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Doc Holliday

Page 71

by Gary L Roberts

Lee, Robert E.

  Leonard, Andrew W.

  Leonard, William


  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  stagecoach robbery

  Leslie, Buckskin Frank

  Lewis, Alfred Henry

  Light, Ham

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lincoln County War

  Lingard, William Horace

  Linton, Charles T.

  Little Big Horn, Battle of

  Lloyd, Dick

  Loeb, Ben

  Lomeister, Frank

  Lomery, James

  Long, Crawford W.

  Long Branch Saloon (Dodge City, Kansas)

  Long John’s Saloon (Denver, Colorado)

  Longstreet, James

  Lookout Mountain, Battle of

  Lorden, Patrick “Blackie”

  Los Angeles Express (newspaper)

  Los Angeles Herald (newspaper)

  Lotta Crabtree case, Earp, Wyatt

  Loving, Cockeyed Frank

  Lowe, Joe “Rowdy Joe”

  Lowther, Charles

  Lucas, J. H.

  Lynch, Daniel

  Lynch, Mike

  lynchings and lynch mobs

  Clanton, Joseph Isaac “Ike”

  O’Rourke, Michael

  Lyons, “Dublin”

  Mack, Curly. See Rustin, Harvey “Curly Mack”

  Macon (Georgia) Telegraph (newspaper)

  Magee, Morgan DeLancey

  Mahain, Martin

  Maison de Ville (Atlanta, Georgia)

  Mallon, Perry

  Manley, Carolyn Holiday

  Manley, George

  Marble Hall Saloon (Leadville, Colorado)

  Marcus, Josephine Sarah “Sadie”

  Mares, Jose

  Marochetti, Alberto

  marriage, first cousins

  Marsh, Frank C.

  Marsh, John

  Martin, Hurricane Bill

  Martin, Hurricane Minnie

  Martin, Mrs. W. J.

  Martin, Robert

  Martin family, Withlacoochee River incident


  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”


  Mason, Charles

  Mason, Francis

  Masterson, Bat

  Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe/Rio Grande Railroads dispute

  Dodge City, Kansas, sheriff

  Dodge City, Kansas, shootout

  Dodge City war

  Earp, Wyatt

  Ford County sheriff

  Gordon, Mike, killing

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  King, Melvin

  Ryan, Bud, incident

  stagecoach robbery

  Tombstone, Arizona

  Trinidad, Colorado, marshal

  Withlacooche River incident

  Masterson, Edward J.

  Masterson, James

  Mather, Mysterious Dave

  Mathieu-Calvat, Melanie

  Mathis, Professor

  Matthews, H. M.

  Maximilian (emperor of Mexico)

  May, K. M.

  Maynard, Ben

  Mazzanovich, Anton

  McAllister, Alfred


  McCann, Denny (alias Daniel Burns)

  McCarty, H. T.

  McCauley, Andy

  McCoin, A. W.

  McCoin, Rebecca Annaliza Holliday (aunt)

  McComas, Charley

  McCoy, Kenneth

  McCusick, Sandy

  McDonald, R. A.

  McKelvey, George

  McKey, Eunice Helena (aunt)

  McKey, James Taylor (uncle)

  McKey, Jane Cloud McKey (maternal grandmother)

  McKey, Jonathan Level (uncle)

  McKey, Lillian

  McKey, Margaret Ann (aunt)

  McKey, Melissa Ella (aunt)

  McKey, T. S. (alias for John Henry Holliday)

  McKey, Thomas Sylvester (uncle)

  Civil War (U.S.)

  Holliday, Doc and

  lawsuit against Holiday, Henry

  McKey, Tom (alias for John Henry Holliday)

  McKey, William Harrison (uncle)

  McKey, William Land (maternal grandfather)

  McKey family

  Civil War (U.S.)


