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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

Page 23

by Bella Roccaforte

  “Okay. I’ll assemble the men and meet you on the road leading to your place. Don’t worry, we’ll get Storm back and take care of Nash once and for all.”

  “See you soon, and thank you, Alpha.”

  “No thanks necessary.” Elias hung up, leaving them alone once more.

  “I need to call Jag; can you connect for me?” he asked softly.

  Wiping a hand across her face, Savannah nodded. “I’m sorry for bringing this trouble to you all.”

  “Nash brought it, not you.” He sighed, knowing it was the truth, but still upset about her plans to leave.

  “I hope you didn’t go in all guns blazing.” Jag chuckled down the line.

  “Jag, shut up and listen,” Ash cut him off. “We’ve got trouble. I’ve been in touch with Elias and he’s on his way with men, but you need to get here.”

  “What’s going on?” Jag’s tone changed immediately. “Are the girls okay?”

  “Savannah’s with me, but she’s a bit beaten up. Nash is back and he’s not alone. I’m sorry, Jag, I really am…”

  “For what? Ash, tell me why you’re fucking sorry? Is Storm hurt? Tell me. Is my mate hurt?”

  Pain. Anguish. Outright agony in every word echoed in the cabin. Savannah’s hand shot to her mouth to stifle a sob while Ash fought to contain his own reaction to his friend’s torture.

  “As far as I know, she’s fine, but Nash is holding her…”

  “What? Why? What the fuck is going on? Tell me, Ash, right fucking now.” A brief pause before he heard Jag roaring. “Barnett! Get out here now. We need to get to my place! Storm’s in trouble.”

  “Okay, Jag, here’s what’s happened…”

  There were so many cuss words and interruptions that they had to park, and Ash was outside strolling back and forth by the time he’d finished relaying to Jag what’d happened. When his friend found out Savannah wasn’t human, and was fae, and royalty to boot, Jag cursed over and over, demanding to know how he couldn’t have known. As if it were a personal slight against his shifter abilities he’d missed it. All the time, Savannah sat nibbling her nail, white-faced, and looking like she was terrified of seeing Jag when he arrived. Then Jag cursed once more and sighed, a long deep sound coming over the phone.

  “Jesus, the wishes she grants can end up cursed, too? What a horrendous burden to carry. No wonder she ran from it. We’re gonna rip Nash apart, Ash. You and me … we’ll tear him apart. Right?”

  “You have that right, Jag. I’ve gotta go. Savannah needs me.”

  “Go to her. I’ll be there soon.”

  The line went dead. His attention turning to Savannah sitting with the door open, blood dripping from her feet, her eye swollen, and her shoulder bruise worse than it was when he’d found her. The sight of her broken and bloodied causing physical pain to well up inside him. He surged toward her … then stopped dead right in front of her, remembering why he’d been on his way to find her in the first place. Jagger’s words ringing in his ears over and over, he could barely believe them … but his friend would never lie to him.

  Pain of another kind hit him as he reached to gently sweep hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear. Words sticking in his throat before they came out in a hoarse gasp.

  “You were leaving me.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Words he never thought he’d utter left his mouth. They hurt like nothing he’d felt before. He’d been wounded in service. He’d been injured in fights, but nothing felt as bad as this. His love, his mate … leaving him.

  Her eyes flicked up to his, widened, then she shook her head once. “No. Never. Why would you say such a thing?”

  Canting his head, he tried to read her. Was she lying? He didn’t think so, but he could be wrong. His friend wouldn’t lie to him, neither would Storm to her mate. “Jag told me. Storm said you were going back to the city in a couple of days.”

  Savannah’s hand reached for his, taking it and holding firmly. “I am, but it’s not what you think.”

  “Really?” he snapped. “Leaving Dark Moon Falls to go to the city without saying a word to me tells me a fucking lot, Savannah.”

  “Shut up!” she shouted. “Let me talk, will you?”

  “Why? So you can lie to me again?”

  “I’ve never lied to you. I didn’t tell you everything, Ash, but I’ve never lied to you.”

  “You’re leaving and you didn’t say squat to me about it. What’s that?”

