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Page 19

by Aliyah Burke

  His gaze darkened. “How much time do we have before the fireworks start?”

  “More than enough.”

  He stood abruptly and pulled her along with him. She allowed him to set the pace back to their apartment and once they’d arrived there. His hunger had an edge to it today and she reveled in it, taking all she could and asking for more. Bless the man, for he never hesitated, just gave her all she could take and then some.

  After they’d showered and changed into different clothing she stood by the large window and stared out over her city. This place sang to her in ways nowhere else did. She loved it here. Thrived here.

  “You look very pensive again. Are you sure everything’s okay?”

  She glanced over to the man who meant the world to her. “I’m fine. Do you ever miss your cabin?”

  His expression told of his confusion. “You want me to go to the cabin?”

  “I’m wondering if you miss it. Would you like to go there for a while?”

  “You’d go with me?”

  “Unless you didn’t want me to. It was beautiful out there.”

  “Even with the spider?”

  She laughed and punched him in the arm. “Even then. Besides, I know you’ll save me. After you look your fill.”

  “I’ll never look my fill, but I will take any opportunity I can get to stare at your body.”

  He crossed the room to pick his cell up. His limp, while almost non-existent, still remained. He’d done well with it, not that a limp would bother her but she knew it did him.

  “When do you want to leave?” he asked.

  The joy on his face was what had been missing. She knew he needed to go back and see those he considered family. He’d gone to Ireland for a two week trip and that had vastly improved his attitude. Still it wasn’t those who surrounded him at the cabin.

  “We can go tonight if you want. I have two weeks off work so it’s up to you. My parents are celebrating their anniversary over in Paris so no conflicts there.”

  “After the fireworks then.”

  “Make the arrangements and I’ll go tell Terri we’re leaving. She’ll keep an eye on the place.”

  “I’ll get our flights and let Martin know we’re coming in. He’ll stock the cabin.”

  She kissed him then walked over to Terri’s.

  “Hey, girl. Weren’t you down at the lake?”

  She shrugged as Terri hooted. “Hush. Listen, we’re going to head to his cabin. Can you get my mail for me and keep an eye on the place?”

  “Ohh, some of that cabin loving. Sounds good. Of course I can. How long are you going for?”

  “I have only two weeks off so I’ll be back before the end of that. I’m not sure when he’s coming back.”

  Terri paused before jerking her inside and slamming the door behind her. “What’s going on with you?”

  “Nothing. I’m fine.”

  Terri crossed her arms and lifted an eyebrow. Caro told her about Jasmine and she grunted but didn’t say anything until she had finished.


  “And what, Terri? That’s it.”

  She leaned close and sniffed. “I smell a liar. I’ve known you since we were both freshmen on this campus. We roomed together and have become inseparable. Do you think I don’t know when you’re lying to me?”

  “You’re reaching. I’m fine.”

  Terri made a face. “Right. Of course you are.” She reached around her and opened the door. “Have a great trip and let me know when you’re back.”

  “Will do. Thanks, Terri.”

  “Anytime, hon. Will we see you tonight at the fireworks?”

  “Oh sure. We’re on our way back down there. We’ll save you a seat.”

  “Great. We’ll be by closer to the start. He doesn’t get off work until later.”

  “Not a problem. See you then.” She walked back to her place and paused with her hand on the doorknob. Peering over her shoulder she found Terri watching her with a knowing expression on her face. Caro stuck her tongue out and vanished inside her place.

  “All set?”

  “We’re on the Red Eye.” Declan went to her side and held her. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Yes. Why is everyone asking me if I’m sure and if nothing is wrong?”

  He backed off. “Okay. Just wanted to make sure.”

  “I’ll be packing my bag.” She walked by him to the bedroom. He joined her about five minutes later and got his own luggage ready. Then together they made their way down and back out into the summer afternoon. Hand in hand they strolled along State Street, not rushing, just ambling as they took in all the stores.

  They claimed their spot on the grass at dusk and he held her close during the fireworks display. Next to them were Terri and her boyfriend. The four of them went out for a late drink after, then went their separate ways, Terri back to the apartment with her boyfriend and Caro to the airport with Declan.

  * * * *

  Declan stood over Caro in nothing but his jeans as the woman he loved slumbered. They’d been here for three days now and he was more than happy to be back. Martin had set them up perfectly, even putting the phone back in. They’d not gone to see anyone yet, opting instead to stay there, be just the two of them.

  Knowing that wouldn’t last and people would be coming to see them, he let her sleep as long as she needed. Or wished. Scratching his chest, he turned and walked from the room. In the kitchen he began making pancakes. She still hadn’t woken by the time they were finished so he ate alone. He left her a note and put the other pancakes in the oven to say warm.

  He was out in the shed when her shadow fell over him. Rolling the creeper out from below the Jeep he stared up at her.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey, yourself. Get enough sleep?”

  “Must be the mountain air.” She tucked a curl behind one ear. “Sorry for sleeping so long.”

  “No need to apologize, Caro. This is a vacation. You want to sleep. You get to sleep. No rules.”

