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Unexpected: A Love Story

Page 6

by J. Nichole

  I sighed. “It’s hard out here for a med student.”

  His finger slid down my nose tapping the point. “Too bad.” He wrapped his arm around me and readjusted us in the bed. I laid my head on his chest and listened to him breathe as I drifted back to sleep.

  My alarm blared but Nick didn’t move. I slipped from the bed and into the bathroom keeping my morning routine quiet to not wake him. I squinted as I walked around the bathroom, my body sore from my new yoga-like routine. The hot water steamed the shower and eased the tension in my muscles, it cleared the remnants of my bridge pose from my cooch.

  With my towel wrapped around my naked body I slid to my closet, pulling out my slacks and blouse for the day. My morning routine was quick, I didn’t put too much effort into my bun or my bare face. This morning was slower than usual though. I was moving in the dark to stop from disturbing Nick. He could let himself out after he woke.

  Breakfast usually consisted of a cold bowl of cereal and a steaming cup of coffee. I stopped walking when I heard a fork against a pot in my kitchen. I looked back to the bedroom and then back to the kitchen and a bare chested Nick cooking. “Good morning,” he said without turning.

  “Good morning.” I sat at my counter and watched him work. “Had I known you were awake I wouldn’t have been sneaking around in the dark.” I smelled meat, which I didn’t know what it was ‘cause I had no breakfast meat in the fridge, and eggs. “I was going to let you sleep in.”

  “And just slip out like a booty call?” I laughed, hard. It was my house, how would I be slipping out? “Thought you could eat a decent breakfast before you left for the day since you couldn’t spend the day lounging around with me.” He handed me a plate and asked how much cream I wanted in my coffee.

  I stared at the plate in front of me and my childhood dream of being a doctor now sounded like a farce. I could definitely fill the role of a kept woman. Nick cleared his throat, he had one hand on the mug and the other on the creamer. “Two teaspoons.” I took a mouthful of my eggs. “Thank you,” I said after I chewed. “Joining me?”

  He shook his head and I felt my lips turning into a pout. “Now that’s cute.” He touted. “But I was going to get dressed so I could leave out with you. Sleeping in isn’t as fun in an empty bed.” He left me alone to wrap up my breakfast.

  The coffee was almost unnecessary, even after my early morning awakening. I had an unusual energy. I was neither an early bird nor night owl, my energy typically kicked in mid-day. But today, I was ready to catch a damn worm.

  I drained my mug, just in case something changed. The dishes were all clean and it was time for me to head out. Nick hadn’t reappeared from my bedroom yet. “Hey Nick,” I called out from the kitchen. I walked towards the bedroom and I bumped into his chest, no longer bare. My eyes roamed his body and looked into his eyes. “Time for me to head out.”

  He dropped his duffel bag beside us and wrapped his arm around me pulling me into him. His other hand tipped my chin up and he kissed me, his tongue darting into my mouth before his lips pecked mine. “Happy Thursday.”

  Nick walked me to my car and dropped another peck to my lips before he smacked my ass. I climbed into my car and drove off a happy woman. My joy was bubbling over, and I had to share it with someone. It was time to tell the girls.

  I ventured out to call them, a text couldn’t fully suffice for the retirement of Mr. Wonderful. Especially after his years of service. Jennifer answered the phone, and asked, “Everything okay?” I assured her all was well but told her to get the ladies on the line.

  She dialed them into the call, and after we exchanged greetings I announced, “Just had to call y’all and tell you Mr. Wonderful is being retired.” Jennifer and Nicole gasped but Laila was left clueless. I chuckled after her questions were way off. “Girl, my vibrator,” I told her.

  “Whoa,” Laila said. “That’s huge. What’s going on in Cali early on a Thursday morning?”

  “You finally got that fine ass Dr. Slater to bend you over the exam room table?” Nicole asked. I had shared pictures of him, and she made it her business to ask about him whenever we spoke.

