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Beauty and the beast: A Modern Day Fairytale Billionaire Mafia Romance

Page 18

by Georgia Le Carre

  “There’s a woman here who says she’s your sister. Would you like me to let her in?”

  I was stunned speechless. What on earth was my step sister doing here? How did she even find this place?

  “Miss Morrison?” the guard reminded politely.

  I gripped the banister hard and my voice was strange, as I said, “Yes, let her in.”

  I hesitated in the vast foyer undecided if I should go to the front door and let my sister in or would that not be the done thing, but the staff at Torrington Hall ran a well-oiled ship. The guard must have called ahead to let Madam know for she was already coming in from the direction of the kitchen. Her eyes widened at my appearance, then she nodded politely at me. “I will show her into the music room.”

  I walked on the stone tiles, my shoes echoing, and went into the music room where there was a grand piano and went straight to the bar. I needed a drink more than ever. I poured myself a glass of neat whiskey and downed it. The effect was instantaneous. It ran into my empty stomach like fire and spread through my body, giving me warmth. There was a soft knock on the door and Madam came in.

  “Miss Diana Morrison,” she said formally.

  I was shocked. I never thought Madam would ever treat me as if I was the lady of the house receiving a visitor. This was the woman who deliberately took me up the servants’ stairs when I first arrived here.

  “Thank you, Madam,” I replied with a grateful smile.

  Then my sister came into view. “Hey,” she said, her bright smile losing its luster when she laid eyes on me. Her eyes became round. I knew it was because of the way I looked. As I watched she struggled to get her equilibrium back.

  “Hello, Diana,” I greeted softly.

  “Should I bring some tea or refreshments, Ma’am?” Madam asked me.

  “No thank you, Madam. I have a car coming for me in a few minutes.”

  She withdrew and shut the door behind her. I turned to my sister.

  “Wow, so you’re living here now. Must be nice.”

  “How did you know I was here?” I asked.

  “Katie mentioned it so I thought I’d pay you a visit. See how the other half lives and all that,” she said nonchalantly and ended with a false laugh.

  “What can I do for you, Diana?”

  She didn’t answer me. Instead she walked over to a large painting and stood gazing up at it. “Beautiful, isn’t it. I bet it must have cost the earth.”

  I said nothing.

  She turned towards me, a fake smile stretched across her face. “So… are you his mistress?”

  I shrugged. “I guess you could call it that.”

  “You must be very proud of yourself. Landing such a big fish.”

  I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction. I lifted my chin. “Yeah, I got lucky.”

  I saw the flash of jealousy in her eyes, but it was gone in a fraction of a second. “I like your outfit. The blouse is from Dior, isn’t it?”

  “I think so.”

  She nodded. “It is. I saw it in their fall collection. Kim Kardashian has it too.” She came closer. “Mom told me you’ve arranged for Dad and her to go to Switzerland for some sort of experimental treatment at an expensive clinic for the rich and famous.”

  “I didn’t arrange that for them,” I corrected. “Luca probably got his assistants on the job.”

  “Right. Must be nice to have minions to do everything for you.”

  I glanced at my watch. “I have to be somewhere else soon. Did you come here for some other reason than to see how the other half lives?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I did.” She flashed another fake smile. “I was wondering if you would be able to lend me some money, Skye. I promise I’ll pay it back as soon as I can. I have some unexpected bills to settle.”

  “Yes, I can do that. But first I need to know something.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “What is it?”

  “Did you… kill my plants?”

  She had not expected that and her jaw dropped with shock. “What?”

  “When I was trying to make a little garden for myself did you kill my plants?” I repeated slowly.

  Then she snapped her mouth shut and denied the accusation strongly. “Of course not. Why would I do something like that? I don’t even like plants.”

  But I had seen the truth flash in her eyes. It was her. She was the jealous poisoner. How she must have hated me even all those years ago. So much that she could not bear to see me succeed at even the smallest thing. Not even something she had absolutely no interest in.

  “How much money do you need?” I asked softly.

  She hesitated. “$5,000.”

  I looked into her greedy, sly eyes. “Why so little? Look around you. There is so much here. Why didn’t you ask me for ten or twenty or even a hundred thousand?”

  She stared at me aghast. Worried that she had asked too little. “Well, I didn’t’ want to ask too much, but it would really help if you gave me, I mean, lent me $10,000.”

  I started to laugh.

  “What is so funny?” she demanded.

  “Ah, Diana. I cannot believe how desperately I wanted to be your little sister, wanted you to love me. For years, and years, I tried to please you, but all that time you just treated me as if I was a piece of dirty gum on your high and mighty shoe. And now you come here wanting me to lend you money that I’ve earned from whoring myself. Is the irony lost on you?”

  “Look, I know we haven’t really got on, but I’m willing to try… for our parents’ sakes. Let’s try to be a family again, okay?”

  “No,” I said. “You are poison, Diana, and I truly wish I will never again run into you. But no doubt at some time I will see you at Dad’s house, and when that happens I want you to completely ignore me, don’t even look in my direction, and I will do the same to you.”

