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My Protector

Page 5

by Alanea Alder

  "Ryuu is Coffee God. Ryuu can do whatever the fuck he wants." Meryn's gravelly, irritated voice sounded different from the more upbeat personality she had met the day before.

  "All hail Coffee God." Keelan and Colton bowed down in their seats reverently to Ryuu who shook his head at their antics.

  "What toppings would you like for your waffles Lady Elizabeth?" Ryuu asked.

  "Fresh strawberries with whip cream please," she said without hesitation.

  Meryn frowned at her. "You say that like you expected him to ask you."

  Elizabeth looked up at Ryuu who shrugged. "He's a squire Meryn. I was raised being served by a squire. In fact, my father's squire helped raise me to a certain degree. I meant no disrespect."

  Ryuu set a napkin in her lap. "None taken. Meryn is still getting used to the fact that I am a servant."

  "Of course you are. You're a squire." Elizabeth didn't understand the confusion.

  Gavriel took her hand. "Meryn was raised in the human world. She is used to the negative view and contempt that most humans show towards their servants. Since she wasn't raised in our society, she hasn't seen the respect and reverence that most squires receive. She is very protective of Ryuu," he explained.

  Elizabeth turned to Meryn. "That is just so adorable. That's it. I'm adopting you."

  Gavriel nearly dropped his coffee and Aiden inhaled a piece of bacon and immediately began to choke, he pounded on his own chest in an effort to clear his airway.

  Gavriel turned to her frowning. "What was that?"

  "I said I am adopting Meryn. Evidently you all haven't been adequate in showing her our world, so I will. From now on she will be my baby sister." Feeling happy with the morning's accomplishments she sipped her cappuccino.

  "Wait. I have a sister now?" Meryn asked sounding more awake.

  "Yes. I have adopted you."

  "Does that mean you'll take me to DragonCon and buy me cool tee-shirts and pay for the strippers in the hotel room?" Meryn definitely looked more awake now.

  "Of course."

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who said anything about strippers?" Aiden demanded, pounding the table.

  Elizabeth pointed to Meryn. "She did."

  Gavriel nipped at her shoulder making her breath catch. "You don't want to find out how jealous I can be, zain'ka moya," he said, his warm breath tickling her sensitized neck.

  Meryn smiled at her. "I think I'll like having a sister. Am I related to that Magnus guy now?"

  Elizabeth caught Meryn's wink and rolled with it. "Absolutely. I'll call him later to let him know."

  "Hey! She is not related to the Rioux, she is a McKenzie!" Aiden growled.

  "Technically I'm an Evans. We're not married, just living in sin," Meryn corrected him.

  Elizabeth turned her head before she laughed out loud and ruined everything. Aiden looked like his head was about to explode.

  "You are too a McKenzie! We're mated!" Aiden boomed.

  Meryn held up her empty left hand. "This says I am single. I'm only mated to you in Lycaonia and that is tee tiny compared to the whole freaking world. Even my driver's license says Evans," she countered.

  Aiden stood, his barrel chest heaving. "We'll see about that. Men, move out!" he barked and walked away, fuming. Keelan groaned and Colton pounded his head on the table before looking up to glare at Meryn.

  "Can you please, please, please not piss him off before a day where we are doing nothing but drills?" Colton complained.

  "Now!" was the angry shout from the foyer.

  "Fuck me." Colton groaned and stood. He, Keelan and Darian filed out of the dining room towards the door.

  Gavriel stood and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm feeling nearly normal today, I think I'll see how drills go. Try not to wreak too much havoc today."

  "We make no promises," she teased.

  "Have fun beating on each other." Meryn grinned at him and waved her fork.

  After the front door slammed shut Meryn let out a breath and put her fork down.

  "Okay, what was that all about?" Elizabeth asked.

  Ryuu walked in and put a plate of waffles in front of her before going to Meryn. "I'm curious as well. You deliberately baited him; despite your wackiness you hardly ever upset your mate deliberately." He sat down next to her.

  "Aiden asked about children again last night. I wanted to distract him with something else for a while." Meryn shrugged and picked at her waffle.

