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The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I

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by Thomas Stearns Eliot, Christopher Ricks

  Clough, Arthur Hugh: 884; Adam and Eve 948, 1013;

  Amours de Voyage 950, 964–65, 971, 978, 980, 999, 1028;

  Blank Misgivings of a Creature moving about in Worlds not realized 950;

  Dipsychus 876, 1151;

  The New Sinai 425;

  The Questioning Spirit 946;

  Say, will it, when our hairs are grey 1083;

  Uranus 916;

  Where lies the land to which the ship would go? 979;

  Why should I say 395

  clubs: Harvard II 72; London II 71–72.

  See also Eliot’s Club

  Clutton-Brock, Arthur: deprecated II 256

  Cobden-Sanderson, Richard: II 366

  Cobden-Sanderson, Sally: II 238–39; verse envelopes addressed to II 157–58

  Colefax, Sibyl: II 516; organises reading II 253

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: 419, 610–11, 943; “break with tradition” 355;

  “barbarous splendour of exclamation points” 383;

  “superfœtation” 536–37;

  Aids to Reflection 494;

  Biographia Literaria 724, 1021;

  Christabel 444, 750;

  Dejection 738, 978, 1003, 1006, 1152, II 223;

  Frost at Midnight 999;

  Kubla Khan 444, 452, II 160;

  Osorio 692;

  Reflections on Having Left a Place of Retirement 753;

  Reason 1089;

  Religious Musings 1125;

  The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 390, 492, 627, 1007, 1188, II , 228, 261;

  Sibylline Leaves II 217

  Collingwood, R. G.: 452–53; The Principles of Art 392

  Collins, Wilkie: Armadale 1099; Blind Love 506;

  The Haunted Hotel: A Mystery of Modern Venice 486;

  The Woman in White 1135, 1141

  Conan Doyle, Arthur: The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans II 69; The Adventure of the Naval Treaty II 69;

  The Crooked Man 310;

  The Final Problem II 66–69;

  The Hound of the Baskervilles 842, 938–39;

  The Musgrave Ritual II 67;

  The Sign of Four 380, 536;

  Spiritualists and the Hidden Hand II 68

  Conrad, Joseph: 592, 716; “the antithesis of Empire” 716;

  Amy Foster 1001;

  Emblems of Hope 637;

  The End of the Tether 632, 650;

  Heart of Darkness 415, 609, 637, 673, 679, 684, 688, 715, 718, 720, 767, 912, 1024, 1157,

  (cancelled epigraph to The Waste Land 550, 553–54, 591–92);

  An Outcast of the Islands 673, 698, 723;

  An Outpost of Progress 762, 815;

  The Return 607, 623;

  The Secret Agent 544;

  The Shadow-Line 909;

  Youth 607, 1023

  Cooper, James Fenimore: The Prairie 379; Satanstoe 678

  Corbière, Tristan: 467, 517, 518, 1012, 1100, 1174–75; “much the greatest French poet after Baudelaire” 406;

  A Mon Chien Pope 841;

  L’Américaine 423;

  Bonne Fortune et fortune 423;

  Le Bossu Bitor 1188;

  Épitaphe 518, 718–19;

  Féminin singulier 1174;

  Litanie du sommeil 476, 745;

  Petit mort pour rire 717;

  Le Poète contumace 1174;

  La Rapsode foraine et le Pardon de Sainte-Anne 499, 503;

  Rapsodie du sourd 405–6;

  Sagesse des Nations 410

  Cornford, F. M.: The Origin of Attic Comedy 662, 785–86, 791–92, 799, 811, 821, 1179

  Cory, William Johnson: 541

  Cousens, Hilderic: II 183

  Cowper, William: Conversation 627; Light Shining out of Darkness 523–525;

  The Task 1102

  Crashaw, Richard: 394; Ash-Wednesday comparison 730;

  difficulty 913;

  visits Little Gidding 989;

  In the Glorious Epiphany of Our Lord God 477

  Crawley, W. J.: II 46, 202

  Criterion, The: modelled on La Nouvelle Revue Française 537; publication of The Waste Land 547, 560–65,

  “Fresca couplets” 644;

  The Hollow Men 711;

  funding from Marguerite Caetani 712;

  the Criterion edition of Valéry’s Le Serpent 718;

  Salutation (Ash-Wednesday II) 727;

  Sweeney Agonistes 783–84, 798–99;

  run by Frank Morley in TSE’s absence 798;

  funded by Lady Rothermere 821;

