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Cursed or Blessed

Page 21

by A. L. Martin

  “I’m sorry, Kurt.”

  “It’s okay. Really.”

  We continued talking as we finished the last of our iced coffees. We ordered Emerson a Frappuccino without coffee. Mom and Dad would both kill me for giving her coffee this late in the afternoon.

  I would have never heard the end of it. I knew she wouldn’t be happy with the selection, but I wasn’t in the mood to get a lecture from our parents about something so stupid. It never failed. I would either let her go with her friends or get her something and it always came back to bite me in the ass.

  Kurt drove us home to make sure we got there in one piece. I couldn’t disagree with the fact I was a bit preoccupied with everything. I wanted to be able to see Braedon and Sophie. I felt shut off from the world I had become accustomed to these past few months. I had wanted to be cut off from everyone at first, but Braedon, Sophie, and Alexina helped to change that. They helped me open my eyes and realize that I couldn’t go through life alone. Now, I owed it to Alexina to find her and Tyler’s killer. It was too late to help her, but maybe I could help bring closure to her family.

  We arrived home ten minutes later, and lucky for me, neither of my parents were home yet. They would have lectured at me for getting snacks right before dinner time. I yelled for Emerson to come downstairs and get her drink and cookie. She came running down the stairs, asking me what I had gotten her to eat, not paying attention to what was in my hands.

  “Oh! You’re the best!”

  She turned to go back upstairs when I heard a car door. I told her to hurry up and get to her room before Mom and Dad saw her with Starbucks in her hands. She made it to her room and closed the door right as Mom and Dad opened the front door.

  “Hi. What are you two up to? Are you getting ready to leave to go somewhere?”

  “Hi, Mom. No. We just got back from having coffee and talking. Sorry, I needed to get out of the house for a little bit.”

  “I’m not mad. I was just wondering if you two were going to be here for dinner. Emerson upstairs doing her homework?”

  “Yes, and yes,” I said, walking into the family room.

  “Good. I don’t want to disturb her because it will take her forever to get back to doing her homework,” Mom said, walking out of the kitchen and upstairs to change her clothes.

  Kurt and I sat down on the couch to find a movie to watch to help take my mind off stuff for a while if that was possible considering the circumstances. It wasn’t like I failed a test, broke up with my boyfriend, or had a fight with a friend. I was the lead suspect in a double murder, with a detective determined to make sure I was the one held responsible. Kurt found a movie we both liked, but I went through the motions of watching it with him. I knew he meant well and was trying so hard to take my mind off things, but my mind ended up back to thinking about Alexina and Tyler. Their families had probably been notified, and they were making arrangements for their funerals. I had wondered if Braedon or Sophie would remember to text Kurt to let me know when their visitations and funerals would be.


  Braedon smiled when I passed him in the hallway on the way to class. I sat in class staring at the empty chair that once belonged to Alexina just a couple of weeks ago. I could still see her sitting there, trying to talk to me in class without the teacher catching us. I couldn’t stop glancing over at her chair, hoping to see her there. I missed telling her to pay attention so she wouldn’t get in trouble. On average, I probably told her about 20 times during class.

  The picture of her next to me twirling her hair while she played on her phone, would be an image forever embedded in my mind.

  Mr. Jenkins didn’t say anything to me about not paying attention in class today. I caught him a couple of times staring at Alexina’s empty chair too. About five minutes before the bell was supposed to ring, Principal Filson made an announcement about Tyler and Alexina. He announced that their visitation would be held in the school gymnasium on Saturday. He then announced that the funeral for Tyler would be Monday and Alexina’s would be Tuesday. I wanted to go to Tyler’s to be there for Braedon despite the fact I wasn’t supposed to be talking to him. I wasn’t going to let anyone keep me from their funerals.

  “Karsyn, are you all right?” Mr. Jenkins questioned.

  I looked away from Alexina’s empty chair, gazing over the room, and saw that everyone else had already left. “Yeah, I was just…”

  “I know, me too,” he sighed.