  "Oh, honey, of course he's asking about children, he's a male shifter. What did you tell him?" Elizabeth bit into her waffle and looked down surprised, Ryuu could really cook!

  "I told him I didn't want to be put on any psycho hit list because he knocked me up and that we'd have plenty of time for kids later, like, much, much later. Though I don't know if that's an option anymore." Meryn finally gave up any pretense of eating and put her fork down.

  "You don't like kids do you?" Elizabeth guessed.

  "Nope. I'm not comfortable around babies. I wouldn't mind if they hatched and were like four or five. You know walking and talking. So they could be like 'Hey Mom, I gotta pee.' Or, 'Mom, I'm hungry.' At which point I could say 'Go tell Ryuu'. I never had a mom, I don't think I can be one."

  Elizabeth couldn't stand the look on Meryn's face, she looked so dejected and lost. "I never had a mother either you know and I plan to totally rock being a mom. I mean you get to mold their little minds from the second they are born."

  Meryn perked up. "What do you mean?"

  Elizabeth continued. "My kids are going to be awesome. I will read to them and make sure they know how to get to Narnia or what to do if the Doctor ever grabs their hand and says 'run!' and they'll know what the one true ring is."

  Meryn smiled. "I never thought about it like that. It would be like getting a brand new laptop and you can install whatever new apps you want on it or dress it up with a new skin."

  "We can roll with that analogy. Meryn, there's no rulebook. As long as the kid is breathing, not hungry, semi-clean and not rocking in the corner drooling on itself, you're doing a good job." Elizabeth took another bite of her waffle.

  "Really? That seems too easy."

  "I mean it's a lifelong responsibility, you'll worry about the little bastard until the day you die. But the fun stuff outweighs that."

  "And it's not like you'll be alone. I would be more than honored to help. I'll have you know I am an expert at changing diapers." Ryuu ruffled Meryn's hair.

  "Thanks guys. I feel a little bit better about the whole thing. I could be pregnant, it's not like we've been using birth control. I just felt trapped. I wanted more time," she paused then looked up. "What if the ones responsible for killing all those women come after my baby?" she asked in a tiny voice.

  And there is the real crux of the issue. She's already afraid for her future child.

  "Meryn, how can you say you won't be a good mother when you're already worrying about them?" Elizabeth demanded.

  Meryn blinked then smiled.

  "Denka, I swear to you, no one will ever hurt you or your child. You are under my protection." Ryuu's body practically glowed blue. Elizabeth saw a tiny light hovering around Meryn's ear.

  "Plus you have me, my fathers, my uncle, Gavriel, your mate, and every single unit warrior in the world willing to kill to protect you." Elizabeth motioned to the frantic little light.

  "Oh Felix! Thank you!" Meryn cuddled empty air and looked up. "He said he would guard my baby every night."

  "See, whenever it happens, you'll have all the support you need." Elizabeth wiped her mouth and sat back with her cappuccino.

  "I'll talk to Aiden tonight. But in the meantime, what are we doing today?" Meryn turned to face her.

  "I don't suppose you know how to get to the city do you?" she asked.

  "I sure do. Ryuu, will you come with us?" Meryn turned to her squire.

  "Of course, denka. Just give me a few minutes to finish cleaning up after breakfast." He stood went to the hallway and returned with a co
at and scarf. He hung it on the back of Meryn's chair and with a bow left for the kitchen.

  "Our order for supplies shouldn't arrive today. Who did you call yesterday to place the order?" Elizabeth asked.

  "Ohmigosh, I need to introduce you to Adelaide, that's Aiden's mom. I placed the order with her squire, Marius. He is marvelous." Meryn pulled her backpack onto her lap and pulled out a tiny coat. "Here you go Felix." The coat was visible and suspended for one second, then disappeared. Meryn turned to her. "Sprites are sensitive to the cold. I also had Adelaide knit me a scarf with a sprite pocket so he could be warm on my shoulder. She made it look like the fourth Doctor's scarf for me." Meryn lifted a brightly colored scarf from the back of her chair.

  "That's really neat." Elizabeth paused, her own coat was probably stiff as a board caked in mud, growing mushrooms in her trunk. She eyed the tiny Meryn. She was at least six inches taller than her friend.

