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Havoc: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 12

by Grayson, Alivia

  I am so proud of Zena right now! She worked hard for this, and I couldn’t be happier.

  Zena pulls away from me. “I get all the medical benefits for both myself and Claire. God, you have no idea how big of a weight has been lifted off my shoulders by that alone. That’s not the best part though, Wynter,”

  I can’t help smiling at how happy Zena is right now. “What’s the best part?”

  “Dr. Van Drew owns a three-story apartment block. He rents most of the units out to his staff. He told me that you’d explained my situation,” It wasn’t my story to tell, but I didn’t feel I had a choice. “Then he said that he has a two-bedroom apartment available that he’s willing to rent out to me,”

  My eyes widen, and I think the smile on my face is stuck.

  “Dr. Van Drew said that the apartment is fully furnished. All I would need to do is get new mattresses for the beds, my own bedding, and a few personal bits and pieces. Nova said she’d help with all of that.”

  Nova told me before I started this job that anyone who leaves here for their new home will leave with a grant. Second Chance House gives it’s leavers money to buy furniture, clothes, food, etc. It’s not a great deal of money, but enough to get people started.

  I take Zena’s hand in mine. “I am so proud of you, Zena.”

  “I couldn’t have done this without you, Wynter.”

  I smile because she has no idea how wrong she is. I’ll admit that having a friend rooting for you always gives you more confidence. However, I know that Zena would have pulled herself out of the hole she found herself in eventually. “When do you move in?”

  Zena routes through her purse and pulls out a set of keys. She holds them up for me to see. “Right now. As soon as I signed the contracts for work, I signed a housing agreement. I couldn’t say no because I won’t even have to worry about paying rent,”

  I narrow my eyes. “You don’t have to pay rent?” That sounds a little too good to be true. Havoc always says that if it seems too good to be true, then it is.

  Zena laughs. “The apartment comes with the job. As long as I work my hours, I get to keep my new home.”

  “I can’t believe how lucky you are right now.”

  “I know!” Zena squeals again and hugs me tightly. I can’t help laughing. Zena has every right to be happy right now. It’s about time something good came along for this woman.

  “Now, all we need to do is get Claire into a good school.”

  Zena nods in agreement. “I have three days before my job starts to find a school for Claire. I’m going to pack my things now. Once I’m packed, Nova will call someone to take Claire and me over to the apartment.”

  “I can take you,”

  “No,” She shakes her head. “You’ve done so much for us already. I know you’d gladly take us over there, but you get back to your husband.”

  I would have liked to take them over to their new home. However, if Zena would rather someone else do that, then I can’t argue with her.

  “You will keep in touch, won’t you?” I feel like we’ve become close in the short time we’ve known each other. I’d hate for her to walk away today, and I never see her again.

  “You bet I will. We’ll meet for coffee, and lunch sometimes. Plus, you have to come see our new place!”

  “I’d love that,”

  “Friends for life, you and I,”

  “You bet we are.” I laugh, and we hug again. This time, Claire rushes toward us, and we all dance around, having fun and laughing.

  In those moments with Zena and Claire, I forget everything. There is no horrible past flooding my mind, and there are no thoughts of men chasing me. The only thing on my mind is that my new friend has a bright future ahead of her. Nothing is going to spoil that.

  Chapter Twelve


  “I’m telling you, Havoc, it was Wynter. I saw them with my own eyes.”

  I fold my arms around my chest and stare at Jethro. I’m fighting the urge to smash his teeth down his throat. Jethro came to me ten minutes ago and told me how he’d seen Wynter in Mirror Creek, thirty-five minutes away from Bardsville. I told Jethro that he was mistaken, Wynter would have told me if she planned to go anywhere as far as Mirror Creek. Wynter doesn’t go anywhere where alone.

  Jethro told me that Wynter wasn’t alone. In fact, she was in the arms of another man, smiling right before he kissed her. Again, I didn’t believe this because Wynter can’t stand for anyone but me touching her – other men, anyway.

