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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

Page 14

by Rosie Sams

  Melody sighed with resignation. There was no point in saying another word on the Mitchums’ possible innocence because clearly, everyone had decided one of them was guilty. The evidence against them was damning, though, and she had to admit that her employee had a point. If by chance, either Mitchum was guilty — which one was it?

  Melody decided that she didn’t want to encourage any more talk on the matter, so she let the subject drop and focused on the last touches on Aunt Rita’s order. The angel food cake needed a little time to cool before delivery, which meant she had at least half an hour to kill.

  “I think I’ll stop by and see Dorinda before I make Aunt Rita’s delivery,” she announced to her friends as she removed her apron. “I’ll be back in an hour or so.”

  The minute Smudge spotted Melody heading toward the door, she perked up. Figuring animals were always great comforters, she beckoned to the pup who was at her side in a moment, wagging her tail as Melody secured the leash to her collar. At the last minute, she grabbed a box of De Vine. It wouldn’t hurt to arrive bearing every type of comfort possible.

  As she walked, Melody tried to come up with what to say to Dorinda. It was difficult to know what to say to a woman whose world had just been smashed to smithereens. By the time she reached the Mitchum house, she still wasn’t completely sure what the direction conversation should take. Figuring she’d mostly have to play it by ear, Melody reached up to ring the brass doorbell. Only a few moments passed before the door opened, revealing Dorinda on the other side.

  “Oh, hi, Mel,” she greeted with evidently forced enthusiasm.

  Melody’s heart went out to Dorinda as she observed the dark circles under her eyes and her pale face. Her hair was also unruly, a state in which Melody had never seen it. She was looking at a completely different Dorinda than the one who had been so bright-eyed and brimming with excitement just days before. Melody held out the box of De Vine. “I brought you a little something.”

  When Dorinda opened the lid, her eyes lit up in spite of her exhausted appearance.

  “That’s so thoughtful of you, Mel. Thank you,” Dorinda said with sadness underlying her tone. “Come on inside.”

  Melody and Smudge followed Dorinda inside the house. It was Melody’s first time inside the doctor’s dwelling, and it certainly was exquisite. The walls were all white, and the expertly arranged furniture still smelled strongly of fine leather. Melody was invited to sit on the couch near the fireplace.

  “How are you, Dorinda?” She inquired softly. Dorinda averted her gaze and Melody instinctively reached for her hand. “It’s all right to be honest. I’m here to listen if you need to talk.”

  The kind words were apparently too much for Dorinda, and she immediately burst into tears. Melody squeezed Dorinda’s hand as the other woman cried. “I should have listened to everyone! I’m so stubborn!” she sobbed around hiccups. “I shouldn’t have accepted Robin into my life.”

  “You didn’t know,” Melody soothed.

  Dorinda shook her head, vehemently. “But I did know. Just about everyone warned me, and I wouldn’t listen. If I had listened, none of this would have happened.” She covered her face with her hand, her shoulders shaking.

  “It’s not your fault, Dorinda. You did nothing wrong. You just trusted and loved someone. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “But I was a fool! They were all telling me what a cad he was, and I still allowed myself to be beguiled by his sweet words.”

  Dorinda wiped tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand. Smudge jumped up onto the couch next to her, ready to offer comfort as well. Dorinda stroked Smudge’s soft little head for a moment and even managed to smile down at the concerned pup.

  “Mel? I don’t know how to say this, but….”

  “Go ahead,” Melody encouraged.

  Dorinda took a deep breath before continuing. “I hope you don’t think I killed Robin. No matter what he did, I would never have the guts to kill anyone. Besides, I loved him. Even though he hurt me, I loved him.”

  “I believe in you, Dorinda,” Melody comforted. “I saw the light he put in your eyes, and I would never question your grief when he died.”

  Dorinda started crying again as tears poured afresh from her dull, blue eyes. “I wish I could just forget all of it!”

  “I know,” Melody said. “How about your father? How is he?”