  They joked about the many different ways Dr. Slater could examine my body, around the clinic, using different medical equipment, but as I neared the office I said, “Y’all ain’t shit. You know that man’s married. Anyway, I met a guy at a bar and we’ve been chilling for a few weeks now. Last night I called him over for a late night booty call.”

  Nicole interrupted and asked, “Y’all been chilling for a few weeks and you just now got some booty?”

  I shook my head, even months from marriage she was still all about sex. “No, but he stayed last night and made me breakfast this morning.”

  They all hooped and hollered, and Laila said, “I’m glad you finally found someone to get you out of your head. Girl, I was starting to think we just had to settle for a mechanical fourth brother-in-law.” We all shared in more laughs before I promised to keep them updated on our progress as I walked into the clinic with my head held high, a new pep in my step.

  Chapter 9

  I looked over the desk at the room full of women, and I was pleased as I entered my notes for my last patient. The physicians at this clinic were all women, and it brought a sense of empowerment. I missed having Dr. Slater to ogle all day. Without his sexy smile, my days seemed extremely long.

  As the start of all my previous rotations, there was a learning curve. New procedures, new names, differing symptoms and diagnoses. By the end of the day, I hardly had time to study for my cert or chill with Nick. I even had to bring Mr. Wonderful back from retirement. The first night I did, it took longer than it was worth to cum. I had to face it, Nick had that magic, as India.Arie would say.

  My body had become accustomed to the real thing, and I wished I had the energy to see Nick more often. Thankfully, the clinic was closed for the holiday, giving me a three-day weekend.

  I grabbed my phone to text him, hoping he didn’t have plans yet.

  Monica: You & me, together on Monday?

  I held my breath as I awaited his response. But before a text appeared, my phone rang. I contemplated not answering but thought surely he couldn’t need anything serious, so I answered, “Hey, Jackson.”

  The phone was on my shoulder and I mouthed goodnight to the receptionist as I walked out of the clinic. “Monica,” his voice sounded calm. “I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time. I’ll be up in your area for the weekend, and wanted to know if you’d like to hit your favorite Thai spot.”

  As much as I liked free food, going out with Jackson on another date would be unbearable. “Ugh,” I added for dramatics. “Thanks for the offer but I’m busy this weekend.”

  “All weekend?” For Jackson, I’d be busy for the rest of my life. I agreed and he whined, “Are you ditching a good time for your books?” He considered our time together a good time? Comical. “If so, we could study together.” It’s true he could help me with my studying, especially since I retained more information when I did group study.

  I sighed, and said, “Not completely for my books.” I lied, but he didn’t have to know I hadn’t confirmed my date with my sex buddy.

  “Are you the second L.U. grad to break my heart?” He chuckled. “It’s cool, if you find some time give me a call.” We hung up and I drove across town hoping by the time I made it home I’d have no reason to call Jackson to take him up on that free dinner.

  Before I could get through my door, my phone rang again, and I answered it haphazardly as I tried to get my key out of the lock. “Hello,” I said with a terse voice.

  “Hey, you good?” Nicole said with laughter rising up. “Don’t tell me I caught you in a middie.”

  I don’t know how I was the only one who didn’t know or participate in middies. I threw my keys on the counter and said, “If I was I don’t think I would have answered the phone,” I said matter-of-factly.

  “You’re right. You should call Nick, and get one in. You sou
nd all types of tense right now.” I sat on my couch pulling out my books and folders, flipping to the last page I read before going to my room to change out of my clothes.

  I moved the phone from my face and blew out a breath before I asked, “Better?”

  “Naw. But worry about that later. We’re all meeting here in a couple of weeks for our final fitting. You can make it, right?” I didn’t forget about the final fitting but buying a plane ticket definitely never happened. I wanted to avoid scaring the bride so I just mumbled my response. This ticket was going to be sky high, and that’s not the only ticket or money I’d have to spend for her wedding activities. Shit was getting expensive to be a friend of a bride, let alone multiple brides.