  Holliday, Rachel Martin (stepmother)

  McLain (McLean, McLane, McClain), Frank

  McLaury, Robert Findley “Frank”

  Arizona move

  cattle rustling

  Clanton/McLaury shootout

  coroner’s inquest


  death of

  Earp, Wyatt

  Frink, J. R.

  funeral of

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”


  mule theft

  McLaury, Thomas Clark

  Arizona move

  cattle rustling

  Clanton/McLaury shootout

  coroner’s inquest


  death of

  Frink, J. R.

  funeral of

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”


  mule theft

  McLaury, William R.

  McMaster, Sherman

  McMurtrie, J. A.

  McPherson, John

  Meade, George F.

  Meagher, John

  media. See also books; movies; specific names of newspapers and magazines

  Clanton, Joseph Isaac “Ike”


  Dodge City war

  Earp, Virgil

  Earp, Wyatt

  Elder, Kate

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  McLaury, Robert Findley “Frank”

  McLaury, Thomas Clark

  medical science



  Meldrum, Norman H.

  Mellgren, Joseph Leonard

  Melvin, Silas

  Mercaldo, Vincent

  Metropolitan Hotel (Denver, Colorado)

  Metropolitan Magazine



  Mexican War (1846)

  Michelson, Charles

  Miller, Jay

  Miller, Levi

  Miller, William

  Millsap, Johnny


  Earp, Wyatt

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  Leadville, Colorado

  Missionary Ridge, Battle of

  Mitchell, Margaret

  Molly Maguires

  Monarch Saloon (Leadville, Colorado)

  Montezuma Hot Springs (Gallinas Canyon, Las Vegas, New Mexico)

  Mooney, Patrick

  Moonlight, Thomas J.

  Moore (special agent)

  Moore, W. Scott

  Morehead, James A.

  Morgan, Henry

  Morgan, John G.

  Morris, H. P.

  Morris, Miriam

  Morrison, Ed

  movies, Holliday, John Henry “Doc” See also books; media; specific names of newspapers and magazines

  mule thefts. See horse and mule thefts

  Murray, John

  Murray, William B.

  Myers, John Myers

  National Police Gazette (periodical)

  native Americans

  Apache people

  Cherokee people

  Cheyenne people

  Red River War

  Southern frontier

  Ute people

  Naylor, Frank A.

  Neagle, David

  Neff, Andrew

  Neff, D. P.

  Neil, Harry C.

  Neill, Hyman G. “Hoodoo Brown”

  New Mexico

  New Orleans, Louisiana

  New Southwest and Grant County Herald (newspaper)

  Newton, Professor

  New Town, New Mexico

  New York Sun (newspaper)

  Nichols, John Marshall “N
apa Nick,” “Judge Nichols”

  Nicholson, William P. “Slap Jack Bill”

  Nome, Alaska

  Nome News (newspaper)

  Norcott, Michael B.

  Northern Cheyenne people

  Nugent, John

  obituaries, Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  O’Brien, Mike

  O’Connell, David

  O’Connor, George

  O’Herron, Thomas (alias Thomas Roach, “Limping Tom”)

  O.K. Corral

  Old, W. W.

  Olney, Joseph Greaves (Joe Hill)

  Olustee, Battle of

  Oriental Saloon (Tombstone, Arizona)

  Orndorff, James W.

  O’Rourke, Michael “Johnny-behind-the-Deuce”

  Osgood, Sam

  Osterhout, J. P.

  Otero, Miguel Antonio “Gillie,” Jr.

  Otero, Miguel Antonio, Sr.

  Otero Daily Optic (newspaper)

  Otero, New Mexico

  O’Toole, Dan

  Ousley, N. B.

  Palace Saloon (Albuquerque, New Mexico)

  Palmer, W. J.

  Panic of

  Panic of

  Parker, William Crownover

  Parsons, George W.

  Patterson, Frank

  Paul, Robert H. “Bob”

  Pearson, Jim

  Peel, Bryant L.

  Peel, Martin R.

  Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery

  Pentland, Ben

  Pepperd, C. C.

