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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

Page 38

by L M Lacee

  ‘Send the boy in ten.’

  ‘Thank you, I treasure you every day.’ Peyton stated cheekily.

  Helen returned. ‘Oh, go on with you.’

  She laughed as she made her way back to the dining room with Netta and Willian.


  Five people sat facing a very angry Star Daughter, they were all from Jenersar. Three of the five were obviously related, evidenced by the shape of their faces and their light gray eyes. Peyton bet the black-haired female with the intricate hairstyle was the sister to the brothers who wore their hair in long braids, all of them were dressed in expensive clothes.

  The other male was almost a twin to Thanikis, although Peyton thought he may be younger. He carried more muscle than his brother did, but was definitely not as pretty. Here was another Jenerika male who seemed to have a sense of entitlement about him, or at least that was what he projected by the sneer he wore. She would not have thought it was possible that brothers could be as arrogant as each other.

  She couldn’t help but notice this brother’s hairstyle was very short, almost military fashion as opposed to Thanikis’s long hair. She wondered if it was because this brother thought of himself as a Warrior; it was something to think about later.

  The other female looked like none of the other four, leading Peyton to think maybe she was a mate to one of the males. Her clothes were of excellent quality and fit her slim body well. She had hair that was blue black and shoulder length; it suited her long face and high cheekbones. Her copper colored eyes were a surprise but again they suited her and added to her overall beauty. Sadly, she also seemed to have a sense of entitlement about her, although it appeared she was trying to hide it.

  Hawk had taken one look at the five people and stopped Peyton on her way into the dining room, telling her. The short-haired male was Thanikis brother. Then he had softly told her. ‘You should know I know the female between the two males on the left. Once I considered her a friend.’

  ‘And now?’


  Peyton nodded and walked into the dining room, leaving him staring after her.

  Melody asked him. ‘What did you think she was going to say?’

  ‘That I should excuse myself to the Warship.’

  ‘Why the hell would she say that?’

  ‘Because of what she was to me.’

  ‘Hey, it’s not your fault you had poor judgment.’

  Hawk looked into her smiling eyes and sighed. ‘That is true.’

  Melody nodded as she told him. ‘We were all young and stupid once.’

  ‘That is true as well.’

  ‘Sometimes we were so stupid, it’s amazing we are alive.’

  ‘Sadly, that also is true.’

  Peyton decided she would interrogate the prisoners with only her female Warriors present. Especially after Hawk’s revelation. Also it seemed unfair to subject the Warriors to their former masters from Jenersar.

  Netta told her Darby had gone to the basement and was trying to unlock coded vaults. Much to his annoyance, Peyton sent Willian to assist her, hoping to keep him out of the room as well. He had not been pleased about her decision, but with Melody and Netta assuring him they would not leave her; he had subsided.

  Peyton sat now with her hands clasped together resting on the table, a cup of coffee next to her, compliments of Helen who was raiding the kitchen.

  Brenda and Esther were feeding the young Raparthen and the small populace from the villages.

  Peyton’s people sat on either side of her or stood around the room. She pointed to Thanikis brother. ‘I am the Star Daughter; you will address me as such, explain to me who you all are?’

  With a nod from Peyton, Netta removed the males gag as soon as she stepped away from him he snarled.

  ‘I am Sether Jenerika, brother to Emperor Uthar of Jenersar, this is my mate Orotha.’ He indicated the female sitting beside him, who Peyton thought was a sister to the other males.

  Peyton nodded. ‘I see and these other people?’

  ‘My mate’s family, her older brother Meins Thomsfar, his mate Celinna and Orotha’s younger brother Fantha Thomsfar. I demand to know why you are here.’

  Peyton raised her eyebrows and answered. ‘You have something of mine.’

  ‘I highly doubt it. This is not the sort of planet that has other people’s possessions hidden away. Why did you not comm to ask for whatever you imagine is here? Was this show of force necessary?’

  ‘Yes, most definitely it was warranted. Because I believe you would have lied if I had just comm’d and asked you to return what I was looking for. You did not ask what I was looking for.’