  “I think there should be one or two.”


  “Like I don’t wake up with a vibrator by me but no man.”

  “It was in the bed with both of us last night. I don’t know what happened for it to be by you specifically.”

  She rolled her eyes and pulled her hair up into a ponytail. “Whatever. Next time, wake me up.”

  “Will do. And I’ll be sure to enlist its help again.” He watched her pupils dilate. She loved him and vibrator together and to be truthful, so did he.

  “Now, what can I do to help?”

  “Just changing oil. I’ll be done in five minutes if you’d like to go into town after that. I know Tasha would like to see you.”

  Indecision was blatant on her face and he sat up then beckoned to her. She crouched by him and he ran the back of his hand along her face. “They aren’t going to hold anything against you, Caro. It wasn’t your doing.”

  “My twin fucked her husband. How will she look at me in any way but as a home wrecker.”

  “She will, trust me.”

  A light shrug. “Okay.”

  * * * *

  Declan stared at the woman sleeping on his shoulder as they flew back across the country. They’d been at his cabin for ten days. The time had flown by and while he regretted leaving, part of him was looking forward to getting back to Madison.

  By all appearances, it seemed Caro had had a great time out there as well. She and Tasha had been nearly inseparable. Her day hours had been taken up by Tasha but the nights… The nights had belonged to him.

  He wouldn’t have had it any other way. Caro was a giving and passionate lover. Departing the plane didn’t take too long and they sat together while waiting for their luggage. They stopped at an all-night diner on their way back to the apartment. His phone rang as they entered her place, and he shut the door behind them.

  “Hello?” he said, carrying their bags to the bedroom.


  “LT, what’s up?”

  “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

  “No, we just got in. Something I can do for you?”

  “Yeah. Have time to come down here for a couple days? We’ll pay for your ticket.”

  He narrowed his gaze. “What’s this about?”

  Declan felt Caro behind him and turned to give her a smile, shaking his head no when she asked if he needed privacy.

  “I’d feel better talking to you about this in person as opposed to over the phone.”

  “Okay. When’s the flight?”

  “How soon can you get to the airport?”

  * * * *

  “I’ll have to check with Caro on this, LT.” Declan reclined back in the chair he occupied.

  “You? Checking with a woman about your career?”

  “That woman is my future. I don’t want to be here if she’s in Madison. Nope, I’m going to have to talk to her about it.” He tapped his fingers on the file. “I appreciate the thought, however.”

  “It’s a chance to put the uniform on again.”

  “It’s a glorified desk job, LT. Let’s not kid ourselves. I left because I didn’t want to ride a desk.”

  “It’s good money, McBride, and you’d be helping out the department. The officers. The brotherhood.”

  “I read it, LT. Like I said, I have to talk to Caro about it.”

  The man stood up. “So call her.” He walked out.

  He pulled out his phone and pressed the button to call her.


  “Hey, baby.”

  “Declan, how’s Atlanta?”

  He tipped his head from side to side. “It’s interesting. LT offered me a job.”

  She squealed, excitement pouring from her. “How wonderful, Declan. I know you’ve missed wearing a uniform. What’s the job?”

  “I’m basically at a desk but they’d call me a liaison. I guess some of the rookies and lower members of the brotherhood have been feeling undervalued and don’t know who to talk to about problems without going to IA.”

  “So you’d be the one they went to first and if you suggest they head to someone further up the chain they would do so?”

  “Pretty much.” He scratched his chin. “I have the years to get respect even if I’m not a detective.”

  “When do you start?”

  He blinked and sat forward. “You don’t have a problem with me taking this?”

  Silence met him and he was about to ask again when she spoke. “Why would I have a problem with you doing what you loved to do?”

  “What about us?”

  “What about us?”

  “Isn’t that going to make things difficult?”

  “People do have long-distance relationships, Declan. Unless you think being that close to Jac—”

  “Don’t,” he growled. “Don’t even go there.”

  “Then I don’t see what the problem is.”

  “You, my love, are very pragmatic.”

  “Some would say that.”

  “I just did.”

  “Listen to me, Declan. Whether you are here with me in person or we are communicating by phone, that’s not going to change my love for you. I want, no, need you to be happy as well. Think about it. If this is what you want to do then you have not only my support but my blessing if that makes you feel better. I have to go back into the lab now. Love you.” She hung up.

  “Love you too,” he told the air as he placed the phone back on the table.

  LT must have been watching him from outside for he came back in and sat across from him. “So, what’d she say?”

  “To do what makes me happy.”

  Bushy eyebrows rose. “And that would be?”

  “Let’s give it a trial run.”


  She missed him. There was no denying that. Caro sipped her drink as she walked through the students who raced from class to class. She was done for the day. Three broken beakers was her clue to take some time off.

  She made her way down to Memorial Union and found a seat on the Terrace at one of the brightly colored starburst chairs. She rested her chin on her hand and stared out over Lake Mendota. Water skiers went by, there were swimmers, and even some practicing for rowing.

