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Beauty and the beast: A Modern Day Fairytale Billionaire Mafia Romance

Page 19

by Georgia Le Carre

  “Starving,” she confessed.

  “So am I.”

  Her eyes twinkled. “Shall we raid the refrigerator?”

  I smiled slowly. “That might be the best suggestion I’ve heard all day.”

  The refrigerator was fully stocked, but all she wanted was a ham and cheese toastie.

  I went into the cellar and found an old bottle I was saving for a special occasion. It was almost a sin to drink it with a ham and cheese sandwich, but there was no one else in the world I wanted to share the bottle with. By the time I got back our sandwiches were ready.

  We went down to my den and sat on the rug in front of the fire, eating and drinking. The wine was really good and she was fascinating. I could not stop staring at her. The way the firelight licked her rosy cheeks, the way her mouth moved, the way she laughed.

  When she asked me about myself I clammed up. I wasn’t ready to talk about him and nothing else about me was important. So she talked about her family. Her father, whom she obviously loved dearly, her mother who had passed away when she was very young, her stepmother who she had great affection for, and almost nothing about her step sister who she didn’t get on with.

  But I already knew that. Mateo had already informed me about the incident that afternoon and how Madam had to throw her out while she tried to ruin Skye’s reputation by hurling vile insults and accusations about Skye.

  I felt relaxed and mellow, just lying in front of the fire listening to her voice.

  A part of me began to wish this was real. That there was no expiry date on us. To stop the sensation from spreading I reached blindly for her and covered her plump mouth with mine.

  There was only this. No more than this. And the sooner I understood that the better it would be for both of us.


  I woke up to the red glow from the dying embers in the fireplace.

  I knew it was time to go to the greenhouse, but for the first time since being given permission to work in the greenhouse I found it hard to jump up eagerly at the prospect. I just wanted to stay under the big blanket with Luca’s warm strong body glued to mine. Then I thought about old John waiting for me, his packages in the kitchen, and I very, very slowly, millimeter by millimeter moved away from Luca. Not slow enough apparently, because he stirred and turning his head, opened his eyes.

  Immediately, the wolf-like eyes became alert.

  My cheery greeting died on my tongue.

  He looked… rested and handsome. While I must have looked a horrible mess with yesterday’s make-up all stale and smeared around my eyes.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he murmured, as he turned on his side to face me. A thick healthy slab of hair fell across his forehead making his eyes appear even more piercing even though his mouth was relaxed and sensuous. I wanted to reach out and comb his hair back with my fingers and cradle his gorgeous face in my palms. I could hardly believe this was the stone-cold, heartless, mythical Luca before me. Yet, once he left this warm hearth and put on his clothes he would once again become an unapproachable stranger.

  “To the greenhouse,” I mumbled.

  He looked at me curiously. “You’re really committed to growing your plants, aren’t you?”

  I smiled. “Very much.”

  “Okay, I’ll be quick. Ten minutes tops,” he promised, and suddenly dived under the covers. I felt his mouth clamp down on my clit and gasped. Well, he was much less than ten minutes. I think the earth beneath me shattered in five.

  To my credit I was even faster. Took a lot less than five minute to shatter his world. With a laugh, I evaded his grabbing hands while he was still too disorientated to move as fast as me, I whipped the blanket off him and scrambled away. With the big blanket clutched around my body, I ran out of the room.

  Again, I saw Madam as I was running down the corridor. This time she didn’t disappear into the first room she came to. She passed by and respectfully greeted me, “Good morning, Ma’am.”

  “Good morning to you too, Madam,” I called out, as I whizzed past.

  Chapter 41


  One week later

  The days were passing quickly. My father was doing well in Switzerland, and Laura called everyday during their morning break. He was swimming and eating well, getting his transfusions regularly and generally seemed to be stronger and in a much better mood. My plants had become tiny little seedlings with pale green leaves. Every day when I woke up I ticked off another day in the calendar in my head and grieved for its loss.

  Luca left last night for Brighton Beach, but he said he would be back in time for dinner.

  I spent all morning in the greenhouse with John. There was not much to do with my plants any more other than watch them lovingly so I had taken to helping him with his chores. I could see that he was old now and his back would start to hurt by mid-day. Before I left this house I promised myself that I would talk to Luca about getting a little assistant for him. He was too proud to admit it, but he desperately needed one.

  This morning, John had to run some personal errands and he left about 10.00am. I walked back to the house feeling exhausted. Not from physical labor, which I welcomed, but from the constant thoughts of leaving this place. The torment just wouldn’t stop, even though I had prepared myself so hard for this. It was impossible for me to think he would no longer be in my life in just over a week. Or that I would never step into the greenhouse again, or lie on the white rug in front of the fire with Luca. I would even miss Madam.

  The last week had been a kind of dream. Sometimes he would hold me as if he was never going to let go, then other times he withdrew as soon as our bodies were spent. I wanted to hold onto him, but I knew better. He was not mine.

