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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

Page 24

by Bella Roccaforte

“Tell him to standby, we’re on our way.”

  He walked away to transform and relay the message.

  “I know where he’s talking about. I’ll lead the way.” Jagger snarled. “Savannah, can you keep up?”

  Savannah lifted her head haughtily. “I can. Don’t slow your pace for me, Jag.”

  Elias raised his voice to address the group. “All right, everyone, we have a location. Jagger’s leading the way, and Levi’s there and when we arrive, we’ll split up. Myself, Jagger, Ash, and Savannah will be going in to rescue Storm, the rest of you liaise with Levi to take out the shifters surrounding the cabin. This is a destroy situation. I don’t want these fuckers coming back onto our land. Do you understand?”

  A roar erupted around them before a mass transformation, but Asher waited a moment, snatching Savannah’s arm. “Are you sure you can do this?”

  Her eyes were hard as steel when she returned his look. “I’m ready, willing, and more than fucking capable. Let’s go get Storm. Oh, and by the way … I want Nash dead. Not caught, not injured, stone fucking dead.”

  Before he could answer, she was gone…

  Chapter Twenty

  Ash couldn’t track Savannah, she moved that fast. His beast tore through the forest, stampeding past other wolves from the pack, in an effort to catch her. His only way to know where she was: her scent.

  He knew it as well as he knew his own, and he’d follow it to the ends of the earth. His paws slipped on some damp leaves, but he recovered lightning fast, then carried on. A nudge on his rump caught him unaware before another scent wafted into his nostrils. Jag’s. His friend caught up to him, huffing out snorts while he ran right behind him.

  “She’s fast. Damn. I can’t even see her. But I know she’s ahead.” Jagger sounded impressed, and so he should be. Savannah was putting them all to shame, and to think Ash had thought she’d have trouble being able to keep up with them.

  “Tell me about it,” Ash replied through their pack link. “How the hell does she know where she’s going?”

  “She went hiking with Storm a lot over the last year or so. There aren’t many rentals to the north of us. I guess she’s realized where they are. If she heads the wrong way, I’ll let you know.”

  “Okay, thanks. For now, I’m going after her.”

  “Go for it, bud, but I don’t think you’ve a chance in hell of catching her.” Jagger’s wolf huffed out a gruff whine, the equivalent of a wolf laugh.

  Ash knew he didn’t. Not at the speed she was going, but he’d still give it a good try. Then, a flash of insight rushed through him. His blood turning to ice in his veins. His heart stuttered in his chest. Fear spreading throughout his entire being.

  “No. Fuck no! Jag, what if she’s going after Nash … alone?”

  His fear voiced to his friend brought it crashing in on him, his paws caught on a root, sending him tumbling head over ass, but he didn’t falter, picking himself up to speed after his mate.

  “What? Are you for real? She wouldn’t do that. Would she? It’s too dangerous. She can’t take them on, not on her own. What the hell is she thinking?”

  Ash fought his own fear. The terror rolling through him for Savannah. He knew exactly what she was thinking and how she was feeling. Guilt for leaving Storm and fury at Nash for what he’d done.

  “I know why, Jag. I fucking know.”

  “Why? What the hell’s going on?”

  “Guilt. She’s feeling guilty for leaving Storm, and she’s filled with white hot anger at Nash. We must get there before she does, or at the very least, the same time. If we don’t, she’s going to take him on by herself. I know she is. I can sense it.”

  His blood pumped through his system as he pushed himself past his limits. His heart at the point of bursting in his chest, but he refused to falter or ease up. Savannah couldn’t be allowed to face their foe alone. He would not have his mate in such danger.

  “Alpha.” Jagger reached out through the pack link. “We think Savannah is going after Nash on her own. She’s hiked the area with Storm, so we think she knows where he’s at. She’s left us behind and we’re chasing her tail, but it’s looking like she’s gone solo. Ash believes it’s because of her guilt at leaving Storm behind, but we can’t leave her to face Nash alone. We’re doing our best to catch her … but she’s so damn fast.”