  Eyes that last I saw in tears 835;

  Five-Finger Exercises 837;

  seventeen volumes constituting a “valuable record” 951;

  TSE translates Charles Mauron 1070, 1099;

  becomes monthly 1113

  CONTRIBUTORS: H. E. Bates 771; Arnold Bennett 790;

  Walter de la Mare 1057;

  Fyodor Dostoevski 647;

  Roger Fry 645;

  Archibald MacLeish 968;

  Louis MacNeice 869;

  John Middleton Murry 645;

  Frederic Prokosch 848, 985;

  Marcel Proust 428;

  Herbert Read 435, 1069;

  I. A. Richards 575,

  George Saintsbury 641;

  Virginia Woolf 357, 631, 717;

  W. B. Yeats 574.

  See also “F. M.”

  Croker, J. W.: “Broad-bottomed” 504

  Cromwell, Oliver: 989, 1033

  cummings, e. e.: acts with TSE 430; XLI Poems 744

  Curwen Press: II 421, 453

  Dante: 369, 994–96; TSE imitates terza rima 997, 1005–1006;

  Temple Classics translation 372, 433, 485, 594, 617; 678, 681, 686, 702, 704, 721, 880, 1043, 1151, 1166 (“invaluable” 995–96);

  Binyon translation 880, 995–96;

  Sayers translation II 197

  INFERNO: I – 938, 950; II – 392, 663;

  III – 73, 485, 614, 617, 716, 748;

  IV – 73, 614–16, 919, 1039;

  V – 633–34, 720, 745, 1039, 1099, 1134;

  VI – 746;

  XIV – 589;

  XV – 614, 1004, 1009, 1011, 1014, 1018;

  XX – 480, 662;

  XXVI – 511, 630, 681, 684–85, 686, 1136;

  XXVII – 376, 1020, 1145;

  XXXIII – 76, 433, 470, 702, 1016;

  XXXIV – 609, 615

  PURGATORIO: I – 935; II – 718;

  V – 678;

  VI – 832;

  VIII – 663, 748;

  IX – 736, 1006;

  XI – 1016;

  XII – 703;

  XVI – 451, 768–70, 1027;

  XVII – 1025–26;

  XVIII – 626;

  XXI – 995;

  XXIII – 1004, 1009, 1015;

  XXIV – 513, 741;

  XXVI – 376, 464, 581, 594

  (also Arnaut Daniel 389, 464–65, 704–705, 741, 746, 749, 1004, 1026, 1134, 1191);

  XXVII – 428, 1011, 1023;

  XXVIII – 744–45, 748;

  XXIX – 750;

  XXX – 428, 431, 720, 748, 750;

  XXXI – 746

  PARADISO: III – 751, 754, 1009; VI – 1020;

  IX – 1103;

  XII – 609, 912, 921;

  XXI – 538;

  XXIII – 744;

  XXVIII – 998;

  XXX – 749;

  XXXI – 721, 745–46, 982;

  XXXIII – 745, 751, 807, 880, 941, 982, 1043, 1136

  VITA NUOVA: 492, 509, 528, 576, 635, 700, 712, 730–31, 741, 744, 750, 836, 996, 1019; (and Ash-Wednesday 730)

  Darwin, Charles: The Descent of Man 389; On the Origin of Species 972

  Daudet, Léon: L’Entre-deux-guerres 950

  Davidson, John: Crystal Palace 409; Insomnia 1135, 1154;

  A Loafer 399, 441;

  November 779;

  Scaramouch in Naxos 685;

  The Testament of a Man Forbid 409;

  Thirty Bob a Week 831;

  To the Street Piano 1075–76

  Winter Rain 840;

  A Woman and her Son 414, 663–64;

  Yuletide 409

  Davies, Geoffrey: II 183, 190

  Davies, Hugh Sykes: II 47

  Davies, John: Orchestra 478, 483, 492, 751, 916, 932, 1027; Nosce Teipsum 1128

  Day, John: Law-Trickes 944; The Parliament of Bees 73–74, 654

  Day Lewis, C.: II 199, 297, 466

  de la Mare, Richard: II 45, 58, 135, 201, 421, 424, 437, 486; Animula 768;

  Four Quartets pamphlets 896, 966;

  Faber dinner 1215;