  “A huge fucking surprise. For you, for Storm, and for my entire life.” She took a deep breath, then threw his hand away. “I was going into the city to pack everything up, get rid of the lease on my apartment, then come back and tell you everything. I wanted to surprise you, and then I wanted us to … move on with us. I was going to tell Storm who I really was, then I was going to ask you to accept me as your mate and bond with me.”

  What? Shit. Did she just say she wanted to bond with him? She wanted to be his mate and he’d just called her a liar. Hell, he’d made the biggest mistake of his life. Now what? How did he get out of this? How could he keep her after what he’d just done?

  Falling to his knees before her, Ash looked up into her furious face. “Why didn’t you say anything? When Jag said you were leaving … I thought you were leaving me. Us. I felt like my heart was being ripped out, Savannah. I felt like I’d lost you, because you’d not opened up to me, and I know you’re my mate. You know how it works with shifters; this is killing me. Not bonding with you is ripping me up inside … I feel like I’m dying. I’m sorry. I can’t say how sorry I am. I’ll say it over and over if you’ll forgive me. Please, you must believe me. I’m an ass, an idiot, a fool. I’m a…”

  “Shut up.” She shook her head. “You should’ve known how I feel. I love you. I’ll give up anything for you, but I won’t put up with you thinking I’m a liar. I kept some personal information from you, but we talked about it, and agreed I’d tell you when I was okay with it. I’ve never lied about anything and I wouldn’t. For you to think I’d just up and leave you for no reason, and without telling you, shit, that hurts.”

  “I know, and I’ve said I’m sorry. What else can I do?”

  “Don’t ever doubt me again.” Savannah pushed him. “If you do, then you’ll regret it. I’ll walk away, Ash, and you won’t see me for dust.”

  “I promise.” Ash leaped toward her, crushing her to his chest. “I love you, too.”

  “Okay, now we have that out of the way, we have to decide what to do about Storm.”

  “No, first order of business is you.” He looked her up and down. “You’re injured. Can you heal yourself if you’re fae?”

  Her head dropped, her teeth nibbling her bottom lip, but she nodded. “Yes.”

  “Why haven’t you dropped your glamor then? Do it. Heal yourself.”

  She hesitated still. Remaining in her human form with blood congealing on her injured feet and her face. What the hell was wrong with her?

  “Savannah? Why aren’t you changing? You need to heal, and you’ll be stronger if you’re fae.” Hooking a finger under her chin, he forced her to look up into his eyes. What he saw was fear and indecision shining back at him.


  “I’m scared.”

  “Why? What are you scared of?” He didn’t understand … then he did. “Baby, you’re scared of the pack seeing you as fae? Is that it?”

  “I look so different when I’m fae.”

  “You look beautiful, strong, and fucking gorgeous. It’s obvious to anyone you’re of royal blood, Savannah, and you’re a warrior, too. My warrior queen, it’s what you are. I’m going Alpha on you, now change. Right this second, so you can heal. I’m not asking. This isn’t open for discussion. You need your power and you need it now.”


  “No buts. I need you strong, and so does Storm. Your friend is in danger and you can’t help her the way you are now. Can you?”

  She shook her head, waving him away, then dropped
her glamor.

  His heart beat faster when she stood before him in her true form. The one he’d come to know so well … a royal fae. Technically, a warrior princess, but to him, she was his queen and always would be. Savannah’s wounds began to heal before him, so astonishingly fast, the swelling on her eye was there one moment and gone the next. Dropping his gaze, he saw her bloody feet restored and no sign of any wounds whatsoever. Her clothing remained ripped, so he retrieved a shirt from the back seat and handed it to her with a shrug.

  “You might want to cover up.”

  When she looked down to see the extent of damage done to her dress, she pushed his hand away, tore the dress off, and stood in her underwear before him. He opened his mouth to protest, but she shook her head before mumbling a few words and a shimmer surrounded her, then she gave him a sly smirk when jeans, boots, and a plaid shirt appeared.

  “Nifty trick, babe.”

  “Does come in handy.” She cocked her head. “People are arriving.”

