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The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I

Page 195

by Thomas Stearns Eliot, Christopher Ricks

  In Memory of W. B. Yeats 1002;

  Letter to R. H. S. Crossman, Esq. 934;

  New Year Letter 1013;

  Night Mail II 73;

  The Orators 801, II 139;

  Poems (“Nor was that final”) 742;

  Spain 1036, II 486

  Augustine, St.: Confessions 474, 520, 588, 680, 736, 907, 1121

  Babbitt, Irving: Literature, Culture, Religion 709; The Masters of Modern French Criticism 424, 428, 502, 539, 544, 576, 681, 778, 922, 967, 999, 1081–82, 1095, 1115;

  The New Laokoon 454, 499, 1098

  Bach, Johann Sebastian: Cantata 25 948

  Bacon, Francis: 919, 1087; The Advancement of Learning 482;

  Descriptio Globi Intellectualis 941;

  Sylva Sylvarum 486

  Banville, Théodore de: 1097, 1110

  Barham, Richard: The Ingoldsby Legends 382, 1070

  Barker, George: 372, 890–91, II 47

  Barnes, Djuna: TSE’s preface to Nightwood 1029

  Barnfield, Richard: The Complaint of Poetrie 920; An Ode 628

  Barrie, J. M.: The Admirable Crichton 1216; Dear Brutus 813;

  Peter Pan 645

  Barth, Karl: The Epistle to the Romans 826, 956, 985

  Bartók, Béla: String Quartets 895

  Bassiano, Princess: see Caetani, Marguerite Bateson, F. W.: 487, 618

  Baudelaire, Charles: 73, 355, 358, 360–61, 453; praised by Laforgue 386, 1093;

  “the sordidly realistic and the phantasmagoric” 415;

  “Hypocrite lecteur,—mon semblable,—mon frère!” 620;

  Anywhere Out of the World 946, 949;

  Au lecteur 620, 1116;

  Les Bienfaits de la Lune 1149;

  Bohémiens en voyage 749;

  Causerie 411;

  De l’essence du rire 653;

  L’Héautontimorouménos 1159, 1170;

  L’Invitation au voyage 750;

  Le Joujou du Pauvre 421;

  Une Martyre 623;

  Mon Cœur mis à nu 385, 444, 489, 814;

  Les Phares 1103;

  Les Sept vieillards 613;

  Spleen (“J’ai plus de souvenirs que si j’avais mille ans”) 1106;

  Spleen (“Je suis comme le roi”) 1172;

  Le Spleen: Pluviôse 389;

  La Vie antérieure 529;

  Le Voyage 770–71, 776–77

  BBC: broadcasts of TSE’s poems II 38, 43–44, 164, 325, 622

  Beach, Sylvia: 883

  Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher: The Coxcomb 766; A King and No King 1145;

  The Maid’s Tragedy 398, 492, 499, 635, 677, 747, 1186;

  Philaster 607, 635;

  Wit without Money 1034

  Becket, St. Thomas: II 183; “real martyr” 767

  Beddoes, Thomas: Pneumatic Institute 533

  Beddoes, Thomas Lovell: Death’s Jest-Book 531, 593, 610, 633, 635, 770, 831; Fragments of “The Last Man” 503

  Beethoven, Ludwig van: “to get beyond music” 736; Coriolan 819;

  String Quartet in A minor (Op. 132) 895

  Beg, Mirza Murad Ali: 843–44

  Bell, Clive: 431, 569, 655, 1020; distributes copies of Prufrock and Other Observations 368;

  verse envelopes addressed to II 159–60

  Benlowes, Edward: “struggles of the human soul” 533; Theophila’s Love-Sacrifice 948–49

  Bennett, Arnold: likes The Hippopotamus 521; advises on Sweeney Agonistes 790;

  The Old Wives’ Tale 599, 813

  Benson, A. C.: Edward FitzGerald 470; Land of Hope and Glory II 60

  Benson, E. F.: 650

  Bentley, E. C.: Baseless Biography II 190

  Bentley, Nicolas: Practical Cats drawings II 49–50, 190

  Bergson, Henri: “emphasis on life” 529; “philosophy about intuition” 1099;

  on Aristotle 390;

  “epidemic of Bergsonism” 416;

  the absolute 450;

  “spider-like figure” 457, 482;

  “entirely a Bergsonian” 579;

  An Introduction to Metaphysics 393, 1094;

  L’Energie spirituelle 702, 1013;

  Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience 1086;

  L’Evolution créatrice 381, 390, 723, 938, 1087, 1094, 1118–19, 1125;

  Mind-Energy 419;

