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The Howl (By Kiss and Claw Book 1)

Page 11

by Melissa Haag

  “No. It’s not.”

  I crossed the room and closed myself in the bathroom so Piepen wouldn’t hear me.

  “He’s in a horny, adolescent phase and keeps touching himself. Brownie lust does not taste like you’d think. You need to get your butt home as soon as possible. The brownie and my mom both need to go.”

  Just the thought of my mom in the other room upset me all over again.

  “She’s staying here, Megan. At the Quills’. She’s already found my stash of chocolate and eaten half of it. Once the chocolate’s gone, she’s going to turn her attention on me. She already commented that I look underfed.”

  Piepen knocked on the bathroom door, and I covered the phone.

  “I told you, I need privacy while I’m in the bathroom,” I said. “If you can’t respect that, we’ll need to find you somewhere else to stay while Megan’s away.”

  “I knocked. I didn’t come in!” he said, his voice fading as he flew away.

  I removed my hand from the phone and spoke softly, needing Megan to understand the seriousness of my situation.

  “I caught him showering in the runoff from my pubic hairs this morning. When I went to kick him, he thanked me for the view of my flower.”

  Megan laughed in my ear.

  “This isn’t funny, Megan. It’s traumatizing. Help me. No one sees my flower. Ever!”

  “I am helping. I swear. We’re going to follow up on a lead we have that links someone else to the trolls’ deaths.”


  “We don’t know his name. He’s just a hooded man who talked to the victims at the Goose and Gizzard before they died.”

  “Piepen mentioned that a nice man, who helped his grandparents find peace, wore a cloak. Maybe it’s the same guy.”

  “Maybe. Talk to Piepen and see if you can get anything useful out of him. A name. An address. What the hell the guy looks like.”

  “I will. Just hurry.”

  I opened the door to check on Piepen and saw him holding a ball of material to his face. I frowned, realizing he was licking the crotch of my underwear from the dirty laundry bin.

  “Put down my underwear!”

  Not giving up his prize, he flew to his drawer and started humping the material like crazy.

  Forgetting Megan, I dropped the phone and hurried across the room.

  “Do you have to be so gross?” I demanded, pulling the underwear from his hold.

  He looked up at me with an indignant expression.

  “The scent of your flower isn’t gross. It’s magnificent. It’s magical.”

  “It’s going in the washing machine.”

  I stormed from the room, taking all my dirty laundry with me.

  Could my world get any more insane?

  “Sweetie? Is that you?” Mom called as I passed the door.

  “Yeah, Mom.” I set the hamper to the side and looked in at her. She was eating yet another chocolate bar.

  “Would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight? We can’t leave Uttira, though. So we’d need to find a restaurant here that makes a passable quality human food.”

  “Sure, I’d love to have dinner with you.”

  I’d do anything to get her to stop eating my chocolate and to get me out of the house.

  However, four hours later, I was questioning my life choices as Mom sat next to me in the passenger seat of my car.

  “For all I know, they’ve tainted your palate.” Mom shivered delicately.

  Had I been a human man, the move would have brought about the instant need to comfort her. Instead, I rolled my eyes.

  “That brownie lust emanating from your room had me heaving for thirty minutes. I don’t know how you could stand being in there with that creature.”

  “He’s a friend of Megan’s,” I said yet again. “Not a midnight snack for me. I promise I don’t find the scent of his lust even slightly appealing. I’m just keeping him safe until Megan gets back.”

  “You’re such a good friend. Now, recite the species list appropriate for feeding,” she said with a smile. “I need to know Adira hasn’t ruined you.”

  “Humans are the most filling and diverse. Their flavors range from savory to sweet, depending on the person. We don’t know if it’s the personality or the genetic makeup, so sampling is the best way to know what you’re getting.”

  Mom snorted.

  “Who told you that last bit of bullshit?”

  “Mom, please. There’s no need to swear. It’s unrefined.”

  She grinned at me.

