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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

Page 37

by L M Lacee

  Before they had shuttled down, Hawk had advised them that not every planet had a name, some like this one were so small. Less than a quarter of Earth’s size, or of such poor importance, it did not qualify for a designation. So it was merely known on star charts as XYRE 567.

  Darby explained she had searched the data stream for information on XYRE 567. Discovering the small planet was inhabited. She could not find where the people had originally come from or when. Pictures showed them

  as small, pink skinned, dark eyed and dark hair, biped people with their own unique language. Darby also said there was documentation to say they could speak and understand Coalition. Their primary form of income was from farming a vegetable that looked similar to a pumpkin. This was sold extensively throughout the Universe.

  It tasted, Hawk said, like the melons of Earth.

  Unfortunately, when they finally landed on the surface of the planet, it was to be confronted by a quiet world. They could see no workers tending crops. The land lay as empty as the villages; it was as though no one had worked the soil for yentas.

  Netta asked. ‘Do you think they got a virus too?’

  Hawk replied. ‘It is a possibility, this would explain the emptiness.’

  When Peyton stepped down from the shuttle, she was gripped by a sense of despair that almost drove her to her knees.

  ‘Madam, you are unwell?’ Hawk asked, worry in his voice as Peyton sucked in a sharp breath.

  She shook her head, saying. ‘Something bad has taken this planet and slowly killed it.’

  Netta moved to her. ‘What killed it?’

  ‘I don’t know Netta, a sickness but not like on Earth. This is something else.’

  Netta removed her glove and took Peyton’s hand in hers. ‘It’s okay Peyton. We are here.’

  At her touch, Peyton’s heart settled and her breathing became normal once more. The heaviness was still wrapped around her, but at least she was not doubled over. ‘Thank you Netta.’

  Netta squeezed her hand in reply and slipped her glove back on.

  Their scouting party led by Kerol had waited for them to disembark, then reported they had discovered a large residence one kilto over a small rise. Peyton knew a kilto was Coalition for a kilometer, she was fairly sure she could walk a kilometer.

  Netta grinned at her. ‘Come on, Peyton. You can do this.’

  ‘Sure I can… I train.’ She muttered as Netta started out at a jog, forcing Peyton to jog.

  She just knew Netta was doing it on purpose, which was proved when she laughed as Melody said snidely while jogging pass her with Hawk and Kerol at her side.

  ‘You wanted to come on the first shuttle, remember?’

  ‘Shut it, Armee girl.’ Peyton panted in reply. It left much to be desired she felt as a slap down, especially when Melody laughed.

  Although she moaned silently to herself, Peyton moved if not as fast as the others just as soundlessly. And was only a few seconds behind Melody, Netta and the Warriors, when they came to a small rise.

  Unlike everyone else, she was breathing heavily, but she was pleased with her performance. She looked down to where Kerol pointed and sure enough they could see a house, if anyone could call a mansion just a house.

  Netta passed her a tube of water as Melody whistled between her teeth. ‘My... my, that is some place.’

  Finishing her water, Peyton agreed. ‘It really is.’

  ‘Built for royalty.’ Hawk said as he pointed out the security.

  The property took their breaths away. Firstly; it was enormous and secondly; the beauty of the white stone walls added to its elegance. The yards were exquisite. Flower beds and plants of all types decorated the stone walkways. Peyton could not see the end of the walls facing them. They seemed to go on for kiltos.

  A Warrior signaled from the house that they had gained entry. With an almost silent groan Peyton made her way unhurriedly down the hill to the beautiful building.

  The feeling she had since learning of the planet hardened into certainty. Something was going to happen on this small nondescript world, and it would be a turning point in the way her family and people viewed her from now on. Part of her cried for what she would lose this day, another part hungered for her to explore the possibilities of who she was becoming. Overshadowing all of that was the fear of what would emerge when she did.


  An hour after their entry into the mansion which occurred without incident. Peyton sat in what was the most palatial dining room she had ever seen.

