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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

Page 13

by Rosie Sams

  The man ignored her, taking another swig from his glass.

  “Did you hear what happened? About the murder?”

  Though the man was doing his best to ignore Melody’s pestering, the blood in his face immediately drained at this question. His eyes widened at Melody’s news.


  In the space of a heartbeat, the man leaped up from the table, obviously intent on abandoning Alvin and Melody as quickly as possible. His escape plan was thwarted when Smudge nipped at his ankles, causing him to trip. Alvin caught his arm, twisting it behind his back. The man grunted in a fury.

  “Good job, Smudge!” Melody praised.

  “What the heck do you think you’re doing?” the man demanded.

  “I’m sorry to disturb your afternoon like this, but the present circumstances demand that I question everyone connected to the disastrous wedding this morning. I’ll need to take you in for questioning, and it would be a lot easier if you would cooperate. If not, I can always read you your rights and arrest you.”

  “I don’t know anything about it! I didn’t kill anyone!” he exclaimed.

  Alvin held out his hand to help the man to get up. “I’m not saying you killed him. But I do need to take you in for questioning. If you’ll just agree to work with me, you’ll be on your way in no time. Do we have an understanding?”

  The man stopped fighting back, though he scowled at the sheriff over his shoulder as he escorted him toward the road.

  “Where do you want to take him?”

  “If you don’t mind, we’ll head to the bakery since it’s close.”

  Melody readily agreed.

  Keeping a firm hold on the man, Alvin pulled out his radio. “I’m taking the liberty of questioning a man in the south end of town. It has to do with the murder case.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Melody unlocked the door of her shop, and Smudge bolted inside ahead of them. Alvin suggested they use her office, and she led the way.

  “Sit down, mister,” Alvin said in a commanding tone. The stranger sat down, but Alvin remained on his feet, ready to combat any escape attempt on the man’s part. His strong arms were crossed in front of his chest, and he casually leaned against Melody’s work desk.

  “I’m not gonna say anything until I’m in the presence of my lawyer,” the stranger said immediately.

  Alvin sighed and looked at Melody. It certainly wouldn’t be easy to get information from the man. Melody tried to think of a way to bring his guard down. Perhaps if he thought an innocent woman was going to be put in jail…..

  “Sir, if you can answer our questions, you could very well keep an innocent woman from going to jail,” Melody said. She could feel Alvin’s eyes drilling into her, demanding to know what on earth she was up to, but she kept her gaze from him and on the stranger only.

  The stranger turned in Melody’s direction. “Woman? What do you mean? Are you talking about Cathy? Has Cathy been accused?”

  Melody met Alvin’s eyes then, her brows rising in a silent “See?”

  “If you are referring to Cathy Peck, one of Dorinda’s bridesmaids, then yes.”

  The stranger was growing agitated now. “She isn’t a suspect, is she?” he asked. Before Melody could ask the next question, Alvin did it for her.

  “What is your name, sir?” Alvin asked.

  “If I answer your question, will it keep Cathy safe?”

  Alvin glanced over at Melody once again before nodding. “It will provide us with more information to find the person who is truly responsible for this crime and therefore remove suspicion from Miss Peck, yes.”

  “Okay, okay. I’ll cooperate with you,” he said.

  “Let’s start with your name,” Alvin said.

  “I’m Brad Mortimer.”

  “Mr. Mortimer, how are you related to Miss Peck?”

  “Cathy—Cathy was my girlfriend,” he said.

  “Was your girlfriend,” Alvin repeated. “You mean you are not together anymore?”

  “Yeah.” Brad averted his eyes. “We were together until that snake, Robin Werther, seduced her during his own engagement party.”

  Melody’s eyes grew wide, but Alvin remained ever-calm.

  “Go on,” Alvin urged.

  Brad exhaled before continuing. “My Cathy was fooled by Robin. She chose that slimy doctor over me even though she knew he would be getting married soon,” Brad said with a tinge of pain in his voice.

  A motive to kill? Melody certainly thought so.

