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The Lives of Bees

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by Thomas D Seeley

  (accessed 9 January 2019).

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  Oliver, R. 2014. A comparative test of the pollen subs. American Bee Journal 154: 795–801, 869–874, 1021–1025.

  Ostwald, M. M., M. L. Smith, and T. D. Seeley. 2016. The behavioral regulation of thirst, water

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  Oxley, P. R., and B. P. Oldroyd. 2010. The genetic architecture of honeybee breeding. Advances in Insect Physiology 39: 83–118.

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  Radcliffe, R. W., and T. D. Seeley. 2018. Deep forest bee hunting: A novel method for finding wild colonies of honey bees in old- growth forests. American Bee Journal 158: 871–877.

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  Rangel, J., S. R. Griffin, and T. D. Seeley. 2010. An oligarchy of nest- site scouts triggers a honeybee swarm’s departure from the hive. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 979–987.

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