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Super Musicians Breakthrough Do

Page 14

by Marlynn Swanigan

your new kingdom. As soon as you arrive, all of thy rewards will be given thee.”

  “Can somebody clean this dust off my throne, please? Thank you…” ordered Incubus. Christ, telekinetically, lifted the throne. “Yea, I was gonna ask for a hovering throne. Looks like ya read my mind.” Incubus said. The throne hovered right into the boiler. “SEE! WOOK WHAT WOU DID WEEWUS!” cried Little-Azarban. “YEAH!” added Incubus. “Your throne’s right there, dude, go get it.” Joelnaq said as he sat the tree on the floor. Little-Azarban flew from Joel’s shoulder to Christ’s shoulder and stared at Incubus with his wise baby-eyes. “What’re you lookin’ at, ya little brat?!” Incubus exclaimed, enraged. “It’s a good thing he’s a spy-cherub, and he’s fully charged. Don’t you agree, Joelnaq?” Zybu asked. Incubus paused and realized how much holy fire he was up-against. “Too many nukes… gotta go!” he uttered as he dashed out of the throne room. If a man’s soul touches holy fire, it will be comforted. If a demon touches it, he, or she will be barbecued! Christ nuked the gloomy throne room. Whatever his holy fire touched became white and holy. The hot oil inside the pool became crystalline water. Little-Azarban started nuking shortly afterward, but he was excessively late. “How-’d ya do that?” asked Joel. [‘WITTLE BWASTOFF…’ ‘WITTLE ZOOM-WAHSS…’] Little-Azarban, redundantly, blasted off like a rocket - entering Christ’s heart to charge whenever he was low on magic points – and executed his special moves. His wings rapidly fluttered as he flew around like an aired-up balloon that someone let go- untied. When he finally came to a halt, he looked both ways and jumped into a wall. It was as if someone was controlling him like a video game but they didn’t know what to do. “Anyone that acquires holy fire can nuke. YOUR nuke may even be broader than Zybu’s!” Christ told Joelnaq. Little-Azarban began to shave Christ’s hair with his blade. “Cool.” Joel responded. “MY MOOWP’S WITTLE, BECAUSE I’M WITTLE…” Little-Azarban shouted with his teensy-weensy voice to assist Christ. “How do I do it?”

  “Wuse woah magzic pwoints, wou nicopooh.” Little-Azarban said as he dangled from Christ’s left-ear. He dropped down to his shoulder and fled the scene by hiding underneath Christ’s robe. Christ – who was now bald - abruptly admired little verbally in Hebrew as he tickled his little tummy. Little-Azarban laughed, jerking his belly to avoid Christ’s finger, irrepressibly, underneath the robe. Zybu and Joel couldn’t hold it in any longer and busted out laughing, at once. “Ha-He got you good, dude. That was, like, four seconds ha-flat! Ha-Oh my God!” Zybu laughed. “Joel, let’s get going.” said Christ, guiding. “Hades’ throne has been converted into a portal axe that leads directly to Super Amolvia.” Christ informed. Joel dived into the pool and swam around. Little-Azarban possessed the water - just as he possessed Christ’s heart – and zipped around at light speed. Zybu admired his little playful-gleam as it shot throughout the pool. Joelnaq hopped out soaking wet with the portal axe telekinetically hovering above his head. Little-Azarban popped up - dry and sly – and plunged into the portal axe, landing himself in Super Amolvia. Joelnaq reunited with his family that day. Yuity finally got his rematch in a few games of Hypnomorph. Ruien was so proud of his boys he cried in joy from when Ezequador first raised the sun until he replaced it with the moon. Ruien is a tough person, so, it was somewhat unexpected. Yet, this story isn’t nearly done being told! Zybu got an idea and asked Christ what he thought. “What if we could make a system for the ghosts of the humans?”

  “I knew you’d say that.”

  “But, I mean, like a sport. So it’d be fun for them to evolve themselves and – like – put on the fruit of God.”

  “O.K., Zybu, I’ll give it a shot. What’s the game plan?”

  “Well, I was thinking of something – more like – a war between the humans and the devils.”


  “C’mon, lord, we’re gonna burn Lucifer’s army anyway. The humans can have fun nuking for extra credit. I imagine they deserve this,” averred Zybu. A flaring red orb of fire ascended from Zybu’s mouth, just as he bowed his head and shut his eyes. Zybu hadn’t noticed because he closed his eyes in the nick of time. “Zybu, if I approve this then I have to do it fairly, and that means there will also be a chance that man can become demons for eternity...And why should I answer thee?” Christ asked. “Because… I’m praying?” Zybu joked. Christ chuckled. “Axe…”


  “Look above your head, Zybu.” Zybu was thankful that Christ was only testing his faith in order to create the orb. Tribes of sorcerers gathered around the outside of Hades’ castle and cheered in response to Hades’ organist hitting the road. As the cheering continued, Christ spoke with Zybu. “For as long as the monsters are breeding here. This axe will serve as the official way out of hell. I dub this hollow: Axe - the super war.”

