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The Lives of Bees

Page 24

by Thomas D Seeley

  ony living in the wild. We will focus here on the nectar and pollen sectors

  of a colony’s economy, because the resin sector has been examined already

  in chapter 5, and the water sector will be explored in chapter 9, when we

  look at nest thermoregulation.

  Most studies of nectar and pollen consumption by honey bee colonies

  are based on colonies managed for honey production, but because this

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  book focuses on the lives of wild colonies, we will focus on what I have

  learned about these matters by studying unmanaged colonies, or simulated

  wild colonies. These were colonies that I housed in hives the size of natural

  nest cavities and then monitored—mainly by weighing them once a

  week—for three years. As I explained in chapter 6, I did this work in the

  early 1980s, when I was living in the city of New Haven, Connecticut,

  which is about 400 kilometers (250 miles) east of Ithaca. The populations

  of my simulated wild colonies ranged from a minimum of about 8,000

  adult bees in late winter (March) to a maximum of some 30,000 adult bees

  in spring (May–June), just before they produced swarms. These popula-

  tion numbers represent biomasses of roughly 1 and 4 kilograms (2.2 to

  8.8 pounds), respectively. Because honey bee colonies have considerable

  mass and because they consume large quantities of food, I could track the

  food consumption of my study colonies during most of the year by moni-

  toring changes in the total weight of a colony, its food reserves, and its

  nest. (Hereafter, I will refer to the sum of these three weights as “hive

  weight.”) Between late September and late April, these colonies collected

  little or no food, so their hive weights dropped steadily as they consumed

  their honey and pollen stores. As was discussed in chapter 6, on average,

  the total mass of food eaten over a winter by each of these colonies was

  approximately 25 kilograms (55 pounds), of which approximately 1 kilo-

  gram (ca. 2 pounds) was pollen and the rest was honey.

  Determining a colony’s total consumption of honey and pollen for the

  summer—late April to late September, in New York and New England—is

  more complicated than for the winter, because resources now flow into

  the colony, counterbalancing losses in colony weight due to food con-

  sumption. Fortunately, extended periods of cool, rainy weather occurred

  in the summer, during which the bees did not forage. Losses in hive weight

  at these times indicated the summertime rate of resource use. (Note: these

  weight losses must underestimate the rate of food consumption. This is

  because honey and pollen resources that are consumed but are then con-

  verted into brood are not represented in the losses of hive weight.) The

  drops in hive weight during rainy weather ranged from 1.0 to 4.0 kilo-

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  grams (2.2 to 8.8 pounds) per week and averaged about 2.5 kilograms

  (5.5 pounds) per week. Given a summer season of 22 weeks (late April to

  late September), I estimate the total mass of resources consumed over the

  summer by a wild colony in New York or New England is about 2.5 kilo-

  grams/week × 22 weeks = 55 kilograms (120 pounds). The pollen por-

  tion of this total can be estimated by noting that it requires about 130

  milligrams (0.004 ounces) of pollen to produce a bee, and that the average

  colony population across the summer is about 30,000 bees. Given that a

  worker bee lives about one month in summer, we can estimate that a wild

  colony in New York or New England rears about 150,000 bees each year

  over the five- month summer season. Consuming about 130 milligrams of

  pollen per bee reared, a colony needs about 150,000 × 130 milli-

  grams = 20 kilograms (44 pounds) of pollen each summer to support its

  brood rearing.

  To summarize, I estimate that the yearly food consumption of a wild

  colony where I live is approximately 20 kilograms (44 pounds) of pollen

  and 60 kilograms (132 pounds) of honey (25 kilograms/55 pounds in

  winter plus 35 kilograms/77 pounds in summer). These are, of course,

  only rough estimates; the precise values will vary depending on colony

  size, local climate, and forage abundance. The comparable figures for colo-

  nies managed for honey production in Europe and North America are all

  considerably higher. These colonies have been estimated to rear 150,000–

  250,000 bees annually and to consume 20–35 kilograms (44–77 pounds)

  of pollen, and 60–80 kilograms (132–176 pounds) of honey each year.

  The number of foraging trips required to procure the materials con-

  sumed by a wild colony and the efficiency of this foraging work are both

  rather easily calculated. With respect to pollen, a typical load weighs about

  15 milligrams (0.0005 ounce), so the collection of 20 kilograms (44

  pounds) of pollen requires approximately 1.3 million foraging trips. Given

  an average total flight distance—out and back—of 4.5 kilometers (2.8

  miles), a flight cost of 6.5 joules per kilometer, and an energy value for

  pollen of 14,250 joules per gram, the total cost of flying to collect this

  pollen is about 3.8 × 107 joules (1.3 × 106 trips × 4.5 kilometers per

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  Fig. 8.4. A forager collecting pollen from New England aster ( Symphyotrichum

  novae- angliae) flowers.

  trip × 6.5 joules per kilometer), and the pollen energy value is nearly

  2.9 × 108 joules. These numbers show that worker honey bees achieve an

  approximately 8:1 ratio of energy return in collecting pollen (Fig. 8.4).

