Lawrence

  George, A. G. P.

  Georgia. See also Southern frontier

  Civil War (U.S.)

  Compromise of

  economy of

  election of

  election of

  native Americans, (See also Southern frontier)


  secession of

  Gettysburg, Battle of

  Gilchriese, John D.

  Gillingham, Charles

  Gillmore, Q. A.

  Gilson, Bill

  Girl of the Period Saloon (Atlanta, Georgia)

  Glenwood Springs, Colorado

  Glenwood Springs Ute Chief (newspaper)

  Glick, George

  Globe, Arizona

  Globe Theater (Las Vegas, New Mexico)

  Golden, Johnny

  Goldthwaite, George

  Gone with the Wind (Mitchell)

  Goodfellow, Dr. George

  Goodlet and Robinson Saloon (Las Vegas, New Mexico)

  Goodrich, Ben

  Goodrich, Briggs

  Gordon, John B.

  Gordon, Mike

  Gorman, Ed

  Gosper, John J.

  Grace, William

  Grand Hotel (Tombstone, Arizona)

  Grant, J. B.

  Grant, Ulysses S.

  Gray, Dixie Lee

  Gray, John Plesant

  Gray, Mike

  Great Strike of

  Green, Charlie

  Green, Johnny “Crocked Mouth”

  Griffin, Georgia

  Griffin, Iverson

  Griffin, M. J.

  Griffin, T. B.

  Griffin News (newspaper)

  Griffith, W. A. “Zan”

  Grounds, Billy

  Gruber, Jacob

  Guadalupe Canyon affair, Cow-Boys

  Gunnison Daily News-Democrat

  Hadden, George

  Hafford, R. F.

  Haggerty, Hugh

  Hall, Elmon G.

  Hall, Jesse Leigh “Red” (also Lee Hall)

  Hamilton County, Florida

  Hancock, James C.

  Hancock, Louis

  Hand, George

  Hansbrough, A. T.

  Hape, Albert

  Hape, Samuel

  Harlan, J. J. “Off Wheeler”

  Harley, E. M.

  Harony family

  Harpers Ferry raid

  Harris, Thaddeus S.

  Harris, William H.

  Harrison, Charles

  Hart, William S.

Hartman, L. C.

  Harwood, William

  Hasbrough, A. T.

  Haslett, Bill

  Haspel, Sarah

  Hatch, Bob

  Hattich, Bartholomew

  Hattich, Billy

  Haws, Charles

  Haymarket Riot

  Head, Harry

  Hearst, William Randolph

  “Hell Bitch” (knife)

  Hemphill, William C.

  Hennessey, Charles

  Henry, John

  Hereford, Frank

  Herring, William

  Hewson, Richard

  Hickey, Charles

  Hickey, Harry

  Hicks, Bill

  Hicks, Milt

  Hidalgo, Francisco. See E’Dalgo, Francisco (Francisco Hidalgo)

  Hill, Benjamin H.

  Hill, Joseph (Joseph Greaves Olney)

  Hill, Nathaniel P.

  Hillary, John H.

  Hinkle, George

  Holliday, Alice Jane McKey (mother)

  children of

  Civil War (U.S.)

  death of

  health of


  personality of

  Holliday, George Henry (cousin)

  Civil War (U.S.)

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”


  Holliday, Henry Burroughs (father)

  career of

  Civil War (U.S.)

  death of

  health of

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”


  to Alice Jane McKey

  to Rachel Martin

  Mexican War (1846)

  personality of



  social values

  Holliday, J. H.

  Holliday, James Robert (“Jim Bob” cousin)

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  accusations against

  Albuquerque, New Mexico


  Allen, William J., shooting

  Allen, William J., shooting trial

  ancestral family

  arrest in Colorado

  arrests of

  Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe/Rio Grande Railroads dispute

  attorneys for

  Behan, John H.

  birth of

  books about

  Brackett, Texas

  Brocius, Curly Bill

  career of

  Cheyenne, Wyoming

  childhood of

  Civil War (U.S.)

  Clanton, Billy

  Clanton, Joseph Isaac “Ike”

  Clanton/Deal posse

  Clanton/McLaury feud

  Clanton/McLaury shootout

  Clanton/McLaury shootout aftermath

  Clanton/McLaury shootout arrest

  Clanton/McLaury shootout legal proceedings

  cleft palate


  Cow-Boys posse (Iron Springs shootout)

  Cowen, E. D.

  Cruz, Florentino shooting

  Dallas, Texas

  Deadwood, South Dakota

  Deal/Tiebot/Haws posse

  death of

  Denison, Texas, move

  dental profession

  Denver, Colorado


  descriptions of

  Dodge City, Kansas

  Dodge City war


  Earp, Morgan

  Earp, Morgan, shooting death

  Earp, Wyatt

  education of

  Elder, Kate

  finances of

  Fisher, Kate (Mary Katharine Harony)

  Fort Concho, Texas

  Fort Griffin Flat, Texas

  funeral and burial of


  Glenwood Springs, Colorado

  Gordon, Mike killing

  health of

  Holliday, Alice Jane McKey (mother)

  Holliday, Henry Burroughs (father)

  Holliday, John Stiles (uncle)

  Holliday, Martha Anne (Mattie) (cousin)

  Holliday, Robert Kennedy (uncle)

  illegitimate child issue

  indictments of

  Joyce, Milton E.

  killings attributed to

  knife of

  Las Vegas, New Mexico


  Leadville, Colorado

  legend of

  Leonard, William

  lynch mob

  Mallon, Perry

  Marcus, Josephine Sarah “Sadie”