  "Could we head to the cleaners? My coat is going to need to be cleaned before I can wear it."

  "That's cool. I know the witches that run the tailors shop that does cleaning and preserving. It's where Aiden keeps his dress whites." Meryn wrapped the scarf around her neck until her lower face disappeared. Elizabeth smiled at the young woman. By paranormal standards Meryn was still almost a child. Sisterly affection welled up inside her.

  "You are too cute!" She laughed as Meryn tried to spit out yarn fuzz.

  "I am not cute. I am sexy and alluring," Meryn protested.

  "Sorry to burst your bubble short stack, but you're so cute, it should be illegal."

  "You were an only child weren't you?" Meryn asked sourly.

  "Yes and I have always wanted a sister. You're it."

  "Is it just me or are you teasing me more today than yesterday?"

  "Of course I am. I have adopted you so gloves are off. You now matter to me, so I don't have to be nice."

  "Wait. So, because I'm now family you can be mean to me? How does that work?" Meryn demanded.

  "Meryn, I grew up the only niece to the ruling vampire elder. I was constantly at court. I learned from an early age that it's just easier to be pleasant to the people who don't matter. I don't let them see the real me. But once you're my friend, all bets are off."

  Meryn shook her head. "I'm exactly opposite. I don't talk to and am mean to anyone I don't know and am only nice to the ones I do know and like."

  "Just different sides of the same coin. Now. What am I going to do about a coat?" Elizabeth frowned. Maybe she could borrow one of Gavriel's.

  Ryuu walked in carrying her now immaculate looking full-length grey wool trench coat. "Lady Elizabeth, when taking out your luggage yesterday I noticed the state of your coat. I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of cleaning it for you." Ryuu held her coat open for her.

  Elizabeth looked at Ryuu and smiled. "You're amazing, you do know that right?" She slipped her arms through the sleeves and inspected the wool. Not a single stain or mark. She stuffed her wristlet in her coat pocket.

  Ryuu gave a nod, smiled and went to help Meryn who was turning circles trying to get her arm in her other sleeve. Once Meryn had her coat on they headed to her car. She smiled when she saw that someone had changed her back two tires. Living with a house full of men was looking better and better.

  "Okay, where am I heading?" Elizabeth asked after they got in. She adjusted her mirrors before turning to look at Meryn.

  "Go down this road until we get to the Shifter Elder's estate, you really can't miss it. That's where Aiden's parents live. I want you to meet Adelaide and Marius, from there we can head into the city and I can introduce you to Sydney and Justice at my most favorite place ever, their café The Jitterbug," Meryn said sounding slightly muffled from her scarf.

  "Looks like we have a plan." Elizabeth put it in drive and rolled out of the driveway. Looking in her rearview mirror she hoped her mate was having a good day with his pissed off commander.


  "Why would she say that?" Gavriel heard his friend ask for the tenth time. The men were standing around the training grounds as Aiden vented.

  "I have to admit, it's not like her. She'll tease as good as the next guy, but she never tries to hurt you," Colton agreed.

  "Does a wedding mean that much to her?" Keelan asked.

  Aiden shook his head. "I asked her about it once, she said there was no point because there wouldn't be anyone to invite from her side of the family. If she had honestly shown any interest I would have already planned the biggest wedding this city had ever seen." Aiden paced back and forth.

  "Maybe she's upset about something else?" Sascha suggested.

  "Do you hog all the blankets?" Quinn asked. The men turned and stared at him. "What? My mom is always complaining to my father about that," he said defensively.

  "Let's look at this logically..." Ben started. All eyes swung to him. He backtracked. "Okay, as logically as possible when dealing with Meryn. She's pretty surface level when it comes to her emotions. If she's mad, she punches you. When she's happy, she jumps around and tries to kiss your face. So if she said something about matings maybe she's worried about something else in your relationship."

  Aiden gasped and turned to his brother. "I think you nailed it. I..." he hesitated and looked around. The men gathered closer. Gavriel rolled his eyes, the warriors were worse than the old women at the sewing circle when it came to juicy news.

  Aiden cleared his throat. "I told her she had to stop interrupting our training sessions and I asked her about children again," he admitted. The men sucked in their breaths.

