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Unexpected: A Love Story

Page 5

by J. Nichole

  He grabbed the hem of my dress, around my knee, then looked beside us in the shopping center. “Good point.” He walked a few doors down and led us into a boutique. “Let’s find you some appropriate riding gear.” I laughed because a boutique in this area probably didn’t have anything I could pull over my hips.

  After searching through the racks I finally huffed, “I don’t think any of this will work. How about we save the bike for next time, and I drive.”

  He stood close, looking down his nose into my eyes. “Next time?” I nodded as I inhaled his scent—fresh, citrus—that reminded me of the Violetta I grew to love. His finger brushed down my arm—“Long sleeves”—then down my thigh— “and jeans.” My toes wriggled and his eyes landed on them—“and of course closed toe shoes.”

  Before I could get caught up in the moment, his hand was wrapped around mine again and we were walking out of the boutique.

  Chapter 7

  I stepped into my jeans and as I buttoned them, I laughed at myself. It took a week of texts, phone calls, and a mid-week visit to convince me riding the bike wouldn’t be detrimental to my well being. My hair was loose, and as I swept the brush across it into a ponytail, I was close to backing out, until I heard a knock at my front door.

  Nick offered a quick ride around the block to get me comfortable for a longer ride, and when I opened the door he held out a helmet. “You ready for this?” I took in his rugged look with black jeans and a fitted tee, covered with a leather jacket. I was ready for a ride, but it wasn’t on the back of a bike.

  “Ugh, yeah.” I waved him inside. “Let me grab my bag.” I had found a cross-body bag deep in my closet to hold a few necessities. I pulled it over my head and looked around my house to be sure I wasn’t forgetting anything. “Ready.” I walked towards the door and Nick reached for my hand, I gladly gave it to him.

  Our last date ended with a batch of cookies from Milk & Cookies, and a sensual kiss that led to me having the best night’s sleep, and dreams of Nick. The subject of sex was not approached, but since then he had been sending me innuendos about our kiss in texts.

  I was surprised when it was him who pulled away from the kiss first. Had it been up to me we would have ended the date tangled in my sheets. I didn’t want to be the one who offered first, after all, he seemed to have staying power. So I let our kiss end.

  “I’ll get on first, and you’ll climb on after me.” He checked my helmet making sure it was snug before throwing his leg over the bike. With his helmet on and his face guard raised he said, “Your turn.” Gahtdamb. I bit my lip and climbed behind him. My cooch was so close to his ass, he could probably feel it throbbing.

  The engine roared, and I wrapped my arms around his waist clasping my hands together. “Dear God, please protect me,” I whispered into his curved back. He checked the oncoming traffic, and we were off. Not fast at first, he navigated down my street, and carefully turned a couple of corners.

  After circling my block a few times, he pulled back into his spot, turning off the engine and steadying the bike. “How was it?” he asked over his shoulder.

  The proximity to him overwhelmed my sex drive and the speed vibrated against my pussy. I think riding on the back of his bike could easily replace Mr. Wonderful. I sat motionless, ready for a post-cum nap, when he nudged my knee. “You alright back there? Not in shock are you?”

  “That was almost as amazing as sex,” I blurted. His eyes bucked and his mouth fell open. “I could ride around this block a few more times.”

  “Let’s take it a little faster.” His voice was throaty. “A little further.” I leaned forward into his back again, my arms wrapped around his waist, hands clasped, ready for the ride. He took the turn onto the main street and as soon as the light turned green he sped away. He kept it simple at first, letting cars pass us by, but as soon as we were out of the traffic he picked up speed and maneuvered between cars as I tightened my grip.

  The Tower Bridge was in sight and my heartbeat quickened. Crossing the bridge on a motorcycle was testing my courage. I couldn’t even watch the river as we rode over. I clenched my eyes tight and held my breath. On the other side, we pulled up to a riverfront restaurant, and I felt I could finally release the breath I was holding.

  “Look at you, Ruff Ryder,” he joked as he secured the bike and our helmets. “Before you’re done with me you’ll want one of your own.”