  That’s when Jethro got out his phone and showed me the pictures he’d taken of Wynter and this mystery man. I argued that the woman in the photo wasn’t Wynter, that Jethro had gotten it all wrong. The woman in the picture had longer hair, it was straight, plus she was dressed like a millionaire. However, there is no denying that the woman in the image of my girl. It was easy to see from the picture of the woman looking straight at the camera.

  It doesn’t make sense, none of it does. There are so many questions swimming through my mind.

  Why on this earth would Wynter do this to me?

  Where did she meet this guy?

  When has she had time to contact him, never mind meet with him?

  Was Wynter really using me all this time?

  If so, what the hell for?

  It’s evident from the picture that she’s living a double life. She’s also a convincing liar, and I don’t know what the hell to do about it.

  “I’m sorry, Havoc, but I couldn’t keep this from you.”

  “It’s fine.” I’m not angry with Jethro for bringing this to me; he knew I’d want to know. No one wants the person they love to cheat on them, and then to find out their friends knew all along and said nothing.

  “Austin and I followed them back to an address in Claxton. Something didn’t make sense, though, Havoc.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Well,” Austin picks up. “When they got there, an older woman stood at the door, and a kid around two came running at Wynter and calling her Mommy.”

  I feel the blood from my head rush to my feet. Wynter has a child? Why the fuck wouldn’t she tell me about something so huge? My God, the woman, married me, has been sleeping with me, pretending she has no family when all the time she had a kid and a home somewhere else!

  Why on this earth would she do that?

  I feel like I’m going to throw up. What reason would Wynter have for deceiving me like that? Not just me but Cassie. How in the hell has she been keeping this lie going?

  Surely whoever that guy is to Wynter would want to know where the hell she is all of the time? Shit, she’s hardly ever out of my sight!

  What about the child? How could Wynter bear to be away from her child?

  She wouldn’t; I know she wouldn’t. This can’t be true. I don’t know who that woman is, but she’s not Wynter. The girl doesn’t go anywhere alone, and she never makes secret phone calls. This other woman must be a doppelgänger, that’s the only thing I can think of.

  “You have to confront her with this, Havoc. Don’t let her get away with it.”

  “What if it’s not her?” I throw-back at Austin.

  “It was her, Havoc. No two people could possibly be that identical. You can tell yourself a thousand times that Wynter wouldn’t do this to you,” I stare at Jethro, unblinking. “But the fact is, that was Wynter.”

  Okay, I’ll admit that it’s crazy how much the girl in the picture looks like Wynter. I should believe what I’m seeing, but I don’t. Wynter would never do this to me. I know she wouldn’t.

  “Oh, my god,” Austin laughs sardonically. He looks at Jethro. “He’s convinced himself that this is bullshit. What the fuck is wrong with you, Havoc? The fuckin’ proof is right in front of your eyes!”

  I roll my neck, cracking away the tension. I know what Austin is saying, and I know you can’t argue with proof. However, there’s something inside that keeps nagging at me, and telling me this isn’t true.

  “I gotta g
o.” I start the engine on my motorcycle.

  “Havoc?” Jethro looks at me and sighs. “We’re your friends, and the last thing either of us wants is to hurt you. But, man, you have to speak to Wynter about this, don’t let it go.”

  I stare at Jethro for a moment. Then I look at Austin. “Both of you keep your mouths shut about what you know. I need to speak with Wynter, and I don’t want the world and his wife to know about this. I will tell you both this much. I don’t believe that the woman in the picture is Wynter.”

  “Jesus Christ!” Jethro hisses.

  He can throw a childish tantrum for all I care. I know my wife and that woman isn’t her. I don’t understand why the girl in the picture looks like Wynter, but there has to be an explanation. I don’t have a clue what that could be, but I’ll find out.

  “I’m grateful to both of you for lookin’ out for me, but that woman isn’t Wynter. Let that be the end of it.” With that, I pull away.