  Parallel calculations can be made about the number of collecting trips

  required to produce the 60 kilograms (132 pounds) of honey that a colony

  consumes in a year. Knowing that nectar is on average a 40 percent sugar

  solution, while honey is an 80- plus percent sugar solution, and that a typi-

  cal nectar load weighs about 40 milligrams, we can calculate that the pro-

  duction of 60 kilograms of honey requires approximately 3 million forag-

  ing trips. More number crunching indicates that worker honey bees

  achieve an approximately 10:1 ratio of energy return when they collect


  These numbers make it clear that the collection of food each year by a

  wild honey bee colony living in a cold climate region is an enormous un-

  dertaking. Each such colony can be thought of as an organism that weighs

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  1–5 kilograms (ca. 2–10 pounds), rears 150,000 bees, and consumes

  some 20 kilograms (44 pounds) of pollen and 60 kilograms (132 pounds)

  of honey each year. To collect this food, which comes as tiny, widely scat-

  tered packets inside flowers, a colony must dispatch its workers on some

  4 million foraging trips, with these foragers flying some 20 million kilo-

  meters (12 million miles) overall. Given these facts, we can expect that

  honey bee colonies have been under strong natural selection for great skill

>   in the acquisition and use of their food.


  Among the more mind- boggling attributes of a honey bee colony is its

  ability to conduct its food- collection operation over an immense area

  around its nest extending more than 100 square kilometers (40 square

  miles). A colony can exploit food sources over such a broad area because

  each of its foragers can fly to and from flower patches located 6 or more

  kilometers (3.6 miles) from home. A flying bee cruises along at about 30

  kilometers per hour (18 miles per hour), so a 6- kilometer trip takes only

  about 12 minutes, which does not sound so special, but if you consider the

  small size of a bee, you will realize that a foraging range of this scale is truly

  impressive. A 6- kilo meter flight performed by a 15- milli meter- (0.6- inch- ) long bee is a voyage of 400,000 body lengths. A comparable performance

  by a 1.5- meter- (5- foot- ) tall human would be a flight of some 600 kilo-

  meters (360 miles), such as from Boston to Washington, D.C., or Zurich

  to Berlin, or Los Angeles to San Francisco.

  Among my fondest memories from when I was a novice beekeeper—

  some 50 years ago—is lying in the grass among my hives in late summer

  and gazing up at the foragers crisscrossing the blue sky like shooting stars.

  Naturally, I wondered how far my colonies’ foragers were flying to reach

  their work sites. Several years later, when I was a college student, I read

  scientific papers that reported studies of the scope of a colony’s foraging

  operation. In some of these studies, the investigators had used the familiar

  mark- and- recapture method: foragers were labeled in their hives—with

  paint, fluorescent powders, sugar syrup containing radioactive isotopes,

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  or a genetic color marker—and then the fields around their hives were

  searched for the labeled bees. In another study, one that I found much

  more exciting than those just mentioned, the scientists moved colonies to

  the semidesert badlands of northwestern Wyoming, where there were no

  sources of nectar except in two irrigated areas, separated by 28 kilometers

  (17.4 miles), in which alfalfa ( Medicago sativa) and yellow sweet clover

  ( Melilotus officinalis) were being grown. The researcher, John E. Eckert,

  placed colonies along “the old winding stagecoach road” that connected

  the two irrigated areas, and then he determined which of his colonies

  discovered and exploited the two agricultural oases. In still other studies,

  Norman E. Gary and colleagues devised a clever advancement on the usual

  mark- and- recapture method: install a row of magnets over the entrance

  of a study colony’s hive; capture bees from flowers in crop fields all around;

  weakly glue a steel identification disk on each captured bee’s abdomen;

  and carefully record where each ID disk was deployed. When the foragers

  from the study colony return to their hive, the magnets over the entrance

  automatically recapture the ID disks. By referencing the records of which

  ID disks were deployed in which fields, researchers can determine quite

  precisely where the bees retuning home to this colony with tags were


  The studies using one or another of these three approaches reported

  that most of the foragers from the colonies studied were traveling to flow-

  ers within 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) of their hives, but that the bees would

  fly as far as 14 kilometers (8.7 miles) to reach flowers if none were closer

  (the situation of some colonies in Wyoming). None of these studies, how-

  ever, provided a picture of the spatial distribution of the foraging efforts

  of a colony living in nature. This is partly because these studies were con-

  ducted in artificial settings—the study colonies were placed either along-

  side crop fields or in a barren, semidesert habitat—and partly because

  their findings reflected not only where the colonies’ foragers went to find

  flowers but also where the researchers went to find bees. Inevitably, the

  researchers did not go everywhere the bees went. Furthermore, most of

  the studies made with mark- and- recapture methods were conducted in

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  settings where the forage was unusually plentiful, such as alfalfa fields and

  almond orchards in full bloom.