  My next class wasn’t any better either. I wasn’t the only one this time staring at Alexina’s empty seat. The teacher saw we weren’t going to be paying attention in class, and asked if any of us wanted to talk about Alexina. Then she went on to explain she meant if we wanted to share any stories about Alexina with the rest of the class. We all sat there in silence for a few minutes, then I decided to raise my hand first before anyone else. I began my story with how I had just moved here, and like all kids at a new school, I didn’t know anyone. I had to pause a few times, in between talking about how Alexina befriended me when no one else would talk to me. Everyone gawked at me while I sat there sobbing in my chair after my story.

  The teacher excused me from class and told me she hoped to see me in class on Thursday. I collected my stuff and went to the office. School was the last place I needed to be right now, and I didn’t need to deal with Blair either. I went to the office and told them what happened and that I needed to go home. Mrs. Hughes excused me for the rest of the day and told me she was sorry about Alexina and Tyler. I sent Emerson a text that I was heading home, but I would be back later to pick her up. Before I made it to the Jeep, she texted me back.

  I hope you are okay. I can get a ride from one of my friends.

  I was home ten minutes later. I unlocked the front door, and flopped my book bag down next to the hall table, making my way to the kitchen. I found Kurt sprawled out on the couch watching a movie.

  “Why are you home so soon? Everything okay?” he asked, sitting up. He turned to his right, resting his arm on the back of the couch.

  “No. All the stress of this whole week came out in my second class. The teacher asked if we had any stories about Alexina to share with the rest of the class since none of us were in the mood to listen to a class lesson. I don’t think the teacher was in the mood to teach either. Well, anyway, no one wanted to talk, so I raised my hand first. Next thing I know, I’m bawling in the middle of class while everyone is staring.”

  “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. It seems like that is all you have been doing here lately.”

  “Thanks, Kurt. I don’t know what I would do without you here. Thank you for coming back to be with me during all of this. It means the world to me.”

  “You know I would do anything for you. You aren’t only my cousin, but my best friend too. I know you would be there for me. Well, what do you want to do? Want to go get some junk food and we can sit in front of the TV the rest of the day?”

  “Yes. Go get dressed and we will go get junk food.”

  “Okay. I’m going to take a quick shower. Give me fifteen minutes.”


  I sent Mom a quick text to let her know I was home and that Emerson was going to get a ride home with a friend. I no sooner laid my phone down on the counter when it started vibrating.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “Do you need me to come home? I can take the rest of the day off?”

  “No, Mom. Kurt and I are going to go get some junk food, then sit in front of the TV.”

  “I guess I will see you later when I get home from work. Call if you need anything. I love you, Karsyn.”

  “I love you too, Mom.”

  I was pretty sure the junk food wasn’t going to help anything, but I knew Kurt was trying to get my mind off things. I felt guilty for not being more upset, but I had a feeling it was her in the visions. Which in return, I felt like a cold heartless person.”

  “Are you ready to go get some junk food?” Kurt as
ked, walking in the kitchen.

  “Yeah.” I grabbed my keys on the kitchen island, walking toward the front door. I asked Kurt what kind of junk food he was wanting to get at the store. He told me we needed salty and sweet stuff.

  We arrived back home 45 minutes later with a couple bags full of chips, dip, candy, ice cream, and we couldn’t leave the store without pizza rolls. Kurt went to find us a movie to watch, while I heated up the oven for the pizza rolls. I knew you could put them in the microwave, but the oven made the crusts a little crunchier.

  “What do you want to watch?” Kurt asked, flipping through the movie channels. “Or do you want to binge-watch a TV series? I am leaving the decision up to you.”

  I hadn’t watched any TV for a long time, so I didn’t know which series were good and worth binge watching. Besides, I had enough drama in my life, I didn’t need to watch it on TV.