  “You asked me earlier where the wedding was, right?” Melody said. Though she’d been rather annoyed earlier at his curtness and lack of manners, she found it in her heart now to excuse his behavior. It couldn’t be easy to lose his girl to a player like Robin.

  “Yeah, I did,” Brad acquiesced.

  “If you hate Robin so much, why did you want to know where the wedding was? What were your intentions? If you are not with Cathy anymore, I assume you didn’t have any business at the wedding ...” Melody reasoned. “Did Dorinda invite you? Are you part of the wedding party? Tell the truth, Brad.”

  Alvin motioned for Melody to back off. She crossed her arms, ignoring the sheriff, waiting for Brad to answer. Her interrogation technique was getting information out of the guy, so she figured if Alvin knew what was good for both of them and everyone involved in the case, he’d let her continue.

  Brad thought for a full minute before responding. “I do admit that my initial goal was to confront Robin. I wanted to know why he just had to go after my girl when he was engaged to his own. I love Cathy more than anything, and he doesn’t care one whit for her, but he stole her from me anyway just to show that he could.”

  It was obvious that Brad was fighting hard against his pent-up emotions, and another wave of sympathy toward him came over Melody.

  “What time did you confront Robin Werther?” Alvin asked.

  “I didn’t.” Brad’s head drooped as he ran a hand restlessly through his hair. “I lost my nerve when I got to the church. I didn’t even talk to him. But I did want to see Cathy. I hoped that maybe after Robin was married, she would change her mind and come back to me.”

  “So, she didn’t change her mind?” Alvin inserted. “And you were angry about it and went to find Robin. What happened then?”

  Brad rose from his seat. “I didn’t kill Werther! I was angry with him, but I never thought of killing him! Cathy hates violence, so even though that toad came between her and me, I would never stoop so low.”

  “Are you telling the truth?” Melody asked.

  “Yes, I’m telling the truth! How many times do I have to repeat it?”

  Melody looked over at Alvin, wondering what he thought of Brad’s testimony. From his face, she couldn’t tell whether or not he believed what the man said.

  “Did you know that Robin Werther was murdered?” Melody asked.

  Brad did not meet Melody’s eyes. “I just heard.”

  “How did you hear about his death?” Alvin pressed on.

  “From everyone. Everyone in Port Warren was talking about it. It would have been impossible not to hear the news. It was all over social media.”

  The tension in the room had continued to build and, at this stage, felt nearly suffocating. Alvin strode over to the mini-fridge in the corner of the office and pulled out three bottles of water. He motioned toward Brad. “Water?”

  Brad hesitated for a moment before nodding.

  Alvin clapped him on the shoulder after handing over the bottle. “I know this isn’t easy, but you’re doing well. I still do have a few more questions, but I want to thank you for your cooperation so far. Do you think you can hold out a little longer?”

  Brad looked very much like he’d been put through the wringer, but he nodded.

  Alvin handed Melody a bottle of water. She took it gratefully, just having realized how thirsty she’d become. Interrogation was certainly harder work than she’d imagined.

  “Where were you an hour befo
re the ceremony should have started?” Alvin went on.

  Brad sighed. “I was outside the church. I wanted to approach Cathy, but she wasn’t there. I just left and thought I’d try to find her after the wedding instead.”

  “Have you talked to her?” Melody asked.

  “Yeah. After I heard what happened, I found her, but she didn’t want to talk. She was too upset about what had happened to that cheater.”

  Melody looked at Alvin, who seemed satisfied with Brad’s answers.

  “Mr. Mortimer, I want to thank you for your cooperation. You can go now, but that does not mean you are not one of the suspects, so the law does require that you remain in town. However, if you are not guilty, I assume that won’t be an issue,” Alvin said.

  “Why am I still on the suspect list? I already told you I didn’t do it.”

  “Everyone is a suspect. Please understand, Mr. Mortimer, you are in the same position now as everyone else who was anywhere near that wedding today. I ask that you simply bear with us while we work to get this all straightened out.”

  “I swear, I didn’t do it. And I promise Cathy didn’t do it either. I know her well, and I’m telling you she wasn’t involved,” Brad said.