  “You’re smart and beautiful. A perfect combination for a well-fed succubus. Now, who told you that last bit?”

  “I don’t remember. It was in one of the sessions I’ve taken.”

  “More reason to consider homeschooling. I don’t know where they get their information from, but it’s not entirely correct. We don’t need to sample. We can sense it. Smell it. Now, what other species are good.”

  “Frost giants, obviously. Dwarves. Siren.”

  I parked the car in front of one of Uttira’s few restaurants.

  “Can we please be done with this subject? It’s rude to talk about other food when we’re here to eat human food.”

  “Fine. Have it your way.”

  She gracefully emerged from my car, all makeup and glitter, elevated by six-inch heels under her long, sheath skirt. Her gaze took in the small, dark building.

  “This is the best Uttira has to offer?”

  “You’re not in New York, Mom. You’re in backwoods Maine where the Council limits the food choices.”

  She made a non-committal noise.

  “Let’s give it a try, shall we?”

  The moment we opened the door, I knew I was in trouble. Fenris’s unique, spice cake scent hit me hard before I even spotted him and his dad dining in the far corner.

  Mom inhaled deeply.

  “Something smells really good in here.”

  Chapter Nine

  I turned to my mom with wide, panicked eyes.

  “I have to live here when you’re gone and see the aftermath of your visit. Don’t do anything I’m going to regret.”

  Her black gaze focused on me then cleared. She gave me a tender smile and smoothed a hand over my hair.

  “I’ve forgotten how intense you can be. I promise not to do anything more to haunt you, Eliana. I’ve already done enough that you regret.”

  I hugged her because I had to. My mom hated what she’d done to my dad because it had hurt me. However, she didn’t truly see anything wrong with it. Why should she, after all? She’d only been doing what was natural to her. What she needed to do to survive.

  “Let’s just have a nice dinner, okay?” she said, pulling back. “There’s so much catching up we need to do now that I’m here.”

  She led me to a table, and I did my best not to look in Fenris’s direction.

  Mom’s face was hilarious as she plucked a menu from between the condiment containers in the center of the table.

  “Well, this is quaint. And sticky.” She set the menu before her and glanced at the offerings.

  As done up as she was, she should have looked out of place. But she didn’t. She just looked beautiful and commanding. I could tell from our neighbors that they appreciated the effort she had put into her appearance, too. The man was staring at Mom’s cleavage while his wife raptly gazed at Mom’s face.

  “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” I said.

  “Nonsense. Sticky hands are something I grew used to long ago. It’s a side effect of having a really good time.” She gave me a quick smile. “Did you find something you like?”

  I shook my head and stared at the menu while trying to scrub the mental image she’d just painted from my mind.

  “I think I’ll try their steak,” she said. “It looks like it’s the popular item around here.”

  I glanced at the other restaurant-goers and noticed most of them were eating either a burger or a steak. Neither appealed to me.
In fact, just the thought of real food made my stomach twist. I could definitely blame that on Fenris’s mouthwatering scent permeating the air in the room. Of course, I’d rather have that.

  “I’ll do the same,” I said.

  Mom set her menu back in its place and looked around.

  “Service here is a little different than I’m used to. Do we wait at the table or order at the bar?”

  “Wait at the table,” I said.

  “How was school today? Learn anything interesting?”

  I relaxed into the typical, light Mom conversation we usually shared over the phone. It was weird talking in person, but nice. When the waitress appeared to take our order, Mom spoke for both of us.

  “And two glasses of your best red, please,” Mom said.

  Once the waitress left, Mom leaned in.

  “Now that we’ve ordered, let’s get to the good stuff. I’m dying to know what you’ve experienced so far and what you’re curious about. Now that I’m here, I can help.”

  I frowned, confused.


  “Yes. Sexually. I’m sure you’re well past oral and regular intercourse. Have you progressed to toys yet? I found these cute tails online that are actually anal plugs. They’re adorable and feel great to wear, especially with heels. You’ll drive the men here crazy if you decided to sport a tail.”

