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My Protector

Page 6

by Alanea Alder

  "Hey Mom, I kinda forgot what day it was. I wanted to introduce my new friend. We didn't mean to crash your sewing circle meeting," Meryn explained, unwinding her scarf.

  The lovely woman turned to her. "And who is your new friend?" she asked, smiling warmly.

  "Adelaide, this is Elizabeth Monroe, she is Gavriel's mate. She's adopted me as her little sister because evidently I'm 'too cute'. Elizabeth, this is Adelaide McKenzie, Aiden's mother." Meryn said introducing them.

  Elizabeth was immediately enveloped in a warm hug. When Adelaide pulled back, Elizabeth could see genuine affection in her eyes. "Welcome Elizabeth. Since you have adopted Meryn and she's my daughter that must mean you're mine as well." Adelaide's warm hands squeezed hers before she pulled Meryn into a similar hug. Adelaide pulled back and cocked her head to one side looking down at Meryn with a puzzled expression. She shook her head and grinned.

  "I had a feeling you wouldn't be here unless you had forgotten the day," Adelaide teased.

  "Mom!" Meryn blushed.

  "Might as well come inside. We're just starting a new project. I was on my way back to the drawing room from upstairs. We're switching to a quilting project so I had to change baskets. I'll have Marius make a pot of Honeycup just for you and we'll put out a few teaspoons of warmed honey for Felix." Adelaide looped her arms through theirs and led them to the front drawing room. Ryuu followed. He walked over and handed Rosalind her basket. She giggled and blinked her eyelashes at him. He bowed in a gentlemanly way and walked over to stand next to Marius.

  "Ladies, I'm excited to say that my daughter Meryn and the newest member of our family, Elizabeth Monroe, have decided to join us today." Adelaide turned to the tall silver haired man standing against the wall. "Marius, can you prepare Meryn's favorite tea and a treat for our sprite friend as well?"

  Marius nodded. "Of course, my lady."

  Ryuu turned to Marius. "It would be an honor to help you serve these lovely ladies today."

  The women in the room giggled. Elizabeth met Ryuu's eyes; the barest of nods to the woman in the corner was all she needed. She nodded back and sat down, effectively putting herself between Meryn and the garishly dressed woman Ryuu had indicated to. Both she and Meryn placed their coats on the backs of their chairs.

  "Elizabeth Monroe, a bunny?" the garish woman asked, her tone condescendingly neutral. Elizabeth watched Meryn hunch a little, she could tell that her friend was fighting to keep a scowl off her face. Poor Meryn. She hadn't been raised around women like this one; luckily she had.

  "Actually it's lepus curpaeums," Meryn corrected.

  The woman smiled at Meryn patronizingly. "That's just another way to say bunny dear, why get so wrapped up in the technicalities? Of course as a human you wouldn't understand."

  Meryn blinked, and then smiled. "So, if it's okay to call Elizabeth a bunny, then could I call you a bitch?" Meryn asked sweetly.

  Adelaide started choking on her tea. Elizabeth turned to the flustered woman to divert her attention away from Meryn.

  "I'm sorry, have we met?" she asked, assuming her most pleasant tone.

  The woman looked embarrassed for a moment before she waved a purple handkerchief between them. "You must be new to Lycaonia. I'm so used to everyone here knowing who I am. My name is Daphane Bowers, pleasure to meet you. I have to ask, are you related to that brilliant, handsome scientist working on a blood substitute in Noctem Falls?"

  "Pleasure," Elizabeth said, deliberately not answering the woman's question.

  After a few moments of silence Daphane spoke up. "Are you, dear?"

  "I'm sorry, there are many scientists working in Noctem Falls, which one were you referring to?" Elizabeth said, being as obtuse as possible. By drawing out this line of questioning she would make Daphane unintentionally highlight her true intentions. Elizabeth had played this game before.

  "Broderick Monroe, of course. His assistant, Caspian Rioux, is the vampire elder's younger brother," Daphane clarified.

  "Oh yes, you mean my father and his mate, Caspian. Yes, they are working on a blood substitute."

  "Oh? Are they mated? I thought Caspian was his assistant. His good looks would simply be wasted being mated to another man," Daphane sighed.

