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Havoc: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 13

by Grayson, Alivia

  The line goes dead, and I groan. Fuck it all to hell!

  I turn my head and notice Wynter’s nightdress lying next to me. I smile and pick it up. I bring it to my nose and breathe in her scent with my eyes closed.

  God, why did you make me fall in love this deeply?

  Why am I so obsessed with Wynter?

  Why did I feel my heart crack when Jethro showed me that photo?

  Wynter is everything to me, God, and I don’t want to lose her. Give me the strength to protect her, and the knowledge to keep her safe.

  Oh, and one last thing. Please help Jethro to move past what he thinks he knows. Wynter is the love of my life, and even though the woman in the picture is a dead ringer for Wynter, I know it isn’t her. Help him see that.

  “Hey,” I look at Wynter as she strokes the back of my head. She smiles at me, and I fall even deeper in love with my wife. “What’s going on, Havoc? I know something’s bothering you. Please don’t keep things from me. Is it those men? Have they found out where I am?”

  I shake my head and cup her face in my hand. “No, baby. Though I wish they would so all of this mess could be sorted and put behind us. It’s just been a long day, that’s all.”

  Wynter smiles at me. “I know what you mean.” She toys with my cut, running her fingertips over my name. She looks up at me. “I love you, Havoc, more than anything in this world. You know that, don’t you?”

  I clasp the side of her neck and nod my head. I may have faltered there for a short while, but I know that Wynter loves me. “I love you, too, and nothing will ever change that, Wynter.”

  I lose all train of thought when she grabs the back of my head, pulling me down so that our mouths crash against each other. Our tongues entwine as I lay Wynter down on the bed. I slip my hand under her skirt and grab the waistband of her panties.

  “I want to taste you.” I don’t give Wynter the chance to say anything; I’m too lost in my need for her.

  I climb off the bed and drop to my knees. Wynter watches me as I drag her silk panties down her legs and over her feet. I spread her legs, and they drop wide open on the bed.

  Wynter bites her lips, seductively, and slides her fingers into my hair, guiding me where she wants me. I lick one long stroke from her opening to her clit. Fuck, she’s soaking, and she tastes so damn good!

  “Havoc,” She groans, her hips tipping into me. “Oh, god, yes!”

  I moan my appreciation around her clit, the sensation sending rumbles through her pussy, and I can feel everything. Her ass shoots off the bed the instant I shove two fingers inside of her tight cunt.

  I make love to her clit with my mouth, and my whole body is on fire with want. Nothing and no one will ever turn me against this woman. She’s no liar, and she is most certainly no cheat. Wynter loves me, and I will never doubt that again.

  “Shi-it!” Wynter screams and comes hard, her legs locking around my head. I chuckle at the fact she’s pretty much suffocating me with her thighs.

  I take her thighs in my hands and push her legs wide apart. I get to my feet and remove my cut. “Strip,” I order, and Wynter scrambles to do just that. Christ, that body drives me insane!

  Wynter watches me discard the rest of my clothes, and she gets to her feet in front of me. She slides her hand down my chest, right down to my cock, which she strokes slowly. “Do you have any idea what it does to me seeing you naked like this?”

  I smirk while grabbing Wynter’s tits in my big hands and squeezing. “I’m thinking the same thing it does to me seeing you naked.”

  She smiles shyly. Wynter has never been very good at taking compliments. “Do you know what I want right now?”

  “Tell me,” I whisper with a kiss to her lips.

  “I want to suck your big cock, and I want to choke on it.”


  “Get on your knees,” I demand, and Wynter complies. I take my cock in my hand and tap the tip against Wynter’s lips. She smirks, snakes out her tongue, and licks me. “Suck it.” Wynter opens her mouth, and I slide my cock along her silky tongue.

  I hiss through his teeth, and I feel Wynter smile around a mouthful of my dick. She pulls me out of her mouth and licks the underside, teasing the sensitive skin. Wynter groans, and she’s driving me fucking crazy!

  I slide my fingers into the sides of her hair, guiding her around me. “That feels so good...” I groan, and Wynter looks up at me through her lashes. I can’t stand it, and my head falls back, with my eyes closed.