  ‘I do not care, we do not have it. This is a world used entirely for hunting.’

  ‘Ahh! Now which of the brothers enjoys hunting?’

  Suddenly Sether seemed to lose the will to speak, although his eyes spoke volumes. With a quick look at the other four. She noticed like Sether their eyes showed a brief flash of panic, then it was gone. Hidden behind veils of indifference as all four looked at her and remained quiet.

  Peyton drummed her fingers on the table and asked. ‘Nothing to say, Sether Jenerika.’

  He shook his head, causing her to sigh and say. ‘Commander Melody, his arm please.’ She mind-sent. The younger one.

  Before the five people realized what she intended to do, Melody’s blaster was in her hand and the shot echoed in the large room. The young male screamed behind his gag as tears ran down his cheeks when a hole appear in his shoulder.

  The female called Celinna, mate to the older brother, screamed behind her gag as Orotha screamed when her brother slumped to the floor. Both male’s faces paled and the older brother yelled as Sether jumped to his feet, only to subside when he saw several blasters trained on him.

  With another nod from Peyton, Netta and Janet picked up the male and dumped him unceremoniously back onto his chair. He groaned and sobbed with pain as sluggish dark gray, almost black blood seeped from the wound.

  Heather had explained at first-meal. The Jenersar bled very slowly and their blood was thick like syrup. Which Peyton and the others had not appreciated, as they were eating hotcakes.

  So blood loss, Heather assured her, was only possible with multiple deep wounds, but the Jenersar had a very low tolerance for pain. So even when the blood stopped seeping, the pain receptors in his brain would keep triggering for quite a while.

  ‘I will ask again?’ Peyton said, then took a sip of her coffee, placing her cup down. ‘Which of the brothers enjoys hunting?’

  A flicker in Orotha eyes caused Peyton to smile as she said. ‘Maybe, I should ask a different question. Maybe the question should be, which of the females like to hunt?’ Again no one answered, Peyton nodded to Melody. The older brother this time.

  Within a space of a heartbeat, Melody shot the older male’s leg. He screamed and fell hard onto the floor. His bound hands unable to break the fall.

  The females again screamed and cried with another nod from Peyton. Netta and Janet hefted the male up and dumped him none too gently onto the chair.

  ‘Remove their cuffs and gags please.’

  Dispassionately Peyton explained to the five people, looking only at Sether’s pale face. ‘I do not think you understand. I have from now until I decide to leave this planet, which could be soon, or many days from now. Depending on the answers I receive. In that time I can think of many ways to get you to answer my questions and if you still do not speak. I am told, you had Warriors instructed in the art of torture.’

  Peyton in truth did not know if they had or not, or even if the Warriors knew about torture, but she thought it was a possibility. It seemed her guess may have stirred something, as each of the prisoners squirmed in their seats. She could almost see the fear coming off of them in waves. ‘Our specialists have disabled your security and comps, there is no incoming or outgoing comms, except for what we send.’

  Sether’s eyes shifted from side to side as his mind r
aced at the implications of her statements. He knew eventually one of his relations would break. But if he talked first, maybe he could control the flow of information. Unfortunately, before he could formulate a coherent plan, his attention was on the small female again as she said. ‘Oh, I am sorry were you hoping we did not think about that, maybe you had signals to be sent every four hours. Shame on you, so easy to find and duplicate.’

  She did not sound sorry, in fact Sether thought she sounded remarkably amused.

  Peyton asked. ‘So I ask again, who enjoys hunting?’

  Still no one answered, she shook her head. ‘This is just sad, I really hoped to avoid this. Oh well, take him.’ She pointed to the older brother, Meins. ‘Take his head.’

  Janet and Netta grabbed the male as he struggled to get away from them. Netta slugged him, not hard enough to render him unconscious, just a tap on the chin to let him know she was not amused. He went limp in their arms as he gave up the fight. All the others watched in horror as Netta and Janet dragged him toward the door. Sether cursed as the two females talked over each other, trying to explain and plead for the life of Meins.