  Matière et mémoire 1085, 1099

  Berlioz, Hector: 509

  Betjeman, John: II 62, 220, 230, 233, 235

  Bhagavad-Gita: 976–77, 980–81, 1056, 1134, 1159–60

  Bible, the: language of the New English 743; harmonies of the gospels 989

  OLD TESTAMENT: Amos 391, 681; 1 Chronicles 723;

  2 Chronicles 523;

  Daniel 719, 765, 938, 1136;

  Deuteronomy 512, 737, 873, 1140;

  Ecclesiastes 72, 382, 606, 695, 697, 744, 907, 930;

  Exodus 402, 869, 1092, 1170;

  Ezekiel 72, 606, 653, 739, 746, 837, 878, 1171;

  Genesis 532, 607, 683, 731, 732, 746, 833, 871, 875–76, 974, 999;

  Isaiah 389, 411, 473, 478–79, 525, 606, 694, 704, 752, 766, 830, 870, 872, 947, 1002;

  Jeremiah 411, 479, 697, 874;

  Job 376, 387, 390, 399, 429, 453, 474, 477, 515, 523, 737, 836, 837, 1165, 1077, 1144, II 219;

  Joel 736, 752, 1125;

  Jonah 743;

  1 Kings 742, II 146;

  2 Kings 523, II 65;

  Lamentations 767;

  Leviticus 524, 871;

  Micah 751;

  Nehemiah 871, 873;

  Numbers 718, 1170;

  Proverbs 387, 417, 1135, 1137, 1168;

  Psalms 387, 390, 477, 509, 512, 515, 523,524, 652, 688–89, 734, 736, 738, 744–45, 756, 836–37, 873, 876–77, 957, 970, 982, 1094;

  Samuel 391, 737;

  Song of Solomon 512, 525, 1144, 1165;

  Zechariah 681

  NEW TESTAMENT: Acts 474, 782, 1037, 1173; Colossians 749;

  1 Corinthians 618, 685, 688, 778, 878, 1136;

  2 Corinthians 879;

  Ephesians 749, 765, 871;

  Hebrews 1001;

  James 411, 837;

  John 389, 536, 645, 687, 745, 751, 767, 812, 836, 922, 942, 1038, 1121, 1138, 1140, 1160;

  Luke 393, 476, 601, 687, 688, 693, 766, 767, 873, 972, 984, 1092, 1136; II 64, 145, 219;

  Mark 391, 601, 767, 871;

  Matthew 391, 394, 404, 474, 523, 537, 669, 734, 747, 764, 767, 870, 875, 879, 922, 1007, 1038, 1042, 1167, 1192, II 65;

  Philippians 709;

  Revelation 382, 429, 523, 525, 613, 624, 689, 764, 941, 971, 982, 1136;

  Romans 685, 777, 878;

  Thessalonians 879

  APOCRYPHA: Ecclesiasticus 719, 745; History of Susanna (Book of Daniel) 937–38;

  1 Maccabees II 228

  Binyon, Laurence: 407, 996; translation of Dante 579, 726, 755, 831, 880, 995–96, 1005

  Blake, William: 514, 616, 845, 884, 1220, II 376, 458; and Yeats 935;

  early poems 1064;

  Auguries of Innocence 1196;

  The Book of Thel 1121;

  The Clod & the Pebble 1220;

  Epilogue: To the Accuser Who is the God of This World 940;

  I am no Homer’s Hero 391, 408;

  I asked a thief to steal me a peach 398;

  I laid me down upon a bank 515;

  I will tell you what Joseph of Arimathea 1014;

  Jerusalem 918, 935;

  Laughing Song 839;

  The Little Black Boy 1089–90;

  London 420, 688, 696, 1185;

  Love to faults is always blind 396;

  The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 793;

  The Mental Traveller 390;

  Milton 1199, II 181;

  Mock on 1138;

  Night 839;

  A Poison Tree 479;

  The Sick Rose 745;

  To the Accuser Who is the God of This World 940;

  To the Jews 514;

  The Tyger 475, 856, II 143;

  When the voices
of children 851

  Blast: 1164; and Portrait of a Lady 400;

  planned third issue 467;

  The Enemy of the Stars 473, 918;

  and Lady Mond 510;

  bless and blast 515–16;

  Pound in 673;

  “puritanical principles” 1114–15, 1154;

  Gaudier-Brzeska 1164

  Blavatsky, Helena: 512–13

  Bolo: derivations of name II 247–48

  Bonaparte, Napoleon: Arc de Triomphe 822; Légion d’honneur 831;