  Her face turned white with anger, and she showed her true colors. “How dare you take that tone with me. You’re all dressed up like a Queen, but you’re just a prostitute. No better than a hooker on a street corner turning tricks for cash. Don’t you forget that.”

  “And what do you call a woman who tries to borrow money from said prostitute?”

  Hate made her ugly. With a snarl, she lunged forward, her clawed hand stretched in front of her. I knew exactly what her intention was. She wanted to destroy. She wanted to tear my lovely lace blouse. Just like she had killed my plants and convinced me that my hair, which everyone always complimented me on, was ugly and I should dye it brown or black.

  I was too fast for her. I stepped sideways, but the momentum of her lunge carried her forward relentlessly, and she crashed onto the floor with a scream. She screamed with a mixture of frustration, fury and pain.

  I looked at her sprawled figure and felt sad. She had let her jealousy eat her up. I never wanted to hurt Laura so I never told on Diana even when she hurt me, but enough was enough. I never wanted to see Diana again.

  I turned away and walked towards the door. She shouted at me, called me a whore and a cheap bitch, but her insults were water off a duck’s back. I didn’t care what she said or thought anymore. I did not turn back. We were finished.

  Madam was standing just outside the door. She smiled grimly at me. “You go on ahead, Ma’am. Sergio is waiting outside for you. I’ll take care of her.”

  “Thank you,” I said quietly, and walked outside into the clean crisp air. I had done the right thing and I felt lighter. No more pretending to be her friend. Not even to make Laura happy.

  Chapter 39


  At eight on the dot, we arrived at the ball. There was a huge banner outside and there were people in fine clothes milling around.

  I was nervous, well aware that I did not belong amongst this crowd of elites and socialites and didn’t know where to go, but a woman in a black dress stepped out of the crowd.

  “Miss Morrison, I’m Tina. I’m here to escort you to your table,” she said with a smile.

  She took my
coat from me and handed it over at the counter to the girl minding coats. Then we walked into the grand hall. It had a stage at the far end and the middle of it was a dance floor.

  The bright golden light of the room, the small orchestra by the corner of the stage, the vibrant smiles, the seemingly inexhaustible stream of champagne being passed around, proved that this was an important event indeed.

  I spotted the Mayor of Boston, the founder of Reebok, and a couple of Hollywood celebrities as Tina and I walked through the room. Everyone was immaculately dressed in evening dresses and tuxedos, but many heads turned to stare at me. I guess I was the only one who wore a pantsuit to a ball. Tina led me to the main table right in front of the stage. She swiped away the place setting with my name on it, and pulled out the chair for me.

  The round table which had about ten seats was already half filled with people. They looked at me curiously as I took my seat. Inside, I was close to panicking, but I smiled at them distantly and as regally as I could, as if I was a Princess from an obscure European country. It worked because they nodded and smiled back at me politely. Before they could engage me in conversation and find out I was a waitress, I turned my head and began to look around me.

  I was looking for Luca.

  In fact, I was so intent on my search I almost jumped when the chair beside me suddenly moved. I looked up into Luca’s mesmerizingly luminous eyes. He smiled slowly at me and my heart started to crash against my ribcage. His hair was slicked back and he looked utterly dashing in a crisp white shirt, an exquisite tuxedo and bow tie.

  He took his seat and I could tell that all the others at the table had stopped their conversations and turned their heads to watch us avidly, but he didn’t even bother acknowledging anyone. His eyes were on me. My stomach did little flips and I could feel the heat rising into my cheeks at the look in his eyes.

  “Luca!” a soft, breathless voice called.

  I felt her voice in the pit of my stomach. I felt it the way a woman feels when she realizes a hooded man is walking behind her in a deserted car park. I knew she was trouble. With the hairs at the back of my neck standing, I turned to look at the owner of the seductive voice.

  She was beautiful. Her dazzling red dress clung to her sexy figure.

  “Irene,” Luca said, and rose to his feet for her.

  I had to lower my head because I couldn’t trust what my expression would reveal.

  “You didn’t tell me last night you would be here,” I heard her say.

  “You didn’t ask,” he replied.

  Was he flirting with her right in front of me? I saw red. It was pathetic but I wanted to scratch her eyes out. I got to my feet.

  “Excuse me,” I said needing to be out of there but not before I caught the finger that she had pressed teasingly on his chest.

  “Who is she?” I heard her ask as I hastened away.

  The moment I was out of the massive hall, I leaned against a wall. There were signs ahead giving directions to the washrooms, but I needed a moment to just calm down. I felt a wreck. I was so jealous it was like acid pouring into my stomach. So this is what Diana felt for all those years. I could almost understand her now. Why she had killed my plants. I wanted to cut her finger off. I hated even the thought of her touching Luca. I closed my eyes. I needed to get a hold of myself.

  “It doesn’t matter,” I whispered to myself. “Nothing matters. It’ll all be over soon.”

  “You look amazing?” a voice I hoped I would never hear again drawled close to me.

  My boiling blood froze over. Disbelief ripped through me and for a moment I was too afraid to open my eyes. It couldn’t be. But I opened my eyes and there he was. My worst nightmare. I could do nothing but stare at him, my entire body tingling with disgust.

