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Super Musicians Breakthrough Do

Page 13

by Marlynn Swanigan

giant mouth opened up and emitted a, rumbling, beastly yawn. “Hey, can you guys get that piece of meat from between my teeth?” asked Zybu. “NO…” They answered simultaneously. Zybu’s comforting angelic-voice begged once again, “Pwetty pwease...?”

  “Hell n-”

  “Wait! What’re you doing? Maybe we can trick Hades into goin’ in there. Think…”

  “Yea, sure, we’ll do it. Open your mouth.” Zybu opened his mouth and roared as loud as he could. The vibrating-airwaves that left his lungs blew the guards out of the picture like a hurricane. Little-Azarban crawled upon Hades’ lap and cried for help saying, “Wou must weepenn! I haf…To sharge…!” Like Hades was his best friend. Hades laughed. Little bit him and hid. O.k., readers, this may shock you a bit. Remember that Amolvian king, Yuity? Well, Yuity was helping Ruien, and Ruien knew it the whole time they were scrapping. Yuity was pretending to be on a power trip. He could have announced how Ruien ‘broke the law’ in front of the entire alumni and caused them to jump him. Now, you know where Ban and Joel are, so, let’s take a look inside the ‘Super Amolvia slot’, shall we?

  Completely regenerated New Amolvia - now called Super Amolvia – lit with evolved souls shielded by holy fire. The palace, the arena, the beach, the ocean, and every Amolvian house were all in mint-condition. Ezequador controlled its personal sun and moon. They all had their weapons. The Amolvian alumni equipped the wands, swords, and all. Most of the males wore all-white satin-robes. The others still had on the same-old furs and armor. Some of the females wore pink satin-robes. It was day. Ezequador’s Gawndihowl had- been reversed. He lounged in his arena throne with his same fur-armor, yet the fur was white. It was like heaven, but full of a bunch of, friggin’, heathens. Ruien, Yuity, and their holy guards – Dajib and Liqrab - sat in the center row with a flock of cheering Amolvians at the arena. Yuity wanted to surprise Ezequador. He ordered that no one mentioned his and Ruien’s return when they first revived. Yuity and Ruien were both old men. Their guards were still young. “Aw, look at that! She has my eyes.”

  “Well Sh’’, Yuity...! Stop yappin’ ‘bout it…! You’re makin’ me wanna go over there too soon. Oh, she’s SO big-”

  “Dude, she’s kickin’ ass!” Liqrab added. “DADDY, LOOK! I MURDERED THAT GUY!” Ezequador’s four year-old daughter - princess Palixine Dipsel – was undefeated in an Amolvian sport, called Hypnomorph. Hypnomorph is when Amolvian guards Gawndihowl while hypnotized to only morph when ordered to - When two morphs match, they have to battle to determine who will be eliminated. When one guard is normal and the other is gawndihowled, the normal one is eliminated and his team has to rotate. The control booths were above the seats in a balcony-sky-box deal. As Ezzy studied the scoreboard, an Amolvian sentry announced that a new challenger was approaching the control booth. Suddenly, Palixine had begun losing, badly. Yuity was the challenger and he was not a piece-of-cake. Yet, after she made a move that would’ve humiliated him, he got an idea. “Liqrab,” Yuity said as he shoved Liqrab from behind with his foot. Liqrab stumbled, tripped over the railing of the control booth, and fell out of the sky-box. He kept from falling into the audience, by gripping onto the railing, and sighed. He was right over Okarinj’s head. Okarinj had the biggest snack-box in all history. “TAKE THE CONTROLS.” Yuity yelled out of the sky box window and made his way out the door. Liqrab, furiously, yanked himself back into the sky-box and took the controls. “G’’-DAMN IT...!” Palixine screeched. “Don’t give up, baby.” Ruien told his granddaughter. “Hey, son, pass the peanuts. Will ya?” Ezequador ran into Ruien’s arms and cried heavily. “Hey, save some tears for me.” Yuity said. Dajib stood with Yuity and smiled. “UNCLE YUITY! I KNEW IT DUDE!” Ezequador laughed. Ruien’s journal read that Yuity was with Ruien when the angel gave the orders. “YEA… I’M A BAD SON OF A BID-NIT, AIN’T I?” Yuity asked, light-heartedly. “MOMMA; DADDY; YOU’RE NOT WATCHING!” cried Palixine. Jahva bowed to Ruien and Yuity. “WHAT THE HELL?” Ruien asked. He bowed to Jahva. “The first queen of Amolvia, and you bow to me?” he asked. “Where’s mom...? And Joel...?”

  “Son, have a seat.”

  “They might not make it-”

  “YUITY…! SH’’… Oh my god…”

  “Well, quit half-assin’ and hurry up and tell the boy. We’ll ALL be dead by the time you get it out.”