  Darby had set up her computer equipment when she and Jean had arrived and declared the room her base of operations. Which suited Melody and Hawk, as they did not have to assign additional guards for her.

  The table Peyton was using was a grand affair made from some kind of solid black material. It reached from one end of the room to the other, at least one hundred and twenty feet. Ornate tiles made up the ceilings and floors. They were so beautiful; it was almost sacrilegious to walk on them. The stone walls were adorned with large murals, some depicting scenes of hunters or animals in the throes of death. Hawk told her most of those scenes were of the Emperor and Empress of Jenersar.

  The house was three stories with a basement and had to measure forty thousand square feet at least. Peyton like Melody thought it was bigger, but they had learned to never argue with Darby over measurements. The entire house was beautifully decorated and had expensive technology installed, or so Jean assured Melody. Some of it made Darby whimper, it was apparently so magnificent.

  Sadly, no one had been monitoring the skies on the magnificent security systems, or they would have detected Peyton’s armee arriving and taking over the planet. Which Darby explained to her with what Peyton could only term condemnation for the sloppy security.

  Darby stood in front of Peyton with her hands on her hips and demanded to know. ‘What is the point of the high tech, if no one is there to monitor it?’

  Which of course Peyton had no answer for. Jean grinned as she looked between an irritated Darby and a nonplussed Peyton and offered her opinion.

  ‘It’s a shame really, all that technology just going to waste. I think it is only fair to remove it from these people. They obviously do not know how to use it.’

  Darby’s irritation morphed into smiles as a relieved Peyton quickly agreed. ‘I agree, do what you do best and see what is viable to take with us.’

  Melody asked as she walked back into the room. ‘Is that stealing?’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘We will negotiate a trade or something.’

  With that, Jean and Darby immediately started directing Warriors to set up the systems to hunt for the sleepers as well as dismantle equipment. At the same time, the Warriors were bringing the occupants of the house into the dining room. Peyton was a little startled to see that each of the people were cuffed and gagged.

  She raised her eyebrows at Melody, who shrugged and whispered. ‘Hawk’s orders.’

  Once the Warriors and healers began searching the small planet, they started finding pockets of people hidden in ramshackle villages. Heather and her medical teams were administering aid to any villagers they found. Peyton had seen the vids of the squalor the people were living in. She was not happy, which was signified by the glow that emanated from her.

  Netta and a Warrior called Jorge walked into the dining room and Netta softly asked. ‘Madam Peyton, could you come with us please.’

  Peyton and her shadow Willian, who had presented himself to her just after they had entered the dwelling, saying. ‘Madam, Commanders Hawk and Melody, say I am to shadow you while you are on planet.’

  ‘They did, did they?’ Peyton had asked as she eyed the nervous male.

  He had swallowed fearfully at her tone and bravely stated. ‘Yes Madam.’

  Peyton immediately softened her voice; Willian had things going on and as yet she had not found out what they were. ‘Alright Willian, thank you.’

  Hesitantly he had nodded then stepped behind her
as they entered the dining room. Now she and Willian followed Netta and Jorge, who she had met the previous day at training. He was a handsome male with long blond hair that had brown pencil stripes streaked throughout. His eye ring was green, and he had several scars over his arms and she assumed body. He had one or two on his face, which did not detract from his rugged good looks. She had taken an instant liking to him, because as she told Darby, the male had a wicked sense of humor.


  They strode down a long hallway into a cavernous room. Obviously the kitchen, it had large stoves and what looked like fridges and cupboards stocked with all kinds of food. There were small rooms with meat and vegetables, or what she guessed were vegetables in storage containers, the likes of which she had never seen before. It was as if the object inside the containers were held in suspended animation. She twirled around slowly looking at everything and asked Willian. ‘Please comm the ship and have Chef Helen come down.’

  ‘Yes Madam.’ He started talking into his link as he moved away from her.

  Netta asked her. ‘Where is your link, did you lose it?’

  ‘No, it is broken again. Darby is looking at it.’