  “What?” He listened for approaching vehicles, but it was another second before he heard them. “You’ve a few tricks you’ve been keeping from me, huh?”

  “I don’t use them often, and I have to concentrate for certain ones, like hearing. It’s not like I purposely kept it from you.”

  She sounded defensive. Probably because of the lying fiasco earlier. That was on him. “I’m not having a dig at you, Savannah. I’m impressed, not annoyed.”


  “Certain,” he assured her, stepping up close to take her into his arms. “I’m not upset with any of your powers, or the strength that comes with you being fae royalty. Truth is, if we weren’t in the situation we are … you’d be turning me on right now. But we are, so we have to go kick some ass and rescue Storm.”

  “By the way, remember the first night we were together? I mentioned your tongue?”

  Ash frowned at the change in direction of the conversation, confused. “What? Yes, I think so. Where’s this going?”

  “I never told you about it. It just came to me I didn’t. Well, I want you to know before you arrived I’d been fantasizing about you, specifically about what you could do with your tongue, and, well, I’d just like you to know you far exceeded anything my imagination could come up with.”

  He remembered the night well. The dinner that never was. The moment she revealed her true self to him, and their first time making love together. It was magical. He also remembered making her fall apart with his mouth on her and hearing her scream his name until she was hoarse. The memory so vivid his cock twitched to life…

  “Fuck, Savannah, you know what you’ve just done to me?”

  She laughed up at him, a twinkle in her eyes. “I hope so. Just keep it in mind for later, because if this goes as we hope, I don’t want to wait, Ash. I want us to bond. I want you to be mine and I want to be yours. I love you so much it hurts. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize this is what I want. If you’ll still have me after I’ve caused you and everyone all this trouble?”

  “I want you, babe. Don’t worry, we’ll sort Nash out.”

  “Oh, and I’ve something else to tell you.”


  “It’s a confession of sorts.”

  “Jeez, what now?”

  “I know shifters age differently to humans. So do fae, but I sense you’re not too old. I’m pretty sure I’m older than you, though. I hope it’s not going to be an issue.”

  “It won’t be. Not unless you’re going to suddenly change into an old crone?”

  “Nope, this is the real me. I’ll be like this for a very long time. We age much slower than most others. I just don’t want to start off on a lie.”

  “Age to us is only a number. We don’t use it, not really. Jagger is a lot older than he looks, so are most of us. So, don’t worry about it. I won’t ask if you don’t.”

  “Great. It’s never polite to ask a lady her age.”

  “Nothing else?” He quirked a brow.

  “No, that’s it.”


  “I’m fae, a royal princess. I’m older than you. Think I’ve covered it.”

  “We’re good to go then.”

  They finished up just as several vehicles arrived. Elias in the lead, and the others packed with tough looking shifters ready to do battle. In total, there were over twenty, and then there was a screech of brakes … Jagger had arrived. Shit. Ash wasn’t looking forward to facing his friend. He knew he’d be full of rage if he were in Jag’s shoes, and he didn’t want any of his friend’s fury pointed at Savannah. Elias met Jagger, then they walked over together.

  Savannah stood next to him, her nervous energy buzzing around her. Ash felt the power from her, too, it sparked in the air, and he wondered just how strong she was. He wasn’t sure he wanted to find out firsthand, and hoped Jagger didn’t either.

  “How are you, Savannah?” Elias asked as soon as they arrived. His keen eyes roamed over her, taking in her fae form.

  Ash wasn’t sure if he was searching for injuries or strengths. Either way, she stood up to it and held out a hand. “I’m fine now I’m back in my true form. I’ve managed to heal myself and I’m ready to get this bastard for taking Storm.”

  “Do you know what his plans are? Did he give you any orders on how you were to carry out his … wish?” Jagger stepped forward, his words were cold, calm, but held a measure of the anger he was obviously feeling. “Also, and I’m sorry, but I must ask, did you see if Storm was injured in any way? I need to know if she’s hurt, Savannah.”