  Alvin nodded. “Okay, Mr. Mortimer, thank you. You’re free to go.”

  Alvin escorted Brad out the door before returning inside to rejoin Melody.

  “The list keeps getting longer,” Melody said.

  “That’s how it happens sometimes,” Alvin agreed, taking a drink from his water bottle. “It’s especially difficult when any number of people could have had a good reason to kill the guy.”

  Melody nodded in agreement, and the room grew quiet as they were each lost in their own thoughts. A few moments passed before Melody looked up and found Alvin looking back at her. It wasn’t until then that she realized what a terrible hostess she’d been. She had not offered him anything.

  “My goodness, where are my manners? I have a kitchen full of goodies, and I haven’t offered you anything after your long day. What can I get you, Al?” she asked.

  “Oh, I’m fine, Melody,” Alvin said.

  Melody refused to take no for an answer. “Nonsense. What would you like? Tea? Coffee? And I have a variety of pastries, of course.”

  “I’ll take whatever you have,” Alvin said.

  “Okay. I’ll be back in a jiffy,” Melody said, already making her way toward the kitchen.

  Melody prepared some chamomile tea then brought out a slice of carrot cake from the fridge. She knew it was one of Alvin’s favorites from her baking repertoire. She returned to her office and found Smudge in his lap. She smiled at the sight then handed him the slice of cake and mug of tea.

  “You’re going to sit down and dine with me, aren’t you?” Alvin asked with mock formality. “After all, your day was as long as mine.”

  Melody smiled. “Yes, I believe I will.” Somehow, in spite of the nightmare Dorinda’s wedding day had turned out to be, she couldn’t help feeling that this simple time spent sitting across from Alvin over carrot cake, and chamomile tea would make everything better.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Of course, life at Port Warren went on after Dorinda’s tragic wedding day. Melody went right back to her usual routine in the bakery. Kerry and Leslie still constantly bickered amongst themselves over the simplest of things, and she was still called on to play referee.

  Three days after the almost-wedding, Melody was elbow-deep in flour as she worked on the first of three items for Kerry’s Aunt Rita. The old lady was fond of her baked goods and consistently featured them at the parties she hosted nearly every week. As usual, this week, Aunt Rita had ordered a pineapple upside-down cake, a hummingbird cake, and devil’s food cake.

  Melody was sifting the dry ingredients together when Kerry passed by.

  “Hmm, that’s Aunt Rita’s order again, isn’t it?” she remarked. “Why doesn’t she ever order anything else?”

  Melody waved her off. “Aunt Rita loves them, and it’s her party. Besides, her friends on the charity board love these selections just as much as she does.”

  “Yeah,” Kerry agreed, unenthusiastically. “Still, I think a little variety would do all of those old birds good.”

  Melody swatted at her assistant with a flour-coated hand. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to speak about your elders that way?”

  Kerry just rolled her eyes and moved on through the kitchen to the front room with her inventory list. After the craziness of the previous week, Melody had to admit that Kerry’s incorrigible attitude was comfortingly familiar and therefore, quite welcome after all of the chaos, as was Aunt Rita’s predictable order.

  Just as she began dunking the thick pineapple slices into simple syrup, the doorbell on the front door rang. As usual, Melody’s heart skipped a beat when she recognized Alvin’s voice as it mingled with Leslie’s. She swiftly reached for a dishtowel, wiping furiously at her sticky fingers. She found it almost ridiculous that she wanted to smooth her hair and check her appearance in a mirror.

  “Yoo-hoo, Melody!” Kerry called in a sing-song tone, popping her head around the corner. “You have a visitor.”

  “Ssshhhh, not so loud,” Melody hissed.

  Kerry only laughed. “He’s a good guy, Mel, I don’t know why you insist on being so secretive. It’s not like the rest of us haven’t noticed what’s going on. The blind can see that you two are so into each other. So, just go on out now and greet your boyfriend.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” Melody retorted as she scrubbed her hands in the sink. Much as she wanted Kerry to think that Alvin’s visit meant nothing to her, she couldn’t help stopping to check her reflection in the mirror after removing her apron.