  I rut her mouth harder, and Wynter gags on my cock, just as she wanted. I bite my lip and smirk. It turns me on like crazy watching Wynter like this, at my mercy, but she doesn’t stop sucking my dick as if her life depended on it. She’s insatiable, and I fucking love her!

  I can’t get enough of this feeling, and as Wynter sucks me harder and deeper, I know I’m not going to last. I could come right now and rub my hand down Wynter’s throat as she swallows my seed. But I don’t want that; I want to come inside of her rocking body.

  “Wynter, shit, let go,” I pull out of her mouth and drag her to her feet. “You’re so amazing.” I smash my mouth against hers, kissing her with such ferocity that I can barely control myself.

  “Havoc,” She groans loudly. “I want you inside of me. Please.”

  “Do you have any idea how much I love you?” I ask while hoisting her up.

  Wynter wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. “Maybe as much as I love you? And I really do love you, Havoc.”

  I grab her face between my hands, my mouth attacking hers, and my cock pushing its way into her hot body. She moves her hips in time with mine, pulling me deeper, harder, faster into her. Neither of us is going to last long. I can feel Wynter’s core tightening around me.

  “Oh my god, I’m coming!”

  “Come, baby. I’m right there with you.”

  “Havoc!” She screams my name and comes so hard that I can’t stop myself from coming with her. Wynter’s muscles clamp down on me, milking me for everything she can get.

  Fuck, I needed that!

  I hold her tightly against me, circling my hips a little, bringing us both down from our orgasmic high.

  I pull out of Wynter and set her on her feet. Though I don’t let her go, I hold her close to me and kiss her head. I sense Wynter smiling against my chest as I rock her gently from side to side. “You’re my world, Wynter. Hell, you’re my whole universe, and I will never let you go again.”

  “Ditto, man of mine.”

  I smile because, for right now, at this moment, all is right in my world.

  For now.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “This was a bad idea.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Austin!” I snap at my brother. “We’re here to do a damn job, and we ain’t leaving till we’ve got what we came for.”

  “Why don’t you both shut the fuck up?” I turn my eyes to Eagle. He’s not looking at me; he’s looking out of the window, hands on the steering wheel. “There she is. You two, do your damn job, and hurry up!”

  I’d roll my eyes if I had the time. Austin and I jump out of the back of the van and make our way over to Wynter.

  Havoc will lose his shit when he finds out what we’ve done to his precious Wynter. He told me to drop this, and to think about our friendship. I am thinking about our friendship, that’s the only reason I’m doing this.

  Havoc also warned me last night that he’d kill me if I didn’t leave things alone. I couldn’t give a shit about that, he can do what he wants, but this bitch is not getting away with what she’s done to my friend.

  I don’t care who cheats on their husband or wife; it’s their business. But when you do it to a member of our club, you need to be taught a lesson. It churns at my fucking gut, knowing Havoc hasn’t said one damn word to Wynter about what he knows. When did he become such a pussy?

  When he fell in love, Jethro, that’s when. Just like all men, when it comes to the woman he love
s, he’s weak.

  Fuck love, it makes a man stupid. It’s made Havoc stupid, and I never thought I’d say that. I’m not saying he should have gone home and beaten the truth out of his wife, but he should have asked her about what he knew.

  Not Havoc, though, he went home and acted like nothing was wrong. Every time I’ve seen him with Wynter since I brought that photo to his attention, they’ve been all over each other. I’ve wanted to confront her myself, but I don’t know how to without Havoc blowing my brains out.

  I’ve got to admit, this double life crap Wynter is pulling sure doesn’t make any sense to anyone, even me. I may have photographic proof, but when I see her in one place, somebody else sees her in another. I don’t know how that’s possible, but I will find out.

  I can admit that Wynter’s a hot little thing, but the way she dresses away from Havoc is something else. She looks like she belongs on the cover of a magazine. She must put extensions in her hair because it’s at least four inches longer. Maybe it just seems longer because it’s as straight as a dye – not like back home.