  “I’ll reach out to Levi. If he sees her, then I’ll instruct him to back her up, but if you can keep up with her, please do. He’s already in position to help take down the guards surrounding the cabin.”

  Ash heard the reproach in Elias’ words and knew he was upset at the news. “I apologize…”

  “She’s new to our ways, and I understand guilt is a heavy burden to bear. I can’t say I wouldn’t act the same in her shoes,” Elias answered sharply. “Let’s just do our best to reach our targets as quickly as we can to avoid the scenario we are all thinking about just now.”

  “Thank you, Alpha.” Ash fought to control the panic rising inside him. The thought of Savannah arriving alone, without them for backup, to face Nash and his men brought a cold darkness to his soul he couldn’t fight.

  “She is pack. She needs us. We have to help,” Elias replied firmly. “So let us get to her and give her our help.”

  A second later, Elias sped past him and Jag, a snarl erupting from his massive jaws, his head turning for a moment, so their eyes met.

  “What’s keeping you, pups? Can’t keep up?”

  Jagger sped up, his sleek black beast racing to catch Elias, and so did Ash. There was not a chance in hell he was being left behind. Not when Savannah needed him, and not when his Alpha was right there by his side to help her.

  Fear still flowed through every cell in his body, but now, with Elias leading the charge, Ash felt a new sense of power flowing through him. As if his Alpha bestowed some of his own to him … or maybe it was just nonsense and it was just having him there with him that gave him renewed strength to carry on. Whatever it was, Ash and Jagger flew through the forest with a faster speed, leaving their brethren eating their dust.

  “I’ve known a few fae in my life. I’ve even hunted with a couple. I have to say, Ash, I’ve never known any to move as fast as your mate.” Elias grunted as he leaped over a tree trunk in their path.

  His words brought a sense of pride surging inside him, although he wished Savannah wasn’t as fleet of foot. His own strength was waning after their prolonged journey at such a high speed. His breathing ragged, and his heart fit to burst in his chest.

  “How much farther?” he asked, hoping the answer was to his liking. Then he noticed a distinct change when he drew a ragged breath in … his nostrils flaring to take another inside. “Wait, do you smell that?”

  “Yes,” Elias replied immediately. “Her scent is stronger. We’re gaining on her, or she’s slowed down. It’s because we’re almost there, Ash. The cabin is just ahead. She’ll be taking things more cautiously now. As should we. I’m circling around so we go in from the rear of the cabin. Everyone else knows what’s expected of them, so all we have to do is get to our positions without being detected.”

  Anticipation built inside him, hoping they weren’t too late. If Savannah acted too soon, she’d be putting everyone at risk. Including Storm. She wasn’t that stupid. Unless her wrath was blinding her.

  “Silence is golden from now,” Elias cautioned, slowing his pace to ensure they weren’t heard as he swerved to change direction.

  “Please, be safe, baby,” Ash mumbled to nobody but himself.

  He wanted to run. Desperate to race to her aid, but he knew he couldn’t risk their discovery. Not when he sensed their enemy in the forest around them. They didn’t know they were there, and were walking around making a shit ton of noise. Some in human form, talking and laughing, while others were in wolf form, padding around, growling like they wanted to scare anyone or anything away. Yeah, right, as if it’d work against a pack coming to wreak havoc down on them.

  Didn’t they kn
ow who they were up against? They’d obviously not done their homework if they thought a few snarls would put off Elias, or the Dark Moon Falls pack. Levi and his team of hunters were renowned for their prowess, a few mangy mutts wouldn’t stand in their way. But Nash wasn’t counting on the guys he’d brought. He’d been looking for Savannah and her wish to make up for his lack of manpower.

  Nash didn’t count on her going rogue on him. Or her deep-rooted hatred of her gift. The fact she’d do anything to stop from granting him his wish didn’t occur to him. Stupid fuck. He’d got things wrong on so many levels because …why? Then it hit him. Nash’s weakness was the way he thought of women. The way he thought of them as weak and able to bend them to his will through brute force. Boy, did he get that wrong. Especially with Savannah.