  * * *

  I can hear Wynter singing at the top of her lungs as soon as I open the front door. The smell of fresh cooking hits my nostrils, and my stomach rumbles. It smells like pasta and garlic sauce, Wynter’s specialty.

  I make my way to the kitchen, and I stand, watching Wynter as she moves her body to the sound of dance music. As I watch her dance and listen to her singing, I can’t picture Wynter deceiving me the way Jethro believes she has.

  Wynter wouldn’t lie to me about something so massive. She wouldn’t and couldn’t be sneaking off every so often to meet with some other man. Wynter is always shadowed wherever she goes. Surely someone would have noticed something out of the ordinary.

  Though I don’t believe Wynter is living a double life, something doesn’t feel right. Jethro was right when he said, ‘No two people can possibly be that identical.’ The picture was crystal clear, so I can’t even say Jethro was seeing things.

  Maybe I should seek the woman in the picture out. Perhaps I could go to the house Jethro and Austin saw her at and speak to her. I’d know one hundred percent if I were looking at Wynter. If I confront the woman, and she isn’t Wynter, then I’d have to work my ass off to find out why she looks so much like my wife.

  I know it’s said that everyone has a doppelgänger out there somewhere, but I never believed it, although I’m not opposed to admitting when I’m wrong.

  What if you are wrong, Havoc?

  What if that woman is Wynter?

  It might be hard for Wynter to get away as much as she should to see her child, but it’s not impossible. She could be telling the other guy that she works away most days. There’s the reason why she’s here more than there.

  Don’t forget that she left you for a while there. Wynter could have been making happy families with that guy and her child. The excuse about working away could have come once she saw you again. Sure, she worked in a diner, but waitresses find good jobs too.

  Never rule anything out, and don’t be a fool, Havoc.

  If it is true, if that woman is Wynter, what the hell will I do? I just got her back, and I don’t want to lose her again. Shit, I’m just a man, and I have a damn heart like everyone else. How the hell would I cope with losing her a second time? If her child is a toddler, I’m the other man, and that fucking stings because she was never really mine.

  She’s also a damn bigamist, and if found out, she’ll end up in jail. Although, the other guy might not be her husband, which is a thought that’s crossed my mind. If he isn’t, then don’t I have just as much claim to Wynter as he does? She might have his kid, but she’s my wife.

  “Havoc? Is something wrong?”

  “Huh?” I snap out of thought and look at Wynter.

  Her hand comes to my cheek, and she smiles sweetly. “You seemed so lost in thought then. I spoke to you three times, but you didn’t answer me.”

  My heart feels like it’s cracking inside my chest, but I won’t let my emotions get the better of me right now. I cup Wynter’s cheek and rub it with my thumb. She smiles and leans into my touch.

  When I look into Wynter’s eyes, I don’t see a deceitful liar. I don’t see a woman who’s hiding something massive, all I see is the woman I love. I know Wynter loves me; I can feel it every time she’s near me, and even when she isn’t. I hear it in her words, and I see it in her actions.

  The woman in the picture isn’t Wynter, and I have to prove it.

  I pull Wynter into my arms and cling to her tightly. “Havoc, is everything okay?” Wynter asks while rubbing her hand up and down my back.

  I hold her close for a second before pulling away. “What did you get up to today?”

  Wynter gives me a funny look. “You know that I went with Cassie for her final dress fitting.” I nod my head. “After that we had coffee, then Zena called me, so I went to the shelter. I was there for a while. As you have me followed, Havoc, you should already know this.” Wynter pulls away from me, angrily.

  “Why are you so angry?” I narrow my eyes.

  “Because your tone was accusatory, Havoc.”

  I raise my eyebrow. Okay, maybe my tone was a little accusatory, but that wasn’t my intention. “I wasn’t accusing you of anything, Wynter, I was merely interested in your day.”

  Wynter looks at me for a moment. I smile and wink at her, and she laughs while shaking her head. “I’m sorry. It’s been a long day. Sit down. I’ll serve dinner and tell you all about it.”