  As for the movies, I tried to pick comedies as much as possible. I needed laughter in my life. I joined Kurt on the couch while the pizza rolls were in the oven to help pick a movie to watch. After five times flipping through the movie channels, we both decided to put in a DVD.

  Being at home alone with Kurt, in the way, kind of helped get my mind off things for a little bit. The way my life went, even trying to enjoy a movie was almost impossible. I flung my plate of pizza rolls all over the couch when the doorbell rang. I glanced over at Kurt; he was picking up his pizza rolls too. I placed the plate on the coffee table and went to see who could be at the door. I should have just let the doorbell ring and acted like I wasn’t home.

  “Miss Alexander, just making sure you were home. We got word that you left school early today,” Detective Alvarez said, peeking over my shoulder, glancing into the house.

  “How did you know I left school early?” I snapped.

  “Someone has been watching you in the school. Do you mind if I come in and take a look around?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do mind. You can’t come in here without a warrant.”

  Detective Alvarez sneered down at me. “You be sure to stay away from Braedon and Sophie until your attorney let you know otherwise.” He turned and walked back to his car.

  I slammed the door shut. I stood there watching through the window to make sure he left our driveway and was heading down the road. Kurt met me in the doorway of the kitchen.

  “Who was at the door?”

  “Detective Alvarez! He’s been having me followed at school!” I slammed my hand down on the island, an instant stinging spread through it.

  “Karsyn, he wants to get under your skin. Hopefully, all of this will be over soon.” He swooped me up in arms, squeezing me.


  Mom came home early, I guess to make sure I was doing okay. Luckily, she didn’t ask how I was doing. I wanted to tell her the detective was here, but that would have made her even more upset. I knew she was upset that I didn’t ask her to come home and be with me today, but she can’t always be there to protect me. I knew she would always try though.

  “Well, what do you want for dinner tonight?” she asked, walking back into the kitchen.

  I turned around to face her from the loveseat. “I don’t know. What sounds good to you, Mom? You always let us choose.”

  “I don’t know what sounds good. How about some grilled salmon, and seasoned green beans with peppers and onions?” She smiled.

  I looked at Kurt to see if that sounded good to him. He shrugged her shoulders and went back to watching TV. She sighed when she saw the look Kurt gave me. “Well, I can fix something else. How about pork chops?” she asked, studying Kurt’s face for a reaction. Still faced towards the TV, he gave a thumbs up.


  Mom had just sat down at the table and we were about to start eating when the doorbell rang. I glanced over at Kurt to find him already looking at me. I was scared to go to the door in fear it would be Detective Alvarez again. Dad tossed his napkin down on the table and scooted his seat back. I was right behind Dad, asking who was at the door before he even had a chance to open it to find out.

  “Mr. Alexander, Karsyn. Sorry to bother you this time of day. I just need to talk to Karsyn real quick.”

  “Please come in. We were just getting ready to eat dinner, would you like to join us?” Dad said, opening the door for Mr. Foster.

  “I’m sorry to intrude on your dinner. This won’t take long,” he said, walking past my dad. “Karsyn, I need to ask you a couple of things. The police did find the shoe you mentioned to me the other day, but they don’t have anything else to go on. Do you remember anything at all about that day? Anything at all?”

  “No. I can’t think of anything at the moment.”

  “Are you sure? I need you to be absolutely sure. Was there anything that didn’t show up in your vision that was out there that day?”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Foster. I can’t think of anything.”

  “Okay. Again, I am sorry to bother you. If you remember anything, please call me the minute you remember.” He turned to head for the front door.

  “Wait, Mr. Foster,” I said, looking down at the tile floor. “There was something out there that didn’t show up in my visions. I don’t know why I didn’t remember this earlier. There was a car that almost ran us over in the road. I don’t remember much about the car, but I do know Sophie took a picture of the license plate. I don’t know if that helps you or anything.”