  A sick smile spread across his face. “Wow,” he said with a strained laugh. “Anyone would think you hated me.”

  He took a step towards me and I jumped away.

  He feigned hurt. “What? You don’t want me anymore?”

  Bile rose to my throat. I swallowed hard. “We’re finished, Salvatore.”

  “You don’t understand, Skye. His month is nearly up and then you’re coming back to me. I’ve made good, Skye. I’m earning big bucks now. I can take care of you… and your dad. I’ll be good to you. I’ll take you shopping and buy you more stuff like this outfit you’re wearing now.”

  Chapter 40


  I got rid of Irene and glanced impatiently at the empty seat next to me. I felt ridiculous. Was I truly this eager to see her after one night away that I couldn’t bear for her to be out of my sight for a simple bathroom break?

  Every decent cell in my body told me to sit there and wait for her to return, but I couldn’t sit still. I felt agitated and even angsty. I rose up from my seat and strode out of the hall. I could see my men hanging around the edges of the room. They stared at me with guarded expressions.

  As I got out of the room I saw her. Then I saw him. The fury that burned inside me was like a ball of lava.

  “You don’t have a choice?” I heard him say, his voice malicious and bitter. “The moment he’s done with you I’m taking you back.”

  “I’d rather die,” I heard her spit out.

  “Oh no you won’t,” he shot back. “Your father will. If you don’t come back to me, I’ll hurt him.”

  “Move away from her,” I growled. Hell would freeze over before I let him have her.

  He turned around to face me. Our gazes collided, his wide and shocked as he began to back away from me.

  “Don Luca! I wasn’t. I was just…”

  I swung my fist and socked him on the jaw. He flew backwards and landed on his back. I glared at him, but he didn’t move at all. He was out cold. There were shocked gasps around us. From the corner of my eyes I could see my men. Keeping their distance, but ready to do battle. My knuckles stung and I inhaled deeply before I turned my eyes to her.

  Her hands were covering her mouth. I felt a surreal pain when I saw the tension in her face.

  I went to touch her, but she instantly flinched away.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “Don’t mind me. It’s been a long day.”

  I hooked my arms behind her knees and back and swept her off her feet. She gasped, but immediately curled her arms around my neck.

  “What are you doing?” she cried.

  I didn’t respond, just began to walk towards the entrance.

  “Let me go!” she insisted. “I can walk on my own.”

  I didn’t respond but instead held her tightly in my arms. When she realized that she couldn’t get herself away from me she pounded her fists into my chest, but when she realized they had no effect on me, her attack became softer and softer. Eventually she buried her face in my neck, her body still shaking. My men had already radioed Cullinan and he was already waiting outside the steps.

  Even Cullinan could not stop the astonishment from showing on his usually stoic face when he saw me carrying her down the steps. I put her into the back of the car and went around the other side. As soon as I shut the door I pulled her back into my arms. She clung to me.

  “Did you sleep with her last night?” she mumbled against my neck.


  “That woman, Irene? Did you sleep with her last night?” Her voice sounded pitiful.

  I pulled her away from me so I could look into her eyes. “Irene is the wife of a business associate of mine.”

  “But you saw her last night,” she insisted.

  I couldn’t believe I was explaining my movements to a woman, but I could see how hurt she was. “Yes, I met her briefly last night when she came to pick her husband up from the business meeting we were having.”

  “But she touched your chest.”

  I shrugged. “Irene is naturally flirtatious. She does that to everyone.”

  She licked her lips and I felt my cock twitch. “Um… so why didn’t you come back to me last night?”

/>   “I worked very late and I had an early meeting in the city.”

  “I waited for you,” she whispered.

  I wanted to tell her I couldn’t sleep thinking of her, but the words were stuck in my throat. I just pulled her close to me and just listened to her even breathing. It felt like the walls I had so painstakingly erected around myself over so many years were crumbling to dust. One brick at a time. But I told myself the plan had not changed. Soon it would be time to let her go. She would go back to her life and I would go back to mine. And that would be that.

  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.

  “What for?”

  “Your event,” she said. “I ruined it for you.”

  “You didn’t ruin anything,” I murmured. For a while there was silence. Then I broke it. “Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?”

  She lifted her head. “No. Do you really think I’m beautiful?”

  I smiled at her innocence. “You were the most beautiful woman in the place.” I paused. “I think you might even be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.”

  Even in the dim light inside the limo I could see her blushing at the compliment before she buried her face in my chest. Neither of us spoke after that. My thoughts were too jumbled and difficult to decipher. It was a long, long time since a woman hid in my chest. And if I was truly honest, it felt wonderful.

  We arrived at the house and we strolled in together. None of the men came with us as though it was some sort of unspoken command that the both of us simply needed to be left alone. I shut the door and turned to watch as she walked ahead of me. From the start it had been her walk that first arrested my attention. Something slinky and sensuous about the way her hips moved.

  She stopped and half-turned to look at me.

  “Are you coming up?” she asked and the slight tremble in her lower lip made me want to fuck her right there and then.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked.


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