  Elizabeth smiled at the other ladies before turning to look at Daphane. "I didn't realize that the ruling houses in Lycaonia were so out of touch. That's just sad," she pouted then continued. "My fathers have been mated for over one hundred and fifty years, to think that you wouldn't know something that is common knowledge everywhere else is, well, forgive the term, but pathetic really." Elizabeth heard the tiniest of sounds and saw that Meryn's eyes were practically bugging out in the effort not to laugh.

  Just about that time Ryuu and Marius walked in carrying two trays. Ryuu immediately went to Meryn and poured her tea and set out the warmed honey for Felix while Marius set a tea service down in front of her. She saw that he was barely concealing a grin. When he straightened he gave a small bow. "Your tea, Lady Elizabeth."

  "Thank you Marius, I'm sure it will be perfect." She smirked up at him before he and Ryuu went to stand by the wall.

  Visibly agitated, Daphane sipped from her teacup. "Such relationships are subject to opinion," she said, her sweet tone slipping.

  Elizabeth turned to Daphane and widened her eyes taking on her most innocent of faces. "Whatever do you mean, Daphane?" she said, deliberately dropping the 'Lady' honorific. She saw Daphane flinch.

  "Surely not everyone in Noctem Falls believe in matings between men?"

  "Fate chooses our mates for us. Who are we to go against Fate?" Elizabeth asked.

  "That's exactly what I'm saying dear, that certain couples must be going against what Fate has planned for them," Daphane nodded to the other women in the room who looked on as the two of them continued to go back and forth.

  "So you're saying that my father and Caspian of the House of Rioux are too stupid to recognize that they aren't mates?" she asked keeping her tone even.

  "Of course not..." Daphane said.

  "Then you must be stating that Fate herself is in error. I have to say I am shocked. I never thought I would encounter such blasphemous opinions here in Lycaonia." Elizabeth clucked and sipped her tea.

  "I never knew Daphane felt that way."


  "Who knew?"

  The women around them murmured amongst themselves. Elizabeth didn't dare to look over at Daphane; instead she turned to Adelaide.

  "Lady McKenzie, I must say your home is one of the finest I have ever seen. My Uncle Magnus has such a sweet tooth, I know that he would be envious of this fantastic tea that you have served." Elizabeth held up her cup and took another sip.

  "Thank you, Elizabeth. I'm afraid that tea is one of my vices. My boys give it to me every year for Christmas. I could arrange for some to be sent to your uncle," Adelaide offered. Elizabeth knew that Adelaide offered out of genuine kindness and not as a way to garner favor. The rumors she had heard of this woman were true. She was a rare kind soul.

  "Thank you! If you could tell me where to purchase some I would like to send it home as a present this year. That man is so hard to shop for. I mean, what do you get someone who literally has everything?" Elizabeth gave an exaggerated sigh.

  "Lady Elizabeth, I don't mean to be a bother, but, well, is your father truly as handsome as they say?" Rosalind asked, blushing.

  "Oh my yes! Drat the man. Do you know how hard it was for me to find someone to date? None of the men who approached me even compared, that is, until Gavriel," she hid her smile in her teacup as gasps raced around the room.

  "Gavriel? Do you mean Gavriel Ambrosios?" a dark haired lady sitting to the right of Daphane asked.

  "Yes, Gavriel is my mate. I was claimed yesterday," she replied calmly as chaos broke out around her.

  "I can't believe it!"

  "Another warrior has mated!"

  "How romantic!"

  "That means that House Ambrosios and House Rioux are n
ow tied together," one woman whispered and everyone got quiet.

  Sugar.Honey.Iced.Tea! Note to self: Call father to let him know I've mated.

  "Adelaide you must have been mistaken. I could have sworn you said that Elizabeth was a new family member when you introduced her," Daphane said wiping her brow with her useless purple satin handkerchief.

  "Oh, she wasn't mistaken. I have adopted Meryn as my little sister. She is tied to House McKenzie, House Ambrosios and now House Rioux and is under my personal protection." Elizabeth looked Daphane in the eye as she spoke the last words. She watched as the woman paled. In the background they heard a tower bell chime.

  "I'm sorry to say that is all the time we have for today ladies," Adelaide said jumping to her feet. Instantly the ladies were standing and whispering to each other as they made their way out the door.