  Several Warriors stood holding blasters on four males and six females, all seemed tall with dark gray skin. Jorge rumbled out when he noticed where she was looking. ‘Janersan servants from Jenersar.’

  ‘Thank you Warrior Jorge.’

  All ten were laid stretched out on the floor, cuffed and gagged as well. Peyton looked to where Netta and Jorge now stood waiting.

  Her jaw almost hit the floor when Netta moved aside and she saw what they had been standing in front of. A large ceiling to floor cage with six young children imprisoned within. Peyton glowed a little more as she walked over to the cage. ‘Why have they not been released?’

  Netta replied. ‘We are not sure they won’t run away. We opened the door, and one of the taller ones took off. Jorge managed to grab him. They are quick.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘We are not sure they can understand Coalition, they have not spoken yet.’

  ‘That is rude, and I will not tolerate that.’ She said softly to the six children. ‘Greetings, little ones.’

  They all scowled at her but still refused to speak. There seemed to be two small girls and four boys, all ranging in age from three or four to ten yentas old. The two taller boys stood in front of the younger ones.

  Each of the children were covered with a fine tan colored fur, their eyes were narrow and golden, combined with their small pointed ears and stubby tails, they were adorable.

  ‘We do not recognize their species,’ Jorge stated, ‘maybe the Commander will.’

  Peyton said. ‘They are Raparthen.’

  All the Warriors looked shocked or as shocked as they were willing to show. Jorge murmured. ‘Intriguing, I have heard of them but never seen any. How did they end up here, I wonder?’

  ‘A question, I will be sure to ask. For now, we can find some things out from these little ones.’

  Netta said. ‘Good luck with that.’

  Peyton grinned, then addressed the taller of the boys. ‘Do you speak Coalition?’

  ‘Why should we tell you?’ Snarled the boy in Coalition.

  ‘Well, that answered that.’ Netta grinned as the boy growled when he realized he had spoken and let it slip they not only understood but spoke Coalition.

  Peyton said gently. ‘I am Madam Peyton. These are my Warriors, who are you from?’

  Shocked that this pale female knew how to ask after their pack, the same boy answered readily. ‘We are from the Xindray.’

  ‘Well, I think you need to go home. They must be very concerned with your disappearance.’

  His only reply was to nod as the other five all did the same. Turning to Willian when he moved closer, she said. ‘We need to locate a children’s healer, and they need food, find out when Helen is coming, please.’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  Turning back to the children, she told them. ‘We will contact your pack if we can and tell them we have you. We have a healer who will examine you.’ She pointed at them and stated firmly. ‘You will allow this without scratching or biting. Now if we release you, will you stay?’

  The other tall boy sneered. ‘Why should we trust you? You are not Xindray.’

  Before she could answer, Jorge snarled back. ‘She is the Star Daughter, show respect!’

  They immediately dropped to their knees as Peyton looked from them to the Warrior and whined. ‘Jorge, why did you do that?’

  Netta snickered. ‘Whining, so funny.’

  Which made Peyton instantly halt the next words hovering on her tongue as Jorge answered without expression. ‘It just slipped out, Madam.’

  ‘Well shoot… not you Warriors.’ She said quickly to the Warriors guarding the prisoners as she saw their fingers twitch. ‘It is an expression, my bad!’ She explained, blowing a breath out as Netta grinned, especially when Peyton rolled her eyes.

  She returned her attention to the caged children. ‘So pups, will you stay? We have an excellent cook coming who I vow will feed you.’ She asked Willian, without turning her head from the children. ‘Is Helen on her way?’

  He had no time to answer as Esther, Helen, Brenda and Esther’s cousins, Amelia and Karen, entered the kitchen. Both sisters had the same brown hair with red highlights and sky-blue eyes as each other. They were very much the modern Italian females in their early thirties and did not really look anything like Esther. Karen was a few inches taller than Amelia’s five-foot-five and both had trim athletic figures.