  Noctes Binanianæ II 209–10

  de la Mare, Walter: 727, 759, 1057–60; Sleep 1213

  de l’Isle-Adam, Villiers: 359; Guitare 1108

  De Quincey, Thomas: The English Mail Coach: Dream Fugue 684; On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth 797

  Denham, John: Cooper’s Hill 479, 1040

  Dial, The: TSE urged to contribute 548; Thayer becomes editor 560;

  offer for The Waste Land 560–61;

  Dial Press 744;

  Dial prize 561–62, 564, 566–67, 744;

  translation of Hesse’s Blick ins Chaos 694;

  The Hollow Men 711–13

  Dickens, Charles: 441, 596, TSE quotes from memory 898;

  All the Year Round 513, 514, 1201;

  Barnaby Rudge 406, 425, 514;

  Bleak House 596, 1099;

  David Copperfield 494;

  Dombey and Son 623;

  Great Expectations 402;

  Hard Times 416;

  Little Dorrit 377, 811;

  Nicholas Nickleby 1193;

  The Old Curiosity Shop 664;

  Oliver Twist 827;

  Our Mutual Friend 595–96, II 61;

  Pickwick Papers (original epigraph to Four Quartets) 898; II 73, 74;

  TSE’s “Pickwick Paper (Advanced)” II 48, 59

  Diderot, Denis: Le rêve de d’Alembert 517

  Diels, Hermann: Fragmente der Vorsokratiker 906

  Disraeli, Benjamin: 476; “is man an ape or an angel?” 501–502;

  “instinct for power and love of country” 829

  Dobrée, Bonamy: 672, 992, II 58, 71, 238–39; on Anabasis translation II 141, 144, 145;

  on Bolovians II 247;

  Difficulties of a Statesman typescript II 454; Improper Rhymes II 257–69

  Dobson, Austin: After Watteau 1103; A Gage d’Amour 1119;

  In Town 486;

  On a Nankin Plate 1100;

  Pot-Pourri 407, 910;

  The Screen in the Lumber Room 508, 514

  dogs: Pollicle II 41–43, 162; “book of Consequential Dogs” II 52;

  “a simple soul” II 74

  Donne, John: 530–31, 743, 1021; “disappointed romanticism” 450;

  pronunciation of name 531, 737;

  “a thought to Donne was an experience” 531;

  “shining fragments of ideas” 707;

  “world” and “whirled” 731, 751;

  and Racine 743, 1088;

  Hayward edition 1002;

  “About Donne there hangs the shadow of the impure motive” 1024;

  and self-expression 1080;

  The Anniversary 767;

  Biathanatos 1094;

  Death’s Duel 742;

  Devotions 607;

  The Extasie 394, 493, 743, 911, 929, 1123;

  The First Anniversary 777;

  The Funeral 384, 1218;

  Goodfriday, 1613.

  Riding Westward 751;

  Holy Sonnets 475;

  A Hymne to God the Father 737;

  The Lamentations of Jeremy 1116;

  The Litanie 767;

  Nocturnall upon S. Lucies Day 781, 999;

  The Relique 384, 496, 1137, 1190;

  Satires 395, 443, 1095, 1100;

  The Second Anniversary 777;

  Sermons 494, 747, 777, 922, 935, 974, 998;

  Song: Goe and catche a falling starre 398;

  To His Mistress Going to Bed 667;

  Twickenham Garden 1127;

  A Valediction Forbidding Mourning 1029–30, 1196

  Doone, Rupert: directs Sweeney Agonistes 803

  Doren, Mark Van: 565, 600; The Poetry of John Dryden 628, 667

  Dostoevsky Fyodor: 1099; The Brothers Karamazov 374, 692;

  Crime and Punishment 373–74;

  The Idiot 374;

  “The Life of a Great Sinner” 647

  Douglas, C. H.: 860–61

  Dowson, Ernest: Rhymers’ Club 522; title of The Hollow Men 715;

  “falls thy shadow” 723;

  The Carthusians 452;

  Chanson sans paroles 694, 826;

  Impenitentia Ultima 378;

  In a Breton Cemetery 1123

  Dryden, John: 445; “imposed a new way of speech” 1021;

  Absalom and Achitophel 519, 649, 1216–17;

  Aeneid 385, 628, 647, 661, 837, 975–76, 1179;

  Alexander’s Feast 508;

  All for Love 700;

  Annus Mirabilis 779;

  From Horace Epod. 2d. 934;

  The Hind and the Panther 1197;

  Oedipus: A Tragedy 667;