  Peyton nodded to Netta and she and Janet dragged the male back and seated him on the chair. Peyton pointed to the female named Orotha. ‘Only you, speak.’

  She nodded as she looked her brother over while avoiding her mate’s accusing eyes. ‘We do, all of us. Both our families, we hold hunting vacations here.’

  Peyton just stared at Sether for a minute then said. ‘I see, so both sides of the family, yours Sether?’

  He answered with a resentful look at his mate. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Mmm, interesting, I wonder just what it is you like to hunt. Tell me, Orotha, what special species does your family enjoy stringing up and skinning? That is after you have played your little seek and find game and run them to the ground.’

  None of the four answered, they just stared stonily at her, as their faces paled more. Then Darby comm’d. ‘Star Daughter, please come.’

  She said a few more things but Peyton wasn’t listening, being more concerned with why she needed to leave the room. Standing, she said to Netta. ‘If they move or speak, kill them, but leave this one alive.’ She tapped Sether on the shoulder as she walked pass him.

  ‘Commander Melody, with me.’


  When they were out of the room, they raced along several hallways, knowing if Darby called it was important. Minutes later they ran down three flights of stairs and came to a stop in a large underground tiled entry way. Bent over at the waist, Peyton heaved in breaths, Melody fitter than her, just panted.

  Heather and Patty stepped out of a lift to their right. Melody snarled at Peyton. ‘Did you forget to tell me all of Darby’s message?’

  Peyton looked at the stairs they had just run down and then at another lift as it opened to disgorge Hawk and Kerol. ‘I think she said something about a lift. I forget now.’

  Melody growled and stomped off. Peyton wheezed out after her. ‘What... what… the stairs are good for you.’

  Heather said. ‘Wow, you really need to get into shape.’

  At Peyton’s appalled look, she grinned. ‘Don’t worry, I will have Kerol help me draw up a routine to get you fit and Helen will see about a new eating plan.’

  She huffed out. ‘No, really, I am good.’

  Heather waved away her dismissal. ‘Seriously, do not concern yourself. It will be my pleasure, really it will.’

  Peyton opened her mouth to complain when Patty asked in her quiet way. ‘Why are we here?’

  Hawk told them. ‘Lady Darby said to follow the red line.’

  They all looked down and sure enough there was a red line. Melody looked up at Peyton, who quickly said. ‘She never mentioned anything about lines.’

  ‘That you can remember.’ She growled as she and Hawk along with Heather and Patty. Heather’s second in charge started following the line.

  Peyton stared after them and smiled a little as she gave Patty a once over. She looked very different now, compared to when she had first arrived at Runnerdale.

  When Peyton had been introduced to her, the woman had looked exhausted and so forlorn, it had hurt Peyton’s heart to see her that way. Today she looked wide awake and her mousy hair was tied back from her face, which did not look so pale or sad anymore.

  There was still an air of sadness around her, but outwardly she appeared happier. Peyton wondered what had changed for her. Maybe it was having Heather with her all the time or it could be the soft blue top and trousers she wore that made her happy. She would have to ask Heather what she thought later.

  She looked over at the amused Kerol as he cleared his throat; and protested. ‘It isn’t that I mean to forget. I have a lot on my mind.’

  ‘Of course Madam, after you.’ He swept his hand out in invitation.

  Peyton sighed, hearing the amused doubt in his voice, and asked. ‘How goes the search outside?’

  ‘We are sure we have found all the inhabitants. Some are being evacuated as we speak, all the farms and villages are being searched once more, just to make certain. There are villagers being treated and given food, and others are in the process of packing what they want to take with them. They will be shuttled to the Maikonia II, as soon as they are ready. Specialist Nina has arrived and is organizing the collection of seeds and plants, several farmers are helping. Apparently there are many that are worth collecting. Specialist Jean has found records of the inhabitants and their history. She is downloading all their information, as she told Lady Darby, they may require it later.’

  ‘Good, do the inhabitants wish to stay with us or be taken somewhere else?’

  ‘They have elected to remain with us.’