  Masterson, Bat

  McKey, Thomas Sylvester (uncle) and

  McKey, William Harrison (uncle)


  movies about

  murder and robbery charges against

  mystery surrounding

  obituaries of

  Oriental Saloon (Tombstone, Arizona) shooting

  Otero, New Mexico

  Paul, Robert H. “Bob”

  personality of

  Pinkerton agents


  Prescott, Arizona

  protection of

  Pueblo, Colorado

  Purdy, Sam



  Ringo, John Peters

  Ryan, Bud, incident

  shooting of

  silver issue

  Silverton, Colorado

  Smith, Lee

  social class

  social values

  Southern frontier

  stagecoach robbery

  Stilwell, Frank

  Stilwell, Frank, killing

  Stilwell and Cruz murder warrants against

  Tombstone, Arizona

  Trinidad, Colorado

  Tyler, John E.

  understanding of

  water rights

  Wells, Fargo & Co.

  Western peregrinations of

  White, Charles, shooting

  Withlacoochee River incident

  Holliday, John Stiles (uncle)

  Holliday, Lucy Rebecca (cousin)

  Holliday, Martha Anne (Mattie, Sister Mary Melanie) (cousin)

  Catholicism of

  death of

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  religious order joined by

  Holliday, Martha Eleanora (sister)

  Holliday, Mary Anne Fitzgerald (aunt)

  Holliday, Mary Anne “Mollie” (aunt)

  Holliday, Mary Cowperwaithe Fulton (cousin)

  Holliday, Mary Elizabeth Wright

  Holliday, Mary Theresa (cousin)

  Holliday, Rachel Martin (stepmother)

  marriage of

  McKey family

  remarriage of

  Withlacoochee River incident

  Holliday, Robert Alexander “Hub” (cousin)

  Holliday, Roberta Rosalie (cousin)

  Holliday, Robert Kennedy (uncle)

  Holliday, Robert Lee

  Holliday, Robert (uncle)

  Holliday, William, Jr. (paternal grandfather)

  Holliday, William (paternal great-grandfather)

  Holliday Saloon (Las Vegas, New Mexico)

  Hollings, W. G.

  Holt, Henry

  Homestead Strike

  Hood, John Bell

  Hooker, Forestine Cooper

  Hooker, Henry C.

  Hooker, Joseph

  Hopkins, Charles H.

  Hornung, Chuck

  horse and mule thefts

  Clanton, Billy

  Earp, Wyatt

  Ringo, John Peters

  Horton, W. B.

  Hotel Glenwood (Glenwood Springs, Colorado)

  Houston, Sam

  Howard, John J.

  Howard & Street (law firm)

  Hoy, George

  Hubble, Sydney A.

  Hughes, Jim

  Human Life Magazine

  Hume, James B.

  Hunt, Zwing

  Hurst, Joseph H.

tchinson, William J.

  Hyatt, L. A.

  Hyman, Mannie

  Hyman’s Saloon (Leadville, Colorado)

  illegitimate child issue, Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  immigrants, Tombstone, Arizona

  Indian Removal Act of



  social class

  Iron Springs shootout, Cow-Boys posse

  Jackson, Andrew

  Jackson, Henry R.

  Jackson, John H.

  Jacobs, John C.

  Jaffa, Henry N.

  Jahns, Patricia

  James, Jesse

  Jameson, Henry

  Jarre, Kevin

  Jenkins, Harry

  Johnson, Hershel V.

  Johnson, James

  Johnson, James Franklin

  Johnson, “Rattlesnake Bill”

  Johnson, Turkey Creek Jack

  Johnson County War

  Johnston, Joseph E.

  Jones, Harry

  Jones, Melvin

  Jonesboro, Battle of

  Joy, C. C.

  Joyce, Milton E.

  arrest of

  Behan, John H.

  Earp, Virgil

  Earp, Wyatt

  gambling feud

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  Oriental Saloon (Tombstone, Arizona)


  shooting of

  threats to

  Judah, Theodore

  Kahn, Henry

  Kansas City Journal (newspaper)

  Kansas City Star (newspaper)

  Karth, Charles “Slicky”

  Kellerman, Henry

  Kelliher, Michael

  Kellogg, William

  Kelly, Julius A.

  Kelly, N. F.

  Kelly, Patrick A.

  Kemp, Tom

  Kendall, James

  Kendrick, Art

  Kennesaw Mountain, Battle of

  keno (game), See also gambling

  Kerr, John

  Kilmer, Val

  King, Glendy

  King, Luther

  King, Martha J.

  King, Melvin

  King, Sandy

  Kiowa people

  Kistler, Russell A.

  Klondike gold rush

  Koch, Robert

  Kraker, Tony

  Lacy, Samuel N.

  Lafitte, Jean

  Lail, George

  Lake, Stuart N.

  Lake County (Colorado) Independent Club

  Lampkin, R. H.

  Lancaster, Burt

  Lang, George W.

  Lang, William

  La Plata Miner (newspaper)

  Las Cruces Thirty-Four (newspaper)

  Las Vegas Hotel (Las Vegas, New Mexico)

  Las Vegas, New Mexico


  Gordon, Mike, killing

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  railroad and

  stage robberies

  violence in

  Las Vegas (New Mexico) Daily Optic (newspaper)

  Las Vegas (New Mexico) Gazette (newspaper)

  laudanum, Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  Leadville, Colorado


  fire in



  law enforcement

  outlaws in




  Leadville Daily Democrat (newspaper)

  Leadville Daily Herald (newspaper)

  Leadville Evening Chronicle (newspaper)

  Leavy, Jim

  Lee, Howard


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