  “Italian or a Frenchman?” 886

  Bosch, Hieronymus: 696

  Bosschère, Jean de: Homere Mare Habite sa Maison de Planches 391, 518, 678

  Bottome, Phyllis: II 223

  Bowen, Elizabeth: II 235

  Bowra, Maurice: II 198

  boxing: 647; Sweeney’s former profession 498;

  Jack Johnson 545;

  TSE’s lessons 800

  Brace, Donald: II 421, 429

  Brackett, Joseph: Simple Gifts 735

  Braddon, Mary Elizabeth: Lady Audley’s Secret 393, 397, 399, 405, 473, 624

  Bradley, F. H.: “no capacity for the abstruse” 392; the Absolute 449;

  Appearance and Reality 370, 408, 419, 435–36, 511, 532, 703, 723, 746, 928, 953, 972, 980, 1019, 1042, 1070, 1083, 1085, 1138, 1140, 1159, 1161;

  Essays on Truth and Reality 388, 907, 1120;

  Ethical Studies 419, 668, 735, 746, 907, 923, 956, 968, 1030;

  The Principles of Logic 1139

  Bramhall, John: 524

  Barnfield, Richard: 628, 920

  Bridges, Robert: Flycatchers 544; London Snow 1006

  Brontë, Charlotte: Jane Eyre 771; Villette 536, 1010

  Brontë, Emily: Wuthering Heights 670

  Brooke, Rupert: 618, 957, 1002; The Fish 494, 752;

  Fragment 764;

  Letters from America 601, 605;

  The Old Vicarage 407

  Brooks, Van Wyck: 443; The Wine of the Puritans 381, 403–404, 408, 532, 1053, 1076, 1091, 1126, 1163

  Brown, T. E.: 500

  Browne, E. Martin: II 54, 70, 179, 469; directs The Rock 865–66

  Browne, Thomas: The Garden of Cyrus 1034–35; Pseudodoxia Epidemica 480, 682;

  Religio Medici 948

  Browning, Elizabeth Barrett: Aurora Leigh 394, 738, 1039; Bianca Among the Nightingales 376, 541;

  Casa Guidi Windows 1127;

  The Lost Bower 1018;

  A Musical Instrument II 258

  Browning, Robert: II 291; “more of a hindrance than a help” 355;

  studied by TSE “with much profit” 357;

  Andrea del Sarto 912;

  Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came 694;

  Christmas-Eve 1167;

  An Epistle Containing the Strange Medical Experience of Karshish, the Arab Physician 690;

  Fifine at the Fair 1120;

  The Flight of the Duchess 937, 1181, II 594;

  Home-Thoughts, from Abroad 1001;

  How It Strikes a Contemporary 493;

  How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix II 266;

  Inapprehensiveness 646;

  The Inn Album 1125;

  The Last Ride Together 1120–21;

  Meeting at Night II 594;

  One Word More 1170;

  Paracelsus 1214;

  Pauline 1146;

  Pippa Passes 1131, 1201;

  Porphyria’s Lover 1120–21, 1145;

  Proteus 696;

  Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister II 281;

  A Toccata of Galuppi’s 488, 493;

  Waring 1104

  Bruèys, David Augustin de: L’Avocat Patelin 1134

  Buber, Martin: “Great Man” II 156

  Buchan, John: The Thirty-Nine Steps 661, 1013

  Buddhism: 699–700, 807; The Fire Sermon 75, 640–41, 680;

  and Christianity 709, 976–77, 1160, 1166–67.

  For Buddhism in Translations, see Warren, Henry Clark

  Bunyan, John: The Heavenly Foot-Man 392

  Butler, Samuel: Hudibras 523

  Burbank, Luther: horticulturalist 487

  Burns, Robert: “modest claim” as writer of songs II 172; Auld Lang Syne II 174;

  Oh Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast II 173;

  A Red, Red Rose 1145;

  Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation II 195;

  Tam o’Shanter II 173, 174;

  Tam Sampson’s Elegy II 174;

  To a Mouse 1208;

  The Twa Dogs II 174

  Byron, George Gordon, Lord: 1070, 1087, 1204; Beppo 1070, 1097, 1102, II 283;

  Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 494, 496–97, 511, 752, 1097, 1202;

  The Corsair 1122;

  The Destruction of Sennacherib 1148;

  Hours of Idleness 769;

  Ode on Venice 653;

  The Waltz 1102

  DON JUAN: I – 423, 1128, 1151; II – 615, 1098, (II) 274;

  IV – 731;

  IX – 395, 531, 653, 1086, 1111;

  X – 1127;

  XI – 1119, 1128, 1132, 1147, (II) 66;

  XII – 518, 536;

  XIII – 395, 1095;