  I have to wonder where Havoc thinks Wynter is right now. It’s getting late, and it will soon be dark. This woman should be home with her husband, but here she is, walking toward a fancy house, in an elegant neighborhood. The man inside, waiting for her with their small child, is the poor fool I feel sorry for. Wynter is cheating on him as much as she is Havoc.

  I have to wonder if Cassie knew. That girl is like a sister to me, fuck, she’s marrying my brother next week. Cassie doesn’t strike me as the type to lie about something this massive. Nor do I believe that Cassie would have stood back and watched as Wynter married Havoc if she knew the girl was already married.

  Which again is why none of this makes sense. Cassie and Wynter are as close as sisters. Shit, they’re as thick as thieves most days. Surely Cassie would know about this?

  If I find out that Cassie did know about Wynter’s other life, then shit will hit the fan.

  I tip my head at Austin. He moves to the left of Wynter, and I take the right. This bitch is not getting away from us. I notice her turn her head to the left, then the right, ever so slightly. To the untrained eye, it wouldn’t have been caught, but I was plenty trained for this shit in the military.

  I didn’t expect her to turn on the spot with a gun in her hand, however. Shit. Serves me right for not clocking it sooner.

  “Wanna tell me why you assholes are following me.”

  “I think you know the answer to that.”

  She chuckles and shakes her head at me. “If I knew the answer, I wouldn’t have asked the question. Now, who the fuck are you, and what do you want?”

  “Are you for real?” Austin asks with narrow eyes. “Who the fuck are we? You know damn well who we are, Wynter.”

  This time, her eyes narrow. She opens her mouth to speak. However, out of nowhere, a hand holding a rag slams over her mouth from behind. Wynter struggles in Eagle’s arms for no more than five seconds before she’s out cold.

  Austin grabs her gun before it hits the ground. The damn thing could have gone off if the safety wasn’t locked. The gun might not even be real or loaded, but you never know. Women are evil creatures, and most will kill you without a second thought.

  “I told you two to hurry the fuck up. That did not include chatting with her while she’s got a damn gun pointed to your heads!”

  I roll my eyes. Not even twenty-one years old yet, and Eagle thinks he’s the cock of the walk. All right, I’ll admit, Eagle is as crazy as his father, with just a hint of his mother’s insanity. It doesn’t make for a good mix.

  Eagle throws a passed out Wynter over his shoulder. He has her in the back of the van before Austin, and I have even moved.

  “Do you fuckers wanna get in the cunting van? We need to get out of here.”

  I shake my head at my little brother, and we both get in the back of the van. I search Wynter for any weapons she might have stashed anywhere else, while Eagle pulls away. A knife in her boot is all I find, along with her cell phone. I hand it to Austin, and he shoves it in his jacket pocket. Havoc will want to see that.

  “Havoc’s not gonna like this, you know? And Tank ain’t gonna be happy that we dragged prince charming with us.”

  “What the fuck did you just say about my dad?”

  I shake my head. Fucking kids! “He didn’t say nothin’, Eagle. Look, I’m gonna call Havoc and tell him to meet us at the warehouse. I don’t think taking Wynter back to the clubhouse where everyone can hear Havoc’s business is the best idea.”

  Eagle nods while looking at me through the rearview mirror. “Do what you gotta do.”

  I look down at Wynter, lying on the dirty floor, and I feel like shit that Eagle knocked her out. Though I shouldn’t think like that, it was nothing more than the cheating bitch deserved.

  “What do you think he’ll do to her, Jethro?”

  I sigh while taking my cell from my pocket. “I don’t know, Austin. Whatever he does is no more than she deserves.”

  “But she’s got a kid, man. He wouldn’t kill her, would he?”

  I can’t answer that because I don’t have a damn clue what Havoc will do Wynter. “All I do know is that he’s gonna be pissed to the max that we’ve done this.”

  “He may well kill us,”

  I chuckle at Austin’s eye roll. “Little brother, Havoc will be angry with us, but he’ll understand why we did this. When he sees with his own eyes how she’s dressed, and we force her to tell the truth, he’ll understand.”