  “I worry about him,” Dorinda said, hiccupping. “He’s old, you know. I’m afraid that this stressful ordeal isn’t good for his health. I don’t know what possessed him to take responsibility for the crime. My father couldn’t bring himself to murder anyone any more than I could. he takes his oath as a doctor to do no harm very seriously, I assure you. He’d never hurt a soul.”

  “I know, I agree with you.”

  “My dad was as happy as I was the morning of the wedding,” Dorinda went on. “He was excited about the wedding from the start. He thought the world of Robin and was eager to have another doctor joining the family. He would finally get someone he could play golf with and discuss boring medical stuff with.”

  Melody continued to listen as Dorinda’s words tumbled forth in a rush.

  “He was so excited yesterday. He even had his white tuxedo dry cleaned to make sure it would be perfect for my big day. He was so meticulous about the details of the wedding too. He wanted it to be such a success, Mel.”

  “I know, Dorinda,” Melody said with a sigh. She reached over to grip the other woman’s hand. “Don’t worry. I talked to Al this morning, and he is working hard to get this whole mess straightened out. Now, I want you to just rest on that thought.”

  Dorinda offered a tearful nod as Melody stood.

  “I need to make a delivery now. Smudge and I’ll come to check in on you again, all right?”

  Dorinda smiled as Smudge jumped off of the couch to follow her owner. She stood as well, pulling Melody in for a tight embrace. “Thank you for coming, Melody. You have no idea how much your visit means to me.”

  “I’m here to help. You’ll let me know if there’s anything I can do?”

  Dorinda nodded, escorting her visitors to the door.

  Though being able to comfort Dorinda should have made Melody happy, she instead found herself feeling even more uneasy about the murder than before. Dorinda was in such distress and would continue to be so as long as the investigation dragged on.

  “Oh, Al,” she murmured. “Please find that murder weapon soon. I don’t know how much more waiting poor Dorinda can take.”

  Chapter Thirty

  The next day after another sleepless night spent contemplating the case of Robin Werther’s murder, Melody heaved a sigh and dropped her head to her desk. She was going through photos, trying to build a portfolio of cake decorations for a birthday cake for one of her clients to choose from. She’d been at it for almost an hour, and the only thing she’d accomplished was to stare at one photo until the image started to blur.

  Rubbing her eyes tiredly, Melody pushed her chair away from the desk and dragged her eyes from the computer screen to stretch her tense shoulder muscles. “I don’t know why I’m so pressed about this case,” she mumbled. “I’m not a detective, for goodness sake.”

  Smudge, sprawled in her usual corner, lifted one eyelid to cast her owner a curious glance before going right back to sleep. Melody snorted, a bit jealous of Smudge’s relaxed attitude. How she wished she could be just as unruffled about the murder case. Especially as it really had nothing to do with her. It was just so difficult to let go of the recent tragedy because it was in her beloved little town and involved people she knew. People she considered friends.

  Deciding that she would get absolutely no work done, Melody jumped up and marched through the door. The sound of paws scurrying behind her indicated that Smudge was now wide awake.

  Rounding the corner into the kitchen, Melody found Kerry and Leslie huddled together. The women spoke in hushed tones, piquing Melody’s curiosity. It wasn’t often she fou
nd Kerry and Leslie doing anything other than bickering. The closer she got to the couple, she realized that Kerry was demonstrating how to make spun sugar while Leslie looked on raptly.

  “Wow, this is a pleasant surprise,” Melody mused. Two heads whipped around. “Seeing you two working together so peacefully is new.”

  Leslie’s lips twisted wryly as she adjusted her glasses. “It sure is new. Kerry told me you taught her how to make spun sugar. I figured I’d ask her to show me rather than bother you. You seemed so focused on whatever you were doing when I peeked in your office.”

  “Don’t get too excited, Melody,” Kerry snickered. “I only agreed to teach Leslie so I can have it to rub in her face later.”

  “Could you be any more contemptible?” Leslie scoffed.

  “No more than you,” Kerry quipped with a wicked grin.

  “Well, that didn’t last long,” Melody voiced before Leslie could respond and have world war three erupt in the kitchen.