  My mouth dropped open, and a flush started just over my hammering pulse and spread upward to my face.

  “You’re probably past that already too, aren’t you? Just like me at your age. I bloomed fast and hard.” A wistful smile crossed her face. “All the boys in a ten-mile radius had difficulty walking for most of that summer. Oh, the things we did. Have you had group sex already?”

  “Mom, please,” I managed in a strangled whisper, wishing the earth would open up and hell would swallow me whole. Because it sure felt like I belonged there. My hunger was giddy with all the suggestions she was giving it. And a good part of me was curious, too. However, most of me just felt mortified that she was talking about this in a normal, conversational tone.

  “Not here,” I said.

  She glanced around the restaurant in confusion until her gaze landed on Fenris.

  “Is it because there’s someone from your school here?” she asked me, finally lowering her voice. “I can assure you Raiden’s boy won’t care. Wolves have as voracious an appetite for sex as we do. Too bad it’s only for their mates.”

  She gave me a considering look that slowly turned to worry.

  “You’re embarrassed,” she said in sudden shock. “You’re not a virgin, are you?”

  Her last words had been delivered in a louder than normal tone of abject horror that only a succubus mother could manage when talking about virginity.

  The gentle clanking of silverware stopped, and another wave of mortification tickled its way up my spine. Without a doubt, she’d gained the attention of every single person in the restaurant. I didn’t turn to look, though, as my face continued to heat.

  Mom continued to watch me expectantly, her worry growing. While I knew she loved me unconditionally, her affection didn’t make her inability to understand why I hadn’t been with anyone yet any easier.

  It was crazy to think I’d successfully kept it from her this long. Well, not just me. Adira and the Quills knew, too. But, they hadn’t said anything either because the Council hadn’t wanted a succubus as powerful as my mom running amok in Uttira. Adira’s silence had enabled me to lead Mom to the belief that I was just a picky eater. A stubborn teen rebelling. None of that bothered my mom. However, a virgin succubus my age was unheard of. She’d never leave now, even if her name was cleared with the Council.

  I reached into my purse and set my keys on the table.

  “I’ll see you at home.”

  Mom didn’t try to stop me as I got up and walked out. Although she might not understand why I was upset, she always knew when I needed my space and gave it to me. Just like she had four years ago when I asked to live with the Quills and figure out this succubus thing on my own. I wasn’t quite the same girl I’d been back then. I was smarter about the world to which I’d been born. However, I was still just as lost.

  The cold winter air licked at my exposed arms, a reminder that I still hadn’t gotten my coat back from Adira. How had everything gone so wrong so quickly? As much as I would like to say my problems began when Megan left, they’d been building long before that. Each time I’d refused Adira’s prodding to become more “normal” for a succubus, I’d dug myself a deeper hole. And now, there would be no escaping my fate because Mom knew my big secret.

  I hated the pressure that everyone put on me. It wasn’t just the adults, either. It was also my peers. Why wasn’t I kissing anyone at the Academy? Or dating? Obviously, something had to be wrong with me, according to them. Nothing felt wrong, though, except the way I was constantly judged and found lacking. Why couldn’t they all just let me be me?

  Lost in my own head, I walked along the road home. At least, I thought I did.

  When the scent of something mouthwatering finally teased my attention from my thoughts, I looked up and found myself in the middle of a quiet neighborhood. I knew I should turn around and leave the tempting smell, but I couldn’t.

  As if pulled by an invisible thread, I moved closer to the stone house with blue shutters. It looked and smelled so inviting. The smoke that curled from the chimney only added to the flavor already in the air.

  I inhaled deeply, my hunger already demanding its due, and stepped closer to the home’s darkened window. The light from the backyard glinted silver off my black eyes as I approached. In the glass’s reflection, I watched myself open my mouth. A thick thread of energy drifted out the partially opened window, filling my mouth and sliding down my throat.