  He had yet to meet my mama. She would kill me if she even knew I was on the back of a bike, let alone driving a bike. But I didn’t want to scare him at the mention of my mama. The truth was, it was way too early to be meeting parents and shit. “I’m sure the best ride is from the back.” My eyes bulged when I heard the words leave my mouth. “Damn,” I said, “I wasn’t even trying to imply anything.”

  His arms wrapped around me and he planted a soft kiss to my forehead. “Beautiful mind.” And another kiss. “Dirty mind, but simply beautiful.” We walked into the restaurant hand in hand, and after being sat at a table overlooking the river he said, “My Sundays used to be uneventful. Now I know why people say Sunday Funday.”

  “Is that right?” I asked chuckling. The truth was that my day was much more fun with him, too. It made my Saturdays hell though. But that bike ride, sitting across from him, those forehead kisses, yeah they were worth it. They were definitely worth it.

  Nick nodded his head, his smile faded though. “I kinda wish we could spend time together throughout the week.” I became uneasy thinking about what that meant. Would he understand when I couldn’t be more available? “But I get it. You have to do what you have to do.”

  My shoulders eased and I tried to make him feel better. “We have Sundays, our texts, and our late night phone calls.” I winked at him.

  Our meals arrived and I finally took a sip of the brew he suggested. “You know I went to an HBCU for undergrad, right?” With the neck of the beer at my lips I stalled. “Beer wasn’t our thing.”

  He reached his bottle across the table and clinked mine. “Drink up, baby.” And drink up I did. It didn’t taste like hot piss as I had expected. It was more like an undesired cider, but when I slipped the crab meat in behind it I licked my lips.

  “Monica, the way you eat is a pleasure in and of itself. If I order you an entire menu, you’d know why.” He was leaned over the bucket of crab legs, and I was working over the crab leg in my hand.

  “But don’t be offended if over half of it stays on the table.” I looked to my hips. “These jeans already have zero space.”

  And the lustful look he gave me after licking his tongue across his lips almost made me drop the crab leg. “Yeah, and that’s a bonus.” He looked at the tables beside us and lowered his voice to say, “I felt that camel toe during the entire ride.”

  Neither of us would make it out of that restaurant unfazed. If he was feeling what I was feeling between my legs, between his, we were damned. That beer was the only thing that could cool me down, and I gulped it like my life depended on it. The left side of Nick’s mouth turned up. “Is your evening free?” I nodded my head as my nipples hardened against my bra. Thankfully, my loose shirt disguised them.

  “Can I take you back to my place when we finish?” I dropped the crab leg I was reaching for back into the bucket.

  I leaned back from the table and said, “Never have I ever gotten full that quick from crab legs. Ready to go?”

  Nick guffawed. When his laughter subsided, he motioned the server over to our table and asked, “Can we have a box and the check?” He wiped the crab juice from his hands. He turned his gaze to me and said, “I plan to work up that appetite.” And I was ready for it all.

  “Need a drink?” he asked from his kitchen. I shook my head as I stood in his living room taking in his decor. The industrial loft was masculine with dark leather furniture; the large open windows brought in enough sunshine to keep the apartment lit.

  Music started playing through speakers above my head. I listened carefully for lyrics that never came,
and then he was behind me, planting a kiss to my neck. A shiver went up my spine as he kissed behind my ear. In that sensitive spot, he licked his tongue.

  My hands were to my side, but his roamed my stomach to my breast. He slowly rubbed circles around my hardened nipples and my head relaxed on his chest. My doubts of him being able to lift me were squashed when Nick came around and lifted me over his shoulder all while I giggled like a young school girl being tickled.

  He carried me to his bed on the opposite side of the room, and laid me carefully onto my back then removed my shoes. He tugged his shirt over his head, and I wondered why I ever liked big guys. ‘Cause those ripples in his stomach made me sit up and rub my hand across them.

  A single finger grazed the edge of my face, and he said, “Lay back, baby.” As I did he unbuttoned my pants, tugging them down my legs revealing my nub that hadn’t stopped throbbing since our bike ride to the restaurant. She was ready. She hadn’t had an outside touch in years.