  While they had been discussing the farmers, they had traveled down a hallway with doors on either side. It reminded Peyton of a vaulted basement she had seen in a picture book as a child; she called out. ‘Darby, where are you?’

  ‘Here.’ She was standing in a doorway. ‘Did you really forget to tell Melody about the lifts?’

  ‘Why are you asking that now?’ She asked as she tried to look pass her.

  Darby shook her head. ‘Oh, Peyton. Look, we found sleepers.’

  ‘How many?’

  ‘Four thousand.’

  She backed into the room and swept her hand around, showing an enormous underground cavern, hued out of the bedrock. Rows upon rows of Warriors in stasis tubes greeted her as she came to a stop beside Melody, who murmured. ‘I am unsure whether I am angry or saddened.’

  ‘I know.’ Darby murmured back as Peyton remained silent, she was watching Hawk as he walked slowly between rows of tubes. Touching each glass top as he passed, Kerol stood at the beginning of a row looking down onto the face of a sleeping male.

  ‘I thought he was dead.’ He said to Heather as she came alongside him. She placed an arm around his waist and asked. ‘You know him?’

  ‘He was my training partner. I was told thirty yentas ago, he died. I mourned him.’ Kerol looked up at Peyton, his face an icy mask. ‘Someone has to pay for this.’

  They all looked up when they heard Hawk say. ‘So many... so many. I did not really believe. I had hope, but I did not think we would see all these Warriors. Many of my... Dinas!’ He cried out and ran to a tube and placed a hand on the top of the glass, a confused look on his face. ‘He is my friend, but… he is more. What is the term now?’ He muttered to himself.

  ‘Best friend.’ Patty supplied for him as she came to stare down at the most beautiful male she had ever encountered. ‘Oh my!’ She whispered as she too placed her hand on the top of the tube.

  ‘No... No, even though that is true. I remember now, he is my heart brother.’ Hawk said, pleased he had remembered the term Peyton had used. ‘We grew and trained together with my brothers and when they were all lost. I thought I was the only one to have survived, I was alone until Kerol came and we formed a squad, he and I. Lukkas came
later, then Willian. Correct Kerol?’

  Kerol agreed as he walked to the other side of the tube and stared down at the Elite. ‘This is true Hawk, Dinas being here, is a gift from the Stars.’ Then he looked at Hawk asking urgently. ‘Are your brothers here?’

  Hawk whipped his head around to stare at the rows of Warriors, then the two quickly began searching the tubes. Peyton whispered as she stared at all the stasis tubes. ‘Oh my friend, they will pay and pay dearly, trust me on that.’

  She walked around looking at sleeping Warriors whiles Hawk and Kerol searched for his brothers, then she asked Darby how they were going to get the tubes out. She had shaken her head and said with a sigh that she was sending for reinforcements to work out how to take the sleepers to the ships.

  Seeing there was nothing left for her to do and her anger was building. Peyton decided to see what treasures were revealed in the other vaults Darby had unlocked. The first one she entered was about fifty feet by twenty-five feet, and it seemed to have stacks of what looked like precious metals within. She was sure she saw silver and gold as well as containers with what she assumed were jewels stacked to the ceiling. She shook her head, wondering why they had needed jewels and gold for hunting.

  The next vault she entered was the same size as the first, except this one was filled with rows of small tubes, she thought they contained some kind of alcohol. The next vault had floor to ceiling containers that held gold and silver eating utensils along with dinner sets.

  Another room was stacked with rugs of all shapes and sizes, as well as rolls of cloth and other materials. In still another room there appeared to be rows and rows to the ceiling of some type of crystal, in so many colors it was like walking into a rainbow. She asked Willian who had been trailing her. ‘Are these valuable?’

  ‘Yes Madam, everything we have seen so far is of value.’

  ‘Well, Willian. I am assigning you a task. Please find Warriors to have all of these vaults emptied. I would say there are about ten, maybe fifteen.’ She mumbled as she looked along the closed doors, then she asked him. ‘Can we find somewhere for it all to go?’


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