  We sit down to eat the food Wynter made. As we eat, she tells me what happened today while she was out. Wynter talks excitedly about Zena’s new job, and the apartment that comes with it, and how she can’t wait to see it.

  I can’t help smiling as she talks. Wynter helped someone put their life back together in a short space of time. I’m so proud of her right now.

  As Wynter talks, I realize there’s no way she could have gone anywhere outside of Bardsville today. There aren’t enough hours in the damn day for her to have fit all she did today and run off to meet some other family.

  Once we’ve eaten, Wynter refuses to let me help clear things away, so I make an excuse to shower. I’m also going to call Clay as he’s been shadowing her today. Not the best job in the world for a prospect, but it’s their duty. They do it because they’ll do anything to earn their patch.

  I shouldn’t have to check up on my wife, and my friends shouldn’t feel the need to have me doubt her. However, if Clay tells me that Wynter has been where she says she has until the moment she walked through the door, I’ll let it go.

  That woman could have been anyone. I’ll thank my friends for caring, but that will be the end of it once and for all.

  “Clay, I need to know where Wynter was today?” I ask before he even says hello.


  “Don’t ask questions, you little fuck! Just tell me what I want to know.” Who the hell is he to question me?

  Clay sighs down the line, but answers without more questions. “She met Cassie, Tonya, and Chelsea at the dress shop. They were in there for over an hour and came out smiling. They then went to a coffee shop and had lunch. I watched them for another hour or so before Wynter got a phone call. She left shortly after.”

  My heart is hammering in my chest. My mouth is suddenly dry, and I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t feel as sick as a dog.

  “I followed her to the shelter. She took off inside and didn’t come out again for over two hours. You got any idea how boring that was?” I don’t answer him, so he carries on. “Wynter seemed on top of the world, and she practically skipped back to her car. From there, she went to the store, spent a half-hour or so there, then went home.”

  “And she went nowhere else? Out of town, for instance?” I believe Clay; I just need to be one hundred percent sure he hasn’t missed anything.

  “Unless she knows Harry Potter and he gave her a time turner, there’s no way she’d have had time to give me the slip. She didn’t leave town at all, Havoc. What’s all this about?”

  “None of your business. Thanks for
letting me know.” I end the call but don’t put my phone down. I call Jethro. He needs to know that I want this dropped. We have bigger things going on right now, like finding the men who are looking for Wynter.

  Jett put the word out that Wynter is with me, but so far, no bites. Not one person has come looking. I have to wonder if Wynter got things wrong. But then, how can I think that when she’s been so scared? That and I saw those men with my own eyes, heard them with my own ears asking for Wynter by name.

  Christ knows when we’re going to get this shit cleaned up, but we will. In the meantime, I can’t have Jethro out there making accusations about my wife. I no longer give a shit who this other woman is, nor why she looks like Wynter. I only know she isn’t my wife, just a doppelgänger, and Jethro needs to let it go.

  “Have you spoken to her?”

  I nod my head, even though I know Jethro can’t see me. “I’ve spoken to Wynter, yes.”


  “I didn’t ask her about what you told me, but I asked where she’d been today, and I believe her.”

  He huffs loudly. “Havoc, I know what I saw. You’ve seen the damn proof. What more do you want?”

  “You’ve got it wrong,” I cut him off before he can reply. “After I spoke with Wynter about what she got up to today, I called Clay. He informed me that Wynter didn’t leave town today. He’d know because he followed her all damn day. That woman isn’t Wynter, and I need you to drop this.”

  “This is crazy!” He yells, causing me to move the phone from my ear for a second. “You’re crazy. That woman is Wynter, and I’ll prove it!”

  “You’ll do no such thing!” I hiss, not wanting to get too angry. “She’s my wife, Jethro. Does that mean nothing to you?”

  “It means everything to me, and so does our friendship. That’s why I won’t drop this. I won’t have her making a fool out of you.”

  I rub my forehead with my fingertips in frustration. “Are you willing to lose our friendship over this? Because I promise you, if you don’t drop this, you and I are no longer friends!”


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