  Savannah fought back from the start. When he arrived, she fought him. When he held Storm and threatened her friend, Savannah still fought back. When he sent men after her, she still ran for help. From the get-go … Savannah fought him every step of the way. Still, Nash expected her to appear, scared and docile, to save her friend. Fuck, was he in for a surprise. Especially if she arrived first. Savannah would go in all guns blazing, but would she win on her own?

  That was the fucking question tearing at Ash’s gut.

  Not happening, babe. I’m coming. I’ll be there, right by your side. Then Nash would see exactly what a woman was capable of with her mate standing up with her.

  “There it is. Slowly now.” Elias’ beast crouched down, slinking toward the back porch of the cabin. “No guards, what a moron this guy is. Well, none nearby anyway. There’s a few back in the trees, but we can’t be seen from where they are. Our men are covering them.”

  “Savannah!” Ash saw her already on the stoop, creeping to the door. “She’s going to go in, Alpha. We have to act before she’s on her own.”

  “Indeed, Ash, we will.” Elias’ tail swished back and forth, alerting Ash to his disapproval. “I’d prefer to have waited for a few more minutes. We left most of our men behind with our mad dash trying to catch her. Now they’re behind us and it’ll take them a few more moments to be in position.”

  “Let me go alone,” Ash pleaded. “If she sees me, maybe I’ll be able to stop her long enough for the rest to catch up. If she goes in though, I can’t remain outside, Alpha. I have to protect my mate.”

  “Fine, go. See if you can delay her.”

  Ash didn’t waste another second, lowering his body as far as he could to the ground and creeping forward silently. His eyes locked on Savannah while she steadfastly made her way to the back door of the cabin. Her attention completely focused on her task and he made it all the way without a backward glance from her. Rookie mistake. Anyone could’ve crept up on her and taken her out. Anyone.

  When he arrived, he didn’t waste time with the stairs, instead, he leaped up and onto the porch, landing with a grace belying a beast of his size. It was then Savannah’s head snapped around…

  “So, you managed to catch up. I’m impressed,” she whispered, dropping down to her knees. “Don’t try to stop me. I’m going in and he’s dying. It’s simple.”

  Ash shook his large head, nudging her, then looking off to the forest.

  “I know the pack’s there.”

  He shook his head again.

  Savannah frowned. “They’re not there?”

  Another shake of his head.

  She smiled, a twinkle in her eyes. “Couldn’t keep up, huh?”

  Another shake, then he looked off to the forest again.

  “You want me to wait on them?”

  A nod, then a nudge.

  “I need to do this. I can’t wait until there’s a ton of shit going on and he knows something’s going down. I have to catch him unaware.”

  Ash wished he could whine at her, but he couldn’t. Not a sound could he make, but he had to get through to her. Delay her. Every second counted for the pack. So he leaned forward, placing his massive head as close as he could and … licked her.

  Savannah drew back, wiping her face. “Eww, that’s not the sort of tongue action I’m into.”

  He leaned in again, rubbing the side of his head over her. Imploring with every cell in his body … sending her a message from every pore of his beast, and wishing he could tell her how much she had to listen to him.

  “Ash,” she sighed out his name, her arms circling him while her face snuggled into his thick fur.

  “Our men have arrived and are in position. Jag and I are coming to you now,” Elias reported.

  Savannah pulled back, holding him on either side of his face, staring deep into his eyes. “I’m going in. Are you coming with me?”

  He gave her a quick nod.

  “Thank you.” She rose, turned, and strode to the door.

  “Hurry, I can’t stop her now,” he implored his Alpha.

  “We’re coming.”

  Savannah’s back was straight as a rod, her hair flying out behind her, a raw power flowing through her as she arrived at the door. She didn’t even attempt to hide her approach. Instead, she kicked the door in with one fluid movement, then strode inside like she owned the damn place…

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Ash prowled in behind his mate, his head swinging left and right in the search for any threats. He’d do whatever it took to protect her, although she looked to be in control of the situation. With her face hard as stone, her eyes flashing with fury, and her hands outstretched at her sides with crackling sparks on the tips of her fingers. Ash wasn’t sure what the hell was about to happen. All he did know? He didn’t want to be on the receiving end of Savannah’s fury.