  Leslie grinned good-naturedly and turned to Melody. “So, boss, what were you so engrossed in earlier. You were staring at your computer with such intensity, I thought it would burst into flames.”

  Leaning against the counter, Melody huffed. “I was focused all right, so focused I didn’t even see you. But, I wasn’t concentrating on what I was supposed to be working on, gathering possible cake designs for Mrs. Charles to choose from for little Matty’s birthday party. Instead, I was thinking about Dorinda’s wedding that wasn’t and her dead groom.”

  Kerry and Leslie exchanged knowing glances. “I told you she wouldn’t give it up,” Kerry muttered, tucking a lock of her stubborn hair behind her ear.

  Melody directed pointed stares at her employees. She was annoyed that her inability to stay out of police matters had been discussed among them. “You’re right, I can’t give it up. On that note, I have a question.”

  “Shoot,” Leslie said.

  “Ambrose Mitchum was present when we delivered the cake, right?”

  There was a long pause as both women contemplated. Finally, Leslie nodded. “I got to the venue first, and he was indeed there.”

  “And he was present when we showed up later with the cake,” Kerry confirmed.

  Melody rubbed her chin thoughtfully. She’d thought she spotted Ambrose when she arrived with Kerry and Alvin as well but, she wanted to make sure. “He wasn’t dressed for the wedding when we arrived, was he?”

  Another moment of silence.

  “No,” Kerry and Leslie murmured in unison.

  Melody nodded. “That’s what I thought.” Ambrose’s tux hadn’t a spot of blood on it, she remembered that much clearly. Perhaps it was possible that the good doctor had committed the crime before he changed. If that was the case, where were the clothes he had on before he changed into his tux?

  “Ladies, I have to run out for a bit. Can I count on you two to hold things down here?”

  “Of course,” they chorused.

  “Care to let us in on the epiphany you seem to have just had?” Kerry inquired, eyeing Melody with curiosity.

  “Uh… no, not just yet.” She didn’t want to arouse further suspicion around Ambrose’s name on the chance that the man really wasn’t guilty. “Maybe later. There’s something I have to check out first.”

  Melody hot-footed it back to her office to grab her phone and purse, eager to pay Ambrose a visit. She sent Alvin a text, letting him know her intention to question him. A response came in, but she didn’t bother to check because she knew full well that Alvin wouldn’t be in agreement with her confronting a suspect on her own. But, she just had to speak with Ambrose. The fire of curiosity had been lit inside of her, and the only way to put out the flames was with answers.

  When Melody stepped into Ambrose’s office, she was shocked to find the doctor in the process of packing. Glancing back into the lobby, it just registered that the room was empty. Not even the receptionist was present. Dr. Mitchum’s office was in disarray with file cabinets flung open and files littering the massive oak desk in the center of the room and the floor. All of the drawers of the desk were wide open, and Ambrose was frantically scooping out its contents and dumping them into a briefcase.

  The sinking feeling of Ambrose’s possible guilt struck Melody. Swallowing, she stepped further into the office aware of Smudge standing quietly at her feet. The dog’s eyes also followed the doctor’s agitated movements with interest.

  “Dr. Mitchum?” Melody called tentatively.

  Realizing he had company for the first time, Ambrose started. “Melody, what… what are you doing here?” He peered over her shoulder, expecting to see the sheriff.

  “I came to talk, but you seem to have... other plans,” Melody answered. “Are you going somewhere?” Her eyes landed on his briefcase before flying back to him.

  Ambrose pulled in a breath and immediately broke down. The older man’s shoulders sagged, and he perched on the edge of his desk to massage the bridge of his nose. Despite his suspicious behavior, a wave of sympathy passed through Melody at the sight of his defeated posture.

  “I’m leaving town, Melody.”

  “But, doing that will only make you look... guilty.”

  “I’m well aware,” Ambrose shrugged. “But I might as well. No matter how this case turns out, my involvement guarantees that I’ll no longer be accepted as the town’s trusted physician. I’ll no longer be accepted in this town period, and neither will my daughter.”

  Melody studied the man for a minute, wondering if he had intended to take Dorinda with him on the run. “That’s not true, Dr. Mitchum. I’m sure once you're found innocent, things will go back to normal.”