  If, and when, I ever got married I’d either exact revenge on these bitches or elope to avoid the nonsense of a big wedding. “How could I forget, Nicole?” Laila, who is bored at home with baby Brooklyn, has sent multiple group texts and emails to remind me. I’m sure she even marked it on my calendar, but I have to let Laila know that all was pointless because I still failed to buy a damn ticket.

  “Good, I can’t wait to see your ass. You know the other two are prudes and refuse to give me the deets on their sexual exploitations.” She giggled. “I’m counting on you to come through with all the tea.”

  “And how’d Bryan feel about his wife listening to all this?” I had to continuously remind her she was getting married soon.

  She huffed into the phone and reminded me that they get down like that. “Y’all both some freaks. I can only imagine y’alls browser cache, probably full of all types of porno sites.” I laughed, imagining opening her computer. “Y’all probably get titties and dicks popping up while y’all try to work, huh?”

  We both shared a laugh before I had to end the call and search for a plane ticket. “Alright chick, see you in a couple of weeks,” she said.

  It didn’t take long to find my flight, California to Atlanta, but I almost cried having to purchase the six hundred dollar ticket. The bank account of a medical student was bleak, and mine was crying right along with me.

  Finally, I was able to start studying. I put my phone on Do Not Disturb without a response back from Nick. I had to focus hard on my notes because I was tempted to check my phone every few minutes. If Nicole was looking for sex stories, I’d need something to give her.

  Hours into studying and I had my groove, I finished what I had scheduled plus the review of the obstetrics procedures for the following day. I used to think that looking at cooch all day wouldn’t bother me, till I realized not everyone cherished their prize possession as I did. In the weeks at the new rotation I’ve seen some of the nastiest shit, and the smells... dear God.

  The thought of those smells led me right to the shower to take care of my own business. After some love and affection for my treasure box, I laid in the bed with my phone and the text from Nick.

  Nick: But it’s only Wednesday.

  Nick: Can you wait till then?

  If I was being honest with myself, nope, I couldn’t wait. I was starting to miss Nick, not just the eggplant emoji and splash he sent with the last text. But as my eyelids became heavy I knew why I couldn’t see him before then, my body was protesting my heart, my mind was on block mode.

  I put my phone on the nightstand so I wouldn’t respond how I wanted, needed. My response could wait till morning.

  A cup of coffee into the morning and I was still dragging. It was the most Monday feeling Thursday I had in a while. Before I started my car I just sat and stared at my apartment complex.

  It was a perfect time to respond to Nick. And I thought carefully about how I could respond. I wanted him to know I wanted that dick, but I was still having a hard time not telling him too soon that I just wanted him.

  Monica: I can’t.

  I attached a meme of a girl pouting.

  Monica: I’ll be studying till then though.

  Medical school not only made me broke, but also lame.

  Nick: For a child genius you sure do study a lot. Monday it is, but bright and early and all day.

  I promised that we could meet bright and early, and spend the entire day and night together. My coffee finally kicked in and I was ready to take on whatever level of nasty cooch the universe sent me that day.

  I set my alarm for five a.m. Monday morning, and when it started blaring I rolled over and slapped it like it had talked about my mama. Waking up that early seemed appropriate before I set out to stay up till midnight studying. Nick would be pulling up in an hour, and I had no time to snooze.

  When I heard a knock at my door it startled me. I looked around my room for something to knock a dude out, if he tried me, and grabbed a metal book end before walking to the door. I looked out the peep hole then to the clock. I opened the door wide enough for him to see my book end.

  “Had you been anyone else, you may have gotten clocked.” He looked down to my hand and laughed. He came into the house and dropped a duffle bag and groceries on the floor before he wrapped his arms around me.

  “Thought this day would be better if we started with dessert.” He hummed in my ear. I peeked into the grocery bag beside us and he grabbed a handful of my ass and said, “It’s not in that bag.”

  With both hands wrapped around my thighs he hoisted me into the air and carried me to my bedroom. My sheets were still ruffled and he placed me into them, leaving me to undress himself. “If we only have nineteen hours, I need every bit of you.” My pussy needed no convincing, she was already on full alert.