  “I need to call him,” she said as she debated getting up and going for some Babcock ice cream.

  “Someone important?”

  She turned in time to see Declan lowering himself into one of the chairs beside hers, two ice creams in his hand.


  “Give us a kiss, woman, I haven’t seen you in weeks.”

  She did as he’d ordered, closing her eyes at the wealth of emotions that coursed through her. Tears pricked her eyes and she willed them away. “What are you doing here?”

  “You told me to do what I thought was best. I tried the job there and it wasn’t bad, not like being on the street but not horrible. Didn’t matter, though. You weren’t there when I went home. Or when I got up in the mornings. What’s best for me, Caro, is you. I want to be with you. Be that here or wherever.”

  Damn traitorous tears leaked free. He shoved a cone—hers, she knew by the chocolate ice cream—into her hand and wiped her tears away with his thumb.

  “Baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

  “No reason.”

  “Caro.” He wiped more tears.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  His face blanked before he swallowed a few times. “Pregnant?”

  “Yes. I got the news this morning. Dropped stuff all day at the lab so came down here to try and figure out how I was going to break the news to you. Then you showed up here, with ice cream and those damn words which made me cry. This is your fault.”

  His grin wasn’t what she had been expecting, that was for sure. “Anyone want two ice cream cones?” he hollered. Two students took them and he gathered her tight in his arms. “You’re damn right this is my fault, Caro. I got you pregnant and I plan on marrying you.”

  “But you want to be a cop and be in Atlanta. If I’m pregnant you’ll feel obligat—”

  His lips cut off her protest. He didn’t let up on the pressure until she sagged against him.

  “Don’t go there, woman. I love you. I came back because I missed you. You’re carrying our baby, we will be married and this child will be born a McBride. When that happens, we’ll celebrate and give him lots of siblings to play with.”

  He smoothed his thumb along her cheek. “I am not letting you go, Caro. It may have been because of an assumed identity that brought us together but we’re together and dammit, woman, I’m keeping you. You’re good for me. I’ll work here. I don’t care doing what, so long as we’re together. What do you say? Will you marry me?”

  The Terrace had long since fallen silent as everyone gathered there stared at her. Waiting for an answer.

  A chant of “Say yes” began and rose as more and more people picked it up.

  She bit the inside of her lower lip and nodded her head. “Yes.”

  Declan held up his hand looking for silence. He got it. “What was that?” he asked again.

  “Yes,” she cried out. “Yes I’ll marry you, Declan McBride.”

  The crowd around them gave a resounding cheer. Declan clasped his hands on her face and, with his tender grip, leaned in close and whispered, “I love you, Carolyn. From now until beyond forever.”

  When his lips met hers, Caro knew she’d found that which had been missing from her life. Full acceptance of the man’s love beside her. They would have a family. They would be a family and nothing would ever change that. Her best day, in the city she loved more than anything, with the man who meant the world to her. How could anything get better than this?

  Declan placed one hand over her belly as if protecting the life she carried within her. And she knew when this perfection would get better. The day their child arrived in the world. She didn’t need anything more. She had it all.

sp; Coming Soon from Totally Bound Publishing:

  What’s Her Secret?

  Covert Affair

  Geraldine O’Hara

  Released 11th April 2014


  Chapter One

  I stood outside The Rusty Nail, feeling guilty that I was still keeping a secret from my friends. I’d kept one before, from Leon—the man I’d fancied the pants off for ages—but that was out in the open between us now. This new secret was mine and his, and we’d agreed to set things in motion tonight so it wouldn’t be something to hide for much longer. I’d have to lie—again—in order to pull this off, but what was one more on top of all the others I’d told?

  I took a deep breath and put my hand on one of the doors. It was cold even through my gloves, and if I didn’t get inside soon I’d freeze my tits off. The weather had changed drastically over the past week, going from reasonable autumn to harsh and evil winter. Of course, it had taken me ages to find my gloves and scarf tonight, but I was glad of the time it had taken. I’d needed the extra minutes to steel myself.

  You can still keep this secret for a while longer.

  I pushed the door and went inside.

  The pub was packed—unusual for a Thursday night but there were a load of beefy men propping up the bar, some rugby team or other gathering after their match. It gave the pub a claustrophobic air, one I wasn’t used to and didn’t like. I preferred it the way it usually was, where we could stand without anyone in our personal space.

  I stared around for my friends. Wedged between a man with biceps bigger than my thighs and another whose tattoos obliterated most of his skin, Jen and the blokes in our little gang looked more than put out. I smiled. We were used to having the place pretty much to ourselves, and with the pub being our local, outsiders were seen as interlopers. Tom cats spraying on another’s patch.

  I’d been keeping a secret from them for a while now. Well, from Jen and Marshall. Gary knew about my relationship with Leon—him being his best friend and the one to finally get us together—but me and Leon had been sneaking around for a few months now. I’d had the mad idea that us being together and our group knowing about it might have upset the balance. We’d gotten along so well up until now that revealing something different had me cautious. Why rock the boat? Why spoil what was working?


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