  “Oh, thank you lord, you’re the best. Ahhhh...Axe.” Zybu had created the first Gawndi-point in Axe-history.

  Gawndi-point are philosophies or beliefs that become sensible to modify the Gawndihowl. This war is all about Gawndihowls, because we can’t go to heaven without the fruit of the lord - angelic organs. Sometimes, when a ghost has super organs, it can produce life points in its attack or in the elements by charging them as well. They’re shot from within one’s soul to be installed into someone else’s soul. The installer equally senses the philosophy the way the shooter sensed it. There are life points, and there are death points. The life point empowers its installer, causing them to evolve into a divine Gawndihowl. The death point degrades the installer, and sometimes makes them look like a demon. If a human ghost reaches 100 death points, they’ll go into eternal frostbite. After eternal frostbite, they become a demon forever at 175 death points! I don’t think Ezequador’s too worried about this happening because EF hurts like hell! Holy voltage orbs, darkness orbs, dark gas orbs, and holy light orbs all do the same: they keep charging the ghost a while! The more you install the more you evolve. Strong death points can put out weak life points etc.

  O.K., let’s go back to Super Amolvia’s slot one-more-time. While lying on his back, Ezequador opened his eyes from a long nights rest. He yawned, still on his back, and turned his head to look out the window to his right. He saw Gawndihowled Joelnaq near the arena’s entrance juggling four, stage-one, spy-cherubs and dodging a tiny tornado that chased him after vanishing every so-often. There was another spy cherub, with a little modern-day black baseball cap on, standing in Ezequador’s throne at the arena. To Ezequador, it seemed that the one’s Joel was babysitting were protecting the one with the baseball cap from Joelnaq. The spy-cherubs had different appearances as far as their faces and skin went. Yet, their behavior was the same as Little-Azarban’s Gawndihowl: BAD-ASS-KIDS! “Joel…?” Ezequador tried to rise up to get to Joel, but he couldn’t budge. An ADORABLE, stage-one, spy-cherub, named Lily, applied pressure on his chest, holding him down. As he struggled, she laughed. Then, he paused and grinned. “Gawndihowl morph…” He called, quite-peacefully. “WHOAH…!” Lily shrieked as she swooped down and possessed his pillow. “I’m sorry, Honey. While you were asleep, Christ asked us to watch his babies while he set up the courts and fields for the super war.” Jahva informed him. “MY DAD CAN FIX ANYTHING. BEFOAH HE MADE THE OAWTH, HE FIXED A HOAHWW WOAHWD, SO THE HUMANS CAN PWAY IN…!” Lily yelled as her hands, and their gestures, ascended from the top-right corner of the pillowcase. “What ARE you?” Ezequador asked Lily. She popped up from within the pillow. Then, she zipped around the room a bit, crashed into his abdomen, and stopped to answer him. “Uhm, I can’t tell wou that, ihss a seekwit!” she alleged, gazing into his flaring eyes with her big green eyes, as she gripped his chest hair and dangled from them. “Spy-cherub… Can go inside and possess anything…Ages when it eats; lifts up to 40,000 pounds if fully charged; Needs a pure heart to charge…”

  “Veunic…?” Ezequador asked, gawndihowled, Veunic. Veunic stood in the doorway with angelic-intellect, eager to give answers. He was hot: surrounded with holy fire. “Th
ese are not your AVERAGE spy-cherubs. They are ‘the generated nukes’. They were born with irremovable gadgets and weapons with unlimited projectiles. The one with the weird helmet is the chief. He’s the only one who can generate holy fire without warming up or charging.”

  “Oh-”, Ezzy sighed. “Wait a minute, what IS a nuke?” Ezequador joked. Ezequador’s holy Gawndihowl made everything clear. “F’’’ that - what’s a gadget?” Jahva earnestly added. Lily possessed the door and zipped around within it, causing it to wobble a bit. The door slammed shut. Lily possessed the doorknob, turned it, and giggled as the door creaked open. She kept closing the door as they attempted to leave. When they finally got out of Ezequador’s bedroom, the bathing room, the castle doors, and the front gates, they headed for the arena. Seemingly exhausted, Lily rode atop of Ezequador’s shoulder and continually questioned him. “Why does shahva get ammoyed? I bess ahs wou a simple queshion... It’s not wike I’m asking two at a time, oaw something. Is that even possible?”

  “I think we’ll find out soon enough.” Ezzy joked. “Hm...

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