  “YOU’VE ALREADY SAID IT NOW, BIG MOUTH! HAHA-HA!” added Palixine. “Right, but someone’s gonna lose if they don’t get back to their game.” Jahva told the princess, as she tickled her abdomen. Palixine laughed. Palixine and Ruien made eye contact. She stared into his eyes and wondered how they became so, inviting. “Daddy… Is that YOUR daddy? ‘Cause he looks just like you.” Ruien’s heart filled with happiness. He and Yuity cried and whispered amongst one another. “Oh, that was the cutest thing I’ve ever witnessed.” Ruien whispered. “She isn’t cuter than Azarban was.” Yuity whispered, wittily as he wept. “Bullsh’’, Yuity, you must be blind…Ya piece of sh’’…” Ruien joked. “Yea, honey, this is your grandpa Ruien and your great-great-uncle Yuity.”

  “Hey, nephew...! You and me – rematch - Right now...”


  “Uncle Yuity, Todd could probably beat you now.”

  “O.K., that’s enough negative sh’’.”

  “He started it, Ruien.”

  “Well, don’t tell him ‘they might not make it’ like you don’t even care.”

  “YEA…! ‘Cause I’m the king.”

  “AMOLVIANS...!” Ruien yelled. Yuity, slightly, shifted his head toward Dajib. “Beat…the living…dog-sh’’ out of him.” He ordered. Ezequador shielded himself with Jahva. Dajib reached around her. Ezzy kept moving to the opposite side of where he reached. Then, Dajib chased him around her a few times. Ezzy lifted off over the control booth railing, and into the center field of the arena. “Don’t be tryin’ to fight my man.” Jahva said, humorously. “DAJIB...! SHUT HIM UP FOR GOOD.” Yuity hollered. Jahva hopped over the rail after Dajib. Then, Palixine grabbed her little sword and followed Jahva. “DADDY, HE’S GOT A WEAPON..!” she yelled. “BEAT SOME RESPECT INTO HIM… Well, I’ll be saddled and ridden into the sun… she’s just as smart as her dad.” Yuity said. Many centuries passed by the axe’s inhabitants. Zybu and Joelnaq had a, somewhat, better time than the whole bunch. It turned out- Zybu was actually, pretty darn, funny. Christ died with all of man’s burdens and sins on his soul alone. He was also everything the humans said he was when they scorned and judged him – in their place – so they wouldn’t have to worry about being cursed or what people said about them! He was a blasphemer, a sorcerer, a demon etc. As a ghost, he traveled to Libya and boarded the cursed axe with infinite life points. Christ’s magic points, or in his case, miracle points were always fully charged. He doesn’t have to charge with prayer like the humans...And he died so their every word would be prayer. His ghostly clothing was drenched with dirt. The sons of Lucifer followed Christ wherever he went. Incubus, now a master soul-paralyzing demon, was there before Christ could get a toe in. Lucifer’s sons had that angelic-mental capacity that he had. Incubus shooed away his brothers, break-danced, and taunted Christ all the way to Hades’ castle. Hades’ organist was still playing that same horrible music. Christ walked into Hades’ throne room and made himself visible to all those who were there. Uncharged, Little-Azarban, slouched flimsy and feeble on the floor to the right of Hades’ throne. He was still gawndihowled, but he was a grown winged-male, instead of a thumb-sized winged-infant. Hades was suffering from a ghostly condition called eternal frostbite. It happens when the, gawndihowled, human soul devolves too much. We need God’s warmth, I guess. “Come on out, Joelnaq and Zybu, I know you’re in here.” Christ said as he stared at Hades. They fell in front of Hades and both stood, gradually, with smirks on their faces as they held eye contact with Christ sliding off to make way for him. After that, I promise: The organist, promptly, hopped up and folded the organ until it was the size of an acorn.
He put it in his pocket, turned toward Christ, and asked, “Any requests? Can I have a tip?”

  “Yeah- sure: Don’t – ever - play the organ again.” Joelnaq answered. The grim organist threw a hissy fit as he stomped off mumbling and grumbling. I promise to God!

  “Now, Incubus, I’ll make a deal with you.” Christ negotiated. “What kind of deal?” Incubus asked. “That throne belongs to me. Paralyze Hades while I get the tree, and you can have it.” As Christ negotiated, holy fire shielded him, closing him inside its eternal blaze. Light smoke arose from his eyes and faded near his hairline. The humans’ burdens and sins were immediately barbecued. Christ shook the last speck of dirt from his robe. Azarban haunted Christ’s heart, charged, and became a thumb-sized infant with wings again. He’d also popped out with a miniature sword. His vision and hearing were back to normal. His little robe was clean and white again. As Incubus’ essence paralyzed Hades, Christ, gradually, walked behind the throne, grabbed the tree, and walked it toward Joelnaq as Hades’ body dissolved. He gave Joelnaq the tree. “You and your brothers have successfully completed your father’s mission. Take your tree to

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