  ‘We are here and oh my… what a kitchen.’ Helen said as she and everyone with her did what Peyton had done, turned in circles taking in the large room. They bypassed the people on the floor as they moved toward Peyton, Netta and Jorge.

  Esther spotted the children in the cage and asked. ‘Madam Peyton, who are these little ones, and why are they in a cage?’

  There was an edge to Esther’s voice, causing Peyton to sigh before she explained. ‘I have not got to that yet. We are still at the stage of making sure they do not scamper away, when released.’

  Amelia walked up next to her aunt and looked inside the cage at the children. ‘Listen up, my name is Lady Amelia, you will not leave here and will remain with Chef Helen, myself and Ladies Esther and Karen. Do I make myself clear?’

  Awed by her demand and tone that sounded exactly like their mothers, they all bowed and quickly said.

  ‘Yes, Lady Amelia.’

  ‘Good, we will treat you and feed you, and Madam Peyton will make sure your families are notified that you are with us.’ She nodded to Jorge. ‘The door, please Warrior.’

  Jorge stilled, his heart he was sure had ceased to beat, then suddenly both hearts started to beat at once. Something that had never happened before.

  ‘Oh dearle!’ Peyton asked. ‘Amelia, have you read what can happen when a Warrior meets his mate?’

  Amelia frowned as she lifted her eyes from the children to Peyton’s. ‘Yes, why?’

  Peyton looked to Jorge, whose face was darkening as Netta pointed and said. ‘You might want to do something about that.’

  Esther nudged her. ‘Amelia, hurry.’

  ‘Wha…’ Her voice died away when she spied Jorge, whose eyes were locked on her, and in their depths she read desperation and hope. Walking swiftly to him, she took his face in her hands and said. ‘Breathe… breathe, what the hayda is his name?’

  ‘Jorge Torron’ Peyton answered with a straight face, although her eyes were filled with laughter as were Netta’s.

  Amelia softly stroked his face. ‘Breathe for me, Jorge, please breathe.’

  At the touch of her hands, he breathed in great gulps of air. His hands covered hers, holding them against his face. ‘I did not know… they told us it was possible… forgive me for not believing.’

  He looked toward Peyton, who waved his apology away. ‘Do not trouble yourself.’ She looked around at
the other Warriors whose expressions ranged from desperation to hope. ‘We believe for you.’

  As one they turned to her, she softly assured them. ‘We always will.’

  Amelia had not removed her hands from her mate, stroking his face as her eyes devoured every feature that was rapidly becoming dear to her. ‘I don’t know what to say. I never thought I would be so blessed as to find someone just for me.’

  Peyton said. ‘Jorge, please take your mate up to the Warship.’

  They both turned to her with identical expressions on their faces. ‘I do not mean immediately, when the children are ready to go. I need you to get a place ready for them. Look up their species, they have specific needs, and it seems you have made an impression.’

  They all looked at the children, who had yet to remove their eyes from Amelia and Jorge. ‘So get them settled, Helen will feed them here first. Amelia look up their food requirements please.’

  She looked at all six pups and said sternly. ‘So pups when you have been fed, you will go with Lady Amelia and her mate Warrior Jorge to the Warship and when you are there, you will bathe.’

  Their eyes rounded in horror at the term bathe, and one or two of the younger ones softly howled. Peyton told Amelia. ‘Raparthen children do not like water at least to bathe in.’ She glowed as she told the children sternly. ‘You. Will. Bathe.’

  They bowed their heads. ‘Yes Star Daughter.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘How do you know so much about them?’ Amelia asked her.

  ‘Oh, some information is downloading from the Star Child. This was just one of those bits of information floating around.’

  Amelia said faintly. ‘Right… yeah, that would do it.’

  Peyton gave her quick grin then said. ‘So are we all clear here. Jorge, make sure they are seen in medical and that the healer has researched them. Preferably before they go poking around or else they will get bitten. These pups have sharp teeth.’

  ‘As you wish Madam.’

  Peyton said to Helen. ‘Would there be any…’


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