  He slid my panties down throwing them to the floor. And when his mouth covered my cooch my legs began to flop. He pinned each of them down and I moaned, “Niiiiccck.” I bit my tongue because I didn’t know if his neighbors could hear us, and if any kids were around they didn’t need to be exposed to the ecstasy next door.

  Licks flooded my senses, sucks blurred my vision, and intermittent finger flicks stuttered my moans. But when he dipped his tongue deep inside, my lower body was paralyzed.

  I heard the rip of a condom wrapper, and the girl was ready again. She was being greedy. I didn’t blame her, the drought was long and could return, had to sip while you had the water.

  Nick laid on top of me, kissing my collar bone and licking the bottom side of my chin. Inch by glorious inch he slid inside of me and I felt full. His stroke started like our bike ride, slowly, carefully turning corners. My hands grabbed his back gripping at his shoulders, holding on to be sure I didn’t crash.

  I wasn’t ready for the transition to the main street, he maneuvered my pussy like he did the traffic. In and out, fast then slow. “Shit,” he whispered against my ear grabbing the lobe between his teeth.

  And when he reached his destination, we arrived together. Both of us breathing deeply. He walked across the floor to his bathroom and my eyes drifted shut. I felt his head beside mine, and he said, “Sunday Fucking Funday.”

  Chapter 8

  The patient in room six was one of the oldest pediatric patients I had seen since being at the clinic. She was a senior in high school, and presented with severe cramping. When I entered the room, I could hear her soft groans. “Hello, Lydia,” I said, looking to her as she could barely respond. “Can you tell me about your pains?”

  Lydia could barely breathe, and tears streamed down her face as she said, “I’ve been cramping really bad for a couple of days.” I asked if I could examine her stomach, and she agreed. I placed my hands down feeling for abnormalities, following her groans for areas that were most tender.

  She answered a series of questions about her menstruation, and when she responded that her last period was outside of her normally occurring cycle I looked to her and asked, “I have a series of questions I’ll need to ask next.” My gaze turned to her mother who leaned forward listening to every word. “Before I proceed I want to ask if you’d prefer your mother be present,” I asked Lydia.

  As both of them caught what I was saying they exchanged looks and Lydia sighed before her mother volunteered to step out of the room. “You said the date of your last cycle was February thirteenth?” She nodded her head. I looked on my iPad and scrolled through her prescribed medications. “Are you sexually active?” She sat silent with no response other than her groans.

  I sent Lydia for urine and blood tests, and I imagined how her mother was feeling on that ride home. Knowing that her eighteen-year-old daughter, about to graduate from high school, would be a mother soon after. My mood dampened but I remembered I too needed to have a visit with my obstetrician to talk about birth control methods.

  As I scheduled a visit from my phone, I saw a text from Nick. They came faithfully, morning, mid-day, and evening. Sadly, I hardly was able to respond, timely. Because it was mid-week, and he worked late and I’d likely be nearing bed time when he got off, we’d be left to a phone call that would end in whispered references to my pussy or his dick game.

  For me, Sunday Funday was enough, because it was more than I was getting before we met. But for Nick, he wanted to see me more through the week. He even said he’d settle for sleeping next to me. We both knew that to be a lie, at least I did. Just sleeping next to him? Knowing he could lick me up and dick me down, would be hard to ignore.

  Today was his lucky day though; my mood needed a pick-me-up that Mr. Wonderful couldn’t deliver on.

  Monica: Come over after work?

  Nick: Absolutely.

  My grin spread and caught Jillian’s attention from across the room. “Look at that smile, do tell,” she said as she spun around in her seat to face me totally.

  I hadn’t shared the news of Nick with anyone yet. Jillian and I weren’t the best of friends, but I didn’t see any harm in letting her know I’d met someone. “We’ve gone out on a few dates,” I said after hunching my shoulders. When she asked if I liked him I said, “I do. Just not sure how far things will go.”

  Jillian opened her arms wide and said, “Well if you like really like him, just talk to him about it.” My eyebrows knitted together. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

  I held onto that thought for the remainder of the day. By the time my nightly studying was done I was worn out. My first thought was to dress up in sexy lingerie, so I could be laid out on the bed with my come hither look, but I pulled out a black panty set from the bottom of my drawer and the panties would barely fit one ass cheek.