  "Well no wonder she was acting out this morning." Darian nodded.

  "Why would she act out?" Aiden asked.

  "Because, my old friend, she doesn't like being told what to do and she is terrified of bringing a child into a world where psychotic killers are killing and mutilating pregnant women and their unborn children," Gavriel explained. He paused and let the words sink in. Aiden turned milk white.

  "There's no way I'd let anything happen to her or our child," Aiden protested.

  "Not to sound like a bastard, but wasn't she attacked at the Alpha estate like a month ago?" Quinn reminded him. All eyes glared at the young witch. He held up his hands defensively. "It's true isn't it?"

  "He's right. Of course she'd be scared. What can we do?" Aiden resumed his pacing.

  Gavriel noticed that this had now become everyone's problem. The men all frowned and no one spoke.

  "Maybe we could install some sort of alarm system at the house?" Keelan suggested.

  Aiden looked at him like he was a genius. "Keelan, that's brilliant! What kind of alarm system?"

  "Couldn't we just get what humans use? They are easy to install and would alert us if anyone tried to break a window or come through a locked door," Gavriel said suggesting the easiest solution.

  "We can do better than humans!" Sascha scoffed.

  "We sure can! Oh, I know. What if when the door opens an axe swings down and cuts the intruder in half?" Graham, the bear shifting Delta Unit leader, suggested. Gavriel stared. Keelan, Darian and Colton looked at each other nervously. They had to live there too.

  "How would the axe know it wasn't one of us?" Keelan asked.

  "Good point," Graham murmured, rubbing his bearded chin. The men all nodded.

  "Isn't that your mate's car?" Darian asked as the car in question drove down the driveway.

  "Yes and unless my eyes are mistaken, Ryuu and Meryn are with her," Darian said.

  "That's perfect. We can install whatever protective measures we come up with to the house while they're gone. Okay men. Let's head to the armory and see what we have to work with." Aiden started walking toward the small building that housed all of their weapons.

  The men followed behind Aiden talking excitedly. Only he, Darian, Keelan, and Colton lingered back.

  "We're going to die, aren't we?" Keelan asked morosely.

  "All in the name of love. Come on men, if we're quick enough we ca
n keep them away from the explosives," Colton said.

  Gavriel watched the dust cloud settle over the dirt road where his mate had just driven.

  I hope your day is going better than mine, zain'ka moya.


  "Oh fuck me! I forgot about the damn sewing circle meeting. Abort! Abort!" Meryn cried from the backseat.

  "Too late, we've been spotted," Elizabeth pointed to a woman was waving at them enthusiastically in front of the house.

  "Damn, that's Horseface. There's no turning back now," Meryn groaned.

  "Horseface?" Elizabeth looked at the woman and immediately saw why Meryn had dubbed this woman with the nickname. It wasn't exactly kind, but very accurate.

  "I'm terrible with names," Meryn admitted.

  When they came to a stop Ryuu got out of the car and held the door open for Meryn. Elizabeth got out and walked around to stand by her friend.

  "Meryn, dah-liiing! We didn't know you would be coming today. How wonderful! I was just saying to Daphane how we missed you at our little meetings. Better late than never I always say. Who is your friend?" she asked, turning to her.

  Elizabeth plastered a smile on her face and held out her hand. "I'm Elizabeth Monroe. It's a pleasure to meet you."

  "I'm Rosalind Carmichael. Monroe? You wouldn't be any relation to Broderick Monroe would you?" she asked.

  "Yes, he is my father."

  Rosalind's hand went to her throat in a nervous gesture. "Oh dear, what an honor. Come on girls, this way. I'm sure we can brew some more tea for you two dears." Rosalind picked up the basket she had retrieved from her car and pointed to the door. Ryuu stepped forward and took the basket from her hands. Rosalind tittered at Ryuu blushing. Meryn rolled her eyes and followed the woman inside. Rosalind waved at them and went into the drawing room excited to be the one to share news that they were coming to their meeting.

  "Meryn, what on earth are you doing here?" a soft voice asked, sounding surprised. A lovely woman dressed in a bright yellow dress walked towards them from the hallway carrying a small sewing basket.


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