  In the spring of 1979, I started a study with a friend, Kirk Visscher, the

  aim of which was to get an accurate, bird’s- eye view of the foraging activi-

  ties of a colony living under natural conditions. Our approach was to map

  out, day by day, the places being visited by the foragers of a full- size colony

  that we would establish near the center of the Arnot Forest. We did so

  using a technique that had been pioneered by one of Karl von Frisch’s

  students—Dr. Herta Knaffl—in 1948–1950: spy on the waggle dances

  performed by the foragers in a colony living in an observation hive. The

  attraction of this approach is that it reveals where a colony’s foragers are

  going even if they are exploiting multiple flower patches and each patch is

  many kilometers (or miles) away. This technique, however, does not reveal

  all the places where a colony’s foragers are working each day, because on

  any given day it is only the bees returning home from the most profitable

  sites that advertise their work sites with recruitment dances. Bees that are

  working flower patches that merit continued exploitation, but not addi-

  tional foragers, do not advertise these sites by performing waggle dances,

  so these sites are invisible to anybody monitoring the dances performed

  within a colony. Even so, this dance- surveillance method produces an ac-

  curate picture of the spatial scale of a colony’s foraging operation, because

  every major flower patch that a colony exploits is advertised by waggle

  dances produced during the initial, buildup stage of its use by the colony.

  The first step in our investigation was to build an observation hive that

  was roomy enough to house a full- size colony of bees (Fig. 8.5). Ours had

  a volume of 40 liters (10.6 gallons), the median volume of the nest cavities

  of the wild colonies in the area (Fig. 5.3). This hive held four large combs,

  whose total area (1.35 square meters/14.5 square feet) matched what is

  found in the nests of the colonies living in hollow trees around Ithaca.

  Because we wanted to be able to see all the waggle dances performed in

  our hive, we guided all the foragers in our study colony to enter the hive

  on the front side of its huge wall of comb. We also discouraged these just-

  returned foragers from crawling to the back side of this comb by closing

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  0 10 20 cm

  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


  Dance floor




  sampling grid


  Wedge directing incoming

  Entrance tunnel

  bees to one comb side

  Fig. 8.5. The large observation hive used f
or sampling and reading the dances of

  the foragers in a full- size colony to determine where the colony’s foragers were

  gathering their food.

  off with beeswax all the passageways between the two sides of the comb

  that were near the hive’s entrance. Most foragers perform their waggle

  dances soon after entering their nest (or hive), so by directing the traffic

  of incoming foragers to one side of the comb, we created a well- defined

  “dance floor” near the entrance on the front side of our hive’s wall of comb.

  We drew a sampling grid on the glass over this dance- floor area, so that

  we could sample the dancing bees at random when we began our data col-

  lection. At this point, we installed a colony of approximately 20,000

  worker bees and a queen (and some drones) in the hive, and a few days

  later we moved it to the Arnot Forest, where we installed it in a special

  hut that we had positioned in the forest’s center. An important feature of

  this hut was its roof, built of translucent fiberglass panels, which provided

  diffuse sunlight for our observations of the bees’ dances.

  A few days later, we began collecting data from the bees performing

  waggle dances in our large observation hive. This work involved sitting

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  beside the hive from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and manually recording data

  from one (randomly chosen) dancing bee at a time. For each bee, we re-

  corded four items: 1) the angle (relative to vertical) of her waggle runs,

  2) the duration of her waggle runs, 3) the color of her pollen loads (if any),

  and 4) the time of day of her dance. Using these four pieces of information,

  we could estimate where she was working, and we could determine

  whether pollen was available at her work site or only nectar. Finally, we

  plotted each dancer’s recruitment target on a map. This gave us a synoptic

  picture of the colony’s richest foraging opportunities—those being adver-

  tised by its waggle- dancing foragers—on each day.

  Figure 8.6 shows the distribution of distances to the food sources that

  our study colony exploited in the Arnot Forest. It is based on observing

  1,871 dancing bees during four nine- day periods spread over the summer

  of 1980. We see that this colony’s foragers conducted some of their work


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