  XV – 1020, 1059, 1100;

  XVI – 930, 1097, 1110, 1212

  Caetani, Marguerite (Princess di Bassiano): II 417; funds The Criterion 712–13;

  and Ash-Wednesday 728–29, 739, II 422;

  and Coriolan 817, 830;

  commissions Anabase translation II 135–37, 146;

  Commerce II 136

  Caldecott, Ralph: 851

  Calverley, C. S.: “Hic Vir, Hic Est” 397; Lines on Hearing the Organ 425–26

  Campbell, Roy: “Macspaunday” II 199; Tristan da Cunha 780, 961–62

  Campion, Thomas: There is a garden in her face 936

  Canaletto: perspective of 494

  Cape Ann: 753, 854–55, 959, 963

  Carlyle, Thomas: Novalis 432–33

  Carmichael, Alexander: Carmina Gadelica II 172

  Carpenter, Edward: Towards Democracy 606, 615, 651–52, 695, 704

  Carroll, Lewis: II 39, 151; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 392, 408, 426, 438, 442, 653, 847, 909, 1034, 1110;

  The Hunting of the Snark II 60;

  Jabberwocky 749, 1208, II 59, 60, 144, 180;

  Misch-mash 647;

  Sylvie and Bruno 422, 522, 717, II 151;

  Through the Looking-Glass 381, 749, 1034, 1068, 1072, 1197, II 214, 268, 275;

  The Walrus and the Carpenter II 183, 278

  Castro, Françoise de: Entretien avec T. S. Eliot 459

  cats: Asparagus see Gus; Big Bravo II 40, 57; Bustopher Jones II 71;

  Carbucketry II 52;

  Dick Whittington’s II 70, 165;

  Dirghakarna II 38;

  Dolabella II 54;

  Ermyntrude (formerly Gertrude) II 54;

  Great Rumpuscat II 65;

  Grizabella II 52, 624;

  Growltiger II 44, 58;

  Gus II 49, 56;

  James Buz-James II 74;

  Jellicle II 38, 43, 44, 54, 57, 61;

  Jellylorum II 55;

  Lilliecat II 51–52;

  Macavity II 66–68;

  Mirza Murad Ali Beg II 52, 57;

  Mister Mistoffelees II 65;

  Morgan II 43, 75–76, 639–41;

  Mungojerrie II 62;

  Noilly Prat II 52;

  Old Deuteronomy II 63;

  Old Gumbie II 40, 57;

  Persian 839;

  Pettipaws II 74;

  Porpentine 847, II 40, 52;

  Pouncival II 52;

  The Practical Cat II 38, 40;

  Rumpelteazer II 62;

  Rum Tum Tugger II 60–61;

  Sillabub II 52;

  Skimbleshanks II 72–73;

  Tantamile (also Tantomile) II 52;

  Tumblecat II 40;

  Wiskuscat II 52;

  Woolly Bear 839, 844;

  see also headnote to The Naming of Cats.

  Cats (musical): II 50–53 />
  Catullus: (61) “io Hymen Hymenæe” 1179

  Cavalcanti, Guido: 533; Ballata. In Exile at Saranza 733–34, 743, 836;

  Canzone: He laments the Presumption and Incontinence of his Youth 1134;

  To Guido Orlandi 1086

  Chainaye, Hector: 382

  Chaplin, Charlie: II 203, 253

  Chapman, Frank M: Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America 76, 691–92, 693, 854–55

  Chapman, George: 813, 1099; Bussy d’Ambois 478, 481, 491–92 (inaccurate text), 914;

  The Conspiracy of Charles, Duke of Byron 479, 480, 482, 619, 626;

  The Hymns of Homer 746;

  Petrarch’s Seven Penitential Psalms 915;

  The Shadow of Night 479

  Chapman, R. W.: 475

  Charles I: 989, 1000, 1033

  Chaucer, Geoffrey: The Canterbury Tales 396, 602, II 227; The Parlement of Foules 1134

  cheese: II 168–69; China, without a native 1185;

  Society for the Preservation of Ancient Cheeses II 213;

  “rather fine Red Cheshire” II 213

  Chekhov, Anton: see Tchehov, Anton Chesterton, G. K.: II 64

  Chopin, Frédéric: Preludes 403

  Churchill, Winston: 1192; prose style and statesmanship 829–30;

  appeasement 915;

  “All will be well” 1032–33;

  wartime speeches 1047–49

  Cicero: De natura deorum 483; Somnium Scipionis 936

  cinema: Disney’s Fantasia 789; “pure distraction” 649;

  replacing theatre 811–12;

  film of Murder in the Cathedral 993, 1036–37


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