  He shook his head slowly. “The suspicion alone has tainted my name for good, I’m afraid. Now, if you’ll excuse me…” Ambrose rose to commence his packing.

  Nibbling her lower lip, Melody thought long and hard about how to proceed. She couldn’t allow a murder suspect to leave town. And, though the evidence against Ambrose was damning, deep down in her gut, she felt he was innocent. As if sensing her rising agitation, Smudge whined and rubbed against her leg. Melody reached down to rub the pup between the ears.

  “Are you leaving town simply because you fear your name has been tainted, or are you feeling guilty about something, Dr. Mitchum?”


  Melody slowly lifted her gaze to Ambrose, all the while stroking Smudge’s soft coat. The atmosphere crackled with rising tension as Ambrose stared at her with hard eyes that had suddenly gone cold. The warm, gentle man she knew seemed to have disappeared.

  “You’re so attentive to that dog of yours,” he observed, taking Melody by surprise.


  “One can say you love that bulldog as if she were your... baby.”

  Melody straightened, confused by the turn of conversation. She blinked and nodded. “Um… well, sure. I guess you could say that. What does that have to do with…”

  Her eyes widened to saucers when Ambrose suddenly reached into the top drawer of his desk and held up no other than the missing cake knife.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Taking an involuntary step back, Melody eyed the weapon in Ambrose’s hand warily. It took her a moment to recover from her shock and regain her ability to form words.

  “Dr. Mitchum, what are you doing with that?” There was something about his face that chilled her to the bone. “Don’t do anything foolish,” she warned. There was no telling what the man intended to do with that knife.

  Ambrose stepped out from behind his desk, knife still in hand and wild eyes darting from the weapon to her. Melody took another step back and gulped. The situation she found herself in was not at all what she’d expected when she decided to pay Ambrose a visit. For a second, she regretted showing up at the man’s office. Perhaps she should have brought Alvin along after all.

  She sent Smudge a quick glance, noting that the dog stood at attention and bristled with menace. Good. It was a good thing her pup was always go
od at picking up on possible threats. The second she made a run for it, she knew Smudge would follow. And she was fully intending on skedaddling when Ambrose stopped his advance and heaved a sigh. Melody’s heart rate slowed a bit at the sight of the doctor’s less threatening stance.

  “I met a man right before the wedding,” he began.

  Melody’s ears perked up, much like Smudge’s, and she raised her chin and nodded, willing him on. “Oh?” she managed. There she was in danger, and she just couldn’t squash her curiosity. If she had a chance of uncovering what happened the day of Robin Werther’s murder, she was sticking around.

  Curiosity killed the cat, Melody, she reminded herself. Instead of doing the sane thing and getting herself out of her current situation, she heard herself say, “Go on.”

  “He told me his name is Brad Mortimer.”

  Instantly, recognition hit. Mean Fred. Although, after hearing Brad Mortimer’s story, Melody had decided the poor man wasn’t so mean after all. He was just... broken-hearted. “What does he have to do with anything?”

  Ambrose’s jaws clenched, and he stared at the floor for a while before getting back to his story. “There I was flitting about excitedly, trying to ensure that everything was perfect for my little girl’s big day. I was so happy that she was happy and in love. I had already accepted Robin as family because he made my girl so happy. Plus, his father and I go way back.” Ambrose laughed bitterly. “Then this Brad Mortimer tells me that Robin carried on with his girlfriend, one of Dorinda’s bridesmaids. Apparently, the girl was Brad’s girlfriend, and Robin swooped in and stole her away… while he was engaged to my little girl!

  “He claimed the girl had fallen so badly for Robin, that she held on to the hope that they’d be together despite Robin’s upcoming nuptial.” Ambrose snorted and shook his head. “His fiancé’s bridesmaid. Can you imagine the audacity of that… scoundrel? It wasn’t hard to believe, considering the rumors that constantly swirled about Robin. I mean, I was fully aware of what people said, but I was reluctant to believe them. Reluctant to think of the pain it would bring Dorinda.”


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