  He was down to his boxers and laid in the bed beside me with his arm wrapped around my waist, and then he rolled me on top of him. “I’ve always wanted to start with dessert first,” I said looking into his green eyes. “Just thought I wouldn’t ever make it to the main course.” I leaned down and kissed his jaw, outlining his beard.

  My body relaxed and we melded, kissing and touching until he slid on a condom and entered me lazily. Our bodies pushed and pulled, took what we each needed. Giving exactly what the other wanted. Until my body tensed, and he whispered, “Wait for me.” And I did. I laid my head on his shoulder and rode his dick till his body met me causing us both to shudder.

  “See what I mean?” I yawned. “Too full for the entree.” He pecked my lips and pulled the covers over us.

  As we laid side by side, wrapped between each other’s legs and arms, he said, “Don’t worry, you’ll get hungry again.”

  Boy was he right, my eyes sprung open hours later when my stomach grumbled. Nick was still asleep, but that was perfect. It was time for that meal I owed him, hot off the oven. I made my way to the kitchen and pulled out my bowls, pots, and pans.

  Saturday I stocked my kitchen with ingredients, and had just what I needed for homemade biscuits and gravy, eggs, and bacon. Yeah, my ass was ready to be on wifey status. Damn friends becoming brides thinking they were leaving me behind, pssh, I thought as I danced around the kitchen singing and cooking. I was in my happy place.

  I bent down to check the biscuits in the oven and as my ass was in the air I felt a hard smack that damn near sent me flying into the oven. I stood up and yelled, “Damn, Nick. Trying to kill me?”

  He laughed and shook his head. “My bad, that ass was just sitting there looking all sexy. I couldn’t help myself.” He hugged me and apologized. “I smelled food burning.” He looked around at the mess I had made of my small kitchen. “What’re you cooking?”

  I smiled and gave him the run down of our breakfast and he walked out of the kitchen. When he returned he had his grocery bag from earlier in the morning. “Guess we don’t need these pastries.” With my lips tight I shook my head. “We’ll save them for later,” he said adding them to the counter.

  I told him to get out of my kitchen as I finished the gravy. “Go find us a movie to watch.”

  The plates were set at the counter, orange juice freshly poured. “Breakfast is served,” I said over my shoulder.

  “Thank you.” He grabbed my hand
and kissed my knuckles. “Have you watched Secrets?” He described the movie that sounded like a psychological thriller and I was all for it.

  “Nope, as long as you don’t mind my dramatics as we watch, let’s do it.” He looked at me with his eyes wide. If he had any thoughts about me before, those would surely evolve today. A full day with me was sure to divulge my quirks. “How’s the food?” I asked before sipping my juice.

  “You didn’t have to shame me like this.” I looked from him to the plate. “Made my breakfast look amateur.” I laughed. I had something to prove with that breakfast dammit.

  He offered to clean the kitchen while I showered. I would have preferred for him to join me, but we had all day for that. I grabbed a blanket from my room and met Nick on the couch. I snuggled into his side and he warned, “Don’t fall asleep on me.”

  “Dicked down, full belly, cuddling.” I looked up to him as he started the movie. “There’s no way I can fall asleep.” He shook his head and kissed me.

  Our day was as perfect as perfect could get. We watched countless movies, napped together, snacked, and fondled each other till it was time for dinner. Nick offered to take me to a nice restaurant but I insisted we stay inside and order take-out.

  Sitting beside each other again, he placed his fork on his plate. “Monica,” he said. His voice sounded serious and I was worried when I turned to him. “Can I tell you something?” If this negro was about to tell me he had a girlfriend...

  His face lacked expression, but I nodded despite my fear of being let down. “I really like you.” That surprised me. I placed my fork down ‘cause he didn’t look like he was finished and I wanted to hear everything that followed that statement. “If I could bottle this day up and sprinkle it throughout the week I would.” I understood. We both deserved more of those days, hell if more people had days like those we’d probably end world wars.


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