  “Nash, I’m here for Storm. Come out and play, you bastard!” Savannah screamed, her voice high-pitched and hurting his sensitive ears.

  A movement from the opposite end of the room caught both their attention, causing him to snarl, and Savannah to lower her hands to her sides, with her palms facing outward. Two wolves appeared, with Nash in the middle, holding Storm by the throat in front of him. Storm’s face was snow white, her eyes wide, and when she saw Savannah, they widened further.

  “Savannah?” Storm managed to get out before Nash tightened his grip, strangling her so she couldn’t speak … and barely catch a breath.

  Ash snarled viciously at his manhandling of Storm, but Savannah? She went cold as steel, her head dropping so her chin almost touched her chest, her eyes looking up at Nash with a look of pure hatred. A cold shiver ran through Ash…

  “It’s going to be all right, Storm. Don’t worry. Jagger’s here, and I’ll get you home to him soon.”

  Ash caught sight of Elias’ and Jagger’s beasts prowling on the front porch, behind where Nash and his wolves stood. They had no idea they were there, but it was only a matter of them crashing through the window and they’d be in the room with them.

  “No, not happening. Not until you deliver your part of the bargain. I want my wish granted, bitch. If you don’t, then this little lady’s gonna get her throat ripped clean out. Do you want to see her blood dripping all over the floor? Do you want to watch as she dies right in front of you?”

  Nash’s nails grew into long, wicked looking claws around Storm’s neck. The sight causing Ash to growl and pad forward. His menacing snarls growing fiercer by the second. Jag’s beast now reacting in the background … his friend frantic to help his mate.

  “Hold, Jag, don’t do anything that will cause Storm to be harmed,” Elias cautioned calmly.

  Savannah’s eyes dropped to Storm once more, a smile playing across her lips as she spoke straight to her. As if they were the only two people in the room. “Storm, don’t listen to him. You’re walking out of here and into Jag’s arms. Trust me.”

  Then the sounds of the battle between the pack and Nash’s men arrived. The two wolves beside Nash growled, gnashing their teeth, but remained at his sides. Nash, however, speared Savannah with a venomous glare.

  “I see you didn’t come alone. Doesn’t matter. I’m
going to count to ten, and if you haven’t fulfilled what I’ve asked, then she dies.”

  Savannah’s head lifted, her hands played out in front of her, moving as if to a music only she could hear. Spirals of smoke appeared around them, weaving in and out of her graceful movements while she muttered words alien to them all. A language none of them knew, one sounding ancient, but Ash felt power behind them … raw, dark, primeval.

  Then the tendrils slowly shifted from her dancing fingers, making their way across the room. What was she doing? A spell? The wish? No. She’d never grant it. Surely, she wouldn’t do it? But if not, then what? Ash could only wait and watch as they carried on toward Nash … but they didn’t touch him. Instead, they wound their way around Storm!

  What the fuck?

  “What’s she doing to Storm?” Jagger roared through their link.

  Ash didn’t reply. He couldn’t because he had no fucking clue.

  Storm disappeared … and in her stead Nash held in his grasp a young woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, and freckles over a cute button nose. Who the hell was she?

  “You can’t hurt her. You love her, Nash. She’s the love of your life … isn’t she?”

  Nash turned to look at Storm … who wasn’t Storm. His face whitened, his eyes wide with shock. “What the … Ruby? How? Oh, dear Goddess? Ruby! You’ve come back to me?”

  His hand released from Storm’s neck … Ruby’s … whoever the hell’s neck as if he’d been holding a snake. Then he turned to Savannah. “How did you know? Why?”

  “I knew your darkest secret wasn’t the one you asked for.” Savannah lowered her hand, grabbed Ash’s fur and tugged on it while Nash returned his attention to the woman beside him to fuss over her. Savannah leaned down, whispering, “It’s only an illusion and it’ll fade in a few seconds. We have to act now.”

  “Elias, Jag, it’s an illusion. It’s still Storm. We need to attack before it fades.”

  “The magic is tiring. Ruby should sit down to rest,” Savannah urged, stepping forward to separate Storm from Nash.


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