  “Thank you, Karsyn. I will go over there and see if she still has the picture, and I will let you know the minute you can talk to your friends. Have a good rest of the evening.” Mr. Foster said, walking out the front door towards his car.


  The next couple of days were filled with sitting and staring at Alexina’s empty chair in classes. Then, followed with having to sit by myself at lunch as I watched Braedon and Sophie from a few tables over. They would each take turns, looking over my way and smile. I didn’t know how much more I could take not being able to talk to either of them. When Braedon wasn’t paying attention, I found Blair staring at him. She was relentless, but I didn’t have the strength to deal with her right now. I knew one day soon I would be able to finally go off on her.

  I had one thing to look forward to when I got out of school, and that was going home and hanging with Kurt.

  Chapter 22

  We had just sat down to eat dinner when the doorbell rang again, I stopped mid-bite of my food and stared across at Kurt. Dad put his napkin on the table and got up to go see who it could be.

  “Karsyn, someone is here to see you! He yelled from the front door.

  I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath, and got up from my chair. I walked out of the kitchen into the hall, looking to my left toward the front door to find Sophie and Braedon there.

  “What are you doing here? You can’t be here!” I yelled.

  “Karsyn!” Dad said, his voice low and stern. “Let them explain before you jump all over them.”

  “Mr. Foster told us to meet him here. He should be here any minute. He told me that he wanted to talk to all of us together. In fact, there he is now,” Sophie said, pointing toward my driveway.

  “What is he doing here?” I asked.

  “Mr. Foster, please come in,” Dad said, opening the door.

  “Sorry to come over this time of evening, but it couldn’t wait,” Mr. Foster said, walking into the house.

  “Let me get my wife and nephew from the kitchen. They will want to hear what you have to say too. Please excuse me for a minute.

  I stood there, confused, glancing between Sophie and Braedon because they knew we couldn’t talk right now. I didn’t want to say anything because Mr. Foster asked to talk to all of us. Mom and Kurt joined us less than a couple minutes later in the hall.

  “Mr. Foster, nice to see you again,” Mom said, smiling.

  “Sorry for intruding in on you again, during dinner time,” Mr. Foster said, shaking her hand. “Well, you are all probably wondering why I am here. I didn’t
want to call you on the phone. Karsyn, you are no longer a suspect,” Mr. Foster smiled.

  My mouth fell open and tears started falling down my cheeks. “What? How did this happen?” I questioned, dabbing the tears on my cheeks.

  “The clues from your vision and the picture of the license plate led the police to the killer. They picked him up after school and he finally confessed an hour ago to the murders. The police are dropping all charges against you, and you don’t have to worry about Detective Alvarez harassing you again. I wanted to tell all of you together.”

  Braedon picked me up in his arms and gave me a big kiss. The minute my feet hit the floor, Sophie wrapped her arms around me and whispered. “Thank you, Karsyn. You helped to find Alexina and Tyler’s killer.”

  I stepped back and looked at everyone around me, my family and new friends. Dad and Mom were hugging and crying, then Dad reached over, pulling Emerson and Kurt into their hug. Braedon mouthed he loved me, and Sophie was smiling. Then, I realized that maybe I didn’t have to hide who I was anymore. I managed to help, even if it wasn’t the way I had hoped. I helped to bring closure to their families.

  “Mr. Foster, would it be all right if I go to their visitations and funerals now that I’m not a suspect anymore?”

  “Yes. You don’t have to hide anymore, Karsyn. Well, I should be going. It was nice getting to know all of you. Karsyn, you know my number if you ever need my services again.

  Remember to not be afraid of who you are. You may not have been able to save them, but you did help in finding their killer. You all have a good rest of your night. Bye.”

  “Thank you, for everything, Mr. Foster,” I said, opening the door for him. “By the way who was the kid that confessed to the murders?”

  “It was the kid in the car that almost ran you down on the road after you found the bodies. I might as well tell you because it will be all over the news later tonight anyway. His name is Caleb Webb.”


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