  “When I left, two of his men were holding her by her arms. At that time, she wasn’t hurt, Jag. I’m so sorry I left her, but I felt it was my only option. I had to warn the pack and get help. I fought with Nash himself, briefly, then I jumped over the porch railing and ran. He roared if I didn’t grant his wish by midnight, he’d kill her. Two of his men came after me and I barely made it to where Ash found me. I saw at least ten with Nash, but it’s not to say he didn’t have more nearby. I can’t be sure. I’m sorry, but that’s all the information I have. I didn’t have time to focus, I was trying to get away so I could alert the pack.”

  Elias stepped forward, clamping a large hand on her shoulder. “It’s a lot of information in the circumstances. A few seconds and you’ve given us a lot to work on. Levi and his team are already deployed to Jagger’s, and I expect an update shortly. They’ll be able to let us know if Nash is still there, or if not, I’m hopeful they can give us an indication of where they’re headed.”

  “Midnight gives us some time to find her.” Jagger looked around at the assembled men. “We have enough to take him out, if he didn’t have more hidden somewhere.”

  “Don’t worry, there are more of the pack throughout the forest, and even more are on standby. I’m not unprepared, Jagger.” Elias looked around them, taking in the vista. “This is our land, our pack, I will not allow anyone to threaten it or to hurt anyone under our protection. That, my dear Savannah, includes you.”

  “I don’t need protection. I’m quite capable of looking after myself.” She stuck her chin out defiantly, every pore of her roared royalty as her body crackled with power.

  Ash inhaled sharply, his hand landing on her shoulder. “Savannah, don’t…”

  Elias merely smiled, interrupting him. “It’s okay, Asher. Savannah hasn’t insulted me. She’s new to our ways, and she is indeed a very capable fae woman. Royal and regal, but she’ll learn when she joins with anyone here, when she lives within Dark Moon Falls, it doesn’t matter who she is, or how powerful she is … she is still considered under our protection and always will be. That means, Savannah, if you ever need help, you ask, and we’ll give it. Or, if you need it and we see you need it, you don’t have to ask. We’ll still give it.”

  Savannah lifted her head higher, jutted her chin, then met Elias’ eyes full on. “I apologize if I seemed … ungrateful. It wasn’t my intention. I’ve lived so long trying to hide from my past,
and my family, I’ve forgotten there’s any other way. I welcome the opportunity to learn from you, and your pack … if you’ll have me, Alpha.”

  Ash’s heart swelled with pride at his mate’s show of both humility and power in the face of his Alpha. He wasn’t sure, yet, how it would pan out. He’d never seen anything like it before. Not with an Alpha. Nobody spoke to, or faced eye to eye, with an Alpha like Savannah just did. But she wasn’t just anyone. She wasn’t a wolf. She wasn’t a human. She was fae. She was royal blood.

  What would Elias do? Fuck. Ash couldn’t bear the seconds ticking by while he waited to find out. Elias finally made a move. One nobody expected, and one Ash doubted would ever be repeated.

  “We’ve never had anyone of royal blood from the fae within our pack in the history of Dark Moon Falls. It’s my pleasure to welcome you, Savannah. I trust Ash will take some time to educate you in the ways of a pack so we don’t have any issues moving forward. For now, I look forward to seeing you in action. I understand your kind can move swiftly and are fleet of foot, as well as being strong in battle.”

  Thank the Goddess. Elias had given her an out, but also reminded him to teach her not to glare openly at an Alpha. He’d do so as soon as possible, but he thought it would be a hard sell, knowing Savannah. Might be better to keep her interactions with Elias to a minimum to avoid any confrontations.

  Savannah gave a smile, and a nod. “Thank you, and yes, we are indeed fast and pretty tough. I’m hoping to get even with Nash for what he’s done. As quickly as possible.”

  A growl from behind had them turning to find a large wolf pacing back and forth before it transformed, then quickly coming to Elias. “Levi checked in. They’re not at Jagger’s home, but they’ve tracked them to a cabin farther into the forest, north of Jagger’s. It’s a rental that’s not being used and there’s nothing around. He confirms ten shifters patrolling outside, two inside with Storm. He and his team have taken up positions far enough away to watch but not be seen, and await your orders.”


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