  Austin nods his head as I bring my phone to my ear and wait for Havoc to answer.

  “What do you want?”

  “Nice, Havoc.” I chuckle and roll my eyes. Prick hasn’t changed since he was a kid. “I found something that belongs to you, in a place she shouldn’t have been.” Havoc doesn’t say anything, so I continue. “She looks like she just walked off a catwalk, and she pulled a gun on me.”

  “I see.” Is all he says.

  “I’m taking her to the warehouse. Meet me there in half an hour.” The line goes dead, but I know he’ll be there.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Jethro meets me outside the warehouse. On the ride over here, I’ve been seething. I didn’t ask Jethro to do this. He should have listened to me and left things well alone.

  Wynter and I have been closer than ever over the past few days. Although I haven’t spoken to her about what Jethro told me, I know that I should have. Maybe if I had, Jethro wouldn’t have done this. Perhaps if I had, Wynter could have explained why Jethro had gotten things so wrong.

  Wynter had hardly left my side in days. The only time she did was to meet Zena at her new place, and even then, I dropped Wynter off and collected her not long after.

  Of course, I explained everything to my President, and VP. Jett explained why Jethro would believe that woman is Wynter, and that he’s just being a good friend. I don’t doubt that, but when you’re told to leave things, you should.

  Tank said that he’d have words with Jethro about his actions, but I asked both Tank and Jett to leave it to me. I thought I’d gotten through to Jethro because he hasn’t mentioned anything over the past two days. I should have known he was plotting something. I didn’t because I’ve been too wrapped up in my wife.

  I locked us in our house for over twenty-four hours. We made love the whole damn time, only coming up for air to eat, drink, and use the bathroom. We fucked until we were too sore to fuck anymore.

  Wynter and I even spoke about starting a family. She brought the subject up, and I was blindsided. I hadn’t expected her to bring up the subject of children any time soon.

  I thought about the woman in the picture and her family. The girl looked happy. If her smiling face in that photo was anything to go by, she has a great life. I know she isn’t Wynter, but it made me wonder if my wife would smile the same way upon seeing our firstborn.

  I can’t deny that the thought of becoming a father makes
my heart beat faster. The idea of my wife bringing life in the world? I can’t wait.

  Though Wynter and I have agreed that no isn’t the right time to think about children, I have to get this crap with those men sorted before we start a family.

  I came here tonight because I need to put an end to this mess, once and for all. I won’t have Jethro or anyone tarnishing my wife’s name. That and I need to see the woman in that warehouse for myself. I don’t fully believe she’s real, but I think I’ve figured out who she is.

  “Who’s that?” Jethro points to the guy on the back of my bike.

  I don’t answer him. I turn to the person on my bike and tell them, “Wait here.” They nod their helmeted head and stay put.

  Jethro shakes his head, annoyed, and leads me inside the warehouse.

  I notice Austin and Eagle right away. I don’t even have the energy to be pissed at Jethro for dragging them into this. Austin is Jethro’s younger brother, and he can pull the kid into whatever he likes. However, Eagle is Tank’s son, and Tank would not be happy about this. If Tank does find out his precious son was here, Jethro will get his neck snapped.

  The girl in the lone chair looks even more like Wynter in the flesh. Her white hair is longer than Wynter’s, she wears more makeup, and she dresses like a supermodel, but she’s not Wynter.

  The likeness between them is uncanny. Looking at this woman is like looking at a supermodel version of my wife. I’m still struggling to make my eyes believe what I’m seeing.

  “Did you really need to tie her up and gag her?”

  “She’s dangerous and damn mouthy,” Jethro tells me. “You didn’t see her, Havoc. Wynter is a very different person when she’s not with you.”

  More than you know, Jethro.

  I can’t say as I know how dangerous this girl is, I don’t know her at all. I’m not pleased that they’ve taped her wrists to the armrests and her ankles to the legs of the chair. They’ve also gagged her, and from how wide her eyes are, I’d say she was beyond pissed. She’s not scared; she’s angry—crazy girl. Anybody else in this situation would be pissing themselves in fear.


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