  I sat on my bed and pulled up his number, but before I could send anything I stopped myself and instead sent the message to Katie.

  Let’s have lunch.

  A few seconds later, she replied.

  “Oooo where?

  I smiled slightly.

  You choose.

  Her reply was instantaneous.

  Mr. Chow.

  I typed back.

  Done. 1pm okay with you?

  I didn’t have to wait long for her reply.

  See you there. Btw when is your contract over again?

  I stared at the message, a dull ache in my heart that almost left me feeling numb. I couldn’t bear to write the words down. I typed the four letters with a frown on my forehead.


  Her reply was quick as a flash.

  Are you ok?

  Mine was just as fast.

  Yes. See you at 1pm

  I thought that would be the end of it but another text came through.

  I want to get my nails done before lunch.

  I texted back.

  I’ll come with you.

  She took a little while longer to respond, no doubt she had to deal with a customer or something.

  At the mall? Onora’s?

  I replied.

  Sounds good. Will you book or shall I?

  Her reply came back with five angry face emojis.

  I will but gotta go. Bitch client. Ugh. See you there.

  With a smile I tossed the phone on the bed and collapsed next to it.

  Chapter 42


  An hour and a half later I arrived at the chic nail salon at our favorite mall. Katie was already there and having an animated conversation with the staff. They were all from Thailand and good friends of hers and always applied great discounts whenever we went together. It felt strange to think I didn’t need those discounts as much as I used to.

  “Skye” she called and got to her feet to rush over to me

  I smiled at her, but her expression twisted with concern. “Hey, are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” I croaked. “Why?”

  “Your eyes are sunken, and you’re deathly pale. Have you eaten today?”

  “I have, I’m fine,” I said and reached up to slap some
color into my cheeks.

  “Well, you don’t look it,” she muttered. She stared at me, an amused frown digging into her forehead. “What’s happening? You’re not pregnant, are you?”

  My eyes widened. “Don’t be silly.” Even the idea was ludicrous. “I’m on the pill.”

  “And you’re sure you haven’t missed a day?”

  “Not a single day,” I said firmly.

  “In that case, come on.” She pulled me with her into the salon. “We’re having a nibble. Sushi. It’s amazing.”

  I opted for a simple pedicure and settled into the low seat. The girls began to work on us and the intimate space echoed with their friendly chatter and laughter. Thankfully nothing whatsoever about me came up so I just listened to the other girls as they spoke about their lives; their work, their kids, and the reprehensible men in their lives.

  As I listened to them it seemed to me every one of them had a solid grasp of their reality and where they were going. Whilst I on the other hand felt as if I was in a dream. The fever that was Luca Messana was burning wildly in my heart, but even a fool knew every fire must come to an end.

  When our nail session came to an end we began to stroll through the mall towards Mr. Chow

  “So…” Katie began. “You’ll soon be done with your contract. How do you feel?”

  I couldn’t hold back anymore. My throat constricted as I tried to stem the tears but she had already seen them. With burning eyes, I stared down at my feet. We were both still wearing the throwaway sliders from the nail bar and my beautifully pedicured nails looked blurred.


  Katie positioned herself in front of me and waited for me to get myself back together. She didn’t rush me. She just placed a hand on my shoulder and waited.

  When I could eventually get the words out, they were delivered in a whisper. “I already miss him so much it hurts.”

  I was afraid to see her expression. Afraid she would laugh at me being so idiotic. Who fell in love with a man like Luca? It was like an ant that dreams of driving a car. It was just so dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

  I could feel my tears run down my face and splash on my slides.

  “Oh, Skye,” she muttered, and pulled me into a hug.

  I held on tightly and cried my eyes out. Right there in the middle of the mall with all the people moving around us.

  “It’ll be okay. You’ll see, it’ll be okay.”

  “I feel so ridiculous. How could I have let myself fall in love with him? I am a nobody.” I sobbed.

  “Look at me, Skye,” Katie said firmly, pulling away.

  I looked into her kind eyes. “How could you not have fallen for him? It was the classic Beauty and the Beast scenario. You sacrificed yourself for your father and went to live in this big lonely castle, where you fell in love with the beast. I think I would have done the same, especially since he’s such a sex-on-a-stick type of beast, and he’s been showering you with all the lovely things you never had in your life. If I were you, I would go back to your castle and enjoy the time you have left. I’d live intensely, and make every precious moment count. And when it was time to leave I would then start to grieve. I wouldn’t spoil my time now with sorrow for what might not happen.”

  “What do you mean by might not happen?”

  She shrugged. “Nothing is set in stone. You could walk out of here, get run over by a car and die on the spot, Luca could fall in love with you and ask you to stay.”

  I shook my head sadly. “It’s not that kind of relationship, Katie. He doesn’t want to get close. Anytime we get a little closer, he immediately pulls away emotionally, but you’re right. I’m ruining the little time I have left. I should enjoy it. It will never come back.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  Afterwards, Katie said, “I’ve kind of lost my appetite. Let’s just have a massive pretzel instead of Chinese food.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. We’ll go to Mr. Chow next week or something.”