  "Meryn, excuse me for just a moment, I really need to call my father before one of these ladies leaks it out that I am now mated." Elizabeth stood and reached into her pocket and pulled out her wristlet. Meryn nodded.

  Marius stepped forward. "This way, Lady Elizabeth."

  "Thank you Marius," Elizabeth said and then followed the man down the hallway to an empty office. When Marius left closing the door behind him she pulled out her phone and called her father.

  "Hey pumpkin! I was hoping to hear from you today. Did you make it to Lycaonia in one piece?" her father asked as his way of answering the phone. Elizabeth felt tears prick at her eyes. She could just imagine her father smiling in the middle of his lab, her other father would be standing close to the phone listening in, both would be wearing lab coats, whatever experiment they had been working on forgotten in light of her phone call. She couldn't help the sniffle that emerged. So much had happened, she was suddenly very homesick.

  "Bethy? Baby? What is it? Are you hurt?" her father asked, sounding frantic, and no wonder. She hardly ever cried, not even when she had fallen out of that dratted office window.

  "Bethy is hurt? Where is she?" she heard her Uncle Magnus demand in the background.

  "Magnus hush she hasn't said anything yet." her other father, Caspian said.

  "I just miss you all so much." She felt her throat close. This wasn't like her at all; she was not an emotional person.

  "She's crying! She never cries! What has happened, darling?" her father demanded.

  "I'm okay really. I don't know what's come over me." She wiped her eyes.

  "Do you need us to come to you?" Caspian asked gently.

  "No, really I'm fine."

  "You're not fine. You didn't cry when you broke your arm, or your other arm or your leg or your nose or..." her father rattled off. She grinned and laughed between tears.

  "I'm mated," she said and then there was silence.

  "Papa? Daddy? Unky?" she called out using her childhood nickname for her uncle.

  "Has he hurt you? Is that why you're crying?" her uncle asked, his voice dangerously low.

  "No, he is the most wonderful gentleman I have ever met. I can't wait for you to meet him. He has completely stolen my heart," she gushed.

  "You're really mated," Caspian stated a catch in his voice.

  "Yes Papa, I am."

  "We've lost our baby girl," her father sniffled.

  "Oh Daddy!" She wiped her eyes again.

  "Boys you haven't lost anything, now buck up. Who is the lucky lad? A bear? A wolf?" Trust her uncle to defuse the situation.

  She shook her head even though they couldn't see her. "No, he's a vampire. Gavriel Ambrosios." She heard a gasp and then more silence.

  "That sneaky sonofabitch! That cradle robbing bastard!" her uncle exploded.


  "You don't know him, not like I do. Don't worry baby, I'll fix this." She could hear the steel in her uncle's voice.

  "Fix what exactly?" she asked putting her hand on her hip.

  "He's too old for you, baby," he started.

  "No. Now you listen to me Uncle. That man is my mate and he is just right for me, I won't give him up. Not even for you!" she practically shouted.

  "You've always been so damn stubborn!" he shouted back.

  "Where do you think I got it from?" she demanded. She didn't relax until she heard his chuckle.

  "From me. You get all your best traits from me," he bragged.

  "Hey!" she heard both of her fathers protest.

  "Okay, my princess, have it your way. But I'm still going to call him, just a little chitchat between men," her uncle promised.

  "Can you call in a few weeks? He's going through transition right now and not at his best."

  "What!" She heard three angry male voices yell.

  "Beth it's not safe. The older we become the harder our transitions get. Not even I know how old Gavriel is; he always goes into seclusion for his transition periods. Something important must be happening in Lycaonia for him to remain there through his transition," Magnus muttered. She heard his voice get louder then softer. She could just picture him pacing next to her fathers.

  "The threat they reported is real. Unit Commander Aiden McKenzie's new human mate was attacked last month. Gavriel wouldn't leave his commander now of all times," she explained.

  "You're telling me that you have mated to an ageless vampire going through what has to be a turbulent transition in a hostile city where even the Unit Commander's own mate has been attacked?" her Papa asked.

  "Yes, that is about right," she winced at the accuracy of the statement.

  "Only you. Only you could accidentally find yourself in this kind of situation," she heard her father murmur.