  Ovid’s Metamorphoses 737–38;

  Palamon and Arcite 628, 980;

  Religio Laici 448, 923;

  A Song for St. Cecilia’s Day 1079;

  The Third Satire of Juvenal 518–19;

  To the Pious Memory of Mrs Anne Killigrew 653

  Dulac, Edmund: 461

  Dunbar, William: Lament for the Makers II 172

  Dunne, Annie: 748

  Dunne, J. W.: An Experiment with Time 905

  Durkheim, Émile: 457, 538

  Egoist, The: TSE as assistant editor 363; publishes Prufrock and Other Observations 363, 368,

  reviews Prufrock and Other Observations 369;

  advertises Prufrock and Other Observations 370, 373;

  TSE’s spoof letters 375;

  reprints Ulysses episode from Little Review 1188

  Edward VIII: abdication 391

  Eliot, Andrew: 472, 925–26

  Eliot, Charles W.: president of Harvard 1131

  Eliot, Charlotte C.: 361, 529, 756, 928, 1090; on St. Magnus the Martyr 671;

  TSE’s wish to publish her poems 1069;

  The Raising of Lazarus 394;

  Reminiscences of a Trip to London 671, 689;

  Saint Barnabas: A Missionary Hymn 1094;

  Savonarola 798, 819;

  The Three Kings 759;

  William Greenleaf Eliot 597, 1072

  Eliot, George: Daniel Deronda 376; The Wasp Credited with the Honeycomb 1112

  Eliot, Henry Ware, Jr.: 756; TSE’s American lectures (1932–33) 350, 476, 577, 600;

  “Prufrock complex” 382;

  accusatory letter (12 Sept 1935) 480, 591, 1025;

  reaction to 1920 poems 540, 1177;

  gift of typewriter 548, II 360;

  visits Liveright 585;

  gifts to Eliot House 590, 995, 1194, II 150–51;

  and The Dry Salvages 887, 959–60, 966;

  on TSE reading Four Quartets 898;

  “Tace et Fac” 931;

  TSE on cremation 1054;

  TSE on “the importance of appearances” 1139;

  TSE and Poe 1157;

  The Rumble Murders II 39–40

  Eliot, Henry Ware, Sr.: II 40, 272; dedicatee of The Sacred Wood 371, 931;

  TSE’s letters 434;

  “Unitarian piety and strict Puritanism” 535;

  house in Cape Ann 854, 887, 959–60;

  Eliot family history 926; refusal to leave family house 1077;

  “died too soon to be able to see me as anything but a son who had taken the wrong course” 1120;

  Hydraulic-Press Brick Company 1129;

  death 1152

  Eliot, T. S.: identities 845; Mr. Eliot 369, 534–55, 633, 844;

  T. Stearns Eliot, Thomas S. Eliot, Thomas Stearns Eliot 375;

  spoof names (including J. A. D. Spence and Charles A
ugustus Conybeare) 375, 615;

  erroneous spellings 375, 563, 1092, 1207;

  Aiken’s “The Tsetse” 397;

  Old Possum 497, 1200, 1202–1204, II 37–39, 52;

  Gus Krutzsch 596, 1183–85;

  T. P. 733, 1200;

  TSE and “St. Eloi” 1168;

  O. Possum II 44;

  O. P. II 46, 48, 57, 288;

  Uncle Tom II 56, 161, 168;

  T. Possum II 62;

  Elephant II 149, 206, 216

  Eliot, Valerie: on the rediscovered drafts of The Waste Land 554, 583, 585–86; on other poems among the drafts 1154, 1158, 1160–61, 1180–89;

  on Vivien Eliot 638;

  bookplate shared with TSE 782;

  visit to Cape Ann 854;

  on TSE quoting Dickens from memory 898;

  reluctant to publish a trade edition

  of Poems Written in Early Youth (1967) 1067;

  Apropos of “Practical Cats” II 51–53.

  See also Valerie’s Own Book.

  Eliot, Vivien: 415, 423, 435, 443, 456, 548–49, 602, 632, 635–39, 645, 651, 664, 809, 1163; “dwells on the past” 421;

  sudden marriage 434;

  desperate to save TSE from active service 485;

  drafts of The Waste Land 637

  (requests omission), II 361;

  “kill her or kill

  myself” 813;

  Roosevelt’s visit 821–22.

  See also “F. M.”

  Eliot, William Greenleaf: 960, 1070; commended by Emerson 534;


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