  It filled me, warming me and strengthening me in a way that feeding from Mrs. Quill never had. I swallowed and pulled more, too hungry and upset to think of all the reasons I shouldn’t. The joy of having a real meal consumed me as thoroughly as I devoured the energy. I never wanted to stop. I never wanted to feel hungry again. I would feed until I burst then—

  The energy abruptly ended.

  Snapped out of my feeding, I stared at my reflection in horror for a moment before running away from the window. I didn’t even know who I’d just fed on. A man? A woman? Someone barely into puberty?

  I ran until I had a stitch in my side then slowed to a walk, blocks away from the home.

  Angry at myself and everyone who’d pushed me, I kicked at a chunk of snow sitting on the side of the road. It exploded on contact and splattered my jean-clad leg with slush. I snorted in disgust and maintained my anger for another block before my shoulders slumped in defeat.

  As much as I wanted to blame Adira, Mom, and Mrs. Quill for what happened, it wasn’t their fault. It was mine. If I didn’t want to accidentally make love-slaves out of my neighbors, I needed better control. It didn’t matter that I had slipped because I was emotionally distracted over things not going my way.

  Sure, my mom would make my life hard now that she knew how behind I was, but so what? Ninety percent of girls my age had the same problem. Well, not with being a succubus but with a parent being on their case for something.

  I could either become a whiney puddle of life’s-not-fair, or I could pull up my big girl pants and figure out how to give myself a life without so much adult interference. Especially from my mom.

  Frowning, I thought of Megan and her assurance that she and Oanen were doing what they could to clear Mom’s name. I knew Megan was trying, but how long would it take? Whoever was doing these killings was smart because the creatures they were murdering weren’t simple to kill. A smart person wouldn’t be easy to find, not even for a fury. But, time wasn’t something I had. I knew what would start happening now that Mom knew my secret, and I couldn’t afford to wait weeks for Mom’s name to be cleared. I needed her out of Uttira fast.

  I needed to talk to the goblin.r />
  It was a long walk out of town, but I wasn’t overly cold, thanks to my recent feeding. When I got close to Megan’s house, everything was dark. While I knew of goblins in general, I’d never dealt with one in person. They were reclusive by nature. So, I wasn’t sure if a dark house was a good thing or not.

  Going around to the back door, I knocked then let myself in with the key.

  “Hello,” I called. “My name is Eliana. I’m Megan’s friend. The one who offered to feed you.”

  “Elbner knows who you are,” a low voice said from the dark.

  Red eyes glinted in the hall. A tingle of fear traced down my spine. It didn’t matter that the height of those eyes was waist level. In fact, that only made them creepier. I reached out for the switch and flooded the kitchen with light.

  The goblin stood where the eyes had been. In one hand, he held a filthy rag. In the other, a small hand broom. Dirt smudged his threadbare clothes and his pointed chin. As I stared, the permanent scowl on the goblin’s wizened face deepened.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Elbner,” I said politely, looking around the now immaculate kitchen.

  Megan had kept the place neat enough, but the old home had sported signs of age in the yellowing of its walls and cabinets. That yellow was gone. Everything looked fresh and clean. Even the slight stain by the refrigerator handle was gone.

  “This is impressive,” I said. “Have you slept at all since you got here?”

  “Are you here to feed me or talk my ears off?”

  “I’m sorry. You’re the first goblin I’ve met, and I don’t know the etiquette.”

  “You feed me, and I work. That’s the etiquette.”

  “Okay. Did you like what I fed you last time? Is there anything that I should change?”

  He gave me a contemplative look.

  “It was okay. But for the quality of my work, brownie wings would be a suitable gift of appreciation. Dip them in boiled honey and crumble them on top for a bit of crunch. That’s how me mum’s old owner used to feed her. She ate like royalty and polished his throne nightly in return.” His scowl melted into anticipation.

  I had to swallow back my bile before answering him.


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