  Percy, Hugh

  Percy, Jim

  Perry, Charles (Mart Wells)

  Petillion, William F.

  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  Phillips, N. G.

  Phillips, S. F.

  Philpott, Eli “Bud”

  Phoenix Herald (newspaper)

  Pierce, Franklin

  Pierce, John “Bull Shit Jack”

  Pima County sheriff

  Earp, Wyatt

  elections for

  Pinkerton agents

  Pitkin, Frederick W.


  Behan, John H.

  Clanton/McLaury-Holliday/Earp shootout reaction

  Earp, Morgan

  Earp, Virgil

  Earp, Wyatt

  election of

  election of

  election of

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  Joyce, Milton E.

  Leadville, Colorado

  Radical Republicans


  silver issue

  Tombstone, Arizona

  Ponce de Leon Springs (Atlanta, Georgia)

  Pope, John

  Posse Comitatus Act

  Prentiss, Sargent

  Prescott, Arizona

  Prescott Miner (newspaper)

  Preston, Thomas L.

  Price, Lyttleton

  Price, Mollie

  Prichard, Elisha

  prize fighting

  “Proclamation Respecting Disturbances in Arizona”


  Denver, Colorado

  Dodge City, Kansas

  Elder, Kate (Kate Fisher, Mary Katharine Harony)

  Fort Griffin Flat, Texas

  Leadville, Colorado

  Santa Fe, New Mexico

  Tombstone, Arizona

  Pueblo, Colorado

  Pueblo Chieftain (newspaper)

  Purdy, Sam

  Quaid, Dennis

  race relations


  Withlacoochee River incident

  Radical Republicans

  Raffert, Lillian

  Raine, William MacLeod

  Rambo, John

  Ransom, Thomas


  end of

  resistance to

  Southern frontier

  Redfield, Hank

  Redfield, Len

  Red Light (Leadville, Colorado)

  Red River War (1874)

  Reed, W. E.

  Reid, Charles

  Reilly, James A.


  Holliday, Alice Jane McKey (mother)

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  Holliday, Martha Anne (Mattie) (cousin)

  Holliday family

  Southern frontier

  Reppy, Charles D.

  Reppy, George

  Republican Party, elections of

  Reynolds, William

  Rice, M. L.

  Richardson, C. C.

  Rickabaugh, Lou

  Riggs, Barney

  Riley, Judd

  Riley, Kinch

  Ringo, John Peters

  arrest of


  Cow-Boys posse

  Earp, Morgan, shooting death

  Earp brothers

  Elder, Kate

  Goodrich, Briggs

  Holliday, Doc

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  horse theft

  reputation of

  suicide of

  Rio Grande/Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroads dispute

  Ritchie, J. W.

  Roach, Thomas. See O’Herron, Thomas (alias Thomas Roach, “Limping Tom”)

  Roberts, John W.

  Robinson, Charles


  Robinson, Texas George

  Robinson, Will H.

  Roerig, Peter

  Rosecrans, William S.

  Ross, John

  Rowell, L. F.

  Royal Gorge War (Rio Grande/Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroads dispute)

  Rublee, A. H.

  Rudabaugh, Dave

  Rudolph, W. S.

  Rule, Richard

  Russell, Kurt

  Rustin, Harvey “Curly Mack”

  Ryan, Bud

  Ryan, James

  St. Charles Hotel (New Orleans, Louisiana)

  St. Louis, Missouri

  St. Nicholas Hotel (Las Vegas, New Mexico)

  Salida Mail (newspaper)

  San Augustin Festival (Tucson, Arizona)

  San Diego Union (newspaper)

  San Francisco Daily Call (newspaper)

  San Francisco Daily Report (newspaper)

  San Francisco Examiner (newspaper)

  San Francisco Exchange (newspaper)

  Sanguinette, William S.

  Santa Fe, New Mexico

  Santa Fe New Mexican (newspaper)

  Savage, William H.