  Then the t-shirt and panties look seemed like my next best option, so I pulled on my cutest pair of cotton panties and an oversized tee and looked in the mirror. It would have to do.

  When my phone buzzed I turned over and opened my eyes. As hard as I tried to act like I hadn’t fallen asleep, I failed miserably. The visible sleep lines when I looked in the mirror were a dead giveaway. I eased my way to the door and when I opened it, Nick looked equally tired. I actually thought we would just lay next to each other. “Come in,” I whispered, my voice sounding groggy after my brief nap.

  He brought a bag, and I was glad he planned to stay the night and not dip off after a couple of hours. We didn’t exchange many pleasantries as I led him to my bedroom, and I showed him to the bathroom hoping he’d hop in the shower. While he did, I rested comfortably between the sheets waiting for him.

  The warmth of his body tucked behind mine, and his arm draped casually over my belly. “Goodnight,” he whispered before I heard his light snores that led me into dreamland myself.

  I stirred in the middle of the night when I felt his hand begin to caress my body. My eyes remained shut, but my body was fully awake. Each light touch of his hand to my back, and feather light touch of his fingers to my ass had my hairs standing on edge. When he felt me stir he grabbed a whole handful of my ass and kissed my neck.

  My insides leaped for joy as I waited for what was next. Hoped for what was next, but it didn’t come. Not yet. “Tell me what was on your mind when you asked me to come over.”

  My eyes remained closed and my back stayed turned to him. “It was a patient. An eighteen-year-old girl with stomach pains. Turns out she was pregnant.”

  “Damn, sorry to hear that.” He hugged me closer to his body.

  I continued, “She was one of my oldest pediatric patients, and first with an OB related issue. I want to end up in obstetrics, after today though, not sure if I’d enjoy it as much.”

  “I see.” He kissed the back of my neck, gently. “And me?”

  Jillian’s words replayed in my memory. And I thought about how he could react to me really liking him. I bit my lip and instead of telling him, I said, “Was hoping some o
f this”—I reached for his dick that was already stiffening— “could cheer me up.”

  His dick jumped in my hand. “Lucky for you—”

  Before he could finish I snaked my way between the sheets and took his dick into my mouth. I heard his intake of breath when the moisture of my mouth started to work over his shaft.

  It had been years since I put my mouth to work, and I was a little rusty at first. Like riding a bicycle, it didn’t take long for me to be on my game. I worked in my hand where my mouth couldn’t reach. The tip was tickled with my tongue, and his balls fondled by my hands. His hips lunged forward as my head bent down. We worked in a rhythmic fashion, back and forth, up and down. Till he grabbed onto my shoulder, stilling my movement. “Hold on,” he grunted. “I want to be inside of you.”

  I climbed from between his legs and to the side of him as he stood, grabbing a condom, and sheathing himself before he grabbed me by the ankles dragging me to the edge of the bed. He pulled my panties down and my legs to his shoulders in one fell swoop. And I thought his slim ass wouldn’t be able to handle me. Psshhh.

  When he said he wanted to be inside of me, he wasn’t lying. He was balls deep, and stroking me with the rhythm we created for the two of us. I met his strokes with my hips thrusting forward. My orgasm was building and I could feel the sensation in my limbs, down to my toes and fingertips. “Cum with me,” he said, and as he did my body released.

  “Sweet. Baby. Jesus.” My legs collapsed onto the bed and he laid beside me. His hand cupped my chin and his green eyes stared into mine.

  “Whenever you need me.” He kissed my forehead. “I’m here.” And just like that the family pack of batteries was unnecessary. Mr. Wonderful could finally retire.

  “Wish we could just lay in bed all day.” I looked at him lazily. I still had a couple of hours before I needed to wake for work, but I knew all day lounging around with Nick wasn’t possible.

  “What’s stopping you?” he asked. “Do you get vacation days with your rotations?” I don’t get paid with my rotations let alone get a vacation day. I laughed and shook my head. “And I thought I had it bad.” My peds rotation was coming to an end soon, and I’d be moving onto my last rotation before my summer research. Taking a day now would be horrible timing.


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