  "Do you need Sebastian? I could have him leave immediately," her uncle offered. For a moment she almost said yes. Sebastian was her uncle's squire and her lifelong ally.

  "No. You keep him close. I have a feeling this threat isn't just to Lycaonia. Stay alert," she warned.

  "What about you darling?" her Papa asked gently.

  "I've adopted the Unit Commander's young human mate, Meryn McKenzie as my little sister. She has welcomed me warmly. She has a squire of her own. It might interest you to know that Meryn's squire is Sei Ryuu." She waited for that to sink in.

  "A sister?"


  "You mean Sei Ryuu of Japan?" they all asked at once.

  "Yes, yes and yes. Uncle Magnus, you would love Meryn to pieces! She's so adorable and honest. She reminds me of you, except you've learned political tact. Whatever she thinks just pops out of her mouth. I've adopted her because she needs someone to show her how to survive living amongst the ruling houses. It's not as politically charged here in Lycaonia as it is in Noctem Falls, but eventually she will go to other cities and she'll need to be prepared. The fact that Sei Ryuu is her squire and that they have already bonded should tell you a lot about her."

  "What in the hell is coming?" her uncle growled.

  "Send us pictures, I want to see my new daughter," her Papa said, bringing a smile to her face.

  "I will."

  "Niece, the timing of all of this..."

  "I know. It's why I know I'm exactly where I belong and with exactly whom I'm meant to be."

  "If you need anything, anything at all..." her father offered.

  "I'll call you right away. I promise."

  "We love you honey bunny," her Papa teased using her dreaded nickname.

  "I love you all too. Take care of each other." She squeezed the phone as if she could send them a tight hug.

  "Call again, soon."

  "I will."

  "Bye darling."

  "Bye, Daddy." She hung up the call and held the phone to her chest.

  Taking a deep breath she stuck the phone back in her wristlet. When she opened the office door she practically ran into Ryuu. He stood leaning against the wall by the doorway his arms crossed over his chest.

  "I should have known you'd eavesdrop."

  "You haven't been with us long; I had to make sure of your intentions. I apologize for the breech of privacy." He placed
a hand over his heart and bowed.

  "It actually worked out for the best, I'd rather get this taken care of behind the scenes so we don't worry Meryn," she admitted.

  "You see it too?" he asked.

  "What? The improbable number of coincidences that have happened lately? Fate seems to be doing her level best to gather strong allies around the McKenzie and his new mate. I'm almost afraid to find out what threat warrants such direct intervention."

  Ryuu nodded and looked past her down the hallway. Meryn's laughter echoed towards them. "I've never met anyone like her in all my days. She isn't motivated by greed or power. She doesn't judge people by their race or position. She's very special." He turned his heavy gaze to her.

  "You mean she's motivated by coffee and nerd gear and judges people solely on whether or not they're an asshole?" Elizabeth grinned.

  "Exactly." A smile tugged at his mouth.

  "She's so young. I don't think she'll be ready for whatever is coming."

  "That is why she has us." Ryuu raised an eyebrow as if daring her to disagree.

  "I'll do what I can with the time we have. How do we get her to listen? She isn't the most tractable person," Elizabeth huffed.

  Ryuu gave a sly smile. "She is, if you know what to say." He winked and indicated for her to follow him.

  He led her down the hallway back to the drawing room. When they entered Meryn jumped to her feet and raced over to throw her arms around her waist.

  "You were awesome! Oh my gosh, when you said she was pathetic I wanted to do a fist pump. That woman has been an absolute beast to me. It's only a matter of time before I throat punch her." Meryn grinned up at her. Elizabeth turned to Ryuu as if to say, 'see what I mean'?"

  Ryuu stepped forward. "Meryn, listen carefully. Elizabeth is not only your new sister, she will also be your Yoda. She will teach you and guide you in the ways of using the force, so that you will master paranormal politics. Learn well, young padawan." He clapped a hand on Meryn's shoulder.

  When Meryn turned to her, there was reverence in her eyes. "I will try hard Master Yoda."

  When Elizabeth glanced back to Ryuu he smirked at her and went to pour them a fresh cup of tea. The man was a master at Meryn manipulation. How extraordinary.


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