  We bought large pretzels at a kiosk and sat on one of the benches to eat them. I didn’t feel any better, but I knew Katie was right. I had to stop moping around and live as intensely as possible. Enjoy every second because all of this was going to disappear in less than two weeks.

  “I forgot to tell you that Diana called me,” Katie said, as she dipped her pretzel into a container of sour cream.

  “I’m finished with her. I never want to see her or talk about her again.”

  Her eyes widened. “Wow! That’s drastic. What happened?”

  “She came to Torrington Hall and it was not pretty.”

  “Oops… I shouldn’t have told her you were living there, should I?”

  “It’s okay, you weren’t to know.”

  “Sorry, Skye, but she kind of tricked me into telling her. I had no idea she would go there and cause trouble for you.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m glad it happened. Now it’s all out in the open. No more pretending. For years I put up with her condemnation and sarcasm. I don’t need that in my life anymore. She’s welcome to think I’m a whore. Her opinion doesn’t bother me one bit.”

  With our pretzels eaten, we changed out of our slides into our shoes. Katie turned and hugged me. “It’s going to be okay,” she whispered.

  I smiled gratefully at her. She had managed to make me see my situation in a different light. I had already decided not to waste a second of the time I had left. “Of course, it is.”

  Then I followed her to the escalator and watched her go down it and turn off towards the car park.

  I didn’t want to go back yet. I wanted some time alone to myself. I strolled through the mall towards the ice-cream shop, bought myself a cone with two scoops, and went back to sit at one of the benches inside the main lobby. I watched the myriads of people coming and going. They seemed excited or perhaps it was the season’s decoration in sparkling gold, green, and red that made everyone and everything seem so lively.

  “Do you know where the Ladies is?” someone asked next to me.

  I looked up and saw a middle-aged woman. She was plump and dressed in jeans and a thick sweater. She was wearing glasses and her auburn hair was a mess of curls and frizzy bangs.

  “Over there,” I replied politely, pointing in the direction of the restrooms.

  “Thanks honey. Is it okay if I sit next to you for a moment? My feet are killing me,” she said.

  “Of course,” I said and moved to make a space for her.

  She sat and turned toward me. “Is it okay if I show you something?”

  I was not really in the mood to be drawn into someone else’s life. I just wanted a bit of time on my own so I politely smiled and said, “I’m sorry, but I actually have to go now.”

  “Just one moment, hun,” she said and pulled out her wallet which I noticed was very much like those I had seen in many movies. My eyes widened. Then she opened the wallet. On one half, I saw her Federal Bureau of Investigation identity card, and on the other was a shiny FBI badge.

  Chapter 43


  She snapped it shut. “Please remain calm,” she said to me with the loveliest of smiles. “Don’t panic otherwise you’re going to make things very difficult for us. And if you make things difficult for us we, in turn, will make things very difficult for you.”

  A shudder passed through me. “W-what is this about?”

  She smiled sweetly. “Please smile back at me. There are always eyes on you to ensure your safety. Luca Messana is little else if not vigilant.”

  I looked around me in confusion. Were Luca’s men actually following me around? Then it occurred to me that she didn’t understand the relationship I had with Luca. I was not his girlfriend. He didn’t care about me enough to have men following me around and guarding me. “You don’t understand—,” I began.

  “No, you don’t understand. If you do not follow my instructions, you and your family will bear the consequences. I believe your father is away i
n Switzerland enjoying the perks of being associated with the Messana clan as we speak.”

  Something cold slithered through me.

  “Smile at me then start to head straight down to the restrooms you pointed me to. Don’t turn to look back, keep your gaze ahead, and look casual.”

  She smiled gently. To any onlooker it would have seemed genuine, only I knew it was far from the case.

  “You’ll get up before me and go over to the bathrooms, and there my colleagues will be waiting to speak to you.”

  I nodded blankly. I was not truly afraid, just stunned.

  She patted my knee kindly. “If you cooperate with us you have nothing to be worried about. We’re on your side.”

  Taking a deep breath, I rose to my feet. I dropped my unfinished ice-cream into a bin and walked slowly towards the restrooms. My mind was whirling. What did they want with me? I had done nothing wrong. When I arrived at the Ladies, I almost knocked, but stopped myself and pushed the door open.

  As it shut behind me I looked up and saw a man and a woman awaiting. They were dressed casually, but the moment they saw me they came over.

  “I’m Sarah Yale,” the woman said. She had thick dark brown hair, and carefully blank eyes.

  “I’m Gregory Wang,” the man introduced. He had an accent and was thin, gaunt almost, and black eyes.

  I looked nervously between both of them. “What is this about?”

  “Miss Morrison, we’ve become aware of your… relationship with Mr. Messana.”


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