  “You look good, Mel. You’re always pretty, especially to Mr. Cop-man,” Kerry said, her voice low.

  Melody rolled her eyes at her friend, but couldn’t quite keep the grin from her lips as she strode to the front of the bakery.

  She greeted Alvin with a welcoming smile. “Al, so nice to see you this time of day. I didn’t expect to see you until closing time.” It was then that she noticed Alvin didn’t appear completely at ease.

  “Can we talk?” Alvin asked. His tone was far too business-like for this to be a social call.

  “Of course. Why don’t we go to my office?” Melody said.

  Alvin nodded, following her down the hall. They sat next to each other on the long couch next to her work desk.

  “What is this about, Al? You’re making me nervous,” Melody said. Alvin offered a small smile that made her feel slightly more at ease.

  “Sorry, I guess I’m just focused.”

  If Melody hadn’t felt so shy, she would have told Alvin that she liked his focused face very much. Instead, she prompted him to continue.

  “Ambrose and Dorinda Mitchum bailed out of jail this morning,” he said.

  This wasn’t a huge surprise as the doctor had plenty of money at his disposal, making bail money a non-issue.

  “They’re out and about then,” Melody said.

  Alvin nodded. “The only condition is that they don’t leave town, same as Mortimer.”

  Melody took this in, hoping Alvin couldn’t tell that having suspects among them made her uneasy. “Any sign of the murder weapon?”

  “Unfortunately, no. We double checked every corner of the bed and breakfast—all the rooms, the garbage, the kitchen… no sight of a weapon of any sort.”

  “I guess we’ll just have to keep hoping that it’s the next piece of evidence you find,” Melody said, trying her best to be optimistic.

  “I suppose so.” Alvin stood then, glancing at his watch. “I can’t stay, I just wanted to give you that update. Figured you deserve it after all of the help you gave me,” he added with a smile.

  Melody smiled. “It was nothing. Thanks for thinking of me, Al.”

  They walked out of the office, and Melody swung behind the counter to retrieve a box of cinnamon buns that she insist
ed he takes to headquarters.

  “Thanks, Mel. I’ll drop by again later if I get the chance,” Alvin said.

  “Don’t worry about it. I know you’re busy,” Melody said. Smudge yelped in agreement, causing them both to laugh.

  Alvin exited the shop then, and Melody returned to the kitchen, intent on finishing up Aunt Rita’s order, but Kerry and Leslie had other ideas.

  “So, what was that all about?” Kerry asked as she and her coworker strategically blocked their boss’ way into the kitchen. “Did he ask you to marry him?”

  Melody laughed as she ducked under her employee’s arm, heading straight for the work table. She snatched up a piping bag and resumed her work, all the while, hoping that her cheeks didn’t look as hot as they felt.

  “What are you talking about? For goodness sake, we haven’t even been…” What exactly had she and Alvin been doing? Certainly not officially dating — not yet anyway. “Hanging out that long. It was nothing like that. He dropped by to tell me that the Mitchums bailed themselves out of jail this morning.”

  “Oh.” Kerry’s hand flew to her tiny waist. “So, they can roam free in Port Warren? I don’t like the thought of that.”

  “Me neither,” Leslie agreed, squinting at Melody through her glasses. “What if one of them really is the murderer? What if the real criminal decides to stab everyone in town?”

  Melody and Kerry shook their heads at the same time.

  “They are not serial killers, Leslie,” Kerry said.

  “Quite right, Kerry,” Melody agreed. “What happened to poor Robin was likely an act of passion. I doubt there will be any more gruesome stabbings.”

  “Well, I’m still worried.” Leslie protested.

  “I don’t think the Mitchums are violent killers. They’ve always been nice people,” Melody said.

  “Except now one is a hardened criminal,” Leslie pointed out.

  “Allegedly,” Melody interjected.

  Leslie ignored Melody’s comment and continued, “Trouble is, we don’t know which one it is, so how are we supposed to know who to stay away from?”


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