  Scanlon, John

  Scheifflin Hall (Tombstone, Arizona)

  Schneider, Richard

  Schunderberger, John “Dutchy”

  Schweighardt, Julius

  Scott, A. E.

  Scott, J. W.

  Scott, Winfield

  Seegar, John A.

  Shanks, James E.

  Sharkey-Fitzsimmons fight

  Sharp, Jim

  Shaughnessy, John

  Sheldon, Lionel A.

  Sherer, Henry

  Sherman, Tom

  Sherman, William Tecumseh

  Shibell, Charles

  Short, Luke

  Sills, H. F.

  Silver City, New Mexico

  silver issue, Holliday

  silver mining, Leadville, Colorado

  Silverton, Colorado

  Silverton Democrat (newspaper)

  Sippy, Ben

  Sister Mary Melanie. See Holliday, Martha Anne

  Slater, Anna

  Slaughter, John



  Southern frontier


  Smith, Ben

  Smith, Elizabeth “Aunt Hank”

  Smith, Frank

  Smith, J. B.

  Smith, Jacob

  Smith, Lee


  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  Smith, Marcus Aurelius

  Smith, O. C. “Charlie”

  Smith, Otto

  Smith, P. W.

  Smith, Tom “Bear Ri

  Smythe, J. S.

  Smythe, O. R.

  Snow, Bud

  Snow, Charles

  social class


  Southern frontier

  social values, Southern frontier

  Solomon, Heyman

  Soule, Billy

  South Carolina, secession of

  Southern Cheyenne people

  Southern frontier. See also Georgia

  Civil War (U.S.)

  economy of

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  life on

  native Americans




  social class

  social values



  South Georgia Times (newspaper)

  South Pueblo, Colorado

  Spangenberg, George

  Spangler, Michael

  Spence, Maria Duarte

  Spence, Pete (Elliot Larkin Ferguson, Peter Spencer)

  Spicer, Wells

  Springer, Ben

  stagecoach robberies

  Benson stage

  Bisbee stage

  Clum, John P.

  conspiracy theory of


  Deal/Tiebot/Haws posse

  Las Vegas, New Mexico

  Tombstone, Arizona

  Steadman, William

  steel vest, Earp, Wyatt

  Steinfeld, Albert

  Stell, John D.

  Stephens, Alexander H.

  Stevens, Frank

  Stiles, Henry

  Stiles, John

  Stiles, T. L.

  Stilwell, Frank

  Stilwell, Jack

  Stilwell, “Josh”

  Stilwell, William H.

  Stolen Kisses (play)

  Storm, Ernest

  Storms, Charles S.

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher

  Strong, W. B.

  Stump, Joe

  suffrage, Reconstruction

  Sullivan, John L.

  Sumter, Fort

  Supreme Court (U.S.)

  Ableman v. Booth

  Cherokee people

  Dred Scott decision

  Susemihl, Gustavus

  Sutterfield, Hiram

  Sutton, Michael

  Sweeney, Pat

  Sweetwater, Texas

  Swilling, Hank

  Tabor, “Baby Doe”

  Tabor, Horace A. W.

  Tabor, Maxie

  Taylor, J. W.

  Taylor, Zachary

  Territory of Arizona v. Doc Holliday

  Tettenborn, William “Russian Bill”

  Texas House Saloon (Leadville, Colorado)

  Thacker, John

  Thomas, C. P.

  Thomas, Charlie

  Thomas, George

  Thomas, J. W.

  Thomas, Susan McKey

  Thompson, Ben “Crazy Horse”

  Thurmond, Frank (alias Mike Fogarty)

  Tidwell, R. W.

  Tidwell, Sallie

  Tiebot, Al

  Tilden, Ridgely

  Tipton, Daniel G. “Big Tip”

  Tombstone, Arizona

  Apache people

  Clanton/McLaury-Holliday/Earp shootout reaction

  Cochise County county seat



  Earp, Wyatt

  fires in

  gambling feud

  Holliday, John Henry “Doc”

  